IPhone :: 4s Personal Hotspot Works Perfectly When Tethered To Windows Vista Laptop By USB
Apr 11, 2012
My toshiba laptop is running windows vista, and it actually says it's connected through wifi to the personal hotspot on my iPhone 4s, but I am unable to use the Internet at all. When connected via USB, I have no troubles whatsoever. When I check the different connections on the laptop, the USB connection says "local and Internet", while the wifi connection says "local" only. I'm sure this is an issue with the laptop, but I'm severely challenged when it comes to computers.
I have an iPhone 4 on 3 UK, with unlimited data and unlimited tethering. I also have an LG smart tv, but no Wifi dongle with it, just standard RJ45 ethernet port.
Can I use my iPhone as a hotspot, connected to my laptop either via Wifi or USB, and set up an Ad-hoc network on the laptop to allow my tv internet access via ethernet cable? The laptop is running on windows 7 if that makes any difference.
I have an iPhone 5 and whenever i connect it using a USB cord to my laptop to use my Personal Hotspot, my laptop accept it and everything goes well until i want to use the internet. Whenever i want to use the internet the pages dont load for instance google doesn't load and then it tells me no internet access but on my desktop it shows that I have internet.
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I made an update yesterday for the French firmware (BOGS TO COH2) android 5.1.1 especially to solve this problem. My screen works perfectly but the top of it doesn't work when I tap. I downloaded a multitouch app. And I found that the swipe works perfectly if I came from the bottom. So I think that it is a software problem. Some permanent solution? Rebooting the phone solves the problem for a while.
The glass has received 2 long diagonal cracks but the touchscreen still works perfectly - Now that's a blackberry! So i wanted 2 ask if i could simply get it replaced with any simple glass or do i have to buy a special glass?
The last month I get very often the message "Inactive SIM". After re-starting the phone, it works, mostly, properly again. What can I do to avoid this message? I have the W910.
I am trying to put some music from my laptop (running Vista) onto my Wildfire, but neither the Wildfire nor the laptop react to connecting via USB cable. I have transferred music before but somehow settings have been changed?
I would like to best way to move my existing data on itunes including library, photo, music, movies from old laptop of XP to new laptop on windows 7. I downloaded new version of i tunes in my new laptop and not sure how to migrate entire data and synch with new laptop?
My N73 not connecting with my windows vista after an updated my old software with the nokia software update. i have tried resetting mu phone and unistalling the pc suite and ovi and installing them back but no use... i hav no idea what to do. the mass storage option works fine but the computer just dont recognosie the phone when in pc suite mode... i am using windows vista home basic.before the update the applications were working fine .
I am having problem tethering my bold 9700 to my pc for use as a modem. I am on Tmobile service and am running Vista OS. I called Tmobile and was told that while they no longer support it, it could be done but that Tmobile would not provide me with directions to do so. Is there anyone out there that can give a technology challenged nerd like me step by step instructions to tether my 9700 to my pc with Windows vista. I have searched the forums and cannot find anything that fits
I tried to connect my Lumia to Windows, but my Vista does not seem to have a driver for Lumia.I downloaded Zune, but also when I connect Zune to my phone, I get the message 'driver not found'.Can I get the driver from somewhere? Or is there another way to copy an mp3 onto the phone?
I have an Australian Iphone and an ipad from australia, and as soon as I put an o2 sim card in my iphone the "personal hotspot" setting has disapeared from the settings menu.
I am having problem tethering my bold 9700 to my pc for use as a modem. I am on Tmobile service and am running Vista OS. I called Tmobile and was told that while they no longer support it, it could be done but that Tmobile would not provide me with directions to do so. Is there anyone out there that can give a technology challenged nerd like me step by step instructions to tether my 9700 to my pc with Windows vista. I have searched the forums and cannot find anything that fits what I need, instructions given are for other carriers than Tmobile and/or for Mac OS or Windows XP. I need info for Windows Vista OS, Tmobile carrier and 9700 blackberry.The blackberry desktop manager gives me the following error - unable to detect configured blackberry ip modem device. I have already verified that I do have a dial up modem and that it is working properly.Please help. I know that I can purchase TETHER and more than likely will but would like to learn to do this
i have a iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S, i have an issue regarding the "Personal hotspot". Both are iOS 5.0.1, "BUT" my iPhone 4 has the Personal hotspot and my iPhone 4S doesnt have it... i tried to reset the phone, reset the network settings, but still i cant find the Personal hotspot on my iPhone 4S..
As a t-mobile user I used the personal hotspot for about 18 months without any problems till end of february! Yesterday, after a holiday break, it refuses to work!
I switched to w-lan hotspot, this worked! Could it be that iOS 5.1 caused this?!