I'm having some issues with the Torch trackpad. It is EXTREMELY slow to scroll up or down in the browser. More slow up than down. Sometimes it's responsive, sometimes it's not. Also somtimes when I'm scrolling, it will just stop randomly. Annyone else having issues using their Torch trackpad scrolling vertically? Any tips to make it better?
My BlackBerry Torch 9810's trackpad stopped working.
It has been an ongoing problem for about two weeks. Sometimes it works other times it doesnt.
I tried battery pulls and they never seemed to work instanteously although sometimes after the 3rd or 4th battery pull and 20 minutes of the phone being back 'on' it would work.
Now it's been about 3 hours since it last worked. I've installed the latest update for BB. I'm removing every program that is on it to try to get it to work.
I don't think it's a hardware problem because sometimes the trackpad works, and others it doesnt. If it was a hardware problem I dont think it would be on and off.
Note: the click function of the trackpad button works just fine. However I cant use it to go N, S, E, & W.
Is my phone screwed? I didn't drop it or get it wet or anything like that, it just stopped working. I tried battery resets, I also tried removing battery and pressing the button 5 times as I heard this may fix it. None of that works. Is there any fix for the trackpad button not working or should I just buy a iphone, i'm getting tired of blackberry issues.
My Torch 9800 has lost the ability to zoom, either by the trackpad or using the touchscreen. It is also running very slow and freezes sometimes.I am running the most up to date software.
Trying to fix my trackpad issue for bb torch 9800..just had it since a month and trackpad not working at all.can anyone help please? do you think it has a link with my bundle which is now still 6.0 - 2475 one.
The trackpad on my 9800 works fine when the slider is closed but stops working when the slider is open to reveal the keyboard. With the slider open or closed, the touch screen still works and the buttons and keys still operate properly.
I have done a complete device security wipe and re-install from scratch. The problem persists. I have OS 6.0 bundle 2949 (v6.0.0.668, Platform
Whether it is a software or hardware problem, where is the diagnostic code or message to tell me?
I have had my Torch for 2 years so it is long out of warranty. I have had 4 RIM devices since 2004 and I used to be a big RIM fan but my allegiance is waning fast.
What were you guys doing in Waterloo whilst Samsung and Apple were creating prodcuts that functioned properly and support services that worked?
I have had my BB for about a month now and it was working fine. The trackpad is very responsive and when the unit is closed the track pad works great but about a week ago the trackpad stopped working when the keyboard slider was open, after a few swipes it would come back to life however now the problem is worsened to the point where the trackpad is unresponsive when the kb is opened but as soon as I slide the kb back the track pad comes to life, this is the second unit that I have had problems with in 30 days. I have tried all the standard stuff like pulling the battery for a few hrs and such.
I had a JVM 545 error come up last week. I finally fixed it after reinstalling the OS a couple times but now I've noticed the 'clicking' function of the trackpad is not working. When I press it down nothing happens. I can still scroll no problem but pressing it down does nothing.I've reinstalled the OS a couple times again and the problem still persists. Any ideas on how to fix it? I was working fine prior to the JVM error...
I love the camera on my phone, and constantly use the focus function with the trackpad. It suddenly stopped working - and I cant figure out why. Went through all the options, did a reboot, removed the battery etc - same result. The trackpad works on the bottom menu items, but it used to be that I could use it to focus in and out (up and down).
for the trackpad, 2 functions: cursor & as press button. right now the cursor function is not working, no reaction at all. but the press function is still here. can i certify the trackpad is dead already? Removed personal information to comply with Community Guidelines and Terms and Conditions of Use.
So i got my blackberry back at the End of july, and ever since blackberry went down in September i believe my track pad has not been functioning correctly. 3 weeks ago my track pad decided to stop working all together and i havn't gotten it to work since.
i've tried to type my password to get into my phone but i had to use the enter button to get onto it. then when i tried to scroll along it wasn't working. it also won't let me click on anything by pressing on the trackpad
My trackpad is not working. I left it on the side before I slept last night, this morning I woke up and it was turned on; i unlocked it and it turned off, everytime i turned it on it turned off again, the button on the trackpad works but it does not scroll.
I have a Bold 9990 and suddenly my trackpad is no longer scroll rolling in every direction in the main menu, my lock button no longer worked . I am very careful with my phone and I haven't dropped it or gotten it wet at all. The weird part is that the trackpad won't scroll UP on the homescreen but it was working left and right...but not in the homescreen!!!I have done several battery pulls with no results.I
Alright, so the trackpad isn't working, but at the same time it is. When I use it with my bare skin, it doesn't work, it takes many swips to do anything. But when I use it with say a piece of tape, or a cloth on the end of my fingers it works great and without a problem.
It's a used phone so swapping it is not an option, but is there some way to fix it?
I went to go on my phone and the scrollpad wouldn't work, so I took it to the shop and they said update the OS to the latest, so I did, and now it only works if I REALLY lightly touch it and only then it works a tiny bit for abit a second, but it's clicking fine!
my blackberry curve 9300 track pad just stopped working. i tried removing the battery and sim card, several times, to reboot the phone but it didnt work. later on i tried to re-insert my sim card, the track pad is moving up and down, left to right, but when i try using for clicking and opening sms or email for example, it couldnt possibly work.also, my email started coming in, but sms does not, it keeps on popping a message that my sim card messaging memory is full, when i no longer have sms kept because i deleted them to save space.
my phone is working properly the letters still work and the buttons on the side of my phone and my phone isnt frozen atall but the track pad isnt responding other then being used as an enter button . i have lots of texts on my phone i need to read, is there anyway i can fix the trackpad or get to my messages ?
So about a week ago, my trackpad stopped working, to get it to scroll I had to hold a piece of clothing such as my shirt between the trackpad and my thumb. It would go between working and not working without the article of clothing for a few days but now it only works if I have something between my thumb and the trackpad. Not sure what to do, I got it 9 months ago and its in really good condition.
My blackberry 9220 phone trackpad not working, i cant use trackpad for up-down, left-right? Even i have tried so many time power off the phone and remove the battery and plug in again.... also i have tried restart 2-3 time, but still no luck to resolve trackpad issue.
My phone was working fine and then I woke up to not being able to use the track pad and keyboard. It was stuck on password sign in and when I plugged the phone in woke automatically go to bedside mode.
As if they are not connected, i can move the trackpad left to right and up to the volume icon, but can't click, and the keyboard and side keys do nothing I pulled the battery, that didn't work, the bb site says to delete data, well tried to and 3/4 thru desktop software says the phone is disconnected, so i can't delete all the data i clicked restore, still no keys work and no water, the liquid detector is white?