BB Torch :: 9800 Won't Connect To Desktop Software
Nov 8, 2012
I have been through all the relevant BB Database information on how to deal with the inability of my phone to connect to the Desktop Software. I have reviewed previous related posts and re-installed the latest Desktop Software.All to no avail.
Problem: When I connect Torch with PC and start Desktop Manager, DM asks password for BB. Once the password is punched, DM takes some time to connect i.e. a PC and BB is shown on Torch screen, trying to connect to each other AND then DICONNECTS.
Actions Already Taken: I have uninstalled and reinstalled DM. I have taken out battery and reboot BB. BUT problem persists.
I love my BB Torch, but I'm about to take it back just because I can't get desktop manager 6 working. everytime I start it on my windows 7 computer, it crashes. I've installed it, reinstalled it, and rebooted my computer so many times in the last 2 days that I'm shocked the power button is still working ont he computer. at least desktop manager 5 worked with my blackberry bold. I tried to email RIM and ask them about the issue, but after sifting through all the crap on their web page, I finally gave up.
After the last software update I reset my sync with desktop configurations. The calendar fails to reset despite numerous tried and I desperately NEED my calendar to sync and everything else syncs BUT the calendar. what else can I try?
Has anyone successfully tethered their Torch 9800 thru Desktop Manager 6? When I connect my phone to my computer and run DM6 I no longer see the option to tether on the bottom left corner of the applications window. I previously had a Curve 8900 and tethered with no problems thru DM6 running on Windows 7. (I'm with T-Mobile and have the unlimited data plan) I just got the Torch, unlocked it and everything is working properly on T-Mobile's network, however as I mentioned when I connect the Torch to the Desktop Manager I don't see any option to tether as I previously did with the Curve 8900. I've look at the Technical Specs provided by RIM at and Tethered Modem is listed as a supported Feature. I've been searching these forums and haven't found any info. Does anyone else have this problem, or am I the only one who does not have this option available on DM6. For what it's worth, I also connected a Torch 9800 running on AT&T network with a 2GB data plan and still do not see this option. However if I connect my old Curve 8900 to DM6 I see the option to tether immediately upon connecting the device on the bottom left corner of the DM6's window.
I can not open the Desktop Software v6 after downloading. I get the error message: "BlackBerry Desktop Software has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience." I downloaded Windows PC software. I have Windows XP with Service Pack 3. Any ideas what is causing the software not to open? I downloaded v5.0 and have no issues opening and using this earlier version.
My BlackBerry Desktop Software suddenly interrupts to communicate with my BlackBerry 9800 device. I begin to receive a massage:"BlackBerry Desktop Software cannot communicate with theconnected device"The BB9800 isn't rebooting, has full-charged battery and I havethe latest Desktop Software, but "retry" option doesn't help.I have reinstalled the Desktop Software but it doesn't help as well.I can see both device's and media-card's folders and can work with them, but cannot use any other options of theBlackBerry Desktop Software.
I am trying to view my installed apps on my Torch via the desktop software. All I have displayed is "Loading applcations from device..." My torch flashes a couple of times when I click on "View aplications" but that is all that happens. My torch does sync via the desktop without issues.
I have the Torch 9800 and I'm running Wndows XP with the most recent version of Desktop manager.Up until two weeks ago my phone and computer communicated beautifully, syncing, back-ups, file sharing, everything. But last week my computer and phone seemed to fail to see each other and now nothing is happening when I plug my phone in. The phone goes to the 'clock' screen as if it's plugged into a charger and doesn't display a connection issue on it's end, but the computer does not show that anything has been connected.So far I have:
1) Checked the USB connection to the comptuter 2) Tried different USB ports 3) Tried a different USB cable 4) Wiped and re-installed Desktop manager on my computer
I'm at a loss on how to get my computer and phone talking to each other again.
I am trying to connect with desktop software for my blackberry torch 9800 and it asks me password for connection. I am using same unlocking password which I use for my bb but for desktop software it shows incorrect...
I have a new Torch. The other day my phone ran out of battery and when I rebooted, my "desktop" folder with my work email was no longer on the phone. I am still recieving work emails in my "messages" folder, but the email folder is nowhere to be found. My company has reactivated my account about 5 times and I have taken out my battery at least 10 and it still does not show up.
I purchased the Torch last week. I use it for work. Due to firewall issues I had to have my IT department download the Desktop Software for me so that I could sync everything. I am on the personal plan not the Enterprise, although I still can receive emails for work.
When I did the Configure Settings to set up the syncing it let me do the Calendar and then the Address book. Yet when I got ready to run the sync the Calendar says "not installed". I was able to sync the contacts with my Outlook, but for some reason can't get the Calendar to work. I really need to have my calendar sync'd.I'm on AT&T and have had the Bold 9000 previously. I never had any problems with the Desktop Software until now.
My Torch appears to be a little bit poorlyI got an update to BBM which I installed, then it asked for a reboot, which I did Now its stuck on a reboot cycleI tried to enter safe mode (to uninstall the problematic application) to no effect.Then reading this wonderful site, tried the fix here url...yBut am unable to do so(When I plug in the phone I do not get the option of USB-PIN: UNKNOWN Its either blank, or I have my phone with its PIN number listed.Either way when I try to enter the app loader, the reboot sequence has started again and I'm again unable to get into the phone.unable to update os via desktop manager as phone keeps rebooting itself
Windows 7 32 bitsBlackberry Torch 9800Desktop 7.0Bluetooth Motorola Version 3.0Compaq Presario CQ42 Notebook PCTools > Desktop Options > Bluetooth >>> Screen grey, will not allow to check Bluetooth Connection. "You computer does not have necessary support for Bluetooth functionality.I have done this:Deleted Desktop 7.0 and Blackberry UpdatedCleaned registry with CCleanerPaired Torch with my laptop -- went fineDownloaded Desktop 7.0 againConfigured Torch with Desktop 7.0
I was backing up my blackberry torch last night and the connection was disconnected during the backup. When the phone restarted the message "App Error 606" / "Reset" came up. I can't do anything on my phone except for reset it, and pulling the battery does nothing.When I try to connect it to blackberry desktop software it wont connect... I left it for an hour and it still just said that it was connecting.I also tried connecting to BBSAK and it couldn't connect there either, so I can't reset it to factory settings. I checked the desktop manager and it recognizes the USB port as connected to a blackberry device but that is about as close as I can get to connecting to anything.I have a backup of all of my information from before this happened so I don't mind completely resetting my phone, but I have no idea how to do this without being able to:
after updating my torch, the red light wont stop blinking. blinks twice.. stops and on and on.whenever i would plug my torch to the computer it gives me this message :"The BlackBerry® Desktop Software cannot connect with this device.If this device is rebooting or has a dead battery, click Retry to attempt to reconnect once the device reboots.If clicking Retry doesn't connect the device, or the device isn't rebooting with a charged battery, you might need to update your BlackBerry® Device Software to correct the problem.You can also click Cancel to stop trying to connect your device with the BlackBerry Desktop Software. To try again, you'll need to disconnect and reconnect your device with your USB cable."then whenever i click update > blackberry 6.0 (which is recommended), it would stop at "Loading OS" and quits by itself.
I have a 9860 that froze on me & rebooted, once it got past the black blackberry loading screen, it goes white and says Error 205 Reload Software.. Its on a constant loop of rebooting and this screen. i tried following the instructions giving on [URL] however i cannot get my phone connected to the desktop manager.
my 9810 keeps rebooting and i can't get it to connect to the desktop software. it gets a point and i get a white screen and it reboots again.operating system is OS7.0..IT starting rebooting when it was on the charger i was adding some contacts to my sim card and it screen froze. After that i couldn't get it to work again... i don't have many apps addes. most of my stuff i keep on my memory card..
i am using att branded unlocked 9810 on t mobile. recently i updated it to 9810jAllLang_PBr7.1.0_rel998_PL5.1.0.230_A7.1.0.284. it worked fine for a hour after that i uninstalled one of the app from my BlackBerry Desktop Software the phone restarted and since then it is stuck on att welcome screen i pressed the phone button and i can see my contacts even make and receive calls switch between 5 default application but the phone wont go home screen. also i am unable to connect to my desktop manager.
Can somebody please help me out. I just bought a new Torch 9800. However I found difficulties to browse internet. I contact the local operator. They said, i need to ensure that the setting of browser is 'internet browser'. In the common blackberry (i was using Bold 9000), the setting can be found in this path:Option--Advance Option--Browser--Default Browser Configuration==Internet Browser..However, when i check the same path in my Torch 9800, I cannot find such 'advance option' under the setting menu (in homescreen).
Does anybody can suggest me where it is or what should I do?
I just got a BB Torch 9800 for free (YAY!!!).My cousin came with it from UK. My current plan is a prepaid. It is the $50 Everything. So I just upgraded my plan to the BB plan but it doesn't work at all. It says:" Browsing the web is not included in your current plan and bla bla..."
I have a Torch 9800, however it cannot connect to our 3G network here. my carrier is Digicel PNG. I have already tried setting it to 3G but it does not connect
There was a problem reading data from the server and app world must exit. Error type 100003Or rather: Appworld says I must upgrade which I then try to do. But the upgrade gives the above error.Device Torch 9800
since yesterday i`m unable to connect my 9800 with Desktop software. "uable to communicate" i try device update -> No updates found/needed i try update of device software -< one tim work, then never again. PS. taskplaner sync options are in v6.10 lightyears better!
I have a blackberry torch 9810.I am trying to do a software update via my phone not using the computer and its stuck on backing up my data on 17% i have taken the battery out like 3 times now and its going straight to the update and then back to being stuck on 17% and now my wifi is off, i even tried connecting it to the computer and the blackberry desktop software wont connect to my phone.
My blackberry torch will suddenly stop being able to connect to any internet service. It has service and the BIS logo. I get the unable to connect to the internet message. Anyone have any solutions? I tried cycling airplane mode, battery pull, and pulling and replacing the sim. This is frustrating to say the least.
I have the Torch. I am unable to connect to Rim's push network, Att 3g bar shows five bars and I can make calls and send texts but recieving email or using bbm cant be done. weird thing, when i log on to a wifi connection RIms icon comes back and i start recieving email and bbm works. I am going to call att, anyone else have this issue?
My Storm 9500 camera fails to function even after updating software recently to ver 5.0. Keep getting the following message "! Could not start the camera. Close other applications and try opening the camera again." I have no applications open and keep getting this message meaning I can't get to use my camera ..Help!!
I just got torch today, activated and it don't connect to home wifi.It shows my ssid and says connected but when I try to browse says not connected.I can connect to data plan and surf, but I wanna connect to my home wifi.Tech support said try another wifi connection.So I went to AT&T store and sales guy connected to their internet wifi.I also went to mcd s and connect to wifi hot spots.But won't connect at home.I tried everything, And I had two boles 9000 before I tested last few days and same thing?Is it something to do with wifi router?I had security on and I changed settings in router and made my wifi home conn OPEN BUT STILL won't connect!
1. Doesnt Turn On (I Get red light for approx 1 min with charged plugged in ONLY / then changes to charging sign on screen.
2. If chargers unplugged nothing happens no lights nothing (tried all battery pull far from this now)
3. Install all the software needed to do a full re-install BBSAK + JL_Cmder + Loader "to no avail"
4. When using the above said software i get an error on the COMPUTER saying "Cannot connect to JVM" Click either retry or cancel. the phone then seems to be going into a LOOP again, the windows device notification sounds every so many seconds.
Phone also never changes from a black screen with battery sign with lighting strike through it!Prior to the above the phone was fine, what this could be as it seems that most other threads and posts about JVM Errors seem to have a specific code and this one doesn't.