BB Desktop Software :: Flashing Intermittently - Windows Installer Preparing To Install
Jul 16, 2010
I am a user of the Blackberry Desk Top Manager, running under Windows XP Service Pack 4.5. I recently downloaded the latest version of Desk Top Manager and I am getting the following error: - Flashing intermittently, whilst running the newly downloaded Desktop Manager - "Windows Installer Preparing to Install". I have removed the programme, downloaded it again from Blackberry's website and run my Windows updates to no available. I have now been advised that I must format my entire computer and reload Windows, which seems to be a rather onerous solution, as I have been using Blackberry's Synchronisation Programme for over a year successfully before this took place.
I'm getting really frustrated trying to Install the Ovi Suite Installer on my Thinkpad T400. I still have about 8G free, but the installer hangs at about 50%. I have tried to install numerous times, with and without restarting the machine., but get the same unsuccessful results. For now I have to do with the Nokia PC Suite which was successfully installed, but I really look forward to using the OVI.
I just purchased a Nokia N97 mini after having spent 5 years on Windows Mobile due to hardward and software issues. I hope I did not make another mistake by moving back to Symbian! Even when I cancel the installation, it still hangs.
I am a user of the Blackberry Desk Top Manager, running under Windows XP 64 bit. I recently downloaded the latest version of Desk Top Manager and I am getting the following error: - Flashing intermittently, whilst running the newly downloaded Desktop Manager - "Windows Installer Preparing to Install". I have removed the program, downloaded it again from Blackberry's website and run my Windows updates to no available. I have now been advised that I must format my entire computer and reload Windows, which seems to be a rather onerous solution, as I have been using Blackberry's Synchronization Program for over a year successfully before this took place.
I recently upgraded my Desktop Software to 7.0, and when I connected by Tour to sync it has been at the "Preparing sync preview" screen for about 40 minutes with the bar completely green. Is this a glitch with the new 7.0 software?
I am trying to install a software uodate on my E72 using Ovi Suite. I have not updated before. My phone is connected to my PC with a USB. I am using Windows XP. Ovi appears to have identified relevant updates and backed up the data on my phone. Ovi suite states that it is preparing to install. It has been like this for 4 hours. There is a warning not to disconnect the USB or switch off the phone or the phone may stop working. When I try to close Ovi suite it says it cannot be closed because it is busy. There is no option to cancel the install. My only options appear to be to shut down the PC or unplug the cable. Wish I had not started on this process.
I have BB Desktop Manager 5.0.1 and I am un able to syncronize my Contacts with Windows Live Mail from Windows 7. The only options the Desktop Manager offers are: Outlook Express, Importad./Exportad. ASCII adn Yahoo.
I'm trying to install motocast to connect my motoactv. Gets to about 98% of installing MotoHelper and USB drivers and gives an error: "This driver installer does not recognize your operating system. The installer will now exit" Running Windows 8 Consumer preview. Tried multiple compatibility modes no luck. Is this just not compatible?
I am new to the forum and also to Windows XP Professional x64 edition. I have reinstalled my Desktop Manager (downloaded BlackBerry Desktop Software v5.0 and v5.0.1 from the Blackberry website) and everything appears to have worked correctly. However, when I run the program, it never initializes. Has anyone had any experience getting the software to run in this edition of Windows?
Can anyone advise how to install the desktop for a BB Pearl Flip? Is it any different from any of the other phones? I read something about it needing a Media Card?
I have downloaded ver 5 desktop manager several times and it is not able to install. I have completely un-uninstalled the previous software and deleted the regristry keys, RIM. After downloading the new version of software (5.01) off of the BB website and extracting the files, it will ask to install in english and then my issue pops up: a windows installer window pops up, with information and no errors. then the installer closes. the installer closes out and will not continue. the desktop manager software will not load and i have tried several different downloads, cleaned installs and i even tried ver 4.6.
I received a notification that I needed to update the Desktop software to v5.0.1 2010-03-25 and so downloaded the 250MB file. When I clicked on install, after a few seconds I received the message "There was an error installing updates. Click here to see the updates that have not been installed". This download process has happened a couple of times. I have tried and tried to run the installation, but keep getting the same message.
I then checked the version of my BB Desktop software and found that it was [Aug 21 2009]. The update notification is therefore for a newer version, or so it seems. Can anyone help with reasons why it wont install, or give me some pointers how to get round whatever is preventing the installation. I don't want to have to keep downloading 250 mb files every night if I can help it.
I have had a Blackberry 8100 for a while. All worked well with my old Pentium 4. I have moved ovet to an i7 processor and Windows 7. I have read a few messages on here and have corrected the USB power problem. I have downloaded and installed Drivers DM4.5_B13 and now the connection is seen by DM. I have a problem now that some of the program is in English and some is in another language! I'm guessing it's Arabic or similar. Things like Microsoft Outlook Takvim and in the fields section one side says Title and the other says Unvan or Address on one is Eposta Adres.
I cannot find another thread with answers about what I am looking for so am making a new one. Please forgive me if I overlooked something.
Recently I upgraded my computer to Windows 7 from Vista.Now, the computer doesn't recognize my BB, and Desktop Mgr doesnt *find* the BB when plugged in. All worked perfectly before I upgraded the OS on my, nothing works. I tried reinstalling the software but that did not help.Please advise on what I should do or try.
Tried to install the desktop software for the Bold 9700 on a laptop with Windows XP. Receive an error stating that the operating system is not compatible. Is there a fix or a version of the Desktop Software that will work with Windows XP Home Edition operating system?
Is it possible to use install the iphone as a modem on windows PC? This is not about using as a personal hotspot or data tethering to access the internet, which i already know how to use. i want to use the phone to dial out and connect to a remote modem.
Is it possible to install Windows Phone 7 or 7.5 on the Sensation? I'm not an Android fan, but when my phone was lost, I did not have a WP7 or WP7.5 replacement option.
Well I have been trying to get this @*** thing working for the last @*## week. My Dell was fried by a power spike. The Blackberry was in my pocket well away from the power spike. My current configuration is:
Windows 7 Home Premium Acer Aspire 7540 4 GB of Memory 64 Bit Operating System Blackberry Storm 9530, Platform Version, Application Version
1. I have installed the latest version of the Desktop Software via downloiad. 2. I spent most of today with tech support from Telus. 3. Neither MSS or MTP will work. We have installed and reinstalled all of the software atleast 3 or 4 times. 4. The Windows troubleshooter knows there is a problem and fails. It says (really helpful). USB Mass Storage Device has a driver problem. It also tries to install the MTP driver and fails. What is strange is that there is some communication going on between the Blackberry and the PC. 5. I can not get anything off the Blackberry (photos etc.). 6. The Blackberry does not work with Outlook 2010.
How can RIM possibly stay competitve when they can not even support the two largest platorms out there (Windows 7 64 bit and Outlook 2010). This is a symptom of massive problems for the future of this company. I can not talk to RIM. They want me to talk to Telus. Telus says there is nothing they can do. I basically have a Blackberry that is little more than a simple phone. If the @#*# thing did not cost so much I would just pitch it and get an iPhone.
Device info Storm 9530 Your carrier: Verizon Model info and OS version (go to settings, options, about):v5.0.0.328 Add above to you profile if you dont wat to type it in all the time.
Apps and free space No Apps. mega free space .File free before and after a battery remove/replace. (settings, options, status): Did a battery pull fix your issue? no Apps installed and their version if possible. (settings, options, applications): n/a BT device model/version (you will have to look at the BT device): What's a BT device?
My storm connected GREAT to the desktop manager with my old work computer. synched all my contacts and appointments from Outlook which is all I wanted it to do. Work gets me a new computer. 64 bit, dual processor, a million gigs of RAM. I download and install newest Desktop Manager from Blackberry site. start it up. I get this little window: "Before you begin verify that your current Blackberry device is connected" So I connect the Storm via a USB cable. As I wait, Windows 7 does it's thing, installs whatever it thinks it needs, and then asks what I want to do. Meanwhile Desktop Manager (DM) does not see the Storm.....
I just got a new samsung s6 edge previously an apple user and really annoyed by this phone, all I hear from friends is apple is so crap well I've never had an issue with iphones for me they worked how they were meant to work, now I have the s6 edge and problem after problem doing the most basic of things, the most annoying of which is photos.
I'm trying to drag photos from the dcim folder of the phone to my windows 8.1 desktop, obviously connected by usb I have the drivers installed etc have used both the mtp and ptp options in phone, neither option works each time I drag to desktop all the windows close screen turns grey like explorer crashes and the desktop refreshes, also done copy and paste does the same thing.
I don't want to use software as only way to do it which is slow and laborious is like google photos etc. surely if its treated as a storage device just copy and drag, really annoyed as it should be so simple.
How to export Project (slide show) from IPhoto (Iphone) to other computer with windows? Is there a way to convert the slideshow file I have made on my iPhone to a video file? If so, how do I do this? Â
I have installed Nokia Suite twice (after first uninstalling it and removing all the drivers) and Nokia software update once, but neither product can see the phone connected by the USB cable. Windows is able to load some of the drivers, but depending on the time 3 or 4 of the 7 or 8 items windows tries to install fail. ie Nokia N86 USB LCIF fails, Nokia N86 USB Generic fails. Device manager has a flag on all phone related items, except for Nokia N86 USB Phone Parent. During the software installs the software sees a phone and asks for it to be removed before continuing with the install, which I comply with. So the software at least partially sees it. The phone is connected by the Nokia supplied cable directly to the motherboard in PC mode and this is a fresh (1 week old) install of Win 7 64.
I'm trying to install my first app but can't because the app, apparently, has no digital certificate. My searches have turned up a lot of hits but no solution for me. (Uninstalling Fonix won't help because I don't have Fonix! Calling Motorola won't help because it's not a Motorola phone. The phone is an HTC TMobile phone but I get service from AT&T.)One search hit mentioned a registry change. But I have found no way to make registry changes on the phone.
I downloaded the X10 Mini drivers to be able to debug using the Netbeans Android SDK addon. Now, how do I install them? I have the sa0101usb.inf file (and all the rest in the SEMC_Signed folder). I right-click and click Install, but I get the following error: "The INF file you selected does not support this method of installation". I have also tried "upgrading the driver" of "PHONE CARD" under "Portable Devices" in the Device Manager, but the driver does not seem compatible with the device (according to Windows).
I have recently purchased a new laptop that uses the Windows 7 operating system. I downloaded Desktop Manager for this new PC and when I try to configure the synchronization with my Blackberry to Outlook 2007 I keep getting a runtime error.
I spoke with technical support at Verizon and they told me that I was not able to sync my Blackberry to Outlook because it is not yet compatible with Windows 7.
Can anyone verify if that is true and know if Blackberry will soon be able to use all sync options - email, contacts, etc. - with Windows 7? I know have to continue to sync with another PC.
When I try to sync my Outlook contacts or calendar, the sync setup wizard fails with "No available message stores". Searching this forum and elsewhere it seems that there are 2 usual ways to solve this:
1) Remove the Outlook Add-Ins, which I done and rebooted.
2) Delete mapi32.dll and run fixmapi.exe which I've done and verified there is a new mapi32.dll in system32.
I've read that people can connect just fine with Outlook 2010 Beta (x32), but I not sure about x64 Windows - Maybe that's the problem. Did I miss another common solution to this or does anyone have anything else I can try?
Does anyone know what this message is trying to say? I have an Outlook profile configured so the MAPI library should be able to find it just fine, but maybe I don't understand what the message is really trying to say.