BB Torch :: Desktop Software Doesn't Communicate With 9800?
Aug 4, 2011
My BlackBerry Desktop Software suddenly interrupts to communicate with my BlackBerry 9800 device. I begin to receive a massage:"BlackBerry Desktop Software cannot communicate with theconnected device"The BB9800 isn't rebooting, has full-charged battery and I havethe latest Desktop Software, but "retry" option doesn't help.I have reinstalled the Desktop Software but it doesn't help as well.I can see both device's and media-card's folders and can work with them, but cannot use any other options of theBlackBerry Desktop Software.
I am trying to view my installed apps on my Torch via the desktop software. All I have displayed is "Loading applcations from device..." My torch flashes a couple of times when I click on "View aplications" but that is all that happens. My torch does sync via the desktop without issues.
Problem: When I connect Torch with PC and start Desktop Manager, DM asks password for BB. Once the password is punched, DM takes some time to connect i.e. a PC and BB is shown on Torch screen, trying to connect to each other AND then DICONNECTS.
Actions Already Taken: I have uninstalled and reinstalled DM. I have taken out battery and reboot BB. BUT problem persists.
My Torch 9800 has syced with the desktop and laptop with no problems since I got it in late 2010.A fe days ago the above message appeared and neither desktop nor laptop will synce. As far as I can see all software is up to date.
I updated the software last week. Syncs with Outlook worked for a few days, now I get this error message. Then "checking for BlackBerry device software updates, please wait" and it hangs.
i've been noticing some problems with my controls on my keyboard. In fact, I was not able to use the red button, de back button, the q,a,w,s and z buttons either. I decided so to restore my blackberry. But, when I was restoring it, my sister unplugged it and since then, I am not able to do anything with it. It loads (where it's written blackberry with a loading bar) and right after, there is a white screen with error 200 on it. Now, when I replug it into my computer, it says : Blackberry desktop software can't communicate with the phone connected. There is no way I can restore it again or do anything.
I just bought a BB 8820 unlocked, it's made on Hungary and it shows on the screen a battery with a red line crossed, I know what the symbol means BUT the battery is OK, it's the right model C-X2 and I already tried it on a different phone and it's working fine. PLUS, the desktop manager cannot connect to the device,the application loader neater. I download the 4.2.2 device software and had the VENDOR file erased too, I start running the "loader" from C:Program FilesCommon FilesResearch In MotionAppLoader. and it loads the JVM and system software but when it is initializing the device I get the connection error and that's it. FROZEN AGAIN. The screen with the crossed battery is the only one I'm able to see.I try to replace the USB cable and the soft reset too with no results.What can I do, help me please!
I love my BB Torch, but I'm about to take it back just because I can't get desktop manager 6 working. everytime I start it on my windows 7 computer, it crashes. I've installed it, reinstalled it, and rebooted my computer so many times in the last 2 days that I'm shocked the power button is still working ont he computer. at least desktop manager 5 worked with my blackberry bold. I tried to email RIM and ask them about the issue, but after sifting through all the crap on their web page, I finally gave up.
After the last software update I reset my sync with desktop configurations. The calendar fails to reset despite numerous tried and I desperately NEED my calendar to sync and everything else syncs BUT the calendar. what else can I try?
I have been through all the relevant BB Database information on how to deal with the inability of my phone to connect to the Desktop Software. I have reviewed previous related posts and re-installed the latest Desktop Software.All to no avail.
Has anyone successfully tethered their Torch 9800 thru Desktop Manager 6? When I connect my phone to my computer and run DM6 I no longer see the option to tether on the bottom left corner of the applications window. I previously had a Curve 8900 and tethered with no problems thru DM6 running on Windows 7. (I'm with T-Mobile and have the unlimited data plan) I just got the Torch, unlocked it and everything is working properly on T-Mobile's network, however as I mentioned when I connect the Torch to the Desktop Manager I don't see any option to tether as I previously did with the Curve 8900. I've look at the Technical Specs provided by RIM at and Tethered Modem is listed as a supported Feature. I've been searching these forums and haven't found any info. Does anyone else have this problem, or am I the only one who does not have this option available on DM6. For what it's worth, I also connected a Torch 9800 running on AT&T network with a 2GB data plan and still do not see this option. However if I connect my old Curve 8900 to DM6 I see the option to tether immediately upon connecting the device on the bottom left corner of the DM6's window.
I can not open the Desktop Software v6 after downloading. I get the error message: "BlackBerry Desktop Software has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience." I downloaded Windows PC software. I have Windows XP with Service Pack 3. Any ideas what is causing the software not to open? I downloaded v5.0 and have no issues opening and using this earlier version.
I have the Torch 9800 and I'm running Wndows XP with the most recent version of Desktop manager.Up until two weeks ago my phone and computer communicated beautifully, syncing, back-ups, file sharing, everything. But last week my computer and phone seemed to fail to see each other and now nothing is happening when I plug my phone in. The phone goes to the 'clock' screen as if it's plugged into a charger and doesn't display a connection issue on it's end, but the computer does not show that anything has been connected.So far I have:
1) Checked the USB connection to the comptuter 2) Tried different USB ports 3) Tried a different USB cable 4) Wiped and re-installed Desktop manager on my computer
I'm at a loss on how to get my computer and phone talking to each other again.
I am trying to connect with desktop software for my blackberry torch 9800 and it asks me password for connection. I am using same unlocking password which I use for my bb but for desktop software it shows incorrect...
I have a new Torch. The other day my phone ran out of battery and when I rebooted, my "desktop" folder with my work email was no longer on the phone. I am still recieving work emails in my "messages" folder, but the email folder is nowhere to be found. My company has reactivated my account about 5 times and I have taken out my battery at least 10 and it still does not show up.
I purchased the Torch last week. I use it for work. Due to firewall issues I had to have my IT department download the Desktop Software for me so that I could sync everything. I am on the personal plan not the Enterprise, although I still can receive emails for work.
When I did the Configure Settings to set up the syncing it let me do the Calendar and then the Address book. Yet when I got ready to run the sync the Calendar says "not installed". I was able to sync the contacts with my Outlook, but for some reason can't get the Calendar to work. I really need to have my calendar sync'd.I'm on AT&T and have had the Bold 9000 previously. I never had any problems with the Desktop Software until now.
My Torch appears to be a little bit poorlyI got an update to BBM which I installed, then it asked for a reboot, which I did Now its stuck on a reboot cycleI tried to enter safe mode (to uninstall the problematic application) to no effect.Then reading this wonderful site, tried the fix here url...yBut am unable to do so(When I plug in the phone I do not get the option of USB-PIN: UNKNOWN Its either blank, or I have my phone with its PIN number listed.Either way when I try to enter the app loader, the reboot sequence has started again and I'm again unable to get into the phone.unable to update os via desktop manager as phone keeps rebooting itself
yesterday, after one month of usage, my 9800 display this error message:
phone not allowed - MM6
so, after some battery pull, decided to re-install the original SO. now i can see the name of my carrier and the full power of signal but i'm not able to make/receive phone call or text messages because it says: no service available.
i looked for any number to contact but i didn't find anything.
i've bought this 9800 to replace my iphone but i think i'll keep my iphone: with apple a problem like this will be solved calling the support center and receiving a new phone, with the blackberry.. it's better not to know! (one frriend of mine sent the bb to the support and it come back after 2 month still not working) any number to contact? or any person who wnat to buy my torch?
I have a 9800 black berry device that I bought from Saudi Arabia. This device doesn't work any more and without any previous problems with it. So, I want to know from where I can fix my phone and how much that will cost me? By the way, I am a student in Waterloo city, so I assume that it will be much easier to solve my problem soon.
I have the Torch (9800) OS version:'ve had it for just over a year without problems but recently it will freeze to the point where I have to do a battery pull because it won't resolve the issue otherwise. Even then sometimes it doesn't come back on. It will slowly flash red (LED light) and the screen will remain black.It's done this twice where it won't turn back on at all. Eventually it does but the last time it did this, it didn't work for 2 days before coming back on (of it's own accord). I updated the software when it finally came back on as I was told it could be a software issue so I now have the OS version stated at the top of this message as opposed to
I am a blackberry developer working on a recording software. Just did an OS upgrade on my 9800 when I saw an upgrade alert on BlackBerry Desktop Software.The OS after upgrade is 6.0 bundle 2342 (v6.0.0.526 platform when I run my application to do the voice record (WAV format, not AMR ), I keep getting an error "Requested bitrate is not supported", I tried different bitrate (8000,16000, 44100, 48000....), none of them supported.I used to use bitrate=8000 for recording and it worked, but now it throw above exception.I even change encoding bit from 16 to 8bit, channel from 1 to 2, didn't work.
Anyone have any issues with Poynt on the Torch? I installed Poynt v1.5.4.12 and the trackpad doesn't seem fully functional when navigating through the menus.Say if I go to Movies, I can't click on the trackpad to select any of the options, like "Movies Near Me" or "Theaters Near Me."Instead, I have to select the option using the touchscreen.Then when I go to theaters or movies, the touchpad can only highlight the first theater/movie, then jumps to "More" at the bottom instead of the next theater/movie when you try scrolling down.At least here I can click on the trackpad to bring up the popup menu, though only for that first item on the list.I can move through the lists by flicking up/down on the touchscreen, but if I try to highlight an item by touching it, it always brings up the popup menu, which is annoying when all I want to do is see the movie times, which would be displayed just by highlighting the item.
I cannot hear callers on handset device and must turn on speaker to communicate.So privacy is compromised whenever I need to talk on the phone, as it will be on speaker mode.
I had tried all the following and nothing works: - make sure Bluetooth is turned off - removed battery and put back after 1 ~5 mins - Do backup, update the latest software and restore
As an avid business crackberry fan (and business manager) for over 3 years, I was appalled to find that I would need to slide the keyboard out to enter my security code, especially when I would do it 50-100 times per day. As every other touchscreen phone on the market has a pattern unlock method, this is the single issue preventing from purchasing this phone(s) PLEASE ISSUE AN UPDATE/APP/PATCH anything to bring this vital security & efficiency issue up to par.
The one I played with in the store yesterday didn't have prongs for a pod. Anyone else bummed that the Torch doesn't have charging prongs on it for use in a pod?
I have already installed the new Desktop Manager 6.0 that I downloaded from the RIM site.
I am thinking the safest way to not have a problem is the just restore my 9800 data from a back up rather than do the Switch Device thing. Anyone worried it might bring erroneous crap into the new 6.0 OS.
Maybe it would be better to redo my settings after the data install to make sure all is clean and working correctly. Some of the 5.0 setting would not be applicable to the new 6.0 software.