BB Torch :: Desktop Software Cannot Communicate With The Connection?
Jan 25, 2012
My Torch 9800 has syced with the desktop and laptop with no problems since I got it in late 2010.A fe days ago the above message appeared and neither desktop nor laptop will synce. As far as I can see all software is up to date.
My BlackBerry Desktop Software suddenly interrupts to communicate with my BlackBerry 9800 device. I begin to receive a massage:"BlackBerry Desktop Software cannot communicate with theconnected device"The BB9800 isn't rebooting, has full-charged battery and I havethe latest Desktop Software, but "retry" option doesn't help.I have reinstalled the Desktop Software but it doesn't help as well.I can see both device's and media-card's folders and can work with them, but cannot use any other options of theBlackBerry Desktop Software.
I updated the software last week. Syncs with Outlook worked for a few days, now I get this error message. Then "checking for BlackBerry device software updates, please wait" and it hangs.
i've been noticing some problems with my controls on my keyboard. In fact, I was not able to use the red button, de back button, the q,a,w,s and z buttons either. I decided so to restore my blackberry. But, when I was restoring it, my sister unplugged it and since then, I am not able to do anything with it. It loads (where it's written blackberry with a loading bar) and right after, there is a white screen with error 200 on it. Now, when I replug it into my computer, it says : Blackberry desktop software can't communicate with the phone connected. There is no way I can restore it again or do anything.
I just bought a BB 8820 unlocked, it's made on Hungary and it shows on the screen a battery with a red line crossed, I know what the symbol means BUT the battery is OK, it's the right model C-X2 and I already tried it on a different phone and it's working fine. PLUS, the desktop manager cannot connect to the device,the application loader neater. I download the 4.2.2 device software and had the VENDOR file erased too, I start running the "loader" from C:Program FilesCommon FilesResearch In MotionAppLoader. and it loads the JVM and system software but when it is initializing the device I get the connection error and that's it. FROZEN AGAIN. The screen with the crossed battery is the only one I'm able to see.I try to replace the USB cable and the soft reset too with no results.What can I do, help me please!
I cannot hear callers on handset device and must turn on speaker to communicate.So privacy is compromised whenever I need to talk on the phone, as it will be on speaker mode.
I had tried all the following and nothing works: - make sure Bluetooth is turned off - removed battery and put back after 1 ~5 mins - Do backup, update the latest software and restore
My computer shows the connection to my BB when connected by USB but the BB desktop software and BB desktop manager do not recognize the connection and therefor can no longer synchronize
I have Verizon Wireless 8530 Cruve, I am running Windows 7. When I open the desktop manager and plug in my phone the computer shows it but not desktop manager. I have uninstalled desktop manager and reinstalled it, I have also rebooted the computer still nothing. I plug my husbands pearl in and it connects just fine.
After recently updating the Desktop Manager to 5.0.1, the Redirector no longer operates. When opening it, i get the error message."Desktop Redirector has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry..." I've unistalled Destop Manager, reverted back to 5.0.0 and I still have the same issue. This was and is currently setup with my Outlook 2003 (SP3) exchange server to forward my work emails, and it worked up until I updated to 5.0.1 last week.
I have been unable to communicate with one of my old contact since the worldwide blackberry contact a couple of weeks ago . So we decided to delete each other and add each other again. That did not work because whenever I send her invites, she never gets them . However, I get hers but when I hit accept it pushes her to 'pending' .This situation is weird and really frustrating.
i'm currently using bb storm 9530 and got desktop manager installed in my laptop (running vista) as well as my desktop computer (windows xp), i find it strange that both my computers can't communicate with my bb despite setting off my firewall and anti-virus (norton 360). how can i resolve this problem cause i can't run any updates on my bb through usb port?
I have a mere 3 BB Msgr contacts, all of which have worked fine the last several months. Suddenly this week, I cannot communicate with one contact, but can with the others. Re-inviting problem contact via email or PIN does not work - invitation never received. Also tried being invited by other BB contact, I never receive the invite. Have tried the trouble shooting described (deleted pending invites, battery reboot, reinvite) to no avail. Now I have stopped getting messages from other 2 BB contacts and am wondering if they have suddenly stopped working also.
The problem I am facing is that I added my dad at BBM (he is in malaysia i'm in the UK), we can see each other's contact at bbm, but we can't communicate. I can receive his voice notes and everything. I can send him a message too, BUT with a tick next to my messages but without R or D, he claims that he didnt receive any of them.
I tried battery pull, deleting and adding contact (took a while as it takes time for the friend request to be accepted/ add to friend list) and ... googling and i ran out of ideas.
Is it a problem with my blackberry 9700 white or my dad's? or his carrier?
My wife and I both have IPhone 4. She is overseas I am in US. Can we use FaceTime to communicate without incurring phone charges? Is it like using Skype over wifi?
I recently upgraded to a Bold 9650 with Sprint.I have BES for work, but am using the Internet Browser and can access the internet just fine.I am also able to use Google Maps just fine.When I try to use Blackberry Maps, I just get grey lines (no data downloaded). My GPS appears to work fine, as the app can find satellites and my location it just does not download/draw the maps.When I try a search for either a zip code or a city, I get a message that says "Request to server failed". I have deleted and reinstalled Blackberry Maps without resolution.I have also deleted the Blackberry Maps service book, but that did not resolve the issue either (it reappears after restart, so I assume it has re-downloaded a new service book). I have also contacted my company's IT, and they confirmed that the company does not block Blackberry Maps through the BES. Does anyone have any ideas on how to get my Blackberry Maps to communicate with the server? Could this be an issue with the WiFi or SIM (since Sprint is CDMA)? I have found similar issues online, but none with Sprint and none with a successful resolution.
my desktop software cudnt recognise my fone via usb, i dont have bluetooth, tried many ways to no avail !!, so i tried a battery pull an inserted my usb an had the option to update my device software, so i clicked on it an it was uploading fine, until, it came up a box saying "cannot connect to device, insert battery an click retry" so i inserted the battery and continued, but as the phone came alive the white initializing bar shot up to around halfway thru, an got the same error 507 again, an the installation will not continue? c the same error occurs when the usb is unplugged too?
A friend gave me her BB Torch 9800 which with a quick change of sim cards works great. I have a Windows 7 PC with Outlook 2010. I do not know how to get Desktop Manager (6.0 Bundle 1165) to recognize Outlook. On the Contacts sync page I get one choice Window Contacts, On Calender and Tasks I get iCalender and on Memos I get Organizer Application not supported.
A client of ours had upgraded his version of Desktop manager to 6 from 5.something.There is no more link for the Redirector under START - PROGRAMS - BLACKBERRY..The icon for the redirector still shows up in his start menu, however, it says that it's not started.Where can I find the software with the new desktop manager? I've tried reinstalling the desktop manager already but still cannot find it, nor were there any options during the installation to include it.
I've been using this app for months! That is until two days ago when I updated the OS on my 8530. From then on the podcast app has failed to "communicate with the server" when I try the Explore Podcasts feature, and also no longer notifies me (or downloads) new episodes. I rolled back to the previous version of the OS and the problem still exists.
I am trying to re-install Blackberry desktop software but its driving me crazy, it keeps crashing and keeps asking me to install "Microsoft.Net Framework 3.1 SP1". For some reason it does not recognise that I have already installed this ( btw I use windows vista with MS Office 2007). I have also fully deleted from programs and reinstalled the BB desktop but same result each time. It takes hours when I try to install 3.1 SP1 and says "estimated time reaming= 0 sec and below this appears a line "2432 kb of 2890kb downloaded at 608.0kb/sec and stays on this message for hours without doing anything.
Until last Tuesday, I was away on holidays. Prior to this my Blackberry was working perfectly. However since coming back, I noticed that my laptop & handset do not talk. I was told by the Blackberry software that my handset needed a new upgrade. I tried to upgrade, but this failed & in the meantime, my contacts which were supposedly backed up were obliterated. It claimed the fact that I had a password (which I used to stop my phone making phone calls without my knowing in my pocket) was preventing the upgrade from happening. I am now literally without phone & lost.
I am a new Blackberry user. I did not lock the screen before putting phone in my pocket. Later I realized that what ever happened, the Desktop Icon no longer appears. However, I can find it when I search for it. I hope there is an easy remedy to bring back Icon.
so this morning I plugged my phone into the computer and got a prompt do you want update your Desktop Software so I did. Now it has frozen when synchronizing, I left it running and after about 20mintues it came up with a conflict problem. I have checked everything that's being synchronized; now I am getting the following error message Synchronization Error "An error has occurred during an attempt to update a device database record."Even how can I get an earlier version of the software which I know that works?