Nokia Lumia :: Blue Colored Tint Appears In The Middle?

Jun 2, 2012

When I take a picture with a white background a circular blue tint appears in the middle of the page. How do I get rid of this? Am I using the right camera settings?

1. Phone Manufacturer: Nokia
2. Phone Model: Lumia 900
3. Mobile Operator: AT&T
4. Phone Operating System version: Windows Phone 7.5 (7.10.8112.7)
5. Zune software version: Latest
6. Computer Operating System version: Windows 7 Professional (Service Pack 1)

Moderator's note; removed device IMEI number. It it not advisable to post private information to a public forum.

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Nokia Nseries :: 808 - Blue Tint On Display When Viewed At 20 Degrees Angle

Aug 7, 2012

My new 808 is fantastic! However when the display is viewed at an angle of about 20 degrees or more the whites shown become blue. This is more evident when I look at Google homepage because of the white background.

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Nokia :: N97 Updated Phone Now Won't Turn On - Stayed A Blank Screen With Nokia Sign In Middle In Blue

Jan 28, 2010

Okay i've had my Nokia n97 for more than 6months now and its been working great except lately my facebook app wasn't working and i had to update it,so last night i backed up my files on my mobile and i connected it to the pc and updated it with the program that the mobile brings with a cd it was okay then i went back to restore my files and it said it had to restart so it turned off and i went to turn it on again and it stayed a blank screen with the nokia sign in the middle in blue (when you turn it on it that usually shows) but it stayed stuck there it doesn't go to pin code nor anything, and to turn it off i have to take the battery off,

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Xperia Z3 :: Black Blue Colored Screen And Cannot Factory Reset

Mar 10, 2015

While playing a game on my phone yesterday the screen flashed/blinked for a moment, then turned and remained a blackish blue color. While in this state nothing on the phone was functional, I could hold the power button until I was blue in the face and it wouldn't power off the device. At this point I opened the cover for the micro SD card and SIM card and pressed the yellow power off button.

After holding down the yellow off button for several seconds and feeling the three vibrations I set the phone down and left it for 5 minutes. When I powered device backup it had the same black blue screen. I repeated these steps several times all with the same outcome. At this point I'm pretty frustrated and attempted to boot into recovery to no avail, finally deciding to simply do a factory reset which didn't work either.

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Motorola Droid X :: Blue Tint After GB Upgrade?

Jun 2, 2011

Has anyone else noticed a blue tint to their screen after the gingerbread upgrade? I mostly notice it on things that have white backgrounds, when I scroll the screen turns the normal white that I am used to seeing, but when I stop the screen turns a blueish color.

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Motorola Photon 4G :: Blue Tint On Pictures

Aug 22, 2011

im A Professional photographer and I realize that the phone may be limited, but it shouldn't be this bad. All of my shots are underexposed and have a definite blue tint (meaning auto white balance is bad) if they even manage to take without being blurry. My 3 megapixel Touch Diamond took well-exposed and well-colored pictures and instead of getting an upgrade, buying the Photon was a major step backwards.

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Xperia Z3 :: Blue Tint Tone On Screen And Also Low In Brightness

Mar 19, 2015

I have purchased brandh new Xperia Z3 Dual from Dubai and after few seconds of use i realsied something is not right.
I did compare it with my wife Xperia Z3 and also another Xperia Z3 Dual and find out that my phone is giving bit of blue tone ( tint ) in general and brightness it bit low as well.
I did factory reset and also updated software using computer but nothing is changed.

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LG G3 :: Blue Tint To Photos And Developer Options Menu?

Jan 14, 2015

I recently upgraded to the G3 (from an iPhone) and had a lot of trouble with call quality on the first phone so I switched to the S5. Long story short, I'm back to the G3 and am having some trouble with the new phone. The colors on the screen looked somewhat washed out and the camera isn't nearly as fast as the first phone - seems to take 3-5 seconds between shots to be able to take a photo (with just the 3 dots visible) or for the shutter button to reappear. It's the same whether HDR is on or off and if I swap down to 10mp I notice a lot of grain.

Colors looked washed out, faces had a blue tone and pictures were blurry. I did a soft reset and I also unmounted and remounted the SD card - no change. Finally, I noticed a Developer Options menu. After digging around on the internet, I thought this is a hidden menu that has to be unlocked? I decided to do a factory reset; the developer options menu disappeared, photos look much better although some pictures are still blurred and the screen looks much warmer. I have the Black G3 on Sprint and my Sprint Zone keeps saying there is an update but when I click on it, it pops up a message that says, "Update cancelled."

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Galaxy S5 :: Yellow And Blue Tint On White Screen?

Mar 6, 2015

I got a replacement galaxy s5 on Jan 28 and I've noticed the screen has a yellow and blue tint during white backgrounds. If i look straight at the screen, the white has some yellow tint over the mid to top portion of the screen. However, if I move the phone up, the yellow moves down the screen and a blue tint appears on the top to mid part of the screen. The tint isn't heavy as I can see still get good colors out of things.

Is this normal for the s5 screen? My old phone had a yellow tint to the white as well, but I don't know if the tint changed from yellow to blue when I moved the phone up and down.

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Xperia Z5 :: Camera - Blue Tint On Edges Of Low Light Photos

Jul 3, 2010

I have noticed in low-light photos, in both Superior Auto and Manual mode that there is a blue tint on the edges of low light photos, especially more on the left side. The only way I've noticed I can really mitigate it is if I lower the ISO on manual mode, but then the photos would end up being too dark.
I have seen this issue discussed on other forums; some say it is a hardware issue, some software, and others say a camera module replacement may fix it. But I don't think Sony has officially ever acknowledged this issue, even though it is definitely present.
Here are some example photos

Notice the heavy blue tinting on the edges..

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Galaxy S5 :: Random Pictures End Up With Sepia And Green / Blue Tint

Oct 15, 2015

I don't change any setting and I take a picture and I would say 1/5 end up looking like this.

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Galaxy S6 Edge :: Faint Blue Tint On Bottom Half Of Screen

Aug 21, 2015

I got the S6 Edge yesterday and it's my first Samsung phone. I've notice a faint blue tint on the bottom half on the screen. If you open a new tab in Chrome you can see it there against the white background. The top half of the screen is a nice white color.. there is definitely some kind of darker difference on the bottom half.

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BB Torch :: Freezes And Timer / Clock Appears In Middle Of Screen

Jun 8, 2011

BB freezes and timer/clock appears middle of screen. I have a new Torch and have had no problems with it for the first 3 weeks. Now for the past 2 weeks it freezes constantly. A little black clock/timer appears in the middle of the screen as if its struggling to 'actually do the work'?!

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Xperia Z2 :: Two Blue Circles Appear In The Middle Of Screen

Jan 19, 2015

I bought Sony Xperia z2 two weeks ago. Yesterday I noticed that there are two blue circles appear in the middle of the screen when the color is black. They don't show on any other color.

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IPhone :: A Blue Dot Appears In 4?

May 19, 2012

i bought a new iphone 4, and everything seems to work fine, after one month i updated to the new apple softwear 5.1.1 and suddenly a blue shadow in the right down cornor (not a stuck pixel ! as the guy from Apple store said) appeared and its ANNOYING! how to fix it?
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1.1, i phone 4 blue dot appears in the s

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Lumia 1320 :: Why Has Phone Got Multi Colored Screen After Hard Reset

Dec 3, 2014

Why is my lumia 1320 get a multi colored paint like sreen after a hard reset.,?i flashed it many times but still the display is distorted.,what should i do?is it a hardware issue?my phone haven't fell at all..

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Lumia 1020 :: Screen With A Billion Colored Pixels - Buttons Unresponsive

Sep 28, 2014

Yesterday I did the most recent developers update on my ATT Nokia Lumia 1020. I have had absolutely zero problems with the phone at all since day one. Today while checking emails my phone screen flickered and then went to something that appears to be the "snow" that you see on televisions when they had no signal. In the "snow" there are 4 lighter bars and 4 darker ones running vertically.

I also am unable to do a hard reset or soft reset.

I found others who have the same screen issue, but they have been able to fix it with either a soft or hard reset. I unfortunately cannot do that, as the buttons seem to have also become unresponsive. After about 2 minutes the screen will go black, and then after about 2 seconds come back on by itself with the same issue present.

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Lumia 950 XL :: Does Phone Screen Have A Reddish Tint

Nov 26, 2015

Several users have reported that the screen on their new 950XL has a reddish tint, turning a little whiter (more bluish) when tilting away.But as I rotate the phone vertically towards me, it starts to turn reddish and while looking at straight at it, the white is reddish. As I continue to turn the phone, it becomes truer white. I did check the Color profile and it was standard. Changing it to vivid made no difference. I am worried if this is a hardware defect or nothing much to worry about. When held at my normal viewing angle the bottom of the screen has a red cast. If I tilt the top towards me the red cast goes away and the whites are truer. So the question: does your shiny new 950XL have that as well?

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Nokia Lumia :: 920 Dead - Blue Screen Of Death?

Dec 10, 2012

After putting my phone in my pocket last night, i took it out to realize that it wouldn't turn on. It was charged, but i tried to charge it again, hoping that would wake it--no luck. So, tried soft reset, hard reset, removing the SIM then soft and hard resets, but no luck. Now all I get is a blue screen after the initial AT&T logo. Very sad, I want to like ths phone, but it is hard to use when it is bricked (or I am waiting for a new one). I guess I am off to the AT&T store for a new one...

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Lumia 1520 :: Green Tint In Low Light Pictures?

Oct 11, 2014

I was taking some low light pictures over the last few days and it seems that some of them are still plagued with the green tint issue that some users have been talking about for many months. I have attached two samples to show what I am talking about. I am a Lumia 1520 user with Cyan update. The sample shots were night time pictures on tripod with low ISO and long exposure time.

[URL] ....

On the horizontal shot, please check the area slightly above the middle, you should notice a green line going across the picture and then everything below that has a greenish tint to it. For the other picture, you should see two vertical lines at the top of the picture near the middle a bit above the statue. I used both ProShot and Nokia Camera and they both showed the same issue so I don't think it is a software issue but rather more of a hardware or firmware problem. Not all low light pictures I took has the issue though which makes it more bizarre. I doubt it is the camera module on my phone because my daylight pictures are fine and many of my low light pictures are good (or at least the tint is not noticeable).

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Lumia 1520 :: Camera Photo In High Light Have Purple Tint

Nov 17, 2014

While I'm not a huge photo taker, I find it really annoying to snap one and have this purple tint above it. I've noticed that my camera cover has tiny scratches in the center. I'm pretty sure that's what is causing the purple tint maybe the reflection of the light.

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Lumia Icon :: Redish Screen Tint When On Lowest Brightness Setting

Mar 4, 2014

When looking at something white on screen, do those white areas have a redish tint at lowest brightness setting? I notice this with my Lumia Icon, but not with other Lumia Windows phones. I just want to be sure that this is normal, as I'm still within the return window with VZW. If I set the brightness to medium or high, whites lose their redish tint and look normal.

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Lumia 1020 :: Camera Photos All Turn Out With A Strong Lime Green Tint

Oct 20, 2013

It makes no difference which Nokia "Camera" I use. The photos all turn out with a strong lime green tint. I've tried three 1020s now and am about to give up. I took a picture of friends in their living room, which was cream with neutral earth tone colors. It came out green on green. I took another of friends in a sand beige painted classroom. The walls came out a sickly lime green.

The only commonality in both situations was that one person in each grouping was wearing lime green, so I went back to the classroom to try again. With the classroom empty, the photo still came out lime green.

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Lumia 1020 :: Remove US Holidays From Calendar - Yellow Tint On Camera Photos

Feb 12, 2014

How can I remove the US holidays from the calendar.

Second us about the yellow tint on photos. Shouldn't Black have removed that? I'm still getting that Crap.

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Nokia :: N82 - Display - See Only Colored Dots

May 24, 2010

I have a Nokia N82 and I have problems with screen. I see only colored dots.I just bought another screen but still see.

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Lumia 1520 :: Phone Randomly Rebooting In The Middle Of Updates

Jul 2, 2014

Just started doing this like 2 days ago while I was in the middle of updates.

I'm already expecting that someone will tell me to restore, but I'd rather actually fix it. Is there even any way to find out why this is happening?

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Lumia 1520 :: Phone Hangs In The Middle Of Reinstall Then Repeats

Oct 28, 2015

I hard reset my Lumia 1520 to install Windows 10. It gets as far as the "turning gears" and the progress bar gets about 1/3 of the way to done. Then it reboots and repeats this exact process over and over but never finishes the install.

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Nokia Nseries :: Deal With An N8 With Purple Tint Screen?

Nov 29, 2011

I finally bought a N8 and receved it yesterday after wanting to get one for a year now. I had always held back as I was hoping they would sort the purple screen issue out. I specifically wanted to buy a phone from a proper Australian dealer as I wanted it to be A tick and have 24months warrenty. First thing I did when I got the phone was charge it, turn it on to the analogue clock screen saver, lock the screen and then press the menu/home key. There it was, half the clock was purple! So I was sure I had the fault I was hoping not to get. I was gutted/disappointed. I really thought it could not happen to me. I have not even put my sim card in, used the phone or removed the protective shipping stickers yet

I do not know how to tell the age/build date of my N8 but when I ordered it last week, the dealer was out of stock and had to get new stock In from Nokia in Brisbane I believe. The box/packing looked the same as what I had seen 12 months ago. The phone did not have Anna on it. I do know that the latest N8 from Hong Kong are shipping in newer packaging that show the pink coloured N8 on the box.

I spoke to the shop today and they said this was the first time they had heard of this purple screen issue and that they have had no one else mention it to them. I could not believe it as this is a world wide spread issue. They rang Nokia in Brisbane and Nokia supposedly knew nothing about the 'faulty purple screen' issue. So they are either denying it and there is this huge cover up or they have honestly never heard of it.

Since the shop said it was news to them, maybe that's a good thing and I got 1 in 100 faulty one or something. I know this shop has sold about 37 on ebay plus more from their online shop and retail shop too, so if what they are saying is right, then all those buyers must be happy. I actually bought it from their online store and not on ebay. It gives me hope that mine may have been a one off, but i doubt it.

So I am trying to work out what to do. I think I have every right to get the phone swapped for a new one. Its definitely faulty but what do I do if they send it to Nokia in Brisbane and they say its fine?

-What I want to know is how have other Australian buyers delt with the faulty screen issue here? Has Nokia Australia officially acknowelged the problem? has anyone made them aware of it? Are there any known online shops in Australia selling good nokia N8's with known good screens? Has anyone had a screen replaced with a good one recently? I believe there is a new one with part number MP40 that fixes the purple tint screen, but i have only hear of people in europe getting this screen.

I specifically want to know information and experiences and opinions from Australian N8 buyers and owners who have bought a N8 with pruple screen fault in Australia.

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Nokia Nseries :: 808 PureView Gets Purple Tint Display Screen?

Jun 9, 2012

just bought it today, no more stock to exchange throughout Malaysia, now I've to go to NCC to get it fixed the purple screen... WTH! it's a repeated problem, it already haunted many N8 (including one of the 2 I own), now this one again... quality dropped..

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Nokia Nseries :: N8 - Colors Dark With Brown Tint When Watching Movie

Jan 2, 2011

When I was watching a movie yesterday I noticed how all dark colors have a kind of brown/orange tint over them. It doesn't look right. For example the "Tron Legacy Visual FX trailer", which is very dark for the most part, looks extremely brown... Compared to my TV/computer monitor/iPod touch it looks very bad.

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Lumia 1520 :: Blue Smudge Appearing In Phone Screen

Mar 7, 2015

Experiencing a sudden blue smudge appearing in phone screen? it becomes really noticeable on dark backgrounds. It happens to me a while ago without clear cause and I dont know what should I do to make it go away.

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