BB Bold 9700 :: Internet Service Connection Failure - Cannot Access Email
May 19, 2010
I just got my new Bold9700 and am trying to set it up and failing completely. Part of this may be because I am in Costa Rica. The primary problem is that it is connecting to a WiFi network, but not to a BlackBerry Internet Service. I have a data plan, I am linked to a network here (called I.C.E), and I am connected to a WiFi network, but it will not open due to the lack of Internet Service connection.
My phone is apparently locked, but I am using a USA SIM card, not a Costa Rican one. Do I need to unlock my phone in order to connect to the Internet Server here? As a result of this connection, I also cannot access email or set up BBM.
I have a problem concerning my W715's WiFi. I enable it, find my router, but when I try to access internet my phone says "connection failure. check settings etc." I have went through every little setting, but still - no WiFi internet for me.
I had a curve 8310 on o2 and moved to a bold 9700 still on o2.When i moved i used the desktop manager and did the device switch over, all went well including bbm etc.However whenever i tried to send an email i recieved the error message 'transaction error failure at service' - I tried to log into my bis account online to update my pin but i couldnt log on! i havent changed the password or username since my old blackberry so i cant log on to change it online. on my blackberry when i try to log on to email settings it says the username field is blank!
i called o2 they put me through to geek squad and wanted to charge me to help!!! I havent had the phone 2 weeks yet.Now i think that i need to call o2 again and ask them something like releasing my old pin maybe from my bis account or resetting the bis account,any ideas what i should do or the type of questions i need to ask o2 if i have to ring them again.
I have a Blackberry Bold 9700 with O2, when I try to conect to the nternet i'm geting this mesage 'A communication failure has occured. The server may be busy,please try again later. If the problem persists contact your service provider.Its been happening for a day now, will phone O2 but was wondering if theres anything else i could try first?
I got my torch 9800 on launch day. i loved this device and definately felt like i was upgrading from my old device (iphone 3g). as much as i love the capabilities of the device i have run into a few issues, specifically network issues. it all started on sunday when all of a sudden i lost connection to the blackberry servers(the little logo in the corner was gone..) i went to at&t on monday and they could not figure it out. apparently my service book for the blackberry internet service got deleted(i didnt even know what a servicebook was lol) so i went home later that night and downnloaded the at&t software and reinstalled the os and this worked. then all of a sudden today, my fb was acting up, so i deleted the app. then i lost the connection again... do you guys have any idea what could be causing this? im currently reinstalling the os as i write this.
I just switched to sprint yesterday and picked up the 9650. Today I tried to access the sprint blackberry internet service site to change my signature. When I go to register it tells me I cant access the Blackberry internet service from my pc and I should access it from my phone. I cant find any where on m phone to add a signature, any help? This is a personal blackberry account.
I just got my BB9700 yesterday. I wanted to set up my email account and encountered the following problem:There is no option to "I want to create an email account" in the set-up wizard.In the email setup wizard, I only have the option to "I want to use a work email account with a BB Enterprise Server", and it does not work for my email accounts.
I sold my at&t bold 9700 and bought a t-mobile version, unlocked it and am using it on at&t and I don't have to pay the ridiculous price of 30 per month for internet service on my phone. really I only need the phone for texting, phone calls listening to music and taking some pictures anywayz. Till phone carriers lower their prices. I will never pay 30 a month for smart phone internet again.
I acquired an unlocked T-Mobile blackberry 9700 late last year and had our IT admin guy in NY adding new user license to the blackberry server and then the besadmin had generated activation password for me. I'm using local mobile phone network in Vietnam (Vinaphone) and had installed its service book into my BB. Nevertheless, after having put in my email address and keyed in the activation password, after pressing activate for about 2 minutes of "Acquiring service connection..." my BB keeps on telling me that "Activation request failed. A service connection is unavailable" although the communication receptions signals from my local mobile carrier is strong and I can browse internet and accessing gmail or yahoo mail using my BB (which mean internet connection is available).
Currently using the Blackberry 9700. Got it a week ago on a 3-year contract. and have had no major issues until today.For the past 12-24 hours, I have been unable to access anything that uses the Blackberry internet service (BBM, MSN, Facebook and Internet Browser included). I went into "Manage Connections", then "Services Status" and discovered this:
BlackBerry Internet Service Connection: Not Connected
I'd assume it isn't supposed to be like that; I've tried restarting the device several times to no avail.Anyone have any ideas on how to fix this problem?
I have blackberry service on my account - I am able to access the internet but my cannot connect to blackberry internet service so I can use facebook add on, instant messenger and personal email.I have been through all settings with my service provider. Host route, manual re-setting phone, installing updated software - absolutely everything. They have even sent me two new phones, but still no joy.
Upon accessing the site, when i enter my IMEI and pin it states my account is de-activated or suspended - upon browsing the web this usually happens with phones bought from ebay/stolen phones. Note-This is a brand new handset, direct from Vodafone.My account is fine, Vodafone can see no problem and have now told me they are out of answers.
Since 2 days ago my blackberry (BIS) isnt working anymore, edge s in small letters cant send or recieve bbm or mail messages calling my carrier didnt help and al the usual stuff as battery pull, reinstall os didnt work
This is my 1st BlackBerry. I've been given a Bold 9700 & I'm over the moon with it's basic features. I've simply transferred the PAYG SIM card out of my previous phone - a Sony Ericsson w302, where most things worked as expected. Regards the BB's other features, I was quite surprised to find personal email impossible to set up & internet to be totally WiFi Dependant. In addition, many apps (eg, msn, facebook, google maps, etc) don't work due to there being no data connection, even whilst using WiFi.
Expecting the need to upgrade to a 3g SIM card, I called orange & was told that I'd need to pay £5/mth for email & 250MB data. I consider this quite objectionable - is that really the deal & will it solve my problems? If that's the best orange can do, what experience have you guys had with other UK carriers on PAYG.
I'm currently travelling and it is cheaper to use a local '3' 3G dongle for my laptop rather than my phone. I was wondering what the easiest way to get my blackberry to connect to the internet using my netbooks (win xp) connection? I would like to use BB Messenger for free. There doesn't seem to be a easy way to do it, I've tried Bluetooth and ICS but with no luck.
A bit of a newbie here..Is it possible to use a Bluetooth connection to my laptop in order to utilize the hardwired access internet to my laptop. I am NOT looking to use BB as a modem for my laptop.
i have a bold 9700 on pay as you go but i have internet access as i have a sim card which allows you internet access and unlimited texts for 30 days if you top up £10 similar to a solo rolling contract does this mean i cant use bbm?
I have a problem with a new blackberry bold 9700 i have just bought. I live in bolivia and i purchased this phone, asked in the store if it is compatible with my network etc and we tested with my sim. It worked fine for calls and got a 3g signal.When i returned home I tried configuring the internet access andn could not get this to work. So today i took it to my provider and asked a tech to configure and he said that i must first buy a "plan blackberry" for it to work - ok i said ad went to change my plan to plan blackberry - but after i had this the tried to set it up and then tell me that the phone is locked to only use at & t blackberry service. So my questions are ..
1. - is this true? 2. can i unlock this somehow?
seems unfair that i have paid full price for a phone that is tied to a network that doesn't exist in my country - it was imported legally - if i cannot change it.
Laptop: Acer Aspire 5002WLMi, Windows XP SP2 Smartphone: Blackberry Bold 9700 Network Device: Bluetooth, Wifi (ad-hoc not available for bold 9700?)
I am using my laptop for traveling and I use USB CDMA modem connection to connect to the internet. Recently my wife bought a Blackberry bold 9700 hoping that she could access internet without carrying her laptop while traveling with me, sharing the same connection from my laptop. I have been trying to use WiFi to connect my bold 9700 with my laptop using ad-hoc but it seems that bold 9700 does not support ad-hoc. Therefore I am trying another way to connect to the internet from my BB using my Bluetooth. I have linked my blackberry device through bluetooth and my laptop is currently connected to the internet.
I have been trying to use my wife's BB to connect to the internet using my laptop's bluetooth connection. But I could not get it to work. Before posting here, I have been searching everywhere on the web for a guide but I could not seems to find one. Could anyone guide me on how to share my laptop internet connection so that my BB could access the web using the same connection as my laptop? If bluetooth and WiFi doesn't work is there any other way? Using USB perhaps? In short: Laptop internet Connection > Share using ? and how? > BB's can browse the web without additional data plan.
When I updated the OS, it nuked all my accounts and wiped my BBY clean, so I've set just about everything back up again.I set up my email account, and I am getting my email fine, but it won't send email. Every message I try to send fails with this error:"Message Status: Transaction error - failure at service."Do I need to set up the SMTP differently, because I don't see that option anywhere?
I had problems with my blackberry bold 9700 so I sent it way to get fixed & 02 said it could not be repaired and sent me a new one. However my new blackberry wont send texts, allow me to make calls or use the internet.
I've seen a few post that sort-of answer my question, but none seem exactly right. I have a Bold 9700 and use a BIS to retrieve my personal email from my ISP's POP server. I don't use BES. When I'm at home or at work and have direct access to email, I'd like to turn off my bb email client. How can I do that?
In one post I saw the recommendation Messages > Options > Email Reconciliation > Wireless Reconcile -> set of Off. Is this enough? (I have my BB set up for wi-fi connection when I'm home, in case that makes a difference.)
I am using the blackberry bold 9700,i updated my software and it wiped out my phone,on re-installing all the software's,whatsapp,facebook etc works fine but for some reason my BBM wouldnt work at all,i tried activating my e-mail account(Enterprise Activation) but i keep getting this "Activation request failed. A service connection is unavailable".
I understand the process to disable data services and therby stop emails. How can I stop email without disabling internet 3G Wifi access? (If at all)It is a work phone so I have no BIS access.
I have 4 Gmail addresses on my BB Bold and the main account is missing the "email name [SYNC]" in the service book (I accidentally deleted it I think). Since I'm having issues with syncing already I figured I need it but I'm not sure. I resent all service books, but this particular one is still missing.
It seems that my BB does not want to connect to the internet via my service provider but it can connect via wifi. What do I need to do to correct this problem?
i bought a new unlocked blackberry torch 9800 from ebay yesterday and i inserted my sim card but i could not access the internet. i called my service provider to help me. After all instructions such as going to advanced setting to set up everything, it still did not connect. I put my sim to my former blackberry curve and i could access the internet.
Am on a BIS service plan with Airtel Malawi.My bbm is working fine but my browser is not functioning.Under service status it is showing the following message"Blackberry Internet Service:Connection Not connected".I Went to my service providers they said that they dont know the problem and they can not fix it.They are saying that my device has a problem which they dont know.Please help.