BB Software :: Internet Service Account Is Blocked
Dec 11, 2011
I have a problem with my BlackBerry Internet Service account, I tried to log with too many wrong password so my account is blocked, BlackBerry tell me to wait untill lock end, but I don't know when it will happen ...
after i changed teh carrier provider, my internet emails (yahoo,...etc.) are not accessible & setup email returns the message :internet service account deactivated..Is this something from the service provider or from blackberry; any actions to be done from my side?
I have a Bold 9900, and have already setup an account with my carrier in regards to the BIS account/email ( in my case. It was setup through the email client on the bold and not through the website ( i try to login it says username/password is incorrect, though i am sure it is correct. I had previously tried to create the account through the website, but an error of "Your account is not accessible via HTML browser. Please use your device to access BlackBerry Internet Service". That error occurs even if i use the Bold 9900 browser or and other browser for that matter. The email account sends an recieves emails, but i cannot access the settings via the website on the phone or pc.
I bought a 8900 curve blackberry from a guy in Romania Bucharest who said got it from Hungary. I activated blackberry email from my operator witch is Vodafone Romania but when I try to login on to create my email this message appears: Your BlackBerry Internet Service Account is suspended or deactivated. Please contact your wireless service provider at 0725 and vodafone operator said the problem comes from RIM who is transmitting this message.
I got my torch 9800 on launch day. i loved this device and definately felt like i was upgrading from my old device (iphone 3g). as much as i love the capabilities of the device i have run into a few issues, specifically network issues. it all started on sunday when all of a sudden i lost connection to the blackberry servers(the little logo in the corner was gone..) i went to at&t on monday and they could not figure it out. apparently my service book for the blackberry internet service got deleted(i didnt even know what a servicebook was lol) so i went home later that night and downnloaded the at&t software and reinstalled the os and this worked. then all of a sudden today, my fb was acting up, so i deleted the app. then i lost the connection again... do you guys have any idea what could be causing this? im currently reinstalling the os as i write this.
I have a notification being displayed in my Z3 Dual. The notifications says that Restricted acces has been changed, Data Service is blocked.Â
It comes from the phone app and I have no data problems with either sim or WIFI and it happens wether stamina mode os ON or OFF... so, what does this mean?
Recently I frequently receive the notification "Restricted access changed" along with "Voice call service blocked". I really don't know what cause such notifications and it is very annoying.  Moreover, when such notifications are received, the signal drops off at the same time. I can't make any phone call or receive any call.
I did update the firmware to 4.4, but the problem still exists.
When I'm opening Service Status from "Options and Status" I see the "Blackberry Internet Service" as "Not Connected" although I've Blackberry service and I'm successfully using IM, synchronize my E-Mails, and Browsing the internet without any WiFi connection.
I have had my SG2 (On three with "all you can eat data") for about two weeks and the last week I keep getting a tethering block, several times a day, when using internet or network error while using apps. this can only be fixed by rebooting the phone. I have not used the phone for tethering or as a wifi hot spot so don't know why its doing it. I have replaced the sim card and done a factory reset on the phone but it is still doing it. When I get the error in the internet app there's a link to the three website which does work.
Im trying to create a Blackberry Service account with a local service provider.It says: Cannot create account: This BlackBerry® device is not registered with your wireless service provider. Pleaseregister this device and verify that the URL of the current web site matches theone provided by your wireless service provider"
I bought a BB 9650 from the US and am using it in the UK. I bought a 3 pay as you go simcard which has guarenteed me internet access/a data plan. However, every time I attempt to access the internet through my phone, I get a message which states, "This is a Wi-Fi service. Please ensure your device has an active Wi-Fi connection and try again."I am suppose to be able to use internet with 3G and without the use of wifi. Even when I turned off Wi-Fi by goin under "Options" and then "Wi-Fi" and unchecking the two boxes, I cannot get 3G to work.When Wi Fi is on, it only works wherever I pick up signal, but no where else.
I sold my at&t bold 9700 and bought a t-mobile version, unlocked it and am using it on at&t and I don't have to pay the ridiculous price of 30 per month for internet service on my phone. really I only need the phone for texting, phone calls listening to music and taking some pictures anywayz. Till phone carriers lower their prices. I will never pay 30 a month for smart phone internet again.
i have a bold 9900 and it seems nearly every bbm stops working. i can still use it through WIFI but it says not connected when not connected to WIFI. i can not get on facebook at all even with WIFI. usually when this happens it starts working again but its been down for over 24hrs now.
I've just switched to a 9900 and I'm having problems with data services. BBM and email works fine, but no other application requiring Internet service does (including application world). I already re-register the headset, got a service book sent and tried several hard reboots, and even reset it to factory settings but nothing seems to fix it. I already contacted my carrier and said that everything should be working fine as I do have internet/data services provisioned.
My blackberry internet service is not working. I have a curve 8250 and I am on a vodafone contract and I do have blackberry plan in my contract so it should work but it keeps saying it is not connected. I connected toa wifi connection yesterday and when I disabled that connection, my BIS did not start up again, i tried a battery pop reboot which didn't help at all, I even ran a diagnostics test and the resutls said as follows:
blackberry registration: no Connected to blackberry:abort blackberry pin-pin:abort
I topped up my Blackberry to buy the blackberry internet service around two weeks ago and took it to the shop to get the BBM service working. Earlier BBM stopped working so I turned the phone off and BBM came back however now I can't use the internet or any of the applications I've downloaded. When I go to the Service Status it says Blackberry Internet Service is not connected however I can still use BBM. I'd like to know how to get connected to the Blackberry Internet Service again
My blackberry work fine with the wifi and the blackberry messenger.But unexpected the black berry messenger doesn't work but the wifi still connected.I have in other country and only have the public WIFI to connect and I use the wifi to connect to my contact through bb messenger. I do have the blackberry data plan on my phone since I am on international roming it wont connect.Few days back my BBM and email accounts were working fine however now both the things are not working rest other social networking site like facebook, yahoo messenger and other are working. In the service status I am getting following :-
Blackberry Internet Service - Not connected Blackberry Enterprise Services - Not Connected Mobile Network - Not Connected wifi CONNECTED
i recently bought my first Blackberry phone the other day and whilst still going through the process of setting it up, i am trying to get BB internet service onto my phone. I have so much gone as far as following instructions from somewhere to go in to advanced options, into "host routing table" and selecting "register now"... which does nothing. May i have alittle help in setting this internet up, as so far it only works thorugh connecting to my home wifi network.
my blackberry has been working fine for weeks but for for the past week my internet service won't connect at all, in the top corner it just says GSM and ive tried everything i can think of, restarting the phone, turning the network on and off but nothing is working. it either says GSM or SOS. its supposed to say EDGE but its hasnt changed at all. what would any of you recommend?
Having a nightmare with my service provider. They say I'm connected with the Blackberry Internet Service but I can't access anything on my phone. They did turn it on but when I was connected I couldn't use my internet/Browser, which meant it was useless anyway! When I asked them to fix this I ended up being disconnected from the BIS again....but again they say I am connected. My service status confirms I'm not connected to the BIS. I've tried numerous battery pulls and I've had their tech support on speed dial for the last week.which has done no good!
So when i go on to register my blackberry so i can use the internet i click new account, enter BB Pin and IMEI numbers then click continue it says "Cannot create account, your device is not registered with your wireless service provider".
So on my BB i go to the Menu > Options > Device > Advanced System Settings > Host Routing Table > Menu button > Register new.
It then says "Registration message sent!" but nothing happens and i still can't create account?
i just subsribed my BIS plan back after a week my previous subsricption ended..for ove four hours now my phone is not connected to any of the facilities like bbm,fb,ym,blackberry app.
I've been having a problem for some time now with my BB internet service: I can browse the internet and send texts, and make calls, but all things such as BBM, email, and applications, will not work.
The status of the phone says that 'BB internet service is not connected'. I've talked to my mobile provider and tried to sort it out but they have no idea. The first thing they suggested was, of course, turning it on and off again. No avail. They suggested I go into 'Advanced Options' and click on 'Host Routing Table' to get it set up for Service Books, but no message comes through to the Service Book area.
I also tried doing it through my PC on the o2 BIS service, but it again said my phone was not connected to the internet service and nothing could be done. I have also tried to set up my email and the phone said they couldn't connect to the host. I've tried to update the software but no update was found.
I have a Blackberry Bold 9700 and I am on the network Orange UK. I currently pay 5 pound a month for it. Its currently active but i'm not able to surf the browser, use Blackberry Messenger and Facebook etc.
I have GPRS in capital letters but I just seem to not able to receive any data access. I have run the diagnostics on the mobile network settings. Blackberry registration is yes but the connected to blackberry is no.
Trying to register to get my blackberry internet service up and running, using blackberry curve 8520, when I put in the pin and imei, it says one or both are not correct so won't registrer, have checked the numbers on my phone, the box it came in and the battery and they all the same