BB Tour 9630 :: No Signal - Cannot Receive Or Make Calls?
Sep 5, 2010
For today I have not had a signal at all in my house. I have never had a problem before with my Tour but today has been the worst. I cannot receive or make calls, send or receive emails or text messages. I have reset everything and even did the *228 thing but nothing. I have to drive around the block to make a phone call. Any advice for me besides throwing it out the window?
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Jun 7, 2010
I'm travelling overseas soon and will have the $40 Sprint add-on data package. I don't want to receive phone calls - especially from people who don't know that I'm out of town.What is the best way of making all of these calls go to voicemail automatically?
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May 16, 2012
im on orange and have 3 bars signal, yet it wont let me make/receive calls, text or receive texts, tryed restoring and updating no luck
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1
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Apr 15, 2012
Signal Bar is full but cannot make or receive calls , when dialing out "connection error" comes , If dialing the number it comes as switched off ....The phone needs to be restarted every time this happens , happens every day atleast once , attempted a factory restore , still the same issue ......Using the same unit for more than a year , now the issue cropped up after the Belle update only.....
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Jun 8, 2012
I live in an area that has no ATT service or any other service yet I use an iphone 4 with ATT service. My husband uses a T-mobile Android and while neither of us receive any cell signal, when our WIFI is on, my husband can receive and make phone calls with his cell phone. I on the other hand have not been able to figure out how the iphone may be able function in a similar way.
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1.1
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May 13, 2010
Im going to South Africa on the 29th and I was wondering if there was anyway to get cheap calls back to the US? I set up the Verizon international data plan so I was wondering if Skype or Google Voice are options? I just dont feel like paying $3/minute
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Feb 24, 2010
My son gave me his unlocked verizon blackberry tour 9630 to use. I have a Flex Account plan with T-mobile butI don't have messaging , data/blackberry plan with them. SMS works fine but I cannot make or receive calls. When I call it says "No circuit/channel available." When someone calls, it goes straight to the voicemail.
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Jul 30, 2012
I suddenly can't make or receive calls on my device.after a hard reset. My for displays an error message.I can do every other thing with my device but no call.when press my call burtton(green) I doesn't respond and it does not take me to my phone call application.if I try through my phonebook to make calls it hangs when I try to make a call.(uncaught exception) is the error message I get.
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Jun 24, 2011
I can send and received messages but can not send or receive phone calls. i notice at the top right hand corner of the screen there is something that looks like a golf tee and next to it is the word OFF I have not been able to use the phone for a couple of days because i lost the charger - i have new charger and the phone is now fully charged.
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Jul 18, 2010
Sprint 9630:
My phone out of no where went into 1xev and will not go back to 1XEV. Sprint said it is a device issue and i need to have the device replaced. I told them i do not want a refurb since my previous device had to be replaced 4 times (8350i). He said he would see what was in stock, he then told me that he could not replace the device at all since my previous device was replaced so many times. He referred me to "multiple device replacement team" who said I had had to many replacements and that he couldnt even replace the device. He said I need to go to a service/repair center so they can see the phone.
Has anyone had the same issues with the 1XEV dropping to 1xev and not coming back? My service books will not send, my HRT message will not come, (it does say sent, but I never receive the actual registration message), I cannot update profile or preferred network list (says unable to update, if problem persist contact service provider).
2 days in a row, prior to this, every time I tried to call out, my phone would make a busy signal and say "CALL FAILED: PLEASE TRY AGAIN" and when my wife tried to call, it went straight to voicemail.
Now, I am making calls ok and receiving text just not BIS data: (Internet,BBM,PIN,Email)
FYI: I have not made any software updates or anything receent. I am running Have been since May.
Any suggestions on what may have caused this and if there are any suggestions tech support left out?
Also, I really dont want a refurb, how can I get a new device as opposed to a refurb? I have had this device since Dec. 28 or 29 and have had no issues with the device. I dont want to use my upgrade since I havent had this phone a year and would like to save that for when a better device hits the stores.
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Apr 26, 2010
My Tour is 3 months old. Suddenly calls are dropping in the house and the battery charger is taking 10 hours to charge the spare OEM battery. Running the 5.0.419 and it's been fine. Verizon came out with theirs and it's so bad I went back to 419. Now I have an email from RIM saying new software for the phone is available but it doesn't say what version it is so I'm afraid to load it. Any one else have same issue? Phone was fine after going to the first 5.0 for 2 months but now after having changed from Verizon's 5.0. (been a month or so) the issues started about a week ago.
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Jan 21, 2010
I am having a huge issues with my e-mail/internet and text messaging capabilities with my tour plus the phone constantly shuts off. I am on my 3rd tour (2nd replacement phone). This issue started about 4-6 weeks ago w/my first tour, it was replaced then the second one started randomly shutting off, then I am now on tour #3 and am having major issues:I'm not able to get a signal to receive phone calls, text messages or e-mails and today while I was at work (same spot for the last 6 months -- haven't moved and never had an internet/signal problem before) when I got out of work I had 18 e-mails, 16 text messages, 2 missed calls and my battery was practically drained and dying (which by the way under mobile connections and mobile network if I put it on 1VEX it can never find a signal or is always searching for a signal whereas if I put it as Global it can find a signal).I got this phone because I'm an avid overseas traveler and I need a phone w/me when I leave however this is causing a lot of frustration and annoyance.I've done everything to all devices:hard pull, complete hard drive wipe, updated service books, turned mobile networks on and off, made sure I had the most up-to-date software available NOTHING works.any suggestions?
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Sep 3, 2010
When I had first got my phone I was surprised that I was able to get a signal at work when I was never able to with other phones. The phone would go into roaming to achieve this. Now after several updates to my phone and what not I still am not able to obtain a signal where before I had no problems getting one. A friend at work who is also with Sprint is able to obtain a signal with a old crappy flip phone! I've tried downgrading my phone, trying different versions of the OS and have not been able to get a signal again. Is this a problem with my phone or is it in relation to something else?
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Mar 18, 2010
My tour on the signal portion of my tour has shown my phone to be 1X instead of 1XEV...anybody else notice that with their tours or any other blackberry handset? Or is it just a Verizon thing?
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Apr 15, 2012
My iPhone 4S has been working on and off for as long as I've had it. There are times when I can't make or receive calls or send or receive texts.When I attempt to make a call, it never rings and when I try to end these calls, it doesn't register that the call has ended. People receive these calls but when they answer, there is silence. If people call me, I don't get any notification of this.
When I send texts, the loading bar at the top of the page never reaches the end - the same things happens: people receive the texts but when they reply it never reaches me.I have replaced the phone and it did t make a difference. I am with Vodafone and I'm always in full reception when this happens.When I connect to wifi, the text messages (but not missed calls) come through.
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.0.1
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Jun 18, 2012
I have an iPhone with sprint, and it has worked more than amazingly prior to this. It wasn't until last night around 12am that this started. I have had the phone for 4 to 5 months now. The bars in the top left are flat and occasionally one will pop up. I can t make calls and texts are slow to or just don't send at all. I was messing around on my download app in the browser and it closed and then thu problem arises. I have deleted the app even turned on and off my phone several times and turned airplane mode on and off several times. Please help:/ this is not an issue with location, and everytime I make calls it just says "calling mobile..."
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1.1
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Aug 9, 2012
Can Receive incoming calls but cannot make outgoing calls. Plus texting is working find both incoming and out going.
As per per signal four bars.
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May 27, 2012
its even closed after trying twice to delete the old missed calls !Now when i make call or receive calls , its not appear at all in recents calls app.
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1
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Jun 5, 2010
The wierdest things had happen to my blackberry.Before I go on, it involved 2 simcard.
Simcard A : simcard with BBM and full data service is registered to (Indonesian network)
Simcard B : without BBM registration, etc. (Indonesian network)
This is how it started. I have brought my phone from Indonesia to China. As I tried to use my BBM, it wont work. I tried switching on WIFI but all I got is the dull grey wifi icon. I tried so many setting but it would not work. Remember, I am using simcard A.Now, I pull out simcard A and put simcard B on. I dont know what happen, I start receiving BBM messages. I was so afraid of getting charge for data roaming, I quickly switch connection prefference to 'wifi only' with my WIFI connection on. At the home screen, next to the small antenna icon, it says 'OFF' so i assumed mobile signal is OFF. To my supprise, my BBM is still receiving messages and I can reply them no problem. Again I assumed it was connected through WIFI. What is so weird is, while i was chatting away with WIFI ON (still dull grey icon) and mobile signal OFF, I suddenly receive a phone call.
Can anyone tell me what is going on with my Blackberry? Am I being charge for data roaming while I was chatting away or I was just receiving and sending data through WIFI? but why the calls came in with mobile signal OFF?
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Jun 13, 2012
i cant make calls and also receive calls when my device on 3g
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Mar 20, 2012
when someone call me it does not ring at all
iPhone 4S, iOS 5
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May 1, 2012
My phone will not make calls, but I can still text just fine. I want to make sure if it's a network issue or if something happened with the phone itself. I have never dropped it and I always have the projective screens/covers.
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1
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Aug 25, 2014
I Am unable to make calls or receive calls on my iPhone 5Antis there anyway to try and fix this without going into the store?
iPhone 5, iOS 7.1.2
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Mar 18, 2010
I recently got an iPhone from a friend that has a very strange fault. It can show a very strong signal (5 bars) but will intermittently not make or receive calls and texts. For example just with the phone sat here on my desk one min it will make outgoing calls and the next it just sits at "calling" with no ring tone for about 45 secs before moving to "Call Failed". Incoming calls sometimes work and sometimes go straight to answer phone. Outgoing texts sometimes fail to send and sometimes work.Just for a bit of background this is an unlocked 8GB iPhone 2G on firmware 3.1.3. I've tried both Orange and Tesco (O2) sims and both have the same problem. The Wi-Fi and everything else work perfectly and the phone itself is in good physical condition. I have tested the sims in an 16GB iPhone 2G with identical firmware and that works fine.
So any ideas what it might be? I've kind of discounted the sims and the firmware which only really leaves a hardware problem. Could it be a problem with the aerial or would that show a weak signal strength? Is it relatively easy to replace and would you recommend it?
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Mar 14, 2012
i have no bars showing on my signal its shows 3g i cant make calls but can connect to internet on 3g and even when i turn 3g off the phones not connected to wifi what could be the problem
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1
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Apr 22, 2012
i have no 3g signal in my trailer but i have wifi. if im on a call outside using 3g and enter my house the call drops. my friends lg phone automatically switches to the wifi and doesnt loose calls.
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1, md200ll
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May 12, 2011
my phone has been acting strange for about a week passing from inconvenient to unusable. It sometimes says that there is no service, and when there is service available it just doesn't work.I can't call, sms, or receive calls or sms.I called my service provider (Telcel Mexico) and everything seems to be in order.If I put my chip into my old phone I can make/receive calls and sms no problem.
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Jan 24, 2010
I spent 4 hours on the phone today with Verizon trying to figure out why only certain emails come to my device. I've updated the service books, tables, deleted my email account, created a new one, books and tables again, pulled the battery, everything. Nothing seems to work.I was getting all my emails last week and over the weekend I've just started to get only a few (call it 2/7 on average). Can anyone help me with what is going on?! This is very frustrating and the Verizon guys are about as helpful as rocks.
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May 12, 2012
I have a blackberry curve 9360, My friend calls my phone and I never get her call, her call goes straight to voice mail and my phone doesnt ring. But we can text each other. I also tried calling her 3 times, she has an iphone and her phone doesnt ring or show history of my call. Im pretty sure my call didnt go through.
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May 15, 2012
I can make calls but I cant receive all of the calls. What happends is the phone rings then you swipe the screen to receive then there is nothing but the call has been answered, sometimes(not all) I can put on the microphone to fix this but this does nt work all the time.
The person is on the other end and No "mute has not been hit" the only thing i can think of is a loose wire internally or a software problem?? that does not mean its right, hence I am asking?
iPhone 3G, iOS 4.2
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May 4, 2010
Im a breand new BLACKBERRY user "TOUR 9630" purchased last week. As I hate to wear my glasses, is there any way to enlarge the FONT on the HOME SCREEN? Or is there a good "THEME" that someone can recommend that will allow me to change the FONTS on the HOME SCREEN? I have enlarged the FONTS on the rest of the screens ( emails, text's etc) but am stuck with the microscopic fonts on the home screen.
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