Motorola Droid Razr :: 4 Keys On Bottom Not Lighting Properly?
May 23, 2012
RAZR Maxx My problem is about the 4 bottom icons/buttons/keys (Menu, Home, Back, Search) not lighting properly. When in a fairly dark room they always stay lit. Last night before sundown the icons were not lit. It was too dark to see them without being lit. It also depended on the position. I do not know if this was due to internal position sensors or just getting different levels of light from the light sensors. I called Verizon Tech Support and they said this was normal. It may be "normal" but hard to use the phone if I cannot see the icons/buttons/keys.
The three navigation buttons at the bottom of my phone have been starting to disappear. Once I had to restart the phone to have them return. The other two times it has happened the buttons return within a few seconds. I'm hoping this is software related. Will try to grab screen shot next time it happens.
so at the bottom of my screen I have a blue bar that flicks ... its not an app or something I put there. its the screen. can someone tell me what this is or should I just get a replacement.
I noticed immediately that the haptic feedback out of the box was really weak. Oddly, once I installed SwiftKey and adjusted its haptic KB feedback that now the keys are old giving a much stronger feedback.
The Motorola support page that tells you how to do a factory data reset gives two methods: Settings and External Keys. It also says that using the Settings method is preferable. Does anyone know why the Settings method is preferred? Is the outcome of both methods the same? The instructions (and user guide) say that the Settings method doesn't erase your external SD card, and will only erase internal storage if you choose to. Does the External Keys method work the same way? (I've used those key strokes to clear the data cache, but can't remember what the other choices are).
I just got a RAZR less than 10 days ago, and sometime over the past few days, I noticed that the soft keys no longer illuminate and the proximity sensor on the top of the phone isn't working. They both seemed to stop working at the same time, and I can't figure why and how to fix it. The soft key issue is not the biggest deal, since I know which ones are which anyway. But the more annoying issue is the sensor not working, so that when I'm on calls and have the phone up to my ear, the screen won't shut off automatically, and turn back on again once removed from my face. It gets quite annoying having to hit the power button every time to shut the screen on and off during calls. Has this happened to anyone else?
i've had a torch 9800 since last Christmas, and it's been working fine (with the occasional battery pull, of course). but now i have a strange problem. in the last couple weeks, i've noticed that the back arrow and the red key to the right of the trackpad no longer have a light showing behind them. (nor does the trackpad, but i don't remember if it ever did light up) it's not really a problem, as they still work, but it looks really weird!i have tried a battery pull many times, to no avail. and i also tried installing a brand new os, but likewise had no success with that method. in any case, it is now running the newest os possible (6.0 bundle 1907, v6.0.0.448). it's also running 3G, if that matters.
I have a HTC Desire C running Android 4.0.3 (ICS), originally on 3 Network, but unlocked to all networks.
The problem I have is that the home Keys do not light up. Proximity sensor works fine, If I cover the sensors to the right of the HTC logo, the screen goes dark, If I use the phone in the dark, the screen dims as it should but the keys do not light up.
I've downloaded a few apps to test the sensors & the values changes on proximity & light sensors as I cover them so I know the sensors are good.
I've checked that Auto Brightness is enabled, I've disabled it & enabled it several times, works fine in different light levels as it auto adjusts - rebooted phone with battery out etc & cannot get them to light up.
Other than taking it back to the store. Was thinking of trying to reload the phone without 3's custom software on it to see if it's something in their ROM.
where the capacitive button LEDs seem to randomly turn on/off, or don't turn on in the dark, or seem to flicker for no apparent reason? We had the same issue with our 1020. It appears to be directly related to battery saver mode in settings. When we turn battery saver off, the LEDs seem to work perfectly. When battery saver is on, we experience all the above strange issues. We also have a 920, and battery saver mode does not affect the LEDs on the 920 at all, hence why we're hesitant to say with100% authority that this is the issue with the 1020.
I have to start by saying I absolutely love my Razr (xt910) but I seem to have run into a bit of a problem. Two of the four navigation buttons on the bottom of the phone, the Menu and Home buttons, stopped lighting up all of a sudden! The actual buttons themselves work fine, but as stated, do not light up, leaving only the right two lit, giving the razr a strange appearance to say the least. I have done a factory reset (twice) but both times it failed to make a difference, leading me to believe that whatever powers the lights for those buttons no longer works. Is this a common problem? Does anyone know how or if this is possible to fix? My Razr is still under warranty.
It has occurred to me a couple of times, that my soft keys turn on and off randomly. This mostly happens when the battery keeps around 30% of the charge. I'm not sure if it is an ambient light sensor problem or simply a bug.
All of a sudden my home keys across the bottom of the 9800 do no light up. I checked the backlight settings for display but they had no effect on the home keys. Even in a completely dark room, when I take the 9800 out of the holster, the screen lights up but the home keys are out.
Has anyone else noticed an issue where you get haptic feedback anytime you touch anywhere on the bottom of the screen? I mean like on the very bottom even below the dock icons.
I purchased the Moto Elite Sliver because my Plantronics Pro HD would drop its bluetooth every single time a call was answered or placed. I did a little research and found it may be related to a conflict with the 2.0 headset and 4.0 phone. Moto Sliver is BT 3.0 and was working great until this week. Now every single time a call is disconnected, the headset disconnects and reconnects. Reboots galore, problem still exists. Uninstall/reinstall Motospeak, problem still exists. Sometimes the bluetooth will not connect at all (reboot required). The Droid RAZR Maxx and the Elite Sliver are supposed to be state of the art MOTOROLA, I make a living with my phone and headset.
Now with the update, a menu bar appears at the bottom of the page of the email that I have chosen to read.
I called Verizon to ask if I could hide it or delete it since it makes the readable screen smaller, and the rep said can't be hidden or deleted.
Looks like I will be heading to Verizon tomrrorow for an exchage on my DROID after 3 weeks with it. Today, suddenly, the bottom icons are no longer responding to touch. I cannot click the phone dialer, SMS, camera or app icons. Anything above this first row still works fine. I did a factory reset on the phone and still no luck.
I was just using the Bionic to check email when bang, everything disapeared. o email screen, no phone icon or other bottom row and now notifications.All I had was 3 or 4 icons per screen and I could look at the screens double tapping the home and getting the big view. But most apps were missing from the home pages though and none would start. I finally realized that I was seeing a zoomed image of the home page scroller screens.I tried everything to get to the apps drawer but couldn't. I wanted to snap a screengrabber.I had to shut it down, restart and phone is back to normal.The image I'm attaching is mocked up from a capture I made with no background. Wish I could have captured it for real.
not sure if there is a way of 'cleaning' the key pad on my 9900??When texting it is increasingly becoming a pain, especially the c and b buttons...they just don't seem to work everytime?