BB Bold :: 9900 Stops Working?
Aug 9, 2012
My one year old phone was sitting on my table half charged on stand by mode. Half an hour later I tried to check something but phone won't turn on anymore. No red light or anything.. Tried plugging the phone to a wall charger with and without battery for extensive amounts of time. Tried hardware button combos for resetting the phone but nothing works.. Phone just does not power on. Checked the google results and I've seen lots of posts about simmilar issues but without a solution. What's going on, did $600 I payed got wasted? Is there any solution to this, is it hardware or software issue? I wanted to post here on official forums.
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Jul 16, 2012
My Blackberry randomly stops responding on different applications, and then i have to hold the menu button and switch to a different application, and i won't be able to use the un-responsive application until the blackberry is given a hard reset. Also during this time, my BBM will mess up, It won't show me peoples display pictures, it will show that their there when im in a conversation or over their name, but as soon as i go onto their profile or enlarge their image it will freeze, it will not let me send or recieve BBM messages during this 'phase' either, I've tried reloading the OS but that won't work either for some reason.
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Aug 15, 2012
Why is it when im typing in either sms or BBM I keep getting random full stops appearing within the text?This just makes the following letter a capital letter and the text looks awful. I have tried changing between predictive and standard input but it makes no difference at all.
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Jul 13, 2011
I have a 9870 and the GPS stops working. The only way to get it working again is by removing the battery and restrting the phone.
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Jul 28, 2011
I am on my 2nd Bold 9650 in the last month. I exchanged the first as about 2-3 times a week the mic would stop working. I would only find out upon making a call and no one could here me speak back. I tried the hands free mic and attaching a headset. All did not work. I pulled the battery and it would work. My Sprint store exchanged me last is happening again. I have backed up and wiped the phone and started fresh..
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Jun 28, 2010
My BIS stops working every time my Network mode is 3G. (or 3G & 2G)the little BB symbol just disappears, internet, BBM & email will not work.As soon as I put my phone in to 2G mode everything starts to work.I'm on Three UK network witch is 3G by this a common problem with the 9700? or does my phone need looking at?
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Mar 5, 2010
I'm not sure whether this is a 9700 problem or a problem with Orange (UK) but it seems that every time I restart my BlackBerry, be it a battery pull or a restart from removing an app, my phone loses the ability to connect to UMA ("ISP or wireless network error"). The first time this happened I rang Orange and got them to reset my service and this seemed to do the trick since shortly after my UMA connected again.After installing and then removing App World and restarting my BlackBerry, it's gone again. Obviously I can't ring Orange support at all hours of the day and every time this happens.
Has anyone else had this problem? I'm totally stumped on this one..My Bold is running OS (The latest version on Orange)I've tried numerous battery pulls, resetting the router, wiped my handset, re-sent service books, all the usual stuff.The wifi icon is white and NOT greyed out. All other wifi features are working except UMA.
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May 13, 2012
Well I got a black berry bold 9790 about a month ago; however, the touch screen stops responding and doesn't work again until I switch the phone off and remove the battery, it doesn't work even I reboot the phone without removing the battery.
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Aug 1, 2012
I have had my blackberry bold 9900 for about 6 months now. IN the last 2 months i will go to call someone and the phone is silent(No ringing or voice from the other person). So i started pushing keys on my phone to see if i could hear that and i have come to notice that if i hit "#" all of the sudden it starts ringing or the persons voice is there on the other end. They can hear me the whole time but I cannot hear them. When it starts doing this silent thing I am able to hit the # key for about the 1st 2 phone calls then it does not work what so ever. The other person can hear me but I can hear nothing. I then have to take my battery out and restart my phone and it will work for a few hours or maybe a day but then does the same thing again.
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Dec 7, 2011
Recently the trackpad on my bb torch had been acting up and I've figured out it works when my phone is slid down but when I slide it up it doesn't work?Does anyone know what's wrong with it and how it can be fixed?
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Feb 5, 2010
So i've been using att for about two months now since switching from Verizon. Everything was fine at first but recently i would say within the past month i've been dropping calls and having problems with the data services. I'll be streaming slacker radio and all of a sudden it stops and i have to reboot to get it working again. The dropped calls thing is pretty much random. Im running
Anyone else having this problem? I mean the whole surfing while talking thing is nice but if this keeps up im going to have to just bite the bullet pay the early term fee and switch back!
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Mar 9, 2010
I have a Bold 9000 on the AT&T network running v5.0.0.464. I'm having a problem with the Mute button (on top). I use the button to put the device into sleep/hibernation/whatever. I have had this problem with three devices (all 9000's) and have had each replaced because I was told that it was a hardware error by the AT&T rep. However, I have done some testing on additional devices (corp. environment) and have been able to reproduce the issue, or more accurately stated, I have been able to observe the issue occurring on each device in my test group over time.Basically, when the device is new, the button works very snappy. Over time, looks like 2-3 months, the button begins to show intermittent issues and takes longer and longer being held down to activate the function (starting or sleeping). Eventually, this function has quit working on every device I've tested (out of the box devices with no apps beyond the delivered ones installed). Removing the battery repeatedly and on a regular schedule of once a week has not had an impact on the issue during testing or in Prod. Being new to supporting these devices I looked around and did some searching but haven't found a solution that has worked for our situation.
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Jul 14, 2012
My touch screen suddenly stops working. It will not start working again unless I take the batt out.. this only works for a short while however. Many people seems to be having the same problem, my phone is only a few months old and has not been dropped.
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Mar 9, 2010
I have a Bold 9000 on the AT&T network running v5.0.0.464. I'm having a problem with the Mute button (on top). I use the button to put the device into sleep/hibernation/whatever. I have had this problem with three devices (all 9000's) and have had each replaced because I was told that it was a hardware error by the AT&T rep. However, I have done some testing on additional devices (corp. environment) and have been able to reproduce the issue, or more accurately stated, I have been able to observe the issue occurring on each device in my test group over time.
Basically, when the device is new, the button works very snappy. Over time, looks like 2-3 months, the button begins to show intermittent issues and takes longer and longer being held down to activate the function (starting or sleeping). Eventually, this function has quit working on every device I've tested (out of the box devices with no apps beyond the delivered ones installed). Removing the battery repeatedly and on a regular schedule of once a week has not had an impact on the issue during testing or in Prod. Being new to supporting these devices I looked around and did some searching but haven't found a solution that has worked for our situation.
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Apr 28, 2010
Brand new devices.I have a problem with auto complete text. Once I transfer language from eng to other language with the keyboard shortcut (alt+enter ) the auto text stops working. Furthermore, the option box just disappears from the menu (options - text and languages ) !. Reset by battery removal fixes the problem.But, onces you repeat the above action the auto text complete disappears again...Some bug is there.... tried it with all 5 devices of my office.I contacted my provider- they were not aware of the problem and I demonstrated it to them. They dont know how to solve it...
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Dec 1, 2011
I have the BlackBerry Bold 9900 and today for some reason it has completely gone mental. My bbms wont send, my texts are taking forever to send and I can't ring out?
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Oct 21, 2012
Is the Bold 9900 mic a unit that can be changed or is it on the main board?
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Sep 1, 2011
I have a problem my BlackBerry Maps Not Working. I have tried upgrade & downgrade But nothing change.
My OS : SK Telecom
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Aug 30, 2011
Got a new BB 9900 and cant connect to any of my emails or social networking. It says that i need to contact my provider.Done that and they dont know what the problem is or are taking forever to get back to me.I have reset the phone several times done the security wipe and nothing has worked. Also did the routing table and recieved the reg from RIM but still not working..
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Aug 29, 2011
BBM integration on any super app will not work on my Bold 9900. Its currently on OS 7.1 (1149) for the Philippines and BBM 6.2. This started when my device bricked and I had to reload the SW. It stops when verifying the app. Then after a few moments it would say that the server is unreachable. Which is wierd cause I've tried another device on the same specifications and it works. I even used my BB ID on the other device. Below are the steps I have taken:
1. Batt pull
2. Edited application permissons
2. Uninstalled and reinstalled the supper app
3. Uninstalled and reinstalled BBM 6.2
4. Downgraded to OS 7.0 (2395) for PH and BBM 6.1
5. Upgradeed to OS 7.1 (1149) for PH and BBM 6.2
At first I thought it had to do something with my BB ID. But i tried everything on another device and it works. I tried a different BB ID still no go. different SIM and BB ID no go. But everyting works on my other device.
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Aug 30, 2011
I have purchased a bold 4 9900 and switched device change from 9780 to 9900 through Blackberry Desktop Software. Since then App World application is not working nor is the Email Settings working. Even though on giving my passwords to Vodafone all mails are now working but not the settings if I have to edit them.
App World just shows a message Please Wait and the wait is endless and I have deleted and reinstalled App World Thrice on my phone and also rebooted it. S
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Apr 22, 2012
99% of the time my trackpad wont work.
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Aug 10, 2012
I have a blackberry 9900 and I bought it just a few months ago. Recently I have been trying to connect it with other Bluetooth devices but my device doesn't shows up in the ' search device ' list. I have turned on the discoverable setting.
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Oct 17, 2012
I was using my Bluetooth in the morning and all was working fine, but later in the day it wouldn't connect or detect. I have a bold 9900 and although I turn on my Bluetooth the blue led light doesn't flash. It says my Bluetooth is on but I don't think its working at all.
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Aug 23, 2011
Just received my new bold, the touchscreen briefly worked but now for some reason it won't work.
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May 9, 2012
I have a Blackberry Bold 9900 running os It will not run WMA music files from my sdcard saying the it is an "unsupported format". These ran just fine on my 9800. A resync of these WMA music files from my computer has the same result. Has Blackberry dropped support for WMA? Am I forced to take the added step of converting to MP3? These are much larger files than MP3 and I am afraid that the greater compression of MP3 will cause audio loss.Why would files which worked just fine on a two year old 9800 not work on current hardware, such as the 9900 with the latest os?
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Jul 9, 2012
i bouht my bold 9900 7 months ago and for the 3rd time i have to repair it cause it shut down suddenly for no reason and doesnt start. I charge it, the red liht goes on then shut down. this is driving me crazy, wtf is the problem? most of the people i know who have the same phone have the same problem ,y u invented the phone if u know it doesnt work well? im switching to iphone, blackberry is full of **bleep**, u need 100 years to reach apple technology
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Dec 14, 2011
i have BB9900 but i facing a problem with the speaker for example : when call any one the other side hear noise like this water voice and i check with many phones the same problem so i want to know that proplem HW OR SW
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Oct 9, 2011
I am having the same problem then other bold 9900 users, lot of new 9900 Bold are being shipped with the proprietary Black Berry maps (v6.1.0.24) not working at all...Actually, my maps aren't (icon missing) on my menu after an blackberry update through DM(v 7.? -> OS v7.0.0.296, PF but if I search for them I can find them but and when I open it :- I just get a white screen - and It says "unknown error" when I try to find a location. I did the uninstall and reinstall of BB-Maps through DM and still having the same problem.
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Sep 21, 2011
i just switched from using android for 2 years and i'm ready to throw this thing in the effing trash after a day...when i first open a browser, the links work fine..maybe the first link or so...then they just stop working...when i click on a link it does nothing..i have to hold it until the menu pops up that says "open link" to get it to open...i googled this and lots of other people reported this problem and the only solutions seem to be remove the battery or reset device.
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Nov 7, 2012
Ok, so as a student, coming back from the US to my home country, I had to change the sim card on my BB to use my phone and its features.
It asked me for my bb id and security password. I tried my default password (which had worked when I was moving to the US in the first place) but for some reason it did not work. I did what every normal person would do and set the password reset option.
It did not work and I tried every possible password till 9/10 attempts had been made. So I decided to just back up my stuff and do the data wipe. But then, after 10/10, all it did was lock me out for 15 minutes. So I took out my sim card and put it back in again, and suddenly, my phone was working fine! i don't know how, but I wasn't complaining. But then I have to reset the phone for some reason and voila! Security password being asked again and Im locked out again.
So in short, is there anyway I can get my password to work or at least do a data wipe so I can access my phone.
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