IPhone :: 3GS Screen Is Frozen With ITunes USBcable Showing
Apr 29, 2012
I want to dwnld unsynced images B4 restoring the phone. Phone is frozen so can't download straight into iPhoto or ImageCapture.
I trawled the net and followed suggestions such as trying to back it up via Ctrl-click in Devices on iTunes but only says 'open in new window' and 'Eject iPhone' - no backup option. Have also looked for the 'Mobilesync' bkup folder in Library too but not there. either.
I have an iphone 3GS and I tried to update it yesterday, admittedly its been awhile since i last updated it, but after downloading the software it has remained frozen on the connect to itunes screen. A hard reset does nothing at all. When it is connected to itunes it wants to download the software again, which has already downloaded and wasted 3Gig of my internet.
how it is that my iPhone is frozen with the iTunes symbol and a USB cord on the screen. I cannot switch it off.
I have tried to install the new upgrade however the computer advised that the iphone must be restored to factory settings prior to the upgrade. This is impossible as the phone is frozen
the othere day my phone screen went all checker board like then shut off and when i came back on it had a screen showing usb cord arrow to itunes . it woint do anything when i plug into computer apple i yunes wont open ?
Info: iPhone 3G, iOS 5.0.1, it froze cant connect to a ITUNES
It's not functioning at all. It's frozen on the home screen, will not respond to Itunes, or its charger, it wont turn off, no matter how many times you hold down the Lock button.
My iphone has frozen! It has a cable symbol and the itunes symbol above that... has been frozen on that for the past hour. I can do nothing with the phone except turn it on then off. Only to be greeted by the same image every time! How to get rid of it so I can use my phone again??
my iphone 3gs keeps showing the screen with the connect to itunes display, and I've restored it multiple times on different computers, but everytime it finishes restoring, it shows the display again and the computer says it needs to be restored. can anybody help me with this?
I tried reseting my phone to default settingm, but not it woun't turn back on and it on the black screen and not going any where?I was told that maybe reseting it with itunes? but not sure how to do
My iphone crashed, will not switch on and is showing the connect to itunes screen. However, itunes is not recognising the phone to enable me to start the recovery mode process.
my iphone 4 is not responding the screen is just showing a usb lead and the itunes symbol. when i plug it into my desktop mac and try to sync it to itunes ,itunes is telling me the phone is in a restore mode. How do i get it to respond without restoring the phone to new ? there is no option to restore with backup as i have not backed up any of the data on the phone
Tried to do an update on my Iphone 4. Now the only thing showing on my screen is a picture of the power cord and the I-tunes logo. I can't power it off or on. I have tried holding down both buttons but nothing happens.
This has been caused by trying to update iTunes. Tried to back up the iPhone but it has stopped and the only thing I have now is a screen showing a pic of the connection lead pointing to the iTunes icon. If I restore factory settings all my info will be lost!
My iphone 4s screen is stuck on a picture of the usb plug with an arrow pointing toward the itunes icon. we discontinued our account with at&t and need to reset this phone to factory settings. I pluged it in to my computer but nothing happened. Brought up itunes, nothing. No reset instructions and the screen never changed. When we originally tried to clear out the info it told us we had to update itunes and we did. Now......stuck.
My iphone is frozen and showing only apple sign, after following few tips for web it reached to itunes sign but every time i am trying to restore my iphone it is giving me an error code 21 ???
So about 20 minutes ago I connected my iPhone to my computer and iTunes prompted me to update it. I accepted, but as it was applying the updates some type of error popped up. Long story short, it failed to update and now when I turn on my phone it's frozen with the screen showing the USB cord & iTunes icons. I've tried:
-Shutting it down by holding the sleep/power button
-Shutting it down by holding the Home + sleep/power button
-All of my USB ports on my computer
-Reinstalling iTunes
As soon as I turn it on, it briefly shows the Apple icon then it goes back to the same screen with the iTunes/USB icons. When I connect it to my computer it makes the connection sound but it won't register on iTunes.
Syncing my iphone 4s to itunes for the first time an instant update began after completing an error message during update occured and my phone froze with the itunes logo on the screen tried turning on and off to reboot but nothing happens still frozen.
I got a replacement for my iPhone 4 today and it got disconnected while i was putting my old backup on the device, Now it is stuck on the apple with a loading bar and is not recognized when i plug it into iTunes?
I tried to update my iPhone 4S via wifi and my phone is frozen with the iTunes logo and plug in symbol. Tried to restore settings as prompted, but it times out and doesn't complete the restore. Phone won't turn off,
Info: iPhone 4S, iOS 5.0.1, Restoring phone to original setting
While doing a software update and trying to update my phone, the update was not successful and my phone froze up with a picture of a usb connection pointing to the iitunes logo.
I plugged my phone into the computer (Dell, Windows 7) and the window that popped up asked if I wanted updates. I clicked install. Then another window said it was unable to install as I needed the latest update of itunes. I thought I had that on my phone! Now my phone screen is totally frozen and won't do anything when I click the button at the bottom of the screen.
Just downloaded the update 5.1.1 and tried to install it. But the install failed and now my iphone 4 is frozen with the itunes logo and the usb logo. What should I do?
iTunes has frozen my account and I can't download any apps free or not they took there payment of5.16 that I owed them then they took it four more time and my account is still blocked up?