BB Bold :: Unable To Log Into Internet Service Account?
Sep 30, 2011
I have a Bold 9900, and have already setup an account with my carrier in regards to the BIS account/email ( in my case. It was setup through the email client on the bold and not through the website ( i try to login it says username/password is incorrect, though i am sure it is correct. I had previously tried to create the account through the website, but an error of "Your account is not accessible via HTML browser. Please use your device to access BlackBerry Internet Service". That error occurs even if i use the Bold 9900 browser or and other browser for that matter. The email account sends an recieves emails, but i cannot access the settings via the website on the phone or pc.
after i changed teh carrier provider, my internet emails (yahoo,...etc.) are not accessible & setup email returns the message :internet service account deactivated..Is this something from the service provider or from blackberry; any actions to be done from my side?
I have got a new one Bold 9780, the first time BlackBerry for me, when setting up the email I am not able to find the option "Internet mail account" but I have only the option "Enterprise account" possible?
I have a problem with my BlackBerry Internet Service account, I tried to log with too many wrong password so my account is blocked, BlackBerry tell me to wait untill lock end, but I don't know when it will happen ...
I bought a 8900 curve blackberry from a guy in Romania Bucharest who said got it from Hungary. I activated blackberry email from my operator witch is Vodafone Romania but when I try to login on to create my email this message appears: Your BlackBerry Internet Service Account is suspended or deactivated. Please contact your wireless service provider at 0725 and vodafone operator said the problem comes from RIM who is transmitting this message.
I got my torch 9800 on launch day. i loved this device and definately felt like i was upgrading from my old device (iphone 3g). as much as i love the capabilities of the device i have run into a few issues, specifically network issues. it all started on sunday when all of a sudden i lost connection to the blackberry servers(the little logo in the corner was gone..) i went to at&t on monday and they could not figure it out. apparently my service book for the blackberry internet service got deleted(i didnt even know what a servicebook was lol) so i went home later that night and downnloaded the at&t software and reinstalled the os and this worked. then all of a sudden today, my fb was acting up, so i deleted the app. then i lost the connection again... do you guys have any idea what could be causing this? im currently reinstalling the os as i write this.
i recently bought my first Blackberry phone the other day and whilst still going through the process of setting it up, i am trying to get BB internet service onto my phone. I have so much gone as far as following instructions from somewhere to go in to advanced options, into "host routing table" and selecting "register now"... which does nothing. May i have alittle help in setting this internet up, as so far it only works thorugh connecting to my home wifi network.
I am trying to set up my Blackberry internet service account and have followed the instructions to go to my internet service provider's blackberry internet service website and clicl create new account I have done this, and entered my blackberry information however every time it tells me it's not been registered. I go back to the Host Routing Table and send the registration email but it doesnt solve the problem.
I have a Blackberry 9860 with DU sim. In order to have access with instant messaging (BBM, FB, YM), i subscribed to DU's social blackberry service(1.50 aed/day). Usually, once i dont have a load balance, the service will automatically deactivated but once i recharge, the 1.50 aed will automatically deducted and my subscription will be activated. But last wednesday night, it was deactivated since i dont have load balance. That same day, i recharge and was expecting that it will be activated again...But i didnt received any notification that it was activated Until now its not activated. They just keep on telling me to wait and just gave me an exact time and it will be activated again..but nothing happens.
I have been facing this problem this the last couple of months.. whenever I travel and get into the roaming network, my phone doesnt connect to the Blackberry Internet Service (BIS) because of which i cannot use BBM or any other internet based application. As soon as i am in local network, it gets connected to BIS. I have tried service while roaming is on.. have switched off phone, removed sim and restarted. Last evening I visited Vodafone store, the guy put my sim in another blackberry device and it got connected to BIS. However its doesnt get connected on my device. He suggested me to do a data wipe which I did, still am unable to connect to BIS.
I am residing in India and recently purchased a new xperia x10 mini pro....I am trying to access internet through GPRS service of the service provider....wifi is working perfectly but everyplace is not under the network.....I have successfully installed and configured the settings of service provider for access of internet through GPRS and able to run a few webpagessuch as google and facebook on the default web browser of the devicehowever, i am not able to connect certain default applications provided in phone such as gmail, gtalk etc.and even opera mini is not responding toany activity happening through the make certain changes with the settings or perhaps set any settings as default settings for access of interneti already have a wifi enabled network at my home but i want to access internet at my workplace too which is far from the city and is not connectedthrough WIFI
I just bought my Hazel yesterday night, trying the WiFi n widget (which only appear in some theme and have 5 widgets appear) and found that a lot of the applications are not there, so as advice in written in paper inside the box, I downloaded the update service software into PC and update to my phone this morning and while doing a light browsing, was amaze that I have whole lot of new applications, games and even theme, but at later of the day, I found out that the I cant surf the net through WiFi, I was able to connect to WiFi, but was unable to surf the Internet.
I sold my at&t bold 9700 and bought a t-mobile version, unlocked it and am using it on at&t and I don't have to pay the ridiculous price of 30 per month for internet service on my phone. really I only need the phone for texting, phone calls listening to music and taking some pictures anywayz. Till phone carriers lower their prices. I will never pay 30 a month for smart phone internet again.
i have a bold 9900 and it seems nearly every bbm stops working. i can still use it through WIFI but it says not connected when not connected to WIFI. i can not get on facebook at all even with WIFI. usually when this happens it starts working again but its been down for over 24hrs now.
I've just switched to a 9900 and I'm having problems with data services. BBM and email works fine, but no other application requiring Internet service does (including application world). I already re-register the headset, got a service book sent and tried several hard reboots, and even reset it to factory settings but nothing seems to fix it. I already contacted my carrier and said that everything should be working fine as I do have internet/data services provisioned.
I've not had a problem with my Bold, until last night. The BB Internet Connection turned off, and I can't seem to figure out how to get it 'on' again. I wasn't doing anything unusual, other than sending an email. And it just quit.
There is a bug between BIS and Office365 and Exchange Online that causes the email record ID to get corrupted when using IMAP to retrieve your mail. The cause is old email messages will be pushed out to your BlackBerry. Not sure it the problem is on RIM's side or Microsoft's side as other IMAP clients work with both products.New BlackBerry smartphone phones automatically connect to the IMAP service when setting up Internet email so there is no option to use POP.So the only reliable method to get email from Office365 or Exchange Online is to use the Outlook Web Access (OWA) service. Alternatively, you could also use BlackBerry Enterprise Service (BES) or an ActiveSync client like AstroSync for full email/contacts/calendar support.To get Outlook Web Access (OWA) working use the following settings:[URL] Outlook choose OptionsThen select Settings for POP, IMAP, and SMTP accessLook under the Server name for POP, IMAP or SMTP accessPOP settingServer name: (XXXXX will show your actually POD number)That's the setting you can use for Outlook Web Access (OWA) in the following format:[URL] is [URL] (domain name is your email's domain name)Mailbox is firstname.lastname
I bought a BB Bold 9700 from eBay, and I cannot get the BB internet service to work. I do have a data plan that works with BIS. Before this i used this sim with an Android phone, hat worked just fine.And I have tried this sim on an Curve 8320, and on this one works just fine.I use a prepay card from Vodafone DE.I called the customer service from Vodafone and they've told me that it takes 3 days to activate this service (even though it worked on the 8320 imediatly).The 3 days have past, and nothing.A guy from a Vodafone shop in Germany, told me that the phone has been pre-registered before by someone else, and that I should contact Blackberry Support, but this guy didn't seem to know what is talking about.
My black berry internet service is not working. i am on a vodafone contract and i do have blackberry plan in my contract so it should work but it keeps saying it is not connected.
I just switched to sprint yesterday and picked up the 9650. Today I tried to access the sprint blackberry internet service site to change my signature. When I go to register it tells me I cant access the Blackberry internet service from my pc and I should access it from my phone. I cant find any where on m phone to add a signature, any help? This is a personal blackberry account.
Currently using the Blackberry 9700. Got it a week ago on a 3-year contract. and have had no major issues until today.For the past 12-24 hours, I have been unable to access anything that uses the Blackberry internet service (BBM, MSN, Facebook and Internet Browser included). I went into "Manage Connections", then "Services Status" and discovered this:
BlackBerry Internet Service Connection: Not Connected
I'd assume it isn't supposed to be like that; I've tried restarting the device several times to no avail.Anyone have any ideas on how to fix this problem?
I have blackberry service on my account - I am able to access the internet but my cannot connect to blackberry internet service so I can use facebook add on, instant messenger and personal email.I have been through all settings with my service provider. Host route, manual re-setting phone, installing updated software - absolutely everything. They have even sent me two new phones, but still no joy.
Upon accessing the site, when i enter my IMEI and pin it states my account is de-activated or suspended - upon browsing the web this usually happens with phones bought from ebay/stolen phones. Note-This is a brand new handset, direct from Vodafone.My account is fine, Vodafone can see no problem and have now told me they are out of answers.
I have bought an unlocked blackberry 9650 verizon phone from [URL].the problem is i can make calls, receive messages but internet & blackberry services are not working.I am tired of sending registration message from host routing table but no service yet..
i currently have a blackberry 9700 bold which is unlocked i am using a telus simcard in it, how ever my data connection random stopped working the operating system is 6.0 which was available through the desktop software.when i click on service status it says
blackberry internet service not connected
blackberry enterprise server not connected
get y connections back all my data just randomly stopped working?
I am new here and i wanted some help with setting up my email on Blackberry.The thing is that my Blackberry is from India, and I moved to Australia.I asked for the ulock code from my indian carrier which they were happy to provide with.I never used push mail service or a BB before.I want to set up a push mail service from my Gmail account to my Blackberry, which i am not able to do. Can you help phone is a Blackberry 9000 Bold.
My Bold 9930 internet service stopped working I updated the phone and tried all possibilities with my network provider and still its not working on my phone.
Since 2 days ago my blackberry (BIS) isnt working anymore, edge s in small letters cant send or recieve bbm or mail messages calling my carrier didnt help and al the usual stuff as battery pull, reinstall os didnt work