There was a problem reading data from the server and app world must exit. Error type 100003Or rather: Appworld says I must upgrade which I then try to do. But the upgrade gives the above error.Device Torch 9800
I just got a BB Torch 9800 for free (YAY!!!).My cousin came with it from UK. My current plan is a prepaid. It is the $50 Everything. So I just upgraded my plan to the BB plan but it doesn't work at all. It says:" Browsing the web is not included in your current plan and bla bla..."
I have no cell service in the area and im trying to access app world on a 9800 torch using wi fi only.. When I try to get in, it says THE DATA SERVICE NOT OPERATIONAL.. Tried talking to the service provider they couldn't help
I have a Torch 9800. I've upgraded to the knew version of App World. Whenever I attempt to go into My World or My account I get a waiting popup that just hangs. If a view an app and attempt to download it, the same thing happens. I'm trying to download the new version of Blackberry Bridge so that I can have more fun with Playbook os 2.0.
My app world disappeared and I can't find it!! I tried to download it again, but my BB gave an error (Torch 9800). Maybe it's still somewhere hidden on my BB but I can't find it!!
Last night I updated app world and when i rebooted this morning the icon wasnt there.after 2 minutes, the phone froze altogether - i couldntt even turn it off. After pulling the battery off and putting it back on, again the phone works for only 2 minutes and then it freezes can I get it back to working properly?
I have a torch 9800 and had upgraded Os to 6.0.. I live in Virginia and use AT&T Wireless. I would get an error loading the program after reinstalling it. I had read about this issue and I decided not to worry about it and went on without those programs.Now..Today i no longer have app world? I uninstalled and reinstalled many times.Read many forums and even wiped the phone and reinstalled.still no app world. I do need assistance, as I had programs (installed thorugh app world) and would like to reinstall them.I currently have The Blackberry Torch 9800 3g, WiFi with the 6.0 Bundle 2647 (v6.0.0.600, Platform
I have a bb torch 9800 and I cant seam to get the app world to work. Every time I want to download something it says "there was a problem during installation. please try again". I can't download anything even from my web browser.
I cannot connect to my bb app world and I want to download an app. When i will log in to my bb ID it always unable to login to my account. I forgot to verify my email address and it's already expired then i made a new email account for my bb ID but when i log in to my mobile it always enter the username associated with this smartphone. I tried to login in my laptop and i can access it but why in my mobile i cannot access my bb ID.
I am new to BB & its services & i have BB Torch 9800 model purchsed just recently from authorized BB stores in India. I have downloded BB World app plug in from internet & have also loded Desk top Software. Now when i am connecting to World App in 2nd phase of connection i am getting constant message that "therehas been some error while communication with BB App world. Restart the device & try Again"
I recently moved to Germany from the US and I brought my Blackberry Torch along with me. I purchased a German SIM card that is not for Blackberries (because they required me to sign a 2-year contract and I didn't want that), but I was told that this plan gave me unlimited data and that I would be able to check my emails, go on FB, etc. Last night I inserted the German SIM card on my phone and everything worked fine (I checked some emails and downloaded an app) but today I did not receive any emails, could not access FB, AppWorld or any other function that required WiFi. The phone is connected to WiFi and the O2 mobile network.
Can somebody please help me out. I just bought a new Torch 9800. However I found difficulties to browse internet. I contact the local operator. They said, i need to ensure that the setting of browser is 'internet browser'. In the common blackberry (i was using Bold 9000), the setting can be found in this path:Option--Advance Option--Browser--Default Browser Configuration==Internet Browser..However, when i check the same path in my Torch 9800, I cannot find such 'advance option' under the setting menu (in homescreen).
Does anybody can suggest me where it is or what should I do?
I have a Torch 9800, however it cannot connect to our 3G network here. my carrier is Digicel PNG. I have already tried setting it to 3G but it does not connect
since yesterday i`m unable to connect my 9800 with Desktop software. "uable to communicate" i try device update -> No updates found/needed i try update of device software -< one tim work, then never again. PS. taskplaner sync options are in v6.10 lightyears better!
My blackberry torch will suddenly stop being able to connect to any internet service. It has service and the BIS logo. I get the unable to connect to the internet message. Anyone have any solutions? I tried cycling airplane mode, battery pull, and pulling and replacing the sim. This is frustrating to say the least.
I have the Torch. I am unable to connect to Rim's push network, Att 3g bar shows five bars and I can make calls and send texts but recieving email or using bbm cant be done. weird thing, when i log on to a wifi connection RIms icon comes back and i start recieving email and bbm works. I am going to call att, anyone else have this issue?
My Storm 9500 camera fails to function even after updating software recently to ver 5.0. Keep getting the following message "! Could not start the camera. Close other applications and try opening the camera again." I have no applications open and keep getting this message meaning I can't get to use my camera ..Help!!
I just got torch today, activated and it don't connect to home wifi.It shows my ssid and says connected but when I try to browse says not connected.I can connect to data plan and surf, but I wanna connect to my home wifi.Tech support said try another wifi connection.So I went to AT&T store and sales guy connected to their internet wifi.I also went to mcd s and connect to wifi hot spots.But won't connect at home.I tried everything, And I had two boles 9000 before I tested last few days and same thing?Is it something to do with wifi router?I had security on and I changed settings in router and made my wifi home conn OPEN BUT STILL won't connect!
1. Doesnt Turn On (I Get red light for approx 1 min with charged plugged in ONLY / then changes to charging sign on screen.
2. If chargers unplugged nothing happens no lights nothing (tried all battery pull far from this now)
3. Install all the software needed to do a full re-install BBSAK + JL_Cmder + Loader "to no avail"
4. When using the above said software i get an error on the COMPUTER saying "Cannot connect to JVM" Click either retry or cancel. the phone then seems to be going into a LOOP again, the windows device notification sounds every so many seconds.
Phone also never changes from a black screen with battery sign with lighting strike through it!Prior to the above the phone was fine, what this could be as it seems that most other threads and posts about JVM Errors seem to have a specific code and this one doesn't.
I have a blackberry torch 9800 which was working fine until i went to england. The connection was fine. Then when i came back home to ireland my phone wouldn't connect to the mobile network and still won't! I can't send texts but i can ring people.
I connected my old 8310 to se if data was present and to charge the device. Now my computer does not recognize my 9800 Torch when connect.Thus I can now sync my device with contact and calendar files.
When I set up my Torch 9800 to connect to Wi-Fi, the home screen reports the SSID of the access point, but when I attempt to use the browser, it reports "Unable to connect to the internet, please try again later." The "Device and Status Info" screen reports the WLAN IP Address as My wireless access point reports that the BB device is "on", and is assigned an IP address (
At one point my initial screen reported that three updates were available. However, each time that I clicked on a line offering an update, an error message reported that "The data service is not operational", and the message about the update went away.
Snooping with Wireshark show that, when the BB is turned on, an ISAKMP tunnel is established between the BB device (at address and (at, so there is absolutely nothing wrong with the physical wireless connection. (My cellular supplier is Rogers.)
My BB was received (brand new) in early April 2012, and I updated the device from 6.0 bundle 695 to 6.0 bundle 2921 on 2012-04-12, after installing the Desktop Software on my PC. (The Desktop Software offered the update, so I just did it; I was not even aware of this community until later.)
I have been through all the relevant BB Database information on how to deal with the inability of my phone to connect to the Desktop Software. I have reviewed previous related posts and re-installed the latest Desktop Software.All to no avail.
I just bought the torch.... everything is fine, email, bbm, everything.. but, broswer...I CANNOT BROWSE!!Only if I connect via wifi the browser works.. if not, it doesnt...what should i do?
Problem: When I connect Torch with PC and start Desktop Manager, DM asks password for BB. Once the password is punched, DM takes some time to connect i.e. a PC and BB is shown on Torch screen, trying to connect to each other AND then DICONNECTS.
Actions Already Taken: I have uninstalled and reinstalled DM. I have taken out battery and reboot BB. BUT problem persists.
I had many blackberry before my new torch 9800 and it is working good but now i couldn't connect/browser to internet efen though my blackberry messagener is working good.This is the message i always received during trying to open internet : "unable to connect to internet,please try again letter.If the problem persist please contact your service provider."