IPhone :: Download Apps In Itunes On Pc And Then Transfer Those Apps?
May 10, 2012Can i download apps in itunes on my pc and then transfer those apps to my iphone.
Info:iPhone 4, iOS 5.0.1, 16 gb , white
Can i download apps in itunes on my pc and then transfer those apps to my iphone.
Info:iPhone 4, iOS 5.0.1, 16 gb , white
I am trying to transfer my apps from the itunes to my iphone but they are not being transfered
iPhone 3GS, iOS 5.1.1
How can I download my apps from my computer to my new iphone 4?
iPhone 4
I just bought a new laptop and I want to transfer my apps and music to my new laptop from my iPhone 3Gs. I have an Itunes account but I am scared that I will lose all my data if I sync my iPhone to this new laptop. What do I have to do to get this to work for me? I am needing help with this.
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iPhone 4S
iTunes on Windows won't let me transfer apps or music to my iphone 4. How do i fix it??
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1.1
On iphone 4 Not able to update any apps or buy iTunes since updating phone to 5.1.1. Tried doing a cold boot of the phone and resetting password but still get "unknown error" message and a prompt to cancel or retry.
View 1 Replies View RelatedSince I updated to 5.1 on my iPhone 3Gs, I keep getting problems with the updated OS. I can't download apps, music or books from the iTunes store, it's very hit and miss. It is pointless having a pin upon wake up of the phone as all you have to do to get past the pin is by swiping the camera button up to by-pass it. The battery life has dramatically dropped from lasting a couple of days with everyday use to around 9 hours. The signal from the network has dropped from 3 bars on 3G to 4 bars on GPRS, and finally apps keep crashing and exit themselves to the home screen.
I have rang my network (O2UK) and they have said that they have had serveral reports of Apple products having these bugs since the release of 5.1, and saying that nothing has changed in terms of te settings and masts near me, but they advised me to check my network settings and if they are different from what O2's website said (they were the same). So why are there so many bugs with 5.1? I can't download any apps at all and my battery is worse?
iPhone 3GS, iOS 5.1, Bugs with iOS 5.1 and iPhone 3Gs
iTunes has frozen my account and I can't download any apps free or not they took there payment of5.16 that I owed them then they took it four more time and my account is still blocked up?
iPhone 4, iOS 5.0.1
if i pressed sync apps it will directly delete all the new apps?
iPhone 4
I just got a replacement iphone and restored it from a backup, however, upon trying to sync it again, the 'sync apps' checkbox is not checked. I can see my apps that are greyed out but as soon as I check the box to sync the apps, they all disappear! I haven't synced it since for fear of having to start over every time.
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1
made an apple ID account but when i try to download free apps it says "apple ID has not yet been used on itunes"
iPhone 4S
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View 5 Replies View RelatedI have a BB Curve 8520 for 2 weeks now and I still cannot download apps.At first, I had the 4.6 version and I couldn't find BB apps world on my BB so I uprgraded it (5v).Now I have BB apps world I have the possibility to download apps but it doesn't work! Every time I get the same message "Cannot download apps from Blackberry app world...".
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iPhone 4S, iOS 5
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iPhone 3G
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iPhone 4S
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how do I transfer my apps to my new i-phone
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iPhone 4S
I have changed my laptop, but now I cant transfer the applications from my phone to new laptop. Many times I tried and using the autherization still transfer is not success. ITunes are not responding the application which is old. When I am applying transfer is showing but immediately it disappears.
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iPhone 3G, iOS 5.1.1