I am holding my new 9810 in my hands but cannot activate emails. I am connected to my SP, I have a data plan,I am up to date on payment yet, I do not have the option to connect to a personal email only an enterprise account.Connecting to an SP should not be the only option as through the wireless I should be able to get emails as well so I do not accept a previous reply that it is down to the SP provider.
I did a search, and I seem to be having the opposite issue many others have had. I am trying to setup a Blackberry Enterprise Server email address on my Blackberry 8530, but I only have the option to setup a personal one in the Email Setup Wizard. I do have a black berry data plan setup, my personal email is working fine on the blackberry, but I need the enterprise option to work with my work's email. I cannot find any support to detail why this is happening.
I have got myself a blackberry and have been told by t-mobile UK that I am on a BIS account plan. I have set up my gmail email and emails come through nearly instantly. With my work emails I am not getting them instantly. Work does have a BES server and can give me a password to access their server but T-Mobile are using my webmail URL to connect me to the emails.
1) is this correct
2) Can we get rid of the time lag/delay in receiving emails from my work email address so it is more instant?
I bought a Blackberry Torch 9800 from a reseller and tried to setup email but the only option available is Enterprise. THe carrier, O2, can't help. How do I get all the email setup options back?The Torch was to replace a Bold stolen the day before. It was PIN protected but not backed up, nor did it have recovery or tracking software. Is there a way to trace it if it used again?
I recently switched from bold 9700 to torch 9860. I setup my msn and gmail account on my Blackberry and it worked fine until I activated enterprise email account. Both msn and gmail 's icon dispeared and i don't get emails pushed to my blackberry any more. I already erased both msn and gmail accounts on BB and re-setup, doesn't make a difference. the msn worked fine on my 9700 until i switch.
I have a couple of emails from the enterprise server that are stuck in my inbox that will not delete no matter how many attempts...all other new messages from server and internet email delete fine like normal, just these two stuck.
I am quite new to BB even if I used a Curve 2 years ago before switching to Iphone. I purchased an unlocked Torch 9800 from Vodacom South Africa and now use it with a ORANGE MAURITIUS sim card. I am registered with the network on a BIS plan (I can see the BB logo on my home screen- and already received registration message from the network). I am also registered on the internet and have already confirgured my emails on internet) .But have a few problems:
1. It seems my phone does not accept some of the service books sent by my provider, specially the email and browser ones. They told me i would not be able to browse internet till they upgrade their platform (or something like that) but would be able to receive emails- Which is the most important thing for me.
2. In the email set up screen I can only see the enterprise activation option. My enterprise does not use any exchange server and I want to setup my emails [url]....
I just bought a new Torch and am unable to set up personal email (internet). I have read the postings and have doen the follwoing but to no avail:
1. Re-installed the DM
2. Reset handset
3. Updated and downgraded the softwareon the handset
4. Changed SIM Cards
5. Security wipe of email and contacts.
Unit works fine but I cannot set up my email. I do not have an enterprise server at my work so I do not need to activate it but this is the only option I ever get when trying to set up emails.
I need some help setting up my Blackberry Bold 9000. I bought it off of Ebay and I have already wiped with memory. I need help setting up my email account and all of that stuff. When i try to set up a personal email address the only option I get is for setting up a Work email. This is what it says "I want to use a work email account with a BLackberry Enterprise Server"
I'm trying to set up my personal email on the 9700, but it seems that i have only one option, Blackberry Enterprise Server option. Is that suppose to be that way? I don't seem to have the " I want to create or add an email address" option.
Im using a Bold 9700, v5.0.0.442(Platforms Carrier: M1(Singapore)
On iPhone 4s, how do I prevent personal email accounts (yahoo, gmail) from accessing my work email contact list? I want to keep my work contact list private.
I got a BB Torch, i tried to set up the email by following the demo online, but there is no personal email setting on there just work email, and i tried to set up my email as enterprise account, it showed activation request failed.
I recently got my bb 9300 on a 29 BYO plan with optus.When I attempt to set up my mail account the only option i get from the set up wizard is "I want to use a work email account with a Blackberry Enterprise Server". get the other option which allows me to add my gmail accounts?
When i go into the email setup it says i need to activate my enterprise account. it asks for my email and password provided by my system administrator. I can't seem to find where i obtain this password from and who is my system administrator??
I just bought a used blackberry curve and I went to go set up the email when i came to find out that the only option is to use an enterprise email. How do I change this to a personal?
I am not able to receive emails after a security wipe. I am not receiving emails on my enterprise mailbox and when I am trying to configure the mailbox, it says unable to contact the server and every time i try to configure enterprise email a mail comes to my enterprise id with following message "This message is used to carry data between the BlackBerry handheld and an associated server. Please do not delete, move or respond to this message - it will be processed by the server" and nothing happens after that. Even the other mailbox like yahoo etc are facing the same issue. After security wipe, I am not able to configure any of my mailbox on Bold 9780. I having been using this phone for last 8 months and it was working fine until last 3 weeks.
I'm trying to set up my Exchange email with the Enterprise Server, but when I go into the Setup Wizard and then email setup, I get a screen that says: Status: Initializing service (Desktop) with the word "Cancelling" above that. I can'tget past that screen to input my password. Any ideas how to correct and move past this screen?
My first post to a message board ever! I love my BB, but not being particularly tech savvy, I have been slow going. I have a few questions I was hoping someone could help me with.
1. I set up my personal e-mail address and have that working great. Today I set up my work e-mail address via the enterprise server. My question is can I get those work e-mails to go into a specific e-mail folder rather than the catch-all message folder (which drive me nuts and is hard to read)?
2. I thought that once I set up the enterprise system it would automatically download my work-base calendar and contacts (Microsoft office) to my phone. Is that not the case? Is there something I'm missing? Am I supposed to download the bb software to my work computer as well and sync?
3. Is there a way to get my sent e-mails to go into a sent e-mail folder for the respective e-mail accounts? Or is there a way to format the look differently?
9700 Rogers wireless V5.0. The only option available for e-mail in setup is "I want to use a work email account with BES" and it's pre-checked. I've searched through the knowledge base and deleted CMIME and CICAL from the service book. However I'm running Desktop 6.0 (latest version) on Windows 7, and the knowledge base instructions for change at the desktop are only for versions 3 through 5. I can't find any for V6. So far no change to the device setup menu.
I went to set up my email for the first time I selected the enterprise server option by mistake. Now when I go back to email setup that is the only option that I have available for setting up email on my BB Bold 9700. Is there a fix that will allow me to get my hotmail and yahoo email accounts set up on my BB without having to take it to a service provider? I just updated my software on my phone today and that did not fix my problem.
Blackberry Bold SW version 6.0?How do I remove the message placed on bottom of my Entreprise email that say " Sent from my Blackberry"?Under EMAIL PREFERENCES: I've tried to clear the message under Auto signature. Also, I unchecked the use of auto signature. None of these actions took careof the problem.
how to activate an email account. Whenever I click on the mail button, it shows: No accounts activated?Account activation To activate your enterprise account, enter details provided by your system administrator in the fields below I've read that it should first give you an option: Enterprise or the Personal account. In this case, it doesn't show any option.
I have jut received the blackberry 8520 from my mum who security wiped the phone just before I received it, now when I go to set up an email account only the enterprise server option is mad available and I am looking for the phone to be personal Internet aolution how do I change this.