Using stock email app for outlook 365 account. The only way to get the email icon to clear from the notification bar is to swipe down and hit clear. Opening the email app and reading all unread emails does not clear the notification bar.
every1,On potrait mode, the top part of my blackberry touch screen is glitchy i.e it is not functioning properly. Which ever way I rotate the screen, that particular problem persists on that part of the screen.The problem is regardless of slide or screen position.
Got a Tour last month, upgraded to new 5.0.0.whatever software with Verizon, started having phantom new messages.I tried everything--battery pull, searching "unopened only" messages, I even wiped my entire phone and reloaded everything.
Nothing worked and Verizon gave me a new phone but two days later, I'M HAVING THE EXACT SAME PROBLEM!!Does anyone know how to fix this issue?
It's a really basic thing, i go into sounds and notifications, ringtones and sounds, email, tap on the email address i want to set, i change the notification sound to what i want, i hear the preview and i'm done. HOWEVER, it will not play that sound. no matter what i do it plays the little bike bell. I've tried to change it directly from email settings, no matter what i do the sound wont change and it wont vibrate. ringtone for phone and text, and everything else changes fine. just not email. i've rebooted, and cleaned cache partition.
On my Galaxy S6 everytime I get a new email there is an email icon just below the notification panel. is there any way to turn this off? I already recieve a sound, and a pop up of the email, and there is an indicator of new email on my email icon on the home screen, so I don't need yet another notification.
Same situation with text messages. I would just like to disable the notifications that appear below the notification panel.
I use the phone alarm clock at night and use airplane at night to turn anything off so I'm not receiving notifications for texts, emails and other things. Somehow, occasionally an email gets through and I get a notification. This happened today a 430am and woke me up (3 hours before I actually needed to get up!)
I have the GS2, in the social hub my home emails appear, it is displaying I have 16 unread mails, I cannot find any unread emails anywhere! when new mail appears that total goes up to say 23, I open 7 and it goes back to 16 again!!
When I get a new text or email if I unlock my phone and touch the email or message app and read or delete it, it still shows the notification in the upper left. If I then lock my phone and unlock it again it still shows the notification on the lock screen. I have gone and cleared the cache and data from the message app and restarted. The only way it goes away is if I swipe it away on the lock screen or select it from the lock screen and view/delete after it opens.
Samsung Galaxy S5 running Android 5.0. I receive text messages from work through an email address. I have the address saved in my contacts as an email address. I would like to have a specific notification tone for these messages. Is this possible?
On the app icons for Facebook and Email, I have orange circles with a number in them showing new emails or Facebook notifications. I want to make the orange FB notifications DISAPPEAR. My belief is that since I see that orange # show up so frequently, with every new comment to a FB post, that my device must be pushing notifications and checking FB every 10 minutes, wearing down my battery. So I would like to end that.
I have already: 1.Gone to App Settings > Refresh Interval and said NEVER 2.Gone to App Settings > Notifications and choose INACTIVE 3.Gone to Account Settings > Notifications > Mobile Push and UNCHECKED everything I have also gone to Device Settings > Applications > Application Manager > Facebook and UNCHECKED Show Notifications.
The same orange circle with number of new emails show on my email icon, but I don't mind that so much. However, if I can disable it, perhaps I can find my way to disable on Facebook.
How do I configure email to blink the notification light when an email is received? Also, I have 3 email accounts configured: Exchange and 2 Gmail accounts. I changed the Gmail accounts to sync email every 15 minutes. The Exchange account works but not the gmail accounts. Gmail has IMAP already enabled.
In the last day or so have I experienced a problem where by I get a new email notification icon, but no new email in my inbox. At first I suspected it was the Android theme I have running, but when I went to use a different them I was getting the same result everytime.
Phone vibrates on receiving email and will not stop till iv read the email, I've got notification as no vibrate but it still vibrates on receiving email on hotmail and gmail (notifications in both set up on vibration is off )
I have had a notification icon for email on my phone for weeks. I deleted all messages yet its still there. I evenhad my phone replaced for another reason and its on the new phone.
My blackberry can send and receive new email/message, but I can't read any new email/message in my inbox even the email notification shown there are 17 new message in my inbox. Have check the Firewall setting and it has block anything. Have check all the email folder but no joy, didn't set any email filter.
I am having an issue with my S5 ever since I got it. Multiple times throughout the day, I hear a notification sound (like I have a text message) but there is no notification of any sort what so ever whenever I review my phone.
I did not have the issue on my GS4, and I pretty much have all the same apps installed.
Justed purchase from Rogers Bold 9700 v5.0.0.351, IT no help from company nor Rogers. I am getting email notification icon from BES but no email is updated or found. Rogers told me to upload the OS again and cannot delete the service books since the BES reloads them again. Unusual problem.SMS works though.
I have setup 9 email accounts on my E72 through nokia messaging. Since the E72 home screen can ONLY fit 2 accounts (primary and secondary), my other 6 email accounts are left in cold. There are NO notifications whatsoever for these accounts - no flashing lights, no email icon on the bottom of the screen, no sound, etc.Yet, when I go into the email app and find the six other email accounts, there are new messages!Even on an old E61 there is email notifications on the home screen for all the accounts.Perhaps nobody in the Nokia development team has more than two email accounts?
I have the xperia mini pro. I have set up the email account in settings and all the notifications are ticked but dont seem to be notified when an email is delivered to that email address. how do I get a notification of an email?
I have a permanent new message notification on my home screen. I've gone through all my email folders, I'd looked for hidden folder and can't find why that notification is there. It constantly shows I have 1 new email message.
I have a gmail and aol account set up on fetch hourly and a work account through outlook set on push. Every now and then I hear my phone notification but I am no longer getting the red circle on my email app.