I just received my Xoom wi-fi only and while setting it up I received the 3.1 update, which I installed. I had not added any files to my Xoom yet but while I started playing some of the music files that came with the Xoom, the player force closed while I was browsing the music files. It does not close while playing music but only while browsing the music that came with the Xoom. I then added music to the music folder from my PC and it still force closes while browsing my music files. This happends all the time after I play a few music files. I have the music player 3.0 version. A reboot does not help, it does it every time I use the player. Has anyone had this problem? Any suggestions are welcome. If I install another music player app. will it recognize my music already in my Xoom? And any recommendations on another player? I'm tired of the force closing of the Music player that came with the Xoom.
Why does my browser keep force closing. It doesnt happen all the time but when it does, its so annoying because it doesnt show the last page I was on, ughhhhhh its so annoying.
I have the Wifi only Xoom. I can open the android Market but when I go to my installed applications the Market force closes everytime. I have tried clearing the cache, clearing data, and force stopping the application and still no luck. I went as far as doing a factory reset and I still am unable to view installed applications.
i keep having problems on my RAZR with my connected music player and also the other music player apps. the connected mmusic player keeps freezing and closing and takes at minimum 3 tries to get an artist selected an then takes some time to bring up albums or songs, other times does not even bring up the albums or songs. other times it will just start flashing and then the whole home screen and any other screens keep flashing.
I'm getting a force close from Play Music. I'm using a stock (T-Mobile) One, and a Chromecast.
Open Play Music, start playing an album or something. Lock phone via power button. Wake the phone. Unlock it or don't, it doesn't make a difference. Bring down the notifications shade. Press a volume button.
Unfortunately i deleted yahoo.contacts 2.3.5 and yahoo.mail.authenticator 2.3.5 like an idiot and now everytime i open my contacts and click to open someones name it force closes everytime it was a very dumb mistake and i seriously need this fixed where i can redownload these two apps cause ive been trying to find them
Today my atrix started force closing anything I try to access a contact. I took the extreme step to completed hard reset the phone with no extra apps installed still craches. The guilt party, of course, is motoblur.
The application Contacts Storage (process com.motorola.contacts) has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again...sigh...Another vote for ditch motoblur account requirements.
I have a Atrix 4G. After updating a few apps such as G+, Foursquare, and couple others, phone basically does not work. Freezes up, apps freeze up and I get message "Activity Home (in application home) is not responding". Even when I slide to unlock the phone it freeze on the slider and home screen does not open.
I have had too many problems with thsi phone and I'm starting to think it wasn't worth the $300. First of all the Android MArket force closes on me every time I go to the Just In game section. Another problem I've had is freezing, it freezes way too often. The biggest problem is the freaking resetting, my phone just resets for no reason, I'm just browsing through the internet or playing a game and suddenly the phone vibrates and turns off for example and then it turns on again and let's be serious the phone takes a long time to turn on, I have had this happen to me 5 times in the last 3 days and it is really annoying. Also wanted to know if this phone will ever be upgraded again to a newer version of android. I just have to know Motorola are you planning on fixing any of these problems, because this product is very, well how can I put it, horrible. I'm hoping you guys do something about all these bugs because most of us payed $300 for a crap phone taht rarely gets any updates. Just truly disappointing.Also forgot to add, will thsi phone ever be able to install apps/ save them on SD because the internal memory is too low and fills up to fast and I can't find any option enabling me to save my apps to my SD card.
After creating a hotmail account, leave out of email app and go to the home screen. Find phone settings/accounts/hotmail/other settings and you should see a option that say's, delete messages older than:, tap on this and a box drops down, choose to never delete messages and click on ok. A force close error will appear. When you manage to get back to home screen, the email icon doesn't open and show any emails from the hotmail account. You have to reboot the phone.
Today I tried to look for something in my Gallery - it keeps force closing. I tried powering the phone off and on and also did a battery pull, it still does not work. I can get into the folder where I have taken pictures via the camera, but can't access anything else.
Starting Sunday evening Tweetdeck kept force-closing on me before I could make a post. I was still able to use Twitter's official mobile app & Facebook's official mobile app. By 5pm last night (Monday/Halloween) NONE of the social network apps were working. This included Tweetdeck, Twitter official, Facebook official, Hoot Suite, Google+, AND even when I accessed Twitter's normal site via browser. I've turned the phone on & off several times and that hasn't done anything.
I've been having issues since I did the Froyo update on my Blue Tick upgraded Telstra defy. Australian users will know what I mean by that. I did a hard reset soon after the froyo update because a few strange things were happenning. The hard reset seemed to resolve my issues.
But now I need to reboot my phone on average once per day. I get google system processes force closing randomly. It usually happens when I'm not even using the phone. I'll pick it up to use it and there'll be a force close message. Stuff like Swype will also randomly force close. When this stuff starts to happen, a heap of my apps won't open. They just force close straight away. When I reboot everything is fine for about another 24 hours, then another google system process will force close and it all starts to happen again.
Has anyone had anything similar happen? Is there any point in doing another hard reset? I can't really see why it would make any difference doing it again. I'm currently in the middle of reformatting my sd card to see if that makes any difference.
I'm used to a Windows based environment on my desktop and laptop so perhaps I'm not using the correct terminology here. What I'm finding is that when I'm using my XOOM, all the applications I've opened during the session are still open and are just minimized at the bottom of the screen.
I'm used to working in a Windows based environment so I might not be using the proper terminology here. When I'm done working with an application on my XOOM it appears that the app is minimized but not closed. How can I do that?
No matter if I've just rebooted my xoom or if It's been on for a while, whenever I decide to suft the web using the stock browser I have the ability to for maybe 5-10 minutes and then it will just randomly crash and I have to open it again. I'm not doing anything that could be considered memory or processor intensive.
why is the video player differnt beteween xoom and X. on my X i have no problem playing videos from websights. But on the Xoom i need to buy a player to watch my videos. why cant they be same. also why cant i use bt headset to listen to my videos.
I updated my AT&T X10 to 2.1 about a week ago. It was working fine but it started to get a bit sluggish, so I pulled the battery out and turned it back on. Now after it boots up, it says the Yahoo! Mail app has forced closed, along with the Spotify, My Tracks, eBay, and Timescape apps. Most of the Market apps now force close as soon as they're opened. Words With Friends, Angry Birds, Pandora, Soundhound, NASA, etc. all force close also. Even the Market force closes if I try to open an app's page, or go to "My Apps".
I hooked it up to PC Companion and it says everything is updated.
I'm trying to enable services under accessibility for my nova launcher to toggle the notification bar to hide it. But when I try to enable it the pop up says that universal switch system language is not compatible or something and when I click accept, it just force closes the application.
I have a 5s and its been so slow and force closing a lot and it would take a whole minute to bring up my keyboard and emojis. So I deleted all my apps and tons of pictures and videos to update it and I was hoping those problems would go away but nope.
The initial shine of the 3.1 patch to fix shortcomings in orginal 3.1 upgrade has tarnished.I'm now experiancing regular "Not Responding" messages while browsing, and if you select "wait" rather than "close", the entire system freezes.This results in me having to hold the UP volume button and power button until it does a hard shut down.
I have not been able to update my apps for 5 days now because I keep getting a force close. I have cleared every cache and history, restarted and rebooted 3 times and I still can't get my apps to update
I'm rooted and have run a few ROMs and the google camera almost constantly fc. I've run chroma, pure nexus, du, etc and sometimes I get it to work but it seems lately it will not connect. Not sure why or what's making it happen.
Ever since getting my XOOM back from Motorola after the 4G upgrade (Android 3.2.2, non-Root) I get a force close on the Market when trying to install Documents To Go 3.0 Main application. I can download and install the Pro Key which I bought from the Market with no issues. I have tried the Factory Reset and I still get same issue.
Exception class name: java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException