BB Torch 9800 :: Touchscreen AND A Trackpad?

May 21, 2010

why is there a trackpad if its a touchscreen?

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BB Torch :: 9800 Trackpad And Touchscreen Unresponsive?

Nov 28, 2011

My torch is 3 months old. As of Sunday morning the track pad and touchscreen has become unresponsive. It also crashing every once in a while for no appearent reason. It has not been dropped or exposed to water. So far I've tried battery pulls and a restore through the desktop manager. Which has obviously not fixed anything.

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BB Torch 9800 :: TFT Touchscreen?

Jul 22, 2010

So I am trying to find out more info on what technology of touch screen the 9800 will have. The main reason being that i played with the Droid Incredible and the I-Phone 4 and the touchscreen on the I-phone is so perfectly responsive. The Droid felt like crap to me, so all I could dig up for the 9800 was that it is a TFT touchscreen. Does anyone know what that means and what kind of performance to expect?

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BB Torch :: 9800 - Unable To Use The Trackpad?

May 19, 2012

why i can't use my trackpad? i went to the settings all i can see is trackball setting? why it happened? i just updated my device software version.

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BB Torch :: TrackPad Not Working On 9800?

Feb 16, 2012

All of a sudden my trackpad on my 9800 just stopped working and I don't know why iv tried to change the sensitivity but nothing happened.

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BB Torch :: Trackpad Not Working In 9800?

Feb 28, 2012

Trying to fix my trackpad issue for bb torch 9800..just had it since a month and trackpad not working at all.can anyone help please? do you think it has a link with my bundle which is now still 6.0 - 2475 one.

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BB Torch :: 9800 Trackpad Not Moving?

Mar 24, 2012

My trackpad on a Torch 9800 is not responding what should l do

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BB Torch :: 9800 Touchscreen Does Not Respond

Nov 13, 2010

I am using the 9800 torch which is rom and software updated. Suddenly my touchscreen doesn't work and I have to use the joystick. The screen works for few min every day and that's all and when the slider is open it wont work no matter what...

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BB Torch :: 9800 Trackpad + Button Failure?

Oct 12, 2011

A month ago I bought a blackberry torch 9800. At that moment I was very happy with it, because my other blackberry (curve 8520) had to be repared. ut now my bb 9800 has a failure. At this moment the trackpad works on 1 part of te screen. So you have to activate the part of the screen by touchscreen. For example: you can scroll through the menu but not scroll to the sound profiles. Therefore you have to touch the icon on the screen. And sometimes the keyboard doesn't work either. The buttons: dial, menu, return and on/off aren't working either.I have tried many things. Hard boot, master boot and a complete new installation of the OS.

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BB Torch 9800 :: Better Keyboard Phone W/ Touchscreen?

Aug 5, 2010

I have been keeping recommending iPhone 4 to my girlfriend, who is going to get her Master degree from Columbia Univ and step into business world. And she said, "wow, it looks wonderful but too naive/childish for me".

And then I bought her the iPod Touch, just for casual use. (I would make Torch a great surprise since she always wants a Blackberry. Samsung sucks btw, we have had 3 Samsung phones and they are all crap - hardware-wise).

I love iPhone, but I could not live without a keyboard phone. Sorry Droid and iPhone fanboys, touchscreen just sucks for business users/ users mainly do texing and little cell-photo-taking.

If you are not a college boy, and you are a real businessman, I bet you would be as busy as me so 40% of your time is for emails/texting/notepad/calendar, 30% for phone calls, 20% or less for web browsing, and 10% for enjoying music when driving (or on subways while reading newspapers) and other multimedia functions.

And seriously, I only use my phone to take pictures of notes on whiteboard or product labels when I don't have a camera at hand. And if you really like taking photos, DSLR would do you good.

Do you really need a 800x600 display for texting?phone calls?. And how much do you rely on web browsing by cell phone? It's just for checking some information when you are outside.

Let's see what Torch does best from all kinds of reviews: Gizmo, Engadget, BGR, Crackberry....
1). Top notch keyboard - good for 40% of time texting/emails/notepad/calendar
2). Great call quality - good for another 30% of time, and no drop calls/death grips
3). WebKit Browser - enough for 20% of time web browsing - after all we all own laptops (you don't have one?)
4). Improved media experience - I am ok with just listening to music. I seldom watch videos on handheld devices - only nerds do it often.

Hence, the bottom line: is there any other good keyboard phone out there? (with a touch screen and not as ugly/huge as Droid)?

=) CPU is fine, Screen resolution is fine (I am really ok with texting and managing my business life with Bold's screen resolution).
After all, do you really spend 80% of your time on cell phone while you have friends and can do all the things on a computer?

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BB Torch 9800 :: Touchscreen Or Slide Out QWERTY?

Aug 21, 2010

I thought originally when purchasing the Torch that I would probably use the touchscreen 99.9% of the time...but I seem to be using the slide out QWERTY keyboard more often than not! So, which keyboard do you prefer?

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BB Torch 9800 :: Touchscreen Stops Working At All?

Aug 16, 2010

I'm on my second Torch in 3 days. My touch screen stops working. my second phone is now having the same issue after 8hrs of having it. I have tried removing my protective privacy screen and still no dice. Is anyone else having this issue. I love the phone, but am thinking of switching to the Bold or iPhone since I have not had a reliable phone yet.

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BB Torch :: Lock The Touchscreen By Closing The 9800?

Aug 30, 2012

How can I lock the touchscreen of my BlackBerry torch 9800? I know the key for it, but I wonder if there is a possibility for automatic locking the touchscrren when I close the BlackBerry?

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BB Torch :: 9800 - Trackpad Not Working When Keyboard Opened

Feb 27, 2011

I have had my BB for about a month now and it was working fine. The trackpad is very responsive and when the unit is closed the track pad works great but about a week ago the trackpad stopped working when the keyboard slider was open, after a few swipes it would come back to life however now the problem is worsened to the point where the trackpad is unresponsive when the kb is opened but as soon as I slide the kb back the track pad comes to life, this is the second unit that I have had problems with in 30 days. I have tried all the standard stuff like pulling the battery for a few hrs and such.

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BB Torch 9800 :: Menu Pops Up When Selecting Icons With Trackpad?

Aug 19, 2010

If I dont hit the trackpad really quick it will bring up a menu in the middle of the screen that says things like "switch application" or "full menu" is there a way to disable that or not make it come up unless I hold the track pad down for an extra couple seconds?

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BB Torch 9800 :: App Available For Touchscreen To Vibrate When Touch It Or Make A Noise

Aug 26, 2010

In the near future is there gona be an app available for the touchscreen to vibrate when you touch it or make a noise?

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BB Torch 9800 :: Cant Seem To Find To Enable Clicking Sound When Typing On Touchscreen

Aug 16, 2010

I'm going through the options on my torch and cant seem to find one to enable a clicking sound when typing on the touchscreen (such as the droids and iphones make the clicky noise when your type) ...does it exist?

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BB Torch 9800 Smartphone :: Keys Not Working Properly On The Touchscreen Keyboard

Aug 16, 2010

I am having issues with the keys not working properly on the touchscreen keyboard. When the phone is in portrait and I press on a key what shows up is the key at the left end of that row ex: if I press L an A shows up on the screen, if I press U I get a Q. If I turn the phone so that the keyboard is now on the same side as the USB port I only get whatever buttons are on the bottom of the screen. If I turn it 180 degress none of the keys work.

I have also noticed this happening in applications like Google Latitude. If I press any of the icons on the bottm of the screen the only one that registers is the zoom out key.

If I do a battery pull things work well for a bit and then it starts acting up again.

I haven't seen anyone else posting about this and I am hoping that it is just this phone. I am exchanging it tonight.

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BB Torch 9800 :: Touchscreen Buttons Hold / Mute Causing Error During Phone Calls

Aug 16, 2010

I just got the BB Torch 9800. It's my first touchscreen phone, so I'm sorry if this has been discussed before.While I'm on a phone call, the following buttons automatically appear on the touchscreen: Mute, Hold, Speaker Phone, and Add Recipient. I have yet to complete a phone conversation without hitting one of these buttons with my cheek. I cannot for the life of me find a way in Options to stop these buttons from appearing during phone calls.I am actually considering returning the phone over this.

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BB Torch 9800 Smartphone :: Torch 9800 Security Lock - Slide Keyboard Each Time?

Aug 25, 2010

As an avid business crackberry fan (and business manager) for over 3 years, I was appalled to find that I would need to slide the keyboard out to enter my security code, especially when I would do it 50-100 times per day. As every other touchscreen phone on the market has a pattern unlock method, this is the single issue preventing from purchasing this phone(s) PLEASE ISSUE AN UPDATE/APP/PATCH anything to bring this vital security & efficiency issue up to par.

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BB Torch 9800 :: Use Switch Device Wizard To Move From 9700 To 9800?

Aug 11, 2010

I have already installed the new Desktop Manager 6.0 that I downloaded from the RIM site.

I am thinking the safest way to not have a problem is the just restore my 9800 data from a back up rather than do the Switch Device thing. Anyone worried it might bring erroneous crap into the new 6.0 OS.

Maybe it would be better to redo my settings after the data install to make sure all is clean and working correctly. Some of the 5.0 setting would not be applicable to the new 6.0 software.

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BB Torch 9800 :: Virgin Mobile Canada Will Be Offering 9800

Aug 3, 2010

Title speaks for its self. They just posted on there wall they will be offering it. No details as to when/price.

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BB Torch 9800 Smartphone :: Tourch 9800 App World Error

Aug 20, 2010

When I select the app world on my phone and try to login in i'm getting a 30601 error. it seems several people are also geeting this error.

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BB Torch :: Restore Old 9800 Backup To New 9800 Phone?

Mar 13, 2012

i had a blackberry torch 9800 which i backed up to the blackberry desktop then it was sent away for a repair and they replaced it with anew 9800 i have tried to recover everything from the desktop but it says i need the old blackberry first?

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BB Torch :: Trackpad Not Working Right?

Oct 22, 2010

I'm having some issues with the Torch trackpad. It is EXTREMELY slow to scroll up or down in the browser. More slow up than down. Sometimes it's responsive, sometimes it's not. Also somtimes when I'm scrolling, it will just stop randomly. Annyone else having issues using their Torch trackpad scrolling vertically? Any tips to make it better?

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BB Torch :: Touchscreen Not Working?

Feb 3, 2012

i bought a new housing for my phone and followed directions exactly but now that my phone is reassembled my touchscreen is not woking and when i make a call they can hear me but i don't hear them any suggestions

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BB Torch :: Possible To Deactivate Touchscreen?

May 29, 2012

Is it possible to deactivate my touchscreen?

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BB Torch :: 9810 Trackpad Not Working?

Dec 12, 2011

My BlackBerry Torch 9810's trackpad stopped working.

It has been an ongoing problem for about two weeks. Sometimes it works other times it doesnt.

I tried battery pulls and they never seemed to work instanteously although sometimes after the 3rd or 4th battery pull and 20 minutes of the phone being back 'on' it would work.

Now it's been about 3 hours since it last worked. I've installed the latest update for BB. I'm removing every program that is on it to try to get it to work.

I don't think it's a hardware problem because sometimes the trackpad works, and others it doesnt. If it was a hardware problem I dont think it would be on and off.

Note: the click function of the trackpad button works just fine. However I cant use it to go N, S, E, & W.

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BB Torch :: Trackpad Button Not Working At ALL?

Nov 14, 2011

Is my phone screwed? I didn't drop it or get it wet or anything like that, it just stopped working. I tried battery resets, I also tried removing battery and pressing the button 5 times as I heard this may fix it. None of that works. Is there any fix for the trackpad button not working or should I just buy a iphone, i'm getting tired of blackberry issues.

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BB Torch :: Trackpad Not Working When On Camera

Aug 22, 2010

My Torch 9800 has lost the ability to zoom, either by the trackpad or using the touchscreen. It is also running very slow and freezes sometimes.I am running the most up to date software.

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BB Torch :: Disable Touchscreen While On The Phone?

May 18, 2011

How do I disable my touchscreen while on the phone?

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