Nokia :: 5800 / Display Is Split Up In Different Colors
Aug 15, 2010
I'm using my phone more than 5 months. Yesterday come back after work and saw that half of the display is in black and white stripes. I try restart it didn't help, in forums read that here may be soft problems, I have updated software, but it didn't help too. Maybe someone had the same problem. And I would like to know if I'll change lcd screen, it will solve this problem or not?
Atrix HD - I clicked on the AT&T Address Book download and it changed by Contacts Display Colors when I click on the PEOPLE Icon.How do I either REMOVE the AT&T Address Book (AT&T techs don't know how)or simply be able to edit the Background and Text colors?
my 1020 is experiencing many problems, first of all I must mention that the screen was changed after being broken, and then the problems started, display colours went yellowish and too bright, screen locking alone too many times when battery gets below 65%. I have to mention that I changed the screen another times, but the problems started again after 3 days, and that sometimes the phone gets fixed sudenlly, but not for too long, the longest period was 2 days, and two more times it worked properly again for few minutes (once I unlock the lock screen, the phone gets corrupted again)
I hope someone can help me on this, After updating my phone to v31.01.101 my screen goes all lines and blurry, cant see any display at all, ive scanned the internet and noticed a lot of others had it too, (firmware fault), ive tried to update it to V5, but it wont go any higher than what ive got now , is there a fix for the screen?
With some of my contacts an incoming call with a Caller ID does not display the caller's name, although they are in my Contact List and the number is in a valid format.Same is the case for sms's from the same contact.I only have one entry of that contact in my phonebook.Any 1 facing the same issue?
Contacts > Options > Sim Numbers > My numbers : Displays my previous number prior to porting. Is there a way I can get teh phone to update and show my new number?
Got my nokia 5800, really happy. Installed Chinese as my second language on the mobile dictionary..... and the phone won't display the unicode characters. How can i get Chinese language support on my nokia?
A little while ago I set the inbuilt browser to display full screen in 'Options>display options'.I've now tried to restore ordinary display and the option has vanished!!
Under display options the sections should be: Full screen view Page overview View images Load images Switch window Page info.
I used to have them all but now I only have 3: Page overview View images Page info.
Where have the rest gone and how do I get them back?
When I listen to livestreaming radio with RealPlayer the screen it is not going back to operational working after the display timeout. You neet to exit RealPlayer and open it again to continue. Firmwareversion 31.0.101. This must be a bug.
Well I have this phone for over 2 years and now I have a big problem with it that won't go away. The screen goes completely into stripes and is unreadable. It just showed up like that and it's always when I use the screen-lock button (slide button on the side) that this happends and then stays.Once I got rid of it by rebooting the phone almost 10 times or turning it of a whole day but as soon as I use the screen-lock button (slide button on the side) it comes back.
Ok. so now i was so happy that anna came out then when i updated (Via OTA don't know if that matters since the update went perfectly) .. and no split screen? I'm using singapore FW which has chinese character.. maybe the chinese FW doesn't support split screen? not even in english writing language mode?
So I had Swype installed on my N8 and did an OTA update to Anna. And yes after the initial install I installed the 4 other packages (Nokia Anna 1/2, 2/2, Ovi Store & Social). found that I didnt get a split screen anywhere. On Googling I found that split screen only works with Swype disabled. So I uninstalled SwypeNow I'm getting split screen in the search widget, browser, phonebook etc... but not in CONVERSATIONS (messaging app)
New Swype 2.0 on Nokia beta labs works a treat in split screen, try it do!If this was helpful please click Star for KudosPhone history :-3210, 3100, 3200, 6230i, N73, N95-8GB, N97, N8, Lumia800?
When transferring a number of Albums to my Nokia 700 I've noticed that a number of albums are appearing twice on the phone - with some tracks in one and the others in an apparently identically named Album. All seem fine on Nokia Music Player.
Have added contacts to the contacts bar, but when you click on them, the next screen that pops up is impossible to read. It's readable with the o2 default theme (which I don't like), but any of the other themes that come with it have white text on a pale grey (nearly white) background. I tried adding a different theme to the phone but it still has the same colours for the pop up contacts window.
When I was watching a movie yesterday I noticed how all dark colors have a kind of brown/orange tint over them. It doesn't look right. For example the "Tron Legacy Visual FX trailer", which is very dark for the most part, looks extremely brown... Compared to my TV/computer monitor/iPod touch it looks very bad.
My X1-01 sw version 05.27 ,26-05-11,RM -713, Language: MG
The problem is that it does not display Cell Info display correctly. Only few times it shows, But only for sometime. Is this bug fixed in the latest version 5.44 ???? and it also has the signal problem .. If i put it in my pocket , the whole signal goes away in both sims....
I'm comparing to my 5530, On the contacts bar it nicely blends into the back ground, on the 5800 is a dirty oversized white block with the contact in the middle, no blending in or anything, same on the email, a horrible big white square, nothing blended in, I've tried different themes, and reflashed but no good.
I updated my c7 to ANNA, and its perfectly working after following troubleshooting issues.But split screen is not showing up in contacts/phonebook search. Same old block letter are showing up.(uninstalled those conversation and server). Still I get conversation feature not supported also Kinetic scrolling has become slow which is very annoying. It was perfect in previous PR.How can I free my Internal memory. any way to Delete unwanted files and downloads.
The Galaxy S6 has a stunning, 5.1-inch display and you can have more than one app on it at the same time using the split screen function. All you have to do is hold down the apps or multitasking button at the bottom left for a couple of seconds. The bottom half of the screen will display a menu of apps you can choose from and the top half will go on displaying whatever it was displaying. If you want to change the space allocated, drag the icon in the middle up or down. You can also access more options, such as the option to flip, window, or close apps, by tapping on the circle.
Every time I rotate the screen sideways, the keyboard is split in half by a big empty gray space in the middle, and now I have two space bars and the rest of the keys are either on the left or the right side of the screen. I have had this phone since like the first week after its release, and the problem only started a little over a month ago. No matter what I do, nothing has gotten rid of it. Is it a hardware problem or something? If this issue is solely because of the phone and has nothing to do with me, does this thing have a factory warranty I can use to get a free replacement? Would AT&T replace it even without insurance on it?
My wife's text messages from her mom (iphone) get split up. I think it's only from her mom's phone because I just sent her a long one and it came in as one to fix this?
so i've got my first BlackBerry phone, Curve 9360. it was either this, or the new iPhone, but since i'm not a big fan of touch-screens i went for the 9360. so far, so good. i have one (big) problem, though..
i have most of my music albums stored on my computer as a MP3 backup. and i tried to "improve" my music BB music experience by transferring some of my albums onto my 9360. now some of the albums are OK, but some of them are split in two folders. to clarify this a bit - my albums are stored as folders containing the MP3 songs on my computer. those folders were transferred onto my 9360. an now i have (for example) one Michael Jackson - BAD ablum folder in my phone, but two Thriller, Dangerous, or HIStory folders. or one Clawfinger - Clawfinger folder, but two Use Your Brain folders. and each of the duplicate album folders contains different songs, for example Thriller album has songs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 in one folder, and song number 8 in the other one. same goes for the rest of those split albums, each folder contains songs that are not in the second folder. when i connect the phone to my computer it shows only one folder for each album.
I just bought Nokia 5800 in America. I'm originally from the middle east and I need to write in Arabic when I chat or send messages. the problem here is that the phone reads Arabic but I can't write in Arabic. my question is "Could I use firmware of Nokia 5800 (RM-356) on Nokia 5800 (RM-428)?
If not, could anyone help me and get me the firmware that support writing in Arabic?
I just bought an Xperia Z5 Compact. I was verry happy with it for a few hours , until i realised that i don`t hear my phone when it rings even if it was on maximum sound lvl. After a while , i realised that the sound is ok for like a split secound , after that it just randomly lowers with about 2-3 levels for everything , ringtones , music , videos etc. I tried all settings setups nothing is improving.
Just got the Galaxy S6 a few days ago with Verizon. I'm using the samsung messaging app it came with, and noticed that every text that I receive from someone that is more than 160 characters gets split up, rather than sending as one long one or showing as one long text bubble, I'll 2, 3, 4 message notifications.
So my co-worker has a Galaxy S5. When he goes to play a video from the stock gallery app the actual video plays in a split window and the other half is just the gallery. There is a white dot in the middle but when I press it there is no Maximize icon like on my Note 4. There are three icons and one of them puts the video into a smaller floating window. No matter what we have tried he cannot play the video full screen. I tried to replicate this on my Note 4 using the stock gallery app and the stock video player. I can't get it to do the same thing or how to fix his S5 so he can view videos using the full display. It appears that one side is the video selector and the other side actually plays the video. I had him download MX Player and when he goes to the gallery, selects a video, then chooses MX as the player, the video still plays in a separate window.