Xseries :: Nokia X1-01 - It Does Not Display Cell Info Display Correctly
Nov 22, 2011
My X1-01 sw version 05.27 ,26-05-11,RM -713, Language: MG
The problem is that it does not display Cell Info display correctly. Only few times it shows, But only for sometime. Is this bug fixed in the latest version 5.44 ???? and it also has the signal problem .. If i put it in my pocket , the whole signal goes away in both sims....
i am not getting cell info display even when it is enabled in the phone. i am using uninor sim in sim 2 ( as for those who do'nt know about uninor, in india uninor gives the current discount in call rate as cell broadcast / info message and it is continously flashed when i use the same sim in nokia 1200).
Cell Info Display when activated on E72 briefly shows in upper right corner & then is displaced by Date. Is there any way that Cell Info is Displayed continuously like other mobiles?
I am using a Motorola W220 mobile set.Previously I was using a Nokia phone and it had a feature named "Cell Info display".This feature wud let me know the area(city etc.) I am in at any point of time.How to enable this feature in my Motorola mobile phone?
I have a Nokia E71, and there is a display indicator at the top right corner that looks like a mailbox. If I go into the main menu, the indicator changes into an envelope with a @ sign on it. I checked the User's Guide, but there is no image/picture that resembles it. What does it mean, and how can I remove it?
my 20days old Nokia X2 - 02 handset's display sometimes turns off while using as if it goes to sleep mode while using the phone. Sometimes it happens while a video is being played, while writing text, scrolling through web pages etc. I've to press the any key to turn On the screen light. Why this happens? is it normal or a problem with the software or hardware. Software bug or hardware issue My 20days old Nokia X2 - 02 handset's display sometimes turns off while using as if it goes to sleep mode while using the phone. Sometimes it happens while a video is being played, while writing text, scrolling through web pages etc. I've to press the any key to turn On the screen light. Why this happens? is it normal or a problem with the software or hardware. Software bug or hardware issue ?
when i visited nokia care shop for display flickering they told me to update version of firmware i followed their advice they got me updated to v 11.57
however display flickering continues to remain headche
The normal display of the torch screen is shortened, The top of the page you are looking at is then repeated at the bottom section. Approximately 3/4 of one inch.
How do I lower thse usage of those 2 on my phone? Because I'm having to charge my phone every day because at the end of the day, it's always like 50%-ish.
So I have all my messages grouped together (sms and email accounts), and I am using BIS through ATT. I am on software version (Platform The blackberry doesnt seem to display message correctly. If I try and delete a message it deletes the one before it. SMS's dont always delete. Sometimes there is just a blank space but if i click on it, its actually a message.
I recentley bought a Nokia X6. Everything works just fine,except one thing. Sometimes,when I am connecting to some (free) wifi spots,although connection is well established, the browser gives error message that it cant display the website(every one).
When someone sends an email with "stationary" or background graphics, the email chops off and just displays about 1/4 of the message. This is horizontally, not vertically. The emails display normally on the Mac.
My run workouts are being truncated, when I actually perform my run the display shows correctly but when I end my workout my information is truncated. Example went on a 7mile run everything displayed correctly but when I ended my workout the results show only 5.19 miles of my run.
I am looking for displaying my owner information on the HTC M9 lock screen. I am running Nova launcher and Lollipop 5.1 on the phone. Lollipop 5.1 does not allow for screen widgets and there is no option in the security settings to display owner information on the lock screen.
Other Android phones are able to display track info "Artist, Song" on my car's stereo. The S6 connects but doesn't display any track info, even when using the same apps and mp3s as before. It will accept music controls (skip track, volume).
How to go about troubleshooting this? Or is there a secret setting to make sure track data is displayed? I don't know where to start. AFAIK 4.3 added AVRCP support, so in theory 5.0 should have it too.
So far I've cleared all and re-added only the S6 to the car stereo. Skimmed the bluetooth log in /Android/data Checked the files in /etc/bluetooth
This is my first post and my first BB, I have tthe BB Bold 9700 with T-Mo. Here is my question:How do I configure the BB to display the contact info on the text message. When ever I get a text message it just shows the phone number not the name, however when I connect to my home wi-fi, the name populate the text messages but when I dissconnect from the WI-FI the names go away and the phone numbers appear...I must have done something stupid when I was setting up my contacts and or WI-FI
I travel a lot and I rely on Cell info to know the place where I am at that moment using my old Nokia phone(6021). In my new Nokia 5530, I do not see any where to set the Cell Info. Is it that I am looking at a different place or is there any other utility that gives the Cell Info? I have not enabled GPRS because I don't require it. I only want the Cell info.
How to reduce the brightness of X2 display..It eats up battery.....Is there a way to prevent the display from lighting up when I change tracks or stations using the music keys...
My cell's display suddenly goes white for a second. Had bought it in August & already such a problem. Even if m not using it,it goes white. Showed it to N Care also..no use..it still happens.
when recieving an incoming call my x3 doesn't display the number that's calling me, even if I have the number in my contacts, it just says "call". I've had a look through the settings and options and that to see if i have to turn anything on, but could't find anything.
Please note a couple of minor bugs.1) Date displayn the options of the MotoACTV device you can set the date display format to the ISO unambiguous yyyy/mm/dd format, which is what I prefer. On the motoactv web app Under Display Preferences/Data Format, there is only dd/MM/yyyy and MM/dd/yyyy. Please provide the more sane unabiguous yyyy/mm/dd format so this can be consistent.) Display Units My Display Units are set to Metric. However on the MotoACTV web app when I select Workouts/Latest Workout/Workout Stats, the distance and pacing are recorded in km, but the elevation shows in ft. I am not sure at this point if it is the 'ft' label is wrong, or the actual numeric display and/or conversion is wrong, but you guys I'm sure can figure this out. You can verify this here:
If anyone in the GTA area, in Vaughan Mills Mall there is are a few pearl 3G (9100) on display - NOT a dummy display. An actual working display. Its being displayed for a promotion for I think it was Elle Magazine? They were holding a contest with RIM. Sorry no pics though :-(There was a blue, pink and black version. None of them were the T9 version(9105)
I have a Z3 Dual, from USA, and since the update to 5.1.1 was not available for it on that particular region (and I live in Argentina) I installed the 5.1.1 update from Brazil, which works great, BUT, I have a persistent cell info notification on the status bar and lockscreen and don't know which app is producing it or how to disable it.