Motorola Photon 4G :: Silently Loses 4G Connectivity When Idle?
Dec 9, 2011
Proud owner of a Photon for a few days now. For the most part, aside from some minor glitches, I LOVE this phone so far. It's great. However I have one big problem.At work I have a decent 4G signal at my desk. My prior Evo got 1-2 (out of 3) bars and stayed connected all day with zero problems. My Photon connects to 4G just fine, but if I don't keep sending traffic over the network to the point where the 4G goes into what I assume is power save mode -- where the icon shows ZZZ instead of signal strength -- it will often lose connection in a silent way.What I mean is that I can then attempt to use apps, etc and the 4G will not transfer data, but still thinks it's connected. I'm not sure yet whether or not it stays in ZZZ mode or if the icon shows signal strength again, but I know for sure apps do not transfer data. For example when I listen to music, ScrobbleDroid starts queueing messages instead of sending them, etc. Also, GMail and IMAP push stop working, so I stop receiving email notifications. That is a BIG problem for me.
The problem goes away immediately if I either shut off 4G, or toggle 4G (turn it off then on right away). However, it will happen again quite soon after 4G goes back into ZZZ mode.This is a stock, non-rooted phone.System version: 45.3.6.MB855.Sprint.en.USAndroid version: 2.3.4aseband version: N_01.28.07RWebtop version: WT-1.2.0-160Kernel version: dnt648@fl36bld222Build number: 4.5.1A-1_SUN-198_6ERI version: 6PRL version: 51083
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Feb 11, 2013
Several times/day now my droid razr HD loses all connectivity. No wifi, no 3g/4g/1x anything. All the indicators are grey and I can't connect to anything. Usually what I have to do is go into airplane mode and then back out and then things are back. I can't say for sure but I thought there was a time or two where I had to do a power cycle to get things back. Not positive about that. I've only had the phone for a few weeks, and I'm pretty sure it's always done this.
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Aug 2, 2011
I believe that there is a problem with the Atrix network stack. When operating at home (Lapdock or HD dock or stand-alone) I prefer to use the local WiFi connection (because the cellular signal is useless for data here on the _9th_floor_ (thanks T-Mobile UK).
1/ On its own the Atrix does not properly switch to _use_ WiFi- it tries to use either WiFi or GPRS/3G/HSPA from time to time. This does not work well (read the reviews that say that the Lapdock is slow and I think that this is the problem being reported);
2/ I installed Juicedefender which is free and which switches OFF the GPRS/3G/HSPA radio when WiFi is being used:
BUT - then I notice that the WiFi data stream stops after about 90s and only re-starts after either several minutes have elapsed _or_ I switch off and on again the WiFi radio. VERY POOR. Worse, on checking with my router, the ATRIX remains _connected_ to the WiFi network at all times - so this is the internal software losing contact with the active network interface.
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Feb 21, 2012
the last few days my battery has not even come close to getting me through the day. No new apps. I look at my battery usage and find that Phone Idle is the largest user of my battery. While researching this I find tons of folks who are like "that's normal", but it is almost always even with cell standby. My usage is as follows right now (and this is what it's been like for the past 3 days): phone idle: 37%. Display: 23%, Voice calls: 15%, android OS 10%, Cell standby: 8%. Those are not the numbers anyone else I've spoken to that is running android is seeing. They are seeing phone idle running even or just below cell standby. I'm off battery for 8 hours and down to 25%. I won't make it home before I have to plug in the phone, and for the last 6 months my battery has been making it all day.
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Nov 12, 2011
I'm using Go Launcher Ex and Juice Defender now. My battery life had improved a little but...Even when the screen is off and I'm not using the phone, Phone Idle takes up most of the energy while in that state. Last night Phone Idle was on 6:51:43 while the phone was off of the battery for 7:53:53.On top of this, the phone is awake almost all night. It does drain only a little bit at night.During use Phone Idle still is on much of the time. My phone drains rapidly when the screen is on.The phone has signal all day and night. I'm in a good coverage area.My questions are: Is it normal for the phone to be awake when not in use for most of the time when not in use? Should Phone Idle be on most of the time when the phone has consistent good signal?
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Oct 18, 2011
since the update i have had bad battery life even without use and prior to the update my phone battery would show the display being the most used and now its the phone idle is there a reason why this is having such a high usage now when befor it was never high?
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Jul 7, 2010
Ever since I upgraded to iOS4.0, my iphone 3GS has been losing its internet connection over 3G.The 3G indicator remains lit on the display, however when trying to surf or use an app that requires internet, it simply times out. In order to get my internet back I need to reboot the phone, or switch airplane mode on, then off.It seems to occur after I leave the house, so it may be that the phone is having trouble automatically switching from Wifi to 3G.Does anyone have any suggestions on how to fix the issue?
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Jun 22, 2010
Installed the Ovi Suite today (2.2), but when I start it I see the window for about 20 sec, then it silently disappears. So I can't manage my E71 (mostly today I just wanted to load the Ovi maps), or do anything.
I've uninstalled all the previous stuff (Nokia Map Update, PC Suite etc), and reinstalled the Ovi Suite a couple of times, but Ovi still drops out.
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Jun 10, 2012
So basically, my Iphone 4 started to have problems after 5.1.1. 1. It won't be recognized on windows or itunes. USB drivers are all updated, used different cables, different ports, different computers, latest itunes software.2. It does not charge or even show a charging screen when plugged into the wall socket. Tried different cables, different adapters and different outlets.3. ONLY charges when I specifically turn off the iphone and EXACTLY plug it in when the swirling circle appears. This charging process is "silent" where it does not show a charging screen. I must periodically check to see if phone is charged up to 100% by turning it on again visa versa.
I have tried a replacement battery, replacement dock connector, cleaned out my dock connector with toothbrush. I have tried soft reset, hard reset for a good 40 times. Took it to the apple store/genius bar and they are clueless as to how to fix it. For some reason, I can't seem able to enter DFU mode as it will not allow me, as well as do a factory reset as I CAN'T get this linked up to itunes.
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Nov 24, 2011
Usually I unplug my phone in the morning. I use it for listening to music, a little bit of browsing and email. However lately it barely makes it until the evening. After approximately 12 hours the battery is almost dead and phone idle is the worst consumer by far (like 40-50%). Is that normal?
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Dec 14, 2011
I carged my motoactv to 100% yesterday, took it off charge, havent used it or had it connected to anything. thought id go for a long jog this morning and there is only 20% battery left, i guess you just cant use the device as a normal watch aswell. Keep it turned off untill you need to exorcise or have i just got a dud battery?
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Aug 24, 2011
When I haven't used my phone for a while and I pick it up and take it out if standby mode the 3G icon as well as the antenna indicators are white and then after a few seconds turn blue again. I can get and use data fine it just switches colors.I haven't noticed this behavior until the last week or so.
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Jul 9, 2011
I have a completely standard xoom and noticed that its getting really warm even when in idle. It started happening last week. I thaught it might be an app I downloaded so uninstalled all new apps. Still getting warm and bad battery performance. So I done a full factory reset and still getting the issue.
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May 26, 2011
I am using Motorola xoom with Android 3.1. I am facing a problem with gtalk and that is:
The gtalk remains online while i am using xoom but then after standby time my status goes to idle for the friends in my contact list and if they send me any message in this state I cant receive them and if they try to call me then the caller party hears the bell that as if it should be while someone calls on gtalk but i cant get the notification of call or any ring. Why Gtalk cant get calls on my xoom although it seems online to others in standby it some bug in android?
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Oct 13, 2011
Zumocast streaming fine then Status goes to Idle and Stream is lost
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Sep 21, 2011
If I don't use my phone much, I typically see my battery use status split ~50-50 between 'cell standby' and 'phone idle.'I have a strong signal here, so I doubt I'm not getting a signal 50% of the time.
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May 5, 2011
Anyone having issues with wifi disconnecting after the screen switches off for a bit ( I have the wifi sleep policy set to 'never' ), and waking up the phone - it lags quite a bit?
All this - after updating to 1.83! Or am I just the unlucky one when it comes to this device?
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Jan 24, 2012
using Photon 4G with Airtel prepaid sim with system version 45.3.6.MB855.Sprint.en, Whenever I run short codes (USSD codes) like *123# to check my prepaid GSM balance or interact with service provider by *121# it takes long time showing USSD code running.. and after few mins either shows MMI successfully complete or MMI failed but doesnt actually show the text which is shown in my other GSM phones; to query balance or activate some service. Tried forums but no concrete solution.
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Aug 11, 2011
Any use the Motorola Date and Time Widget? Mine seems to hang at night (seemingly about 20min after I plug it in for charging) and stays on yesterdays date and time until somehow it corrects itself the next day. There is no way to "activate it" or make it correct itself. All other clocks and calendars are correct.
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Jan 23, 2012
I have a Sprint Motorola Photon 4G and I am using it in Brazil with a Claro SIM Card. The phone reboots itself sometimes when I try to make or receive a phone call (2 or 3 times a day). I know this is happening to other Photon owners and I already tried the factory reset twice. My build # is 4.5.1A-1_SUN-198_6. Does anyone know a fix for that?
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Oct 12, 2011
i bought a photon at best buy today, carried it around for a while, installed the netflix app, brought it home, plugged it in, and after i tell it to install the system update, it downloads, i click install, and it shuts down immediately, starts itself back up, and then as soon as everything comes back up, i get a message that says update has failed. this has happened 3 times now, downloaded on wi-fi
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Sep 19, 2011
That's basically it. I don't want to keep getting e-mail (at my gmail account) that I have no events on a given day. How do I stop the Photon calender app from doing this?
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Jan 9, 2012
I have a major issue with my corporate exchange calendar. If I accept an invitation to a meeting, the phone makes me the organizer of the meeting. This syncs back to my corporate calendar. This is obviously completely wrong. If I delete the meeting on my phone, or on my computer, it sends out a message to everyone that was on the meeting saying that it was cancelled. If I need to adjust the meeting only on my calendar, it sends out an update to everyone. It has caused a lot of confusion for me and my work colleagues.
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Oct 28, 2011
Has anyone seen / experienced this? When I have my photon in the car dock and using the GPS, I am unable to receive incoming calls. My girlfriend has called me for the past three days and she says my phone rings and rings and goes to voicemail. I have Sprint Service. I am not using TeleNav or any other navagation, I am just using the GPS mode and Bluetooth is also running. I dont have any other issues with not receiving incoming calls unless its in the dock.
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Aug 14, 2011
I noticed that whenever I am making/receiving calls, the screen flashes every few seconds. I wonder why it is doing that. I have never seen this on any other phone before. At first I thought it was related only to the silent call issue that the screen flashes every few seconds but even when I am able to make a regular call it still does this.
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Aug 19, 2011
I have just moved from a windows phone and got this photon phone. I listen to music from the web, like These stations require a windows media player to work. The windows media player is not on my photon phone or in the android market place.
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Dec 3, 2011
My new Atrix 2 will randomly lose signal. It will have 2-3 bars and show 4g but every night and randomly through the day I will look and there is no signal with the circle and line through it. I have to power the phone off and back on to regain. I went to AT&T on Thursday and got a new SIM as suggested. I have only had the phone since Wednesday. I have 2 other Atrix ( not 2's ) in the house and they have no issues.
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Aug 19, 2011
If I have 5 or more all-day events on one day, the calendar doesn't display the text of the events, which also makes the lines very skinny and difficult to select.
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Jul 3, 2012
I have a Photon that is at best qurky. I did a full factory reset about a month ago. the last couple of days the phone has been freezing with the alarm. the alarm will go off and I might get one or two snoozes out of it then the display freezes and is unresponsive. O can push the power button to get the power off menu but the screen will not respond to allow a power off, I must remove the battery to reset the phone.and as anyone who has a Photon knows how much fun putting the back on is. Any ideas.again this is a pretty fresh reboot and I do not have near as many apps running as before the reboot
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Oct 7, 2011
Will we ever see an unlocked bootloader for the Photon 4g?
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Oct 16, 2011
So now I still cannot use MMS or carrier internet and the latest software update will not run, it can be downloaded but after running it 12 times it indicates update was unsuccessful. Is there anyway of reflashing the whole phone to start from scratch.
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