Nokia Nseries :: N8 - Colors Dark With Brown Tint When Watching Movie
Jan 2, 2011
When I was watching a movie yesterday I noticed how all dark colors have a kind of brown/orange tint over them. It doesn't look right. For example the "Tron Legacy Visual FX trailer", which is very dark for the most part, looks extremely brown... Compared to my TV/computer monitor/iPod touch it looks very bad.
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Feb 24, 2010
Is there a good app to watch movies on my BB 8330? Free would be great! I hate stopping a movie and then having to start over and not being able to fast forward it. Can you fast fwd on the movie player that is installed on the BB?
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May 11, 2015
About a week ago my phone started having an issue with the video player. When I watch a video or movie, I lose all controls. I have to lock the screen and then unlock it real fast for the controls to pop up, but they go away within a second and I am back to no controls. I cleared the cache on the video player, force stopped it and rebooted it, the phone reboots on it's own all the time so that is taken care of. It is really annoying not even being able to change the screen brightness now.
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May 24, 2012
Why my iphone turns off in middle of watching a movie.
iPhone 3G, iOS 5.1.1
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Apr 30, 2015
So I just got my Galaxy S6 64GB Black two days ago and I've noticed the screen becoming very contrasty just after boot, then after I lock and unlock the device, the screen returns to normal. It's a bit hard to explain, but when the screen becomes "contrasty", essentially colours close to black, like a dark grey becomes black.
the keyboard's background would actually appear black in the photo, unlike the screenshot. It seems to happen only after booting up, and goes away after locking and unlocking.I'm using an Optus Australia branded device, it has their boot and shutdown animation. I've also tried doing a factory reset, problem persists.
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May 30, 2012
i have xperia neo gingerbread 2.3.4 kernel .62 i noticed a dark dead line on the top of screen which appears with dark colors for images . videos , games , applications ,,,, any thing falls in this site "i mean blue , red , grey , green ,.....",,, the depth of the darkness is proportional to the depth of the viewed color "i.e it ranges from faint grey to deep black ", i guess it's an issue of LEDs or something that couldnot emit those dark colors evidenced by not appearing with white or black i uploaded a screen shot with arrows pointing to the line i mean
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Nov 29, 2011
I finally bought a N8 and receved it yesterday after wanting to get one for a year now. I had always held back as I was hoping they would sort the purple screen issue out. I specifically wanted to buy a phone from a proper Australian dealer as I wanted it to be A tick and have 24months warrenty. First thing I did when I got the phone was charge it, turn it on to the analogue clock screen saver, lock the screen and then press the menu/home key. There it was, half the clock was purple! So I was sure I had the fault I was hoping not to get. I was gutted/disappointed. I really thought it could not happen to me. I have not even put my sim card in, used the phone or removed the protective shipping stickers yet
I do not know how to tell the age/build date of my N8 but when I ordered it last week, the dealer was out of stock and had to get new stock In from Nokia in Brisbane I believe. The box/packing looked the same as what I had seen 12 months ago. The phone did not have Anna on it. I do know that the latest N8 from Hong Kong are shipping in newer packaging that show the pink coloured N8 on the box.
I spoke to the shop today and they said this was the first time they had heard of this purple screen issue and that they have had no one else mention it to them. I could not believe it as this is a world wide spread issue. They rang Nokia in Brisbane and Nokia supposedly knew nothing about the 'faulty purple screen' issue. So they are either denying it and there is this huge cover up or they have honestly never heard of it.
Since the shop said it was news to them, maybe that's a good thing and I got 1 in 100 faulty one or something. I know this shop has sold about 37 on ebay plus more from their online shop and retail shop too, so if what they are saying is right, then all those buyers must be happy. I actually bought it from their online store and not on ebay. It gives me hope that mine may have been a one off, but i doubt it.
So I am trying to work out what to do. I think I have every right to get the phone swapped for a new one. Its definitely faulty but what do I do if they send it to Nokia in Brisbane and they say its fine?
-What I want to know is how have other Australian buyers delt with the faulty screen issue here? Has Nokia Australia officially acknowelged the problem? has anyone made them aware of it? Are there any known online shops in Australia selling good nokia N8's with known good screens? Has anyone had a screen replaced with a good one recently? I believe there is a new one with part number MP40 that fixes the purple tint screen, but i have only hear of people in europe getting this screen.
I specifically want to know information and experiences and opinions from Australian N8 buyers and owners who have bought a N8 with pruple screen fault in Australia.
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Jun 9, 2012
just bought it today, no more stock to exchange throughout Malaysia, now I've to go to NCC to get it fixed the purple screen... WTH! it's a repeated problem, it already haunted many N8 (including one of the 2 I own), now this one again... quality dropped..
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Aug 7, 2012
My new 808 is fantastic! However when the display is viewed at an angle of about 20 degrees or more the whites shown become blue. This is more evident when I look at Google homepage because of the white background.
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Jan 6, 2013
I am using a Nokia N8, I was trying to update my phone from the Nokia suite on my laptop. While the update was going on, I received a message on my phone screen saying, Not enough memory to perform operation. Delete some data first.
I clicked OK to move to the memory to delete, but unable to move from the blank space.
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Jul 16, 2012
Has anyone else run across this issue? If I have the Nokia 808 in Creative mode and manually adjust the ISO, sometimes I get dark images. This is in bright daylight with my subject completely visible and well-lit in the view finder. It doesn't really matter what the ISO setting is, the pictures will come out dark. If I choose Automatic and then back to Creative, it will "fix" it.
That's not entirely true. I don't know what fixes it. But it will return to normal. I tried to make it happen before writing this note, but could not repeat it indoors. It's possible the bright sunlight was part of the if the 808 overcompensated for all the light.that gave me an idea...looking at the EXIF properties of the dark images, Lightsource is "Unknown".On the properly exposed images, it says "Daylight". Perhaps this is a clue?
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Apr 28, 2010
I want to buy 'Topaz Brown' colour E72. I never thought I would be told 'IT WILL NEVER BE AVAILABLE IN UK'! My question is how can a company make this clear cut decision? I mean there could be a whole market of people who prefer this colour therefore why take this risk?
Well, as a customer service person, this is very poor. I was actually told I could get it from another country and ask someone there to buy it then send it to me. At this point I was hoping Nokia would say, we would try to get you to buy one from another country such as France?
Ok, the logic is this, you have a phone in different coulours, you advertise it as such. Why then you dare decide which colour is not appropriate to a particular country?
This brings back memories of the days when cars in black were not allowed because they are synonimous with 'black people' who were considered not human.
Nokia, respond!
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Oct 13, 2011
I rented my first movie from the android market today. I downloaded it to view offline. (I haven't had a chance to play the movie yet.) Have to charge up my phone. I was wondering were the file is stored. Neither the internal memory or SD card appear to have used up any space after the download. I know it downloaded, because my data counter widget indicates over 1.5 GB downloaded by the video app to view the movie. (I bought an extra SD card for the purpose of downloading movies so to not take up space.)
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Aug 15, 2010
I'm using my phone more than 5 months. Yesterday come back after work and saw that half of the display is in black and white stripes. I try restart it didn't help, in forums read that here may be soft problems, I have updated software, but it didn't help too. Maybe someone had the same problem. And I would like to know if I'll change lcd screen, it will solve this problem or not?
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Jun 17, 2012
I want ask, will be app in ovi store for watching streams?for example: twitchTV, own3d and others
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Jun 2, 2012
When I take a picture with a white background a circular blue tint appears in the middle of the page. How do I get rid of this? Am I using the right camera settings?
1. Phone Manufacturer: Nokia
2. Phone Model: Lumia 900
3. Mobile Operator: AT&T
4. Phone Operating System version: Windows Phone 7.5 (7.10.8112.7)
5. Zune software version: Latest
6. Computer Operating System version: Windows 7 Professional (Service Pack 1)
Moderator's note; removed device IMEI number. It it not advisable to post private information to a public forum.
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May 21, 2010
I was wondering when I am watching Videos on N900 with the accelerometer that it has why does it not rotate the Video from Landscape to Portrait Mode.I hope it does ! is it not doing it right now, because of the lack of portrait mode in it ?
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May 23, 2010
Have added contacts to the contacts bar, but when you click on them, the next screen that pops up is impossible to read. It's readable with the o2 default theme (which I don't like), but any of the other themes that come with it have white text on a pale grey (nearly white) background. I tried adding a different theme to the phone but it still has the same colours for the pop up contacts window.
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Sep 8, 2012
I was given my nokia lumia 800 as a Christmas present last year so I've had it 9 months now as up until this problem its been a great phone. Yesterday I went to watch a video and there was no sound, I checked the volume settings, made sure the volume was up to fall and I even reset my phone. If I put my ear the speaker I can just about hear it. If I make a phone call I can hear the other person fine but if I put them on loud speaker I can't so its the speaker on the bottom of the phone.
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Jul 6, 2012
I've been recently trying to use my Nokia X6-00 mobile as a modem to watch TV in my laptop and sadly I couldn't do it properly. The broadcast was at 1 Mbps, and I thought my mobile could reach that speed with no problem. That wasn't the case. After that, I've been running different speed tests at different locations, directly with the phone and using it as a modem with the laptop, and the speed is always around 0,5 Mbps.My network operator is Orange, Spain, and with my contract, I think I have a theoretical maximum speed of 7,2 Mbps, quite far from the real speed I'm getting.
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Aug 10, 2010
I still can't use a2upload even after I changed the CID to be BROWN, nothing happen. It just stick with this point for any option.
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Jan 23, 2014
I am getting brown lines when take photos....
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Jun 2, 2011
I have had AT&T and my Motorola Atrix for a little over a month now. It was a day after my 30 days to return the phone when I noticed that I had a brown line going down the left side of my screen. When I brought the problem up to AT&T they wanted to replace the phone with one of there refurbished phones. I decided to keep my current phone since I just spent 200 dollars on the phone. Last night while charging the phone while it was powered down I noticed that the brown line had now turned green and was bigger but still just on the left side of the phone. I have completed checked for updates and the phones says "up to date". I am lost for what to do I love the phone and leaving Verizon was the best move I made.
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Apr 16, 2012
When watching avi and mkv when I select to play another part of the movie the sound does not come back. I only get the video with no sound. The files are large from 700 MB to 4500 MB. Sometimes the sound comes several seconds (sometimes aprox. 10). Some files I get points of the movie that the video pauses itself. I have to fast forward a few seconds to get the movie to continue playing. I have a Nokia E7 with Belle. Are this issues normal to Belle or are caused by a bad update from Anna?
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Apr 13, 2012
Every time I charge my iPhone 4 with the Apple iPhone Charger (5 W) I get this gooey substance inside the dock connector of the device itself and on the charger. This started almost a week ago. The substance does not smell of rust or anything.
The device itself is half a year old, never had contact with water, never ran too hot and was never dropped. It does run quite hot under heavy load and while being charged, however judging from many many forum posts that's a regular thing for the iPhone 4/4S.
It behaves normally, charges normally and holds its charge just like you would expect from a regular iPhone 4.
I don't think this is battery related as it only appears to happen when I'm charging the device (why would the battery only leak when being charged?). However, except for the polymer gel inside the battery, there's nothing else inside the device that could possibly leak.
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1
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Jun 6, 2014
I dropeed my iPhone and the screen is shattered, but the more annoying part is this brown cluster of something on the side of my screen. It was originally much smaller but throughout the day the brown part moved and is larger. If I get my screen replaced will this go away? Is there any way I can get this fixed without just replacing my phone?
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Jul 24, 2011
Why is it very impossible to watch a complete movie with a Nokia X2-01?
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Nov 30, 2012
I love the Nokia Trailers app, but I was wondering if there is any way of searching the app for a particular movie title. If not, this would be a great feature for a future update.
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Nov 29, 2012
My 2 day old Lumia 920 doesn't take pictures in the dark. I have seen videos where people take a picture in a completely dark room with nothing but the focus assist light turned on and the picture comes out like it was taken in the day.No matter what I try, I cannot replicate this.With all settings are on Auto ( default ) and the flash off, I get nothing but a black picture.
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Sep 20, 2011
Can the nokia N8 play HD movie files more specifically mkv files?
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Sep 1, 2011
I tried to find any setting to enable backlight for kepad in Nokia E6, but to no avail. Will it be fixed in next firmware version? my firmware version is 022.014.
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