BB Torch :: Enterprise Email Is The Only Option In Setup
Jun 24, 2011
I bought a Blackberry Torch 9800 from a reseller and tried to setup email but the only option available is Enterprise. THe carrier, O2, can't help. How do I get all the email setup options back?The Torch was to replace a Bold stolen the day before. It was PIN protected but not backed up, nor did it have recovery or tracking software. Is there a way to trace it if it used again?
Somehow I do not have the "I want to create or add an email address" option but only the bb enterprise server option. Thus am not able to setup my gmail account as my address on my bb.
Email setup? When I go to the Email Accounts setup page, it explains that I can activate my enterprise account by entering my email address and activation password. I'd be happy to do that, if I had an enterprise account, which I believe (cld. be wrong) is what companies use. I'm just an ordinary user, not using the phone via my company - but I can't see any other option on the setup page. Is there another way I can setup email?
I have followed demo's and setup instructions to setup internet e-mail accounts on my new Torch 9800. My e-mail setup goes direct to Enterprise Account activation - no option to select internet mail account or Enterprise e-mail. I have tried factory reset - just incase I had messed up during the initial setup of the new phone. software is V6.0.0.600 platform6.6.0.233). My 3 UK account is internet enabled (all works on my old Samsung Galaxy S phone).
I just installed the newest OS for my Torch 9800 (6.0 Bundle 2647). I lost all of my passwords and email accounts. Just go to Setup, select Email Accounts and add all of my accounts back. When I go to Setup there are 2 envelope icons that say "Email Accounts" where there used to be only 1. When I click on either of them it takes me to the "Select the type of email account type:"
Here we have 2 options: Internet Mail Account or Enterprise Account. When I click on Internet Mail Account it takes me right back to Setup, so I select "Email Accounts" again, and then Internet Mail Account and again my phone goes right back to Setup. It just goes around and around in circles and never gives me the option of actually adding an email account. From setup to select type and right back to setup. I have taken the battery out to no avail.
I would like to set up email on my Torch 9800 but when I select email accounts in setup menu the next screen is enterprise activation and does not offer the regular internet email setup.
I am not able to receive emails after a security wipe. I am not receiving emails on my enterprise mailbox and when I am trying to configure the mailbox, it says unable to contact the server and every time i try to configure enterprise email a mail comes to my enterprise id with following message "This message is used to carry data between the BlackBerry handheld and an associated server. Please do not delete, move or respond to this message - it will be processed by the server" and nothing happens after that. Even the other mailbox like yahoo etc are facing the same issue. After security wipe, I am not able to configure any of my mailbox on Bold 9780. I having been using this phone for last 8 months and it was working fine until last 3 weeks.
I just bought a used blackberry curve and I went to go set up the email when i came to find out that the only option is to use an enterprise email. How do I change this to a personal?
I went to set up my email for the first time I selected the enterprise server option by mistake. Now when I go back to email setup that is the only option that I have available for setting up email on my BB Bold 9700. Is there a fix that will allow me to get my hotmail and yahoo email accounts set up on my BB without having to take it to a service provider? I just updated my software on my phone today and that did not fix my problem.
I recently had to get a new blackberry curve 8530 through a warranty, and am not able to set up my email because I only have the enterprise server option. I did not have this issue with my old phone, which was the same model, and no changes have been made to my plan.
I've got the Blackberry Internet Service and the right information by my company for the activation. Now I want to activate the enterprise service but it failed. I've seen a video how to do this: [URL].
Setup-> Emails accounts: Video showing two options: normal Mail account and company mail account.
In my system there's not such a thing. I can choose between google & co. or type an own one. Doing this I fail! I think that the right option is missing. How can I activate the enterprise service?
I bought a second hand Blackberry Bold 9000 on ebay and I would like to setup my email account, but it ask for an Enterprise Activation password which I don't know where to find? It also says: "Contact your system administrator to find out wether an Enterprise Activation password will be provided, or if you need to install the BlackBerry Desktop Software. Who would be my system administrator and what steps should I take next to ensure the email is setup?
I did a search, and I seem to be having the opposite issue many others have had. I am trying to setup a Blackberry Enterprise Server email address on my Blackberry 8530, but I only have the option to setup a personal one in the Email Setup Wizard. I do have a black berry data plan setup, my personal email is working fine on the blackberry, but I need the enterprise option to work with my work's email. I cannot find any support to detail why this is happening.
I have jut received the blackberry 8520 from my mum who security wiped the phone just before I received it, now when I go to set up an email account only the enterprise server option is mad available and I am looking for the phone to be personal Internet aolution how do I change this.
When I try to verify my password the setup email account shows the internet and enterprise accounts as it should. When I press the internet mail management icon, it just throws me back to the setup screen. It is in a loop.
I need some help setting up my Blackberry Bold 9000. I bought it off of Ebay and I have already wiped with memory. I need help setting up my email account and all of that stuff. When i try to set up a personal email address the only option I get is for setting up a Work email. This is what it says "I want to use a work email account with a BLackberry Enterprise Server"
I am holding my new 9810 in my hands but cannot activate emails. I am connected to my SP, I have a data plan,I am up to date on payment yet, I do not have the option to connect to a personal email only an enterprise account.Connecting to an SP should not be the only option as through the wireless I should be able to get emails as well so I do not accept a previous reply that it is down to the SP provider.
I just download a new theme to my BB 9800.But, this theme make my BB hang and jam!Please I need help, how to format my BB and back up my contact.I can't go to Option or Setup, even I restart my phone, this theme like a virus, my phone still jam and can't click any button.
I have a Bold 9000 and I just installed OS5.0(leaked) I went into setup and there is no email setup option?What can I do? All my email inboxes from the backup of the device are already there but I was just wondering.
I have had my curve for over a year now on my Orange contract. I have just been given a new Sim Card by my company. This Sim card is with Vodafone. I got my phone unlocked and the new Sim card is working fine for everything but emails. There isnt even an option to set-up the email accounts!!
I contacted Vodafone and they said that the phone had already been registered with an email server. Which it has beacause i was using it with my other Orange contract. All they could suggest was buying a new handset!! But surely that means if anyone sells their blackberry handset, the new owner wont be able to use email, this cant be right.
I recently switched from bold 9700 to torch 9860. I setup my msn and gmail account on my Blackberry and it worked fine until I activated enterprise email account. Both msn and gmail 's icon dispeared and i don't get emails pushed to my blackberry any more. I already erased both msn and gmail accounts on BB and re-setup, doesn't make a difference. the msn worked fine on my 9700 until i switch.
Brand new 8520 on vodafone PAYG UK. email setup wizard says select option "I want to create or add an email address" but the only option available is "I want to use a work email............" which I don't. Have not setup WIFI yet could this be the cause?
I just bought the Xperia X10 mini, however I can't find the option to input Chinese when I sms. I looked thru the languages, there is no chinese option given.And i kept on having problem setting up my yahoo email in the phone too, it kep saying worng user id or password but i am sure the id and password is correct?