Motorola Razr :: Music Player Keep Closing Or Flashing?
Jan 4, 2012
i keep having problems on my RAZR with my connected music player and also the other music player apps. the connected mmusic player keeps freezing and closing and takes at minimum 3 tries to get an artist selected an then takes some time to bring up albums or songs, other times does not even bring up the albums or songs. other times it will just start flashing and then the whole home screen and any other screens keep flashing.
I just received my Xoom wi-fi only and while setting it up I received the 3.1 update, which I installed. I had not added any files to my Xoom yet but while I started playing some of the music files that came with the Xoom, the player force closed while I was browsing the music files. It does not close while playing music but only while browsing the music that came with the Xoom. I then added music to the music folder from my PC and it still force closes while browsing my music files. This happends all the time after I play a few music files. I have the music player 3.0 version. A reboot does not help, it does it every time I use the player. Has anyone had this problem? Any suggestions are welcome. If I install another music player app. will it recognize my music already in my Xoom? And any recommendations on another player? I'm tired of the force closing of the Music player that came with the Xoom.
I have a small issue. I was getting the lyrcis on the screen when I first got the Razr, but all of a sudden they have stopped showing. I did a search and found the same issue on the Atrix but no one had a response.
I never did figure out the white LED when plugged into a low/high power USB port, but now just after I begin to play music through the stock player and turn of the screen the phone vibrates once. Then in about a min it vibrates 2 quick vibes. Then, never does it again until the music player is exited and started again.
I returned my first RAZR because the crackle and buzzing on speaker phone / playing videos was too much. On this phone it's less pronounced but still there. Anyway the sleep timer on thus new phone does not work. I did a factory reset and nothing. Non related but I noticed that my 4G speed on this new phone is way slower. Maybe that's a Verizon issue.
Does anyone else notice a delay in volume adjustment when you try to raise or lower the volume via the side buttons while playing music? my razr seems to hate doing so, the media volume bar will appear and disappear several times before the volume is raised all the way. my droid 2 took only about a second of holding the up button, holding the up button on my razr doesnt move the volume more than one or two clicks.
So they finally added the ability to share info about the current song you're listening to with friends, however when it comes up with the content of what to send it says "Me recommends <song name> by <artist name>", and continues on with the link to info, etc. Where is it picking up the "Me"? Obviously I have to tell the system who I am somewhere, but haven't found any option inside the Music player nor in the Contacts to specify one of them as my own contact.
so I have a GB 2.3.4 Atrix 4G, and usually, it plays my music and takes pictures fine. But every so often (it seems everyday), I wind up rebooting after, when trying to player music, it says "sorry, this type of file is not supported," even tho I've been playing them all the time. Also, when this happens, the camera and camcorder also happen to stop working, saying " (or blur)" unexpectedly closed. All my songs are MP3 or MPEG4, and usually all play.
Why is this happening on an update? What can be done to prevent it? Are there apps I need to keep off the "auto-end list?" Does rooting a phone bring this on (via pre-install method)? Or is this a common glitch? I have also complained about the way the music player doesn't have an "all songs" option for the player. Personally, I think a blur 5.0 needs to come out already.
my iPhone 6 plus around a month ago, and this has been a recurring problem since the beginning. When I close apps from multitasking, I often get a split second where my entire screen turns blue and then goes back to normal. I only ask because I've done my fair share of searching on various sites to find no one with similar problems.Â
It should be noted that the issue only seems to occur when closing apps with high memory usage (Madden Mobile, True Skate, Vain Glory) and it occurs more frequently for some apps than for others.Â
I it possible to make a third party music (mixzing) the default music player on my motorola electrify. If not does anyone know if is possible for the music button on the navigation dock to start the second music player
The song title and artist does not display when streaming music from Nokia Music on my Windows Phone through my car stereos' bluetooth connection. It also does not allow me to skip songs using my car stereo.
The Zune music player on my Windows Phone has this functionality.
I just bought this device, love it so far. When I use a Google Voice command like, "play Madonna", it defaults to Sound Picker and doesn't play any songs. I noticed Music app is not even listed as a choice. See pic.
Is there a way to have the stock Music app as one of the choices instead of Sound Picker?
So, for the past few days, when I wake up in the morning, I have found that the lower half of my screen is flashing. I use the AlarmDroid app and have done so since I got the device in February, so I didn't think that this would be the cause. It will flicker for a while, then eventually stop, so I can't just take it to erizon and show it to them. It only seems to do it first thing in the morning when I wake up (plugged into the charger). I uninstalled the app and reinstalled it, but no change. The only thing I can think of is that a couple of weeks ago my phone would not restart, so I had to reset to factory defaults. This started after I did the factory reset.
When I go to the music player and select a song to play, I get a message that tells me to plug in my headphones. The issue is that my headphones are plugged in. I didn't have this issue a week ago. I was listening to my music just fine. I have rebooted the device several times already. The weird thing is that I can hear the boot up sounds through my headphones, as well as notifications. I just can't play music. I have the same issue with the FM radio.
Often music from the Music Player skips. This happens on the native Music Player as well as on Amazon Music Player when I listen to music on the device (not the the cloud player).
Am not finding a version of flash that is happy to run on this device. Os is android 4.0.4, on an XT90 handed. Am I just being daft and over complicating this?
i have a couple of video players on phone.I use to have the option of which one to videos always start with default player.How can I change this setting
Charged my MotoActv, I noticed a flashing LED on the top right of the screen so I thought that was an indicator showing it was fully charged. However the light is under the music button and it continues to flash. I check the instruction manual and didn't notice anything referencing what it might be.
I have noticed that while listening to any music (motocast or local) the player will show in the notification bar that it is scrobbing to, which I configured and have a vaild login to.hen I go to the website and look at last played tracks, none of the music that was "scrobbed" shows up. Has anyone else seen the problem ?
i keep my phone in portrait mode but whenever a video plays (except in the Internet app) it switches to landscape and i see no option to use portrait anywhere. how do i get it to just go with whatever orientation i'm in? the iphone does this just fine.
Does anyone have any ideas about why Moto might have decided to kill Flash on our phones before it was necessary? It's not an ICS thing, because my GNex still has Flash and it works well. I know that Adobe will not be allowing new downloads from the Play Store starting on 8/15 (but they will still be providing bug fixes for those who already have it) & that Flash Player is not supported in Jelly Bean, but what gives with Moto killing Flash in our ICS update? Now, whenever I visit a page that has an embedded Flash video in the browser, it crashes the browser. :(
Addl. details: Basically, when you upgrade, the Adobe Flash Player app gets uninstalled from your phone. If you reinstall it from the Play Store, it won't work for embedded videos on websites. Unfortunately, many websites still use Flash for their embedded videos. :( Hopefully websites will start switching over to HTML5. This isn't just a bug.. there is an actual process running on the phone called FlashRemoval that Moto slapped in there. I expect to get Jelly Bean ASAP, since Moto prepared the phone for not having Flash so early. ;)
Motorola's My Music app is having issues finding my music. If I view the albums for an artist, they all appear, but if I play that artist, some of them can't be found. Sometimes I try again, and these albums play. Once I even noticed that all of the albums appeared but songs were missing, and then when I looked at the album list again, the ones that weren't playing weren't listed. Then they appear again. The most troubling part is that these songs are in the same folder on my sd card.
I only have the icon for the music player. When i try to open it on the icon it states"Application not installed" My wife just purchased a photon today and her motorola music player version 2.3.4 is installed and up and running perfectly. How can i get this app/version installed properly back on my photon.
It doesn't seem to matter what musiv player I am using but if I am moving around like walking, Music will speed up and slow down and the player will stop for a while and then start up. I thihk the stopping is happening when the Photon is acquiring data. Is there any way to prioritize the player so it wont stop? Does anyone else have an issue with the player speeding up? It doesn't speed up radically, just enough so that the music pitches up about a halt step. As a musician, this is terribly annoying.
When I try to add songs to the playlist, the phones says they add but they don't add in the stock music player. I see them pop up in Google Play though. I have tried deleting the playlists several times and the issue keeps showing up. I would like to use the stock player because the lyrics come up and I can change songs in the lock screen.
when I go into Music and try to search for podcasts or internet radio it doesn't connect. This has been an issue since I've had the phone. I'm connecting via the WiFi when I'm doing this.
I have my screen timeout set at 2 minutes. When using the music player, the screen does indeed shut off after 2 minutes, but a minute or so later the music player stops. If I set the screen timout to never timeout, the music player keeps playing. Is this a problem with all Atrix's or just mine? Also, while I have your ear, how do I actually SHUT THE MUSIC PLAYER? I don't mean just pause the music, I mean the off button?