I was configuring bluetooth connection between my laptop and Torch 9800 and windows automatically configured my Torch as bluetooth modem and now I can use my Torch as a modem over bluetooth for internet access. This is a welcomed surprise as I was contemplating whether or not to spend 20 plus dollars to buy the tethered application but apparently there is this free option. This is probably not new to BB experts but I was so happy about this "new discovery" that I thought of sharing.
I would like to use my Torch 9800 connected to my Laptop while away from any Wi Fi or other connection service , typically sat in the middle of a field.
Is it possible to use the torch 9800 as an analogue modem connected to my laptop and connect to another analogue modem over the normal PSTN telephone lines?I know I can connect to the internet but in this particular case I do require the internet only the connection to the other analogue modem.
I cannot get a Bluetooth driver for my Torch 9800 so I can pair up with Windows 7. Windows says device driver missing, and I can't find one on the internet...
When I receive a call on my BlackBerry Torch 9800, the Bluetooth connection with my car (Mercedes E class) sometimes crashes and I end up fiddling with the phone to try to retrieve the call. It only does this sometimes and the connection was perfectly OK with other phones. Making calls and downloading the address book all work fine.
When I try to connect, it connect after enterying passkey, but when the PC is trying to find driver, it ask for a disk for driver, but I can't find it.
My fone has no option to send via bluetooth. Can send to facebook whats app etc., no option to send via bluetooth. My battery dies within 3 hours. I bought a new battery thinking it was the battery fault now I am sure its the phone.
I know there are separate posts on this subject on connection consistency problems but I can't seem to get an answer to a fundamental question. Is the problem hardware or software related? Since turning off WiFi improves the connection consistency significantly what does that imply? I want to return my Torch of this is a hardware issue.
As an avid business crackberry fan (and business manager) for over 3 years, I was appalled to find that I would need to slide the keyboard out to enter my security code, especially when I would do it 50-100 times per day. As every other touchscreen phone on the market has a pattern unlock method, this is the single issue preventing from purchasing this phone(s) PLEASE ISSUE AN UPDATE/APP/PATCH anything to bring this vital security & efficiency issue up to par.
I have had a Nokia N95 for a couple of years now and sometime ago I found it more convenient to connect this to PC Suite using Bluetooth which gave me more scope to move the phone around to get a stronger signal as I use it's modem for my PC internet connection.
Following good practice I have always configured my PC's to have an Admin account and a limited user account for everyday use. Since using the bluetooth connection I find that as soon as I log out of the limited user account in order to log in as the administrator to install or update some software, I find I can no longer connect to the internet. It seems as though PC Suite cannot access the modem even though PC Suite appears to have connected to the phone ok. The only way I have found to solve the issue is to unpair and re-pair the phone which results in the Connection Manager reinstalling the bluetooth modem, which appears to reset / refresh things. Of course as soon as I log out of the admin user and return to the limited user I have to repeat the unpair /pair process again. I have been through several Nokia PC Suite updates which have completed without reporting any errors and have done fresh install when reinstalling XP but this has always been a persistant problem.I wonder if this scenario ever featured in any testing before PC Suite was released but it should be straight forward enough for anyone to replicate this issue using bluetooth.
I had hoped that when the new Ovi Suite option popped up within PC Suite that this update would have fixed this but unfortunately no such luck.
Windows XP SP3 and latest patches to date. PC Suite v7.1.40.1 Belkin Bluetooth USB
My phone is Nokia 2730 classic and I have this software: PC Connectivity Solution: Version Nokia Connectivity Cable Driver: Version Operating system: Microsoft Windows XP 32-bit Edition, Service Pack 3 Language: eesti Language for non-Unicode programs: Eesti Detected Internet browsers: - Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0 (Default browser) - Mozilla Firefox 3.5 Detected Bluetooth stacks: - Microsoft (Version: 5.1.2600, Build: 5512)
The problem is that I cant use my phone as an internet modem via bluetooth with Microsoft bluetooth stack (everything else works). I tried the BlueSoleil driver and it works fine but I do not want to pay extra 19.95 euros for the driver.
I have a portable device (Archos 5 UInternet Tablet) that uses the Android operating system.I want to tether the blackberry and use it as a modem via a Bluetooth connection. I've been onto the BB site and the instructions there speak only of Windows and Mac operating systems. I can pair the BB to the Archos but it won't connect and the Archos reports that the BB will not support tethering.Can anyone help me fix this?
When I connect other BB, I can see in the DM that there is a 6th icon called IP modem to connect as a wireless internet IP modem, but how come in my 9700 I can't do that?
I have already installed the new Desktop Manager 6.0 that I downloaded from the RIM site.
I am thinking the safest way to not have a problem is the just restore my 9800 data from a back up rather than do the Switch Device thing. Anyone worried it might bring erroneous crap into the new 6.0 OS.
Maybe it would be better to redo my settings after the data install to make sure all is clean and working correctly. Some of the 5.0 setting would not be applicable to the new 6.0 software.
My boss bought me a neon and it'fun, but hardly tough enough for a service tool. Anyway, what is needed to use the neon as, more or less, a wireless card? (she's paying the phone bill on an unlimited data plan).
3.1.2 3GS with 05.11.07 modem fw.I have it jailbreaked and the jailbreak DOES stay after a reboot (ie even after the phone dies and I recharge it, the jailbreak stays there).I want to sell this in anticipation for the 4, so can I also unlock it so it doesn't need to be re unlocked on reboot? I ran sn0w from blackra1n app and I think it unlocked because I saw an option to choose carrier in Settings. However, after a reboot that option went away. As you may understand, I have no way of testing this since I am on ATT. Thanks!
i had a blackberry torch 9800 which i backed up to the blackberry desktop then it was sent away for a repair and they replaced it with anew 9800 i have tried to recover everything from the desktop but it says i need the old blackberry first?
I searched on craigslist for a local guy to jailbreak my new one week old 3gs.. Found some dude about 2 miles away, so I drive over and had it jailbroken.I installed some apps, and one of them, I think WINTERBOARD made me roboot after installing.so I did.Now its stuck with the picture of the USB when I turned back on the IPHONE.Can someone please let me know how to get my phone back.I downloaded blackra1n on my macbook.
My toshiba laptop is running windows vista, and it actually says it's connected through wifi to the personal hotspot on my iPhone 4s, but I am unable to use the Internet at all. When connected via USB, I have no troubles whatsoever. When I check the different connections on the laptop, the USB connection says "local and Internet", while the wifi connection says "local" only. I'm sure this is an issue with the laptop, but I'm severely challenged when it comes to computers.