BB Tour 9630 :: Unable To Receive Email Messages From BES To Smartphone
Aug 23, 2010
I am having the same issue described in the overview of article KB11172, and have tried all the solutions listed there, but to no avail. The odd thing is, I have 4 9630s connected to my BES, and 2 are working fine, and 2 are not able to receive the emails. How could this be? Something on the handhelds?
Every time I try to send one, it goes to pending for a short time (occasionally flashing the "sending" symbol but only for about half a second) and then shows the big "X" along with "Retries exceeded" or something like that.
I spent 4 hours on the phone today with Verizon trying to figure out why only certain emails come to my device. I've updated the service books, tables, deleted my email account, created a new one, books and tables again, pulled the battery, everything. Nothing seems to work.I was getting all my emails last week and over the weekend I've just started to get only a few (call it 2/7 on average). Can anyone help me with what is going on?! This is very frustrating and the Verizon guys are about as helpful as rocks.
I can send and received messages but can not send or receive phone calls. i notice at the top right hand corner of the screen there is something that looks like a golf tee and next to it is the word OFF I have not been able to use the phone for a couple of days because i lost the charger - i have new charger and the phone is now fully charged.
I am unable to setup my gmail account because I don't see the 'I want to create or add an email address' option button in the email setup screen..The setup screen only displays 'I want to use a work email account with a BlackBerry Enterprise Server'
Is there a way to add the 'I want to create or add an email address' to the email setup screen.?Do I need to flash the os? how do I do that?
I use the Tour on the Verizon network. This morning I went to start a new email and usually I type the first letter and all contacts starting with a letter J for example will come up - - But nothing comes up! I checked my phonebook and all contacts are in there like normal, but my email won't pick any up. I can type the whole name of a person I want to email and it's not linking it to my contact list/phone book like normal.
So I just upgraded to 5.0 and I noticed if I go into my address book, and click the blackberry button and select send SMS to someone it pulls up a blank sheet but no text bar and sometimes it brings me to Messages.
I just got the phone, when i send a message, I send it to all messages I have in inbox. I mean I cant have like all messages separetly, they all go to 1 message like a chat and I cant answer to just 1 person. I saw some videos that send me to options, sms and email inbox, but I dont have that option. What can I do plz help me.
I currently have my BlackBerry Tour configured for three seperate email accounts. The first two are working just fine. I just noticed this this morning that for the third, messages that I have read appear to be disappearing from the device. I've checked in Options and it appears that I have plenty of available space (101680072 bytes free) unless I am misreading what that number represents.
For example, I've read and responded to probably 10 emails from this account today. The emails that I read early this morning no longer show in the inbox, however the sent item for the response that I sent still does. The only items that still appear in the inbox are items that have arrived in the last 2 - 3 hours, anything prior to that, including ALL emails that I have received since setting up the account a few weeks ago are gone. The only thing that is visible for those dates are my sent items.
I had seen another thread in which someone had stated that rebooting by removing the battery might correct the issue but I tried that and it did not. I've included my settings for the email account in question below. I don't use any type of third party sync application, what the heck is going on here and how do I fix it?
General Options Display Time - Yes Display Name - Yes Display Order - Name, Subject Display Message Header on - 2 lines Display Message Count - Unread Display New Message Indicator - Yes Hide Read Filed Messages - No SMS and Email Inboxes - Theme Controlled Seperators - Stripes
Actions Make PIN messages Level 1 - Yes Auto More - Yes Confirm Delete - Yes Confirm Mark Prior Opened - Yes Auto Open Newest Message After Removing Device From Holster - After Sound or Vibration Keep Messages - Forever
Email Settings Enable HTML Mail - Yes Download Images Automatically - Yes Confirm Delivery - No Confirm Read - No Send Read Receipts - No
Email Reconciliation Delete on - Prompt Wireless Reconcile - Mailbox Wins On Conflicts - Mailbox wins
Can I set up my Tour 9630 to auto-forward SMS Text messages to my email account; or, barring that, set it up where my email is notified that I have an SMS Text message on my BB?
I recently upgraded to the Tour from the 8830 at work. My IT dept transfered all my information and there is a gmail email account icon, but the account doesn't work. I set it up again in the Email Setup section, but its not working. I removed what I did and the gmail icon is still there, but doesn't work. Can anyone help? My IT dept rep is an absolute ***** and has done nothing to help me with this problem besides telling me "well, I guess you just can't use Gmail on this phone", which is absurd since I could use it on the old one, so I know BB supports it.
Updated my Blackberry software to v5.0 on my Tour 9630 and now I'm missing my AOL email folder. Now receiving my emails in my messages folder. Does anyone have a solution to getting my AOL email folder back and getting my emails sent there as well. I've tried a couple things with no luck!
i was receiving email messages from my gmail account on my blackberry 8900, but after that i it has completely blackberry is on t-mobile and os version is v4.6.1.114. Can someone please help?
So this all started about two weeks ago. Every time i get a mms message from someone i get it first about 5-10 min after they send it, then again about 1-3 hours after they sent it. Ive tried several battery pulls, with no luck. Im running (I know it has problems, but I couldnt get the Sprint upgrade figured out )
I've bought new BB Curve 9300 couple of weeks ago and facing some problem regarding my inbox. After configuring my email in the smartphone I am sending and receiving emails are fine but whenever I open an old email address from my PC it receive as new email on the smartphone with new time and date. What is the solution to stop old emails receiving as new ones on the device?Does BB have such synchronizing system that BB automatically sync with the mail server and shows all old emails on the device?
Why does my messages icon take me to a missed calls list and not my SMS messages? To get to SMS I have to "view folders". Please tell me there is a quicker way.
hello, I just upgraded my phone to the .732. Everything went smoothly during the upgrade, ever since then I have been having trouble with receiving text messages and MMS messages. I have gone to 3 sites for free ringtones have sent the ring tones to my phone, I have not received anything. I also have setup google voice and I am not getting any text messages from people tht text my google voice number.
I am unable to receive any picture messages?? I am also unable to set up a personal email account through blackberry its only giving me the option of a works email??
For today I have not had a signal at all in my house. I have never had a problem before with my Tour but today has been the worst. I cannot receive or make calls, send or receive emails or text messages. I have reset everything and even did the *228 thing but nothing. I have to drive around the block to make a phone call. Any advice for me besides throwing it out the window?
My company is moving all web mail services to webos. Therefore I cannot connect to my company email using my blackberry. Is there a way to automatically forward the messages off an HTC Touch to my Blackberry so that I dont have to carry two phones (the one I like and the one that I need for email)?
I just got a new tour from verizon to replace my original tour that had trackball issues. I did the device switch with DM and everything seemed to copy over just fine with one exception. I keep getting new messages (both email and sms) and the top bar is showing that I have 6 new messages but they are not actually showing up in my messages.
My cousin (she has a Samsung Gravity) was saying we can share files through bluetooth? I remember doing it on my Sidekick, but now I can only receive files, not send?
I am new the blackberry and I have a Tour. I have tried to set up the notification settings such that the email is silent and the phone calls are on vibrate- is there a way to do that?
I can see everything the group does but noone sees me.They were able to see my messages before I did a software upgrade to version I've done a couple of battery pulls and they are not working.
I receive messages from my work outlook account on my handheld but I am unable to reply to them. I was wondering if anyone has had this problem and knows how to fix it.
I have an envelope that indicates I have two new messages but I do not. I verified all my message were read, non unread. I did a battery pull twice and it still will not go away.
I have my Tour set to delete messages after 15 days. I just noticed that they're not deleting. I've noticed that emails stick around for a month or so before being deleted, but SMS don't delete. It's been set to 15 days since I got it in September, and I still have every SMS sent/received on it
Is this a known bug? Is there a fix for it other than hope it's fixed in the next OS release?
I downloaded berrybuzz about a month ago and everything has been working great untill two days ago. Now the LED doesn't light up at all.I have tried battery pulls and that doesn't work. Any ideas. My next thing is to delete the app and redownload it.If someone else has an other idea that would be great.
I have recently been on the phone with sprint and i have not been able to receive any messages sms, mms, from att users everyone else is fine this seemed to happen after my number was ported over this week i am a new customer with sprint and the number i had ported over was used from boost that i was running my 8350i with my att friends and family can get my messages but i cannot get theirs anybody else having this problem the advanced tech support for bb at sprint did a master reset and gave me some ## number to enter and th press the call button and had me re-enter two number one being mine and the other with the network this still did not resolve anything i still can not receive any messages and my case is pending wondering if anybody can let me know what might be causing this my phone is only like a week old