Motorola Xoom :: Closing Application/Clearing History On 4G LTE?

Dec 29, 2011

I'm used to a Windows based environment on my desktop and laptop so perhaps I'm not using the correct terminology here. What I'm finding is that when I'm using my XOOM, all the applications I've opened during the session are still open and are just minimized at the bottom of the screen.

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Motorola Xoom :: Closing Applications/Clearing History?

Dec 29, 2011

I'm used to working in a Windows based environment so I might not be using the proper terminology here. When I'm done working with an application on my XOOM it appears that the app is minimized but not closed. How can I do that?

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Motorola Xoom :: Clearing Out Old Back-ups?

Jul 1, 2011

I had a Moto Droid Pro which I was backing up with a Google account. I then lost the device. I decided to replace the lost device with an iPhone and at the same time purchased a XOOM. When I initially signed on to the XOOM and connected the same Google account, low and belhold some, but not all, of my DroidPro apps/settings were restored to my XOOM. Initially, not such a big deal, but now that I have been having problems with my Xoom freezing and having to perform countless Hard Factory Resets [URL] I have a feeling that the restore operation is getting confused between the old DroidPro backup and the new Xoom backup. Furthermore, I recently signed up for AppBrain [URL] to track/restore my apps each time I had to do a reset. When I signed up for AppBrain, it listed both the DroidPro and Xoom in my Android Market data...How do I tell Google/Verison/Android Market that the DroidPro data should be cleaned from the system?

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Nokia :: N95 8GB / Clearing History

May 28, 2010

Received a 2nd hand phone and thought it might be a good idea to update the software.not really a good choice. Lost the applications like skype and fring.thats ok but when i go to install them again they download but dont install.Just get to download complete the ask if i want to install and go straight back to the download complet message.Is there any way to clear memory of last install properly. without clearing phone completely?

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Motorola Xoom :: Why Does Browser Keep Force Closing

Apr 27, 2011

Why does my browser keep force closing. It doesnt happen all the time but when it does, its so annoying because it doesnt show the last page I was on, ughhhhhh its so annoying.

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Motorola Xoom :: Music Player Force Closing?

May 23, 2011

I just received my Xoom wi-fi only and while setting it up I received the 3.1 update, which I installed. I had not added any files to my Xoom yet but while I started playing some of the music files that came with the Xoom, the player force closed while I was browsing the music files. It does not close while playing music but only while browsing the music that came with the Xoom. I then added music to the music folder from my PC and it still force closes while browsing my music files. This happends all the time after I play a few music files. I have the music player 3.0 version. A reboot does not help, it does it every time I use the player. Has anyone had this problem? Any suggestions are welcome. If I install another music player app. will it recognize my music already in my Xoom? And any recommendations on another player? I'm tired of the force closing of the Music player that came with the Xoom.

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Motorola Xoom :: Stock Browser Randomly Closing?

Nov 14, 2011

No matter if I've just rebooted my xoom or if It's been on for a while, whenever I decide to suft the web using the stock browser I have the ability to for maybe 5-10 minutes and then it will just randomly crash and I have to open it again. I'm not doing anything that could be considered memory or processor intensive.

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Motorola Xoom :: Android Market Force Closing?

Nov 6, 2011

I have the Wifi only Xoom. I can open the android Market but when I go to my installed applications the Market force closes everytime. I have tried clearing the cache, clearing data, and force stopping the application and still no luck. I went as far as doing a factory reset and I still am unable to view installed applications.

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BB Style :: Clearing Browser Memory/History On 9670?

May 30, 2011

I too am having trouble clearing memory in browser. I own a 9670 Style.

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Motorola Xoom :: Where To See Sms History

Sep 23, 2011

This question might be irrelevant to US users, but in Australia we use 3G sim to connect to the internet. This sim card cannot be used for making/receiving phone calls but can receive sms from mobile.My question is these incoming sms are kept anywhere or it just disappears after you open it? If it is installed somewhere, where?

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BB Bold :: Application Not Closing?

Apr 6, 2012

My blackberry has a application running in the backround. The application is a black box with a question mark in it. I removed my battery like 3 times and and restarted it, it is still there. The application says "tweeting" under it. I even restored it and the problem still exists. I try to open it, and it just takes me to the home screen. It is really killing my battery. Please let me know ASAP because i need to close that app now.

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Nokia :: Closing Application That Is Not Responding

Aug 8, 2010

How do I close an application that is not responding?

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BB Storm :: Closing Not Responding Application?

Jan 5, 2011

I bought a slightly used 9550 and i'm from Srilanka. I use an application which some times would not respond and can't be close from the menu as the menue is not pop up when i press the bb key. When this app stucks touch screen won't work fine and when am pressing an icon, phone highlights another icon.

Is there any method to close this stuck app other than removing the battary.

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Motorola Xoom :: Application Dialogue Takes A Day To Appear

Feb 16, 2012

When I reboot my Xoom LTE, dialogue boxes don't open. The screen darkens as though one is coming, but then nothing happens.

Example: I reboot my Xoom and open my email. I click on a link. I expect to see the dialgue box asking me what web browser to use to open the link, but the screen only darkens.

Today, I decided to see if it was just me being impatient. At 1:51p, I tried to open a link after my Xoom had been rebooted around 5a. I left the Xoom alone afterwards. At 4p, it still hadn't managed to open the dialogue box. But now at 9:30p, it opens like normal.

This happens every time I restart my Xoom. I have tried to manage for it. After setting up a "Box" account last week, I loaded the tablet app, but it caused there to be a dialogue box whenever I clicked the "mail" notification, so I got rid of it. I can't just live with one web browser, though. Nor is the stock video player equipped to play all those files.

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Motorola Xoom :: Netflix Application Not Usable

Dec 5, 2011

when i open the netflix app the login screen is too large to input username/password. I have tried un-installing and re-installing a few times and changing the general font setting on the xoom, nothing has changed yet.

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Motorola Xoom :: Activity Browser (in Application) Not Responding

Feb 13, 2012

Yesterday, my Xoom has started to really slow down - on occasion. I will touch a button on the screen and nothing will happen for maybe ten seconds, and then it will do the task. Then after this goes on for a few minutes without it getting better, a window will pop up on the screen saying:

Activity Browser (in application browser) is not responding
Force Close Wait Report

This not only happens when browsing, but also when working in some apps. In that case, the above screen will mention the app, not the browser. At this point, sometimes I can't even turn off the Xoom. If I just let it sit, it will "clear" itself and start working again. For the record, I haven't added any apps in the past week and the AVG virus program says all is well.

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Xperia X10 :: Unexpected Closing Of Application Diagnostics On Restart

Sep 14, 2010

On my Xperia X10 mini pro (running in french), systematically after restarting the phone, I get error message: "Unexpected closing of application Diagnostics Tool (in com.sonyericsson.ndroid.crashsms)." How to diagnose it?

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Motorola Xoom :: With 3.2 Gallery Application Doesn't Show All Video

Sep 9, 2011

Up till now I had been playing with a non US 3.1 Xoom. I would stick video content (mainly avi files encoded as divx) in the Movies folder. Selecting the Movie folder from Gallery would show all the content but the only program that would play them was Rockplayer which I had installed.

I know have a US Xoom with 3.2 firmware. With the same type of content in the Movies folder together with a MP4 file encoded with Handbrake to specs that the Xoom can play, Gallery only shows me that MP4 file. The other files just don't show up at all. The only way I can play them is to use ES Filemanager to browse that folder and click the filename to play it or use Rockplayer's explorer interface.

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Nokia :: 5800 Show Application Menu As Open Even After Closing

Aug 20, 2010

I have a nokia 5800 rm-428 v.51.2.007, always show the application MENU as open even after closing. I did HARD RESET but still appears.

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Motorola Photon 4G :: Clearing Recent Phone Calls?

Sep 22, 2011

how do i clear my recent phone calls from my 4g. Seems to be no option for this on that screen.

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IPhone :: How To Delete The Call History And Text History

May 22, 2012

How do I delete the text history and phone call history on my phone?

iPhone 4

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Motorola Motocast :: Keeps Force Closing?

Nov 11, 2011

Just one thing- every now and then comes message that MotoCast needs to close.I did not create MotoCast account, nor do I need or want one.

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Motorola Photon 4G :: Contacts Keeps Force Closing?

Mar 16, 2012

Unfortunately i deleted yahoo.contacts 2.3.5 and yahoo.mail.authenticator 2.3.5 like an idiot and now everytime i open my contacts and click to open someones name it force closes everytime it was a very dumb mistake and i seriously need this fixed where i can redownload these two apps cause ive been trying to find them

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Motorola Atrix 4G :: Contacts Force Closing?

Aug 9, 2011

Today my atrix started force closing anything I try to access a contact. I took the extreme step to completed hard reset the phone with no extra apps installed still craches. The guilt party, of course, is motoblur.

The application Contacts Storage (process com.motorola.contacts) has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again...sigh...Another vote for ditch motoblur account requirements.

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Motorola Atrix 2 :: Freezing And Force Closing?

Feb 9, 2012

I have a Atrix 4G. After updating a few apps such as G+, Foursquare, and couple others, phone basically does not work. Freezes up, apps freeze up and I get message "Activity Home (in application home) is not responding". Even when I slide to unlock the phone it freeze on the slider and home screen does not open.

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Motorola Atrix 4G :: Fore Closing Continuously?

Sep 8, 2011

everytime i turn the phone on, the wallpaper loads and non of the icons or anything else loads and i get this error "Sorry! The application Home (process com.motorola.home) has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again."after i click foreclose, a couple seconds later the same message comes up over and over again. the lock screen still works, the top bar still pulls down, the apps that start at boot still work and i can still access some of my messages when i pull down the drop box.if i get into an app it works fine untill i click home or back and i keep getting this error message not allowing me to use my phone. havent installed anything new recently.

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Motorola Razr :: Music Player Keep Closing Or Flashing?

Jan 4, 2012

i keep having problems on my RAZR with my connected music player and also the other music player apps. the connected mmusic player keeps freezing and closing and takes at minimum 3 tries to get an artist selected an then takes some time to bring up albums or songs, other times does not even bring up the albums or songs. other times it will just start flashing and then the whole home screen and any other screens keep flashing.

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Motorola Backflip :: Android Market Force Closing?

Apr 27, 2011

I have had too many problems with thsi phone and I'm starting to think it wasn't worth the $300. First of all the Android MArket force closes on me every time I go to the Just In game section. Another problem I've had is freezing, it freezes way too often. The biggest problem is the freaking resetting, my phone just resets for no reason, I'm just browsing through the internet or playing a game and suddenly the phone vibrates and turns off for example and then it turns on again and let's be serious the phone takes a long time to turn on, I have had this happen to me 5 times in the last 3 days and it is really annoying. Also wanted to know if this phone will ever be upgraded again to a newer version of android. I just have to know Motorola are you planning on fixing any of these problems, because this product is very, well how can I put it, horrible. I'm hoping you guys do something about all these bugs because most of us payed $300 for a crap phone taht rarely gets any updates. Just truly disappointing.Also forgot to add, will thsi phone ever be able to install apps/ save them on SD because the internal memory is too low and fills up to fast and I can't find any option enabling me to save my apps to my SD card.

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Motorola Atrix 2 :: Default Hotmail App Force Closing?

Feb 13, 2012

After creating a hotmail account, leave out of email app and go to the home screen. Find phone settings/accounts/hotmail/other settings and you should see a option that say's, delete messages older than:, tap on this and a box drops down, choose to never delete messages and click on ok. A force close error will appear. When you manage to get back to home screen, the email icon doesn't open and show any emails from the hotmail account. You have to reboot the phone.

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Motorola Droid X2 :: Home Pages Are Blank After Closing An App

Nov 7, 2011

I am running completly stock DX2, 2.3.4 version. regular wallpaper not live, 90mb of free ram when problem is happening,1.6gb free atorage in application storage, 4.06gb internal storage availible , 14.28gb availible on my sd card(16gb), 53 apps installed, version 3.1.5 of the app market.

The problem I started having a few days ago is my dx2 is very slow after using an app for more than 10 min and then backing out or closing the app it shows my home page all blank except for the black square app draw button and the wallpapper. Then in about 4-5 sec the entire home page shows as normal. This has never happened before the last few days. Have had the dx2 for 2 months now.

I have not installed anytihng new the last few days. I use the stock task manager since day one to kill all downloaded apps I dont need running. I was part of the soak test and this is the first real problem I have had. I did not do a factory reset before or after the new gb update. I was thinking of doing one now but it seems to never work no matter what problems I have had in the past with my DX I had previous.

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Motorola Razr :: Why Does Music Player Keep Closing Or Flashing

Mar 13, 2012

why does music player keep closing or flashing?

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