IPhone :: ITunes Has Frozen My Account And I Can't Download Any Apps Free
Jun 28, 2012
iTunes has frozen my account and I can't download any apps free or not they took there payment of5.16 that I owed them then they took it four more time and my account is still blocked up?
I have bought new iPhone 4s and I am trying to download some free apps on my iPhone but whenever I try To install a free app first it ask for my I'd and password which I enter and then it ask for I'd and password again To pay for a free app But why shall I pay it's free Every time same problem occurs whenever I try to download any free app?
I am trying to download apps from the store and it wont let me download any app even free ones. It tells me to sign in and to check my billing information. I check it and my details are correct but it says there was a problem with the previous purchase. How do i sort this out?
My updates will not update and I cannot even download free apps as the app store will not allow me to because it says there is no money in my account when i know there is what can i do about this problem
I have an iphon4, whenever i try to download a free app in the appsstore, is says waiting under the app im trying to download then disappear in a few second. anyone know what is going on? downloading apps form itune then syn it to my iphone works tho, just not getting apps directly form my iphone4.
A while back, I was able to go to iTunes and click a power search button and was able to click a box that said 'free apps only' and browse all free game apps or all free weather apps etc. Now it only let's me view the top 100 in each category. How can I browse for free apps without those free apps mixed in with the paid apps?
Why is Apple requiring my date of birth in order to download free apps to my iPhone?Apparently this is a recent change in their policy.Who came up with this stupid idea?Obviously Apple just wants to uee my DOB for marketing purposes (or even worse to sell it to other companies).If I would have known that Apple would require my personal information I would have gotten an Android phone instead.
i went on the ovi store and realized that i had to purchase the games and apps. so then i went on another site and download stuff instead, i dont really trust anyways, cos it say it might cause harm to my phone, btw, the download doesn't even work! can someone tell me how to download game and apps and store it in my phone in the correct file and such.AND the face book app thingy in my phone doesn't work, whenever i click on it it says no internet connection, when there is, cos if i click on google, then type in facebook and log in then it works, but not directly to the facebook app originally there when i turn on the phone.
I am unable to download and update free apps from the Android Market on my Xperia X10 since the last 15-20 days. Can anyone help me with this problem? I am facing a lot of issues due to non-availability of many already installed apps and also I am unable to download and use new apps.
2 days ago i tried to download some apps from ovi store from by web browser &suddenly ovi store in my phone opened & from then i am not able to download any app from ovi store.
This is a truly bizarre problem. Over the past few days, I am unable to download free apps. I touch the screen to install a free app, but the "accept and download" button does nothing when I touch it. However, I am able to purchase apps without any problem. My wife is having the same issue with her phone. Neither of us have installed any new apps lately, and I have tried an external hard reset with no success. This is incredibly annoying.
Starting tonight (4/28/12) attempts to download an app (free app) result in requests for "confirmation questions and answers" but these questions are not asked when obtaining the same app using iTunes on a PC.This occurs after the password is requested and entered, but it really smells like phishing, especially since the same is not asked within iTunes on the PC for the same account.I tested with attempts to download other apps and the same thing happens after the password is requested.this is a new and valid requirement, there needs to be an option to meet the requirement on a PC in iTunes because of the difficulty that some of us have inputing info on a iPhone or iTouch.
On iphone 4 Not able to update any apps or buy iTunes since updating phone to 5.1.1. Tried doing a cold boot of the phone and resetting password but still get "unknown error" message and a prompt to cancel or retry.
Since I updated to 5.1 on my iPhone 3Gs, I keep getting problems with the updated OS. I can't download apps, music or books from the iTunes store, it's very hit and miss. It is pointless having a pin upon wake up of the phone as all you have to do to get past the pin is by swiping the camera button up to by-pass it. The battery life has dramatically dropped from lasting a couple of days with everyday use to around 9 hours. The signal from the network has dropped from 3 bars on 3G to 4 bars on GPRS, and finally apps keep crashing and exit themselves to the home screen.
I have rang my network (O2UK) and they have said that they have had serveral reports of Apple products having these bugs since the release of 5.1, and saying that nothing has changed in terms of te settings and masts near me, but they advised me to check my network settings and if they are different from what O2's website said (they were the same). So why are there so many bugs with 5.1? I can't download any apps at all and my battery is worse?
Info: iPhone 3GS, iOS 5.1, Bugs with iOS 5.1 and iPhone 3Gs