Motorola Photon 4G :: No "USB Connection" Notification?
Sep 13, 2011
When my MoPho is plugged into my Mac (OS X v10.6.8) I no longer get the auto-mounting of the internal and SD card volumes, and I don't see the "USB connection" notification on the phone's status bar. I can connect using Moto Phone Portal over WiFi to Firefox 6.0.2 on the Mac, but picture downloads run at 175 BYTES PER SECOND, not the speed I'd expect when the WiFi antenna is 10 feet away.
While music is streaming from the photon to my car I place a call. When the phone starts dialing I have to physically press bluetooth on the dialer for it to connect to my car's hands free link(even though I am already connected by streaming music). I get connected then end the call. The car radio then switches back to Bluetooth audio but no sound, the volume is not on mute on either the phone or car after a minute it just starts playing music again.I tried turning the phone on and off and then reconnecting it to the car, I also deleted all the previous phone and Bluetooth info from my car but no improvement. I never had this issue with other phones connected to my car. If it helps it is a Acura.
How can I disable the NFC available notification? I do not have NFC enabled and i don't want to enable it. i don't need my phone activelly looking for other phones with NFC and then telling me to connect with them.
I keep having a problem with connecting to Sprint's network. It takes up to five minutes after powering the phone on for the bars to turn blue, and starting today, they just stay gray and I am unable to connect to the internet. Whenever I'm in a non-sprint zone and switch to global mode, the phone won't pick up a new network, even after I reboot the phone multiple times. I'm getting rather frustrated with this phone, as this happens frequently.
I am having problems with random connection failed on my exchange account. I first noticed this this past weekend. It keep retrying to connect and ended up draining the battery within a few hours. This has happedened on WIFI and 4G. I noticed that when I turned on 4G I got the connection failed until I turned it off. I have reboot, powered down and removed the battery. It willl work for awhile and than stop and sometimes recover if I open the email app. I'm on 45.3.6.
USB Computer Connection is always stuck on "Charge Only" no matter what option you choose? I am able to choose the other 3 options (with the blue checkmark toggling in the checkboxes), but nothing happens. When I exit and pull down the connection from the notifications list it just reverts back to "Charge Only" no matter what I try.
I've searched around and still can't find an answer to this specific problem... but I have a feeling it might have to do with that November Update. Today was the first time I tried to connect my phone as "Mass Storage" to transfer music files since before the update. It worked completely fine before the update... anyone know how to resolve this?
I'm using the official Motorola micro USB cable that came with the phone, have tried unmounting the SD card, resetting/powering off the phone, tried every single USB port on my computer and laptop (both Windows7). I'm very confused why I suddenly can't enter "Mass Storage" mode anymore...
I just tried connecting my phone to my laptop using Bluetooth.The computer sees the phone and shows it in the devices list (Windows 7), but to phone says it's not connected.Is there some driver I need to load?Tried Googling for one, but didn't see anything obvious.
Why does the "Updates Available" icon in the alert notification bar disappear if it isn't selected immediately? And once it's gone, how can I get it back? (This applies to all types of updates: Android system, service provider's software, and installed apps). The Android User Manual seems to address only relatively simple update-related questions, and I'm not sure whether this notification behavior is a general Android system characteristic, or just unique to Motorola phones, or only to the Photon.
Often, it's not practical or convenient to drop everything else and install updates immediately when the notification appears, e.g., if you're on a phone call, in the middle of writing a somewhat urgent text or email, changing the baby's diaper, etc. The user might especially want to wait until later to download and install updates that are quite large and time-consuming and those labeled "manual," which seem to require monitoring individually in order to accept terms of service, etc., vs. just being able to select "install all."because some of the updates are large and time-consuming, I'd like to be able to turn on 4G or wireless, if they're not already on. (And they usually aren't, to conserve battery power, as recommended by "Remy" in his excellent post on "Android Tips & Tricks.") But at least on the Photon, turning on 4G or Wireless often causes the update icon to disappear, and there doesn't appear to be any way to get it back.
True, the "My Apps" section of the Android Store supposedly tells you which apps have available updates, but it's much more time-consuming to have to connect to the store and check manually instead of just selecting the icon in your notification bar. Also, the App Store won't have info about system updates.BTW, even when you select "install all," you still need to monitor the installation closely. When the update process finishes, you usually get some notification, like "Updates successfully installed." But if your screen has timed out and is off when the update process finishes, you don't get any information about the updates, so you don't know whether they all installed successfully. (Maybe if your screen is off, you only get a notification when an update isn't successful -- but there's no way of knowing that until it happens!)
I came over when the Palm Pre faded away. So far I have found ways to tweak everything I thought needed tweaking. However, there is one thing I'd like to change that I haven't figured out.
Occassionally, such as when attempting to install an app for which there is insufficient space (not sure why I got that message, there was plenty of room), the phone will briefly popup a small message. However, this message is entirely too small, displayed too briefly, and for some reason fairly transparent. Even when I do notice it, I am rarely able to read it before it fades away.
Is there some way to configure this message to be more useful?
I have no notifications in the drop-down menu and the green notification LED won't stop flashing when the screen is off. If I do get a real notification and clear it, then light will go away until the next reboot. I've done two factory resets and no change. I took the phone into Sprint this morning after a reset and no apps installed and the tech verified the problem but after a few minutes on the computer, he told me this was a known software problem and he can't do anything about it. I have spent most of today troubleshooting this and searching the internet and have yet to find any other Photon user with the same problem. I've seen some other posts with other phones (android and blackberry), but nothing that looked to be widespread and nothing by Photon users. I did find a way around this by rooting and installing an app that takes control of the LED but I shouldn't have to do this and the app seems to be a battery drain. I've since got rid of the app, unrooted and tried flashing the 1FF-sunfire-user-2.3.4-4.5.1A-1_SUN-154_5-CM-release-keys-signed-Sprint-US.sbf (old software from August) and the problem was still there. I then let the phone take the OTA updates and the problem persists. I didn't have this problem until I did a factory reset on Friday trying to get rid of another problem with rebooting.
Since installing the update the 4G icon(s) in the notification bar are acting strange. When I have 4G on and I am connected to Wifi before the update the 4G icon would change to the 4Gzzz icon. Now it shows the icon as if I am connected to 4G, while being connected to Wifi
I have a trouble. After connection to TV and disconnection via hdmi cable the screen of photon is never turned off, only manual or after rebooting. Stock ROM 198_7, root, motorola's hdmi cable, TV panel.
I just got this phone and my notification light is not working properly it works on messages and on emails but not while charging or on bluetooth like the manual says it would.
On my first Photon and my wife's Photon the email icon is a bright red icon looking like an envelope.
When I updated my Photon I now have a gray borig @ sign icon. Where is the other icon? That seems to come if you set up email with another provider (I was initially using comcast). I tried creating comcast account again but it did not change the icon.
Is there a way to get that notifiacation icon back? Obviusly it can be done without being root.
Last night when I turned on my wifi at home, the wifi and phone signal bars appeared but were gray and I had no internet/data connection. I checked the wifi settings which indicated I was connected with good to excellent signal. Toggled the Wifi on and off several times, and turned phone on and off, which did not work. Went into wifi settings and told it to forget settings and reconnected, same result. When I turn off wifi, 3G appears and data connection is restored. Left the phone on in the media dock all night, and this morning when I turned on wifi, all was fine. What does gray signal bar mean?
In recent days I've noticed a rather annoying quirk with the sound from my Photon. If I'm listening to music (Winamp, the stock app, or Pandora) and a notification pops up, I hear the notification sound but afterward the volume of my music drops down a lot. I'll turn the volume up, but as soon as the track changes my ears blow up when the volume level returns to what it was previously
im trying to figure out whats wrong with my photon, its been almost a month and when i get a notification (email,text,ect) i dont find out untill hours after i recived it because my phone doesnt vibrate. It vibrates when i get a call and when im using the keyboard but not when i get a notification. I have the vibration for notifications turned on but it doesnt seem to affect anything. I dont get any notification vibration feedback when my phones on vibrate or its on sound.
Recently I've been unable to access emails on my D2G. I receive a notification tone and light but when I go to email it tells me it can't establish a connection. I check the account and my password which should show as ******* now shows as ****************************. Who or what is adding the extra digits to my password. It's a yahoo/sbcglobal account. I've been having similar problems with corporate account at the office.
Over the past two days I began receiving a notification AOL "connection error". I do not believe this is an issue with AOL since other devices are not having the same problem. I tried a battery pull and factory data reset but the notification continues.
I had my bluetooth on Connected to a handsfree device. Now I wasn't on a call but the bluetooth lost connection. Now with the standard Widget It had the little green Light like it was on but it Disappeared out of my Notification Bar, and it would not even reconnect even toggling the bluetooth on and off. A reset seemed to fix it but it was kind of Random.
using Photon 4G with Airtel prepaid sim with system version 45.3.6.MB855.Sprint.en, Whenever I run short codes (USSD codes) like *123# to check my prepaid GSM balance or interact with service provider by *121# it takes long time showing USSD code running.. and after few mins either shows MMI successfully complete or MMI failed but doesnt actually show the text which is shown in my other GSM phones; to query balance or activate some service. Tried forums but no concrete solution.
Any use the Motorola Date and Time Widget? Mine seems to hang at night (seemingly about 20min after I plug it in for charging) and stays on yesterdays date and time until somehow it corrects itself the next day. There is no way to "activate it" or make it correct itself. All other clocks and calendars are correct.
I have a Sprint Motorola Photon 4G and I am using it in Brazil with a Claro SIM Card. The phone reboots itself sometimes when I try to make or receive a phone call (2 or 3 times a day). I know this is happening to other Photon owners and I already tried the factory reset twice. My build # is 4.5.1A-1_SUN-198_6. Does anyone know a fix for that?
i bought a photon at best buy today, carried it around for a while, installed the netflix app, brought it home, plugged it in, and after i tell it to install the system update, it downloads, i click install, and it shuts down immediately, starts itself back up, and then as soon as everything comes back up, i get a message that says update has failed. this has happened 3 times now, downloaded on wi-fi
That's basically it. I don't want to keep getting e-mail (at my gmail account) that I have no events on a given day. How do I stop the Photon calender app from doing this?
I have a major issue with my corporate exchange calendar. If I accept an invitation to a meeting, the phone makes me the organizer of the meeting. This syncs back to my corporate calendar. This is obviously completely wrong. If I delete the meeting on my phone, or on my computer, it sends out a message to everyone that was on the meeting saying that it was cancelled. If I need to adjust the meeting only on my calendar, it sends out an update to everyone. It has caused a lot of confusion for me and my work colleagues.
Has anyone seen / experienced this? When I have my photon in the car dock and using the GPS, I am unable to receive incoming calls. My girlfriend has called me for the past three days and she says my phone rings and rings and goes to voicemail. I have Sprint Service. I am not using TeleNav or any other navagation, I am just using the GPS mode and Bluetooth is also running. I dont have any other issues with not receiving incoming calls unless its in the dock.
I noticed that whenever I am making/receiving calls, the screen flashes every few seconds. I wonder why it is doing that. I have never seen this on any other phone before. At first I thought it was related only to the silent call issue that the screen flashes every few seconds but even when I am able to make a regular call it still does this.
I have just moved from a windows phone and got this photon phone. I listen to music from the web, like These stations require a windows media player to work. The windows media player is not on my photon phone or in the android market place.