Motorola Motoactv :: Flashing Light Under Music Button?

Jun 9, 2012

Charged my MotoActv, I noticed a flashing LED on the top right of the screen so I thought that was an indicator showing it was fully charged. However the light is under the music button and it continues to flash. I check the instruction manual and didn't notice anything referencing what it might be.

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Nokia :: E52 - Flashing Light Of Selection Button (midle Rectangle Button)

Jun 17, 2010

I have one question regarding the flashing light of the selection button. When mobile phone Nokia E52 is leave to close the screen light, the light of the selection button is flashing by one flash each 10 secodns, I mention cause are not missing phone or missing messeges. Is this flashing normaly or this menas somenting. On other models of this phone is the same, or I have to do something to close this flashing.

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Motorola Motoactv :: Music Button Increases Volume?

Jun 20, 2012

When I press the Music button, as well as performing the Music button function, it also increases the volume. Does anybody else have this issue?

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Motorola Motoactv :: Power Button Increase Volume And Starts Music?

Oct 21, 2012

Purchased a MotoActv brand new from eBay about 3 months ago. The best product to date i have used for tracking my gym session.I have noticed that everytime i press the power button, the volume increase and the music section starts ups. Very hard to track my gym work majority of the time as it stops the start button to work.I have updated to the latest version, no change in behaviour.Powering off is not an option as it automatically goes into bootloader mode, very hard to get it out of bootloader mode.

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Xperia PLAY :: Flashing Red Light On Power Button?

Dec 2, 2011

I've just bought an Xperia Play and I'm having trouble using it. I've been charging it for about 5 hours and the only thing that's happening is a flashing red light on the power button. I've tried all the suggestions I've found (such as taking the battery in and out, swapping the SD card etc.) and none of them seem to work. Is there anything else I can try?

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BB Curve :: Light Blue Flashing Light On 8310?

Sep 15, 2011

I am on a curve 8310 I think it is with an annoying flashing blue light. I think it's a cross between a white and blue as it's a pale blue light. I have turned off every notification I can find, email, text, facebook etc. I have deselected the LED option ( changed to none) I cannot figure how WHY this light keeps blinking. I've taken the battery out, i'm at my wits end.

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Motorola Motoactv :: Want To Speed Up/sloww Down The Music Selection Without Stopping To Advance The Music?

Feb 16, 2012

Is there a way that the music on/off button could be used to advance to the next song (in a future update of course)? I run to the music beat and sometimes want to speed up/sloww down the music selection without stopping to advance the music. Just a thought

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Motorola Motoactv :: Music Player Not Playing Music?

Jan 18, 2012

When I go to the music player and select a song to play, I get a message that tells me to plug in my headphones. The issue is that my headphones are plugged in. I didn't have this issue a week ago. I was listening to my music just fine. I have rebooted the device several times already. The weird thing is that I can hear the boot up sounds through my headphones, as well as notifications. I just can't play music. I have the same issue with the FM radio.

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Motorola Motoactv :: Headphones Don't Allow To Use The Button To Forward, Stop, Etc

Jul 5, 2012

issues with their headpone control button? My headphones don't allow me to use the button to forward, stop, etc. Is there a known issue with this out there? The control works sometimes, but most of the time it does not....even at the beginning of workout with no moisture at all.

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Motorola Motoactv :: Multi Function Button On Headset?

Mar 17, 2012

I found the SF200 manual and it points to the multi-function button (or MFB) but it does not say what it can do or how to change what it does. I have also searched the knowledge base and the forum. Can someone please point me to any information on how I might change what this button controls? It appears to only control one feature - it is currently set to pause/play and I would like to control forwarding to the next song instead.

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Motorola Razr :: Music Player Keep Closing Or Flashing?

Jan 4, 2012

i keep having problems on my RAZR with my connected music player and also the other music player apps. the connected mmusic player keeps freezing and closing and takes at minimum 3 tries to get an artist selected an then takes some time to bring up albums or songs, other times does not even bring up the albums or songs. other times it will just start flashing and then the whole home screen and any other screens keep flashing.

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Motorola Razr :: Why Does Music Player Keep Closing Or Flashing

Mar 13, 2012

why does music player keep closing or flashing?

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Motorola Droid 3 :: Capacitive Button Back-light?

Aug 3, 2011

From day one the D3, i received on july 8th after placing a phone order, seemed to have really dim button backlight. Well after a couple weeks i went into a VZW store to purchase an extended battery and noticed that the D3 they have out on display has very bright buttons. I've been very busy at work so i finally got around to seeking some tech support and thy are sending me a CLNR to replace mine. I wished i had sought out tech support a couple weeks ago so i would be getting a new phone and not one someone else returned.


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Motorola Motoactv :: Back Button Not Working When Placed In Watch Or Clip

Feb 28, 2012

I just received my Motoactv today and just finished all the settings, etc. It works fine while I am just holding it or sitting it on the table.. But, When I place the motoactv in my Watch or clip the back button will not work, as soon as I remove it from the watch or clip the back button works..

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Motorola Motoactv :: Water Failure Mode - Through Volume Button?

Jun 23, 2012

i did a bit of research before getting a motoactv to serve as my primary training data tool. i read dc rainmaker's report, watched his Internet video of the thing in the shower, and read all the stories of people having water caused failures and motorola invalidating the warranties. i loved the looks and the features, and i wrote off the water complaints as the voice of a loud internet minority, most of whom probably didn't do something right. i was worried about the warranty not being honored, so i made my purchase at rei, who essentially grant lifetime return of anything that they sell.all my workouts are sweaty. encouraged by dc rainmaker's video, which he said was conducted on motorola's terms, i wore the motoactv into the shower after a run. the headset grommet and usb port cover were firmly in place. there were no signs of trouble during the shower (as there weren't in the video), but about 40 minutes later, i caught a glimpse of some small white text on a black screen, then the watch went dark. i powered it back on, which went normally, but once fully booted up, the up volume was constantly activated, with the overlay message showing the speaker icon and the horizontal volume bar showing full volume.

i could sometimes get the indicated volume to go down with the down volume button, only to see the volume quickly ramp all the way back up. i played with this for a while, then powered the thing down to save the battery, as the up volume input was keeping the screen on. suspecting water damage, i checked the usb port and it was dry. a day later, all was back to normal. that was a month ago. i accidently wore it into the shower for all of 10 seconds yesterday, only long enough for it to take a few splashes, and not even long enough to wet the entire case. the phantom volume ramp returned within 10 minutes, but i was able to eventually make it go away by actuating the up volume and music buttons. again, the usb port looked dry. this morning the watch was dead dead dead, with only a brief bootloader message when i tried turning it on. hooking it up to the usb on the computer was enough to get the juice flowing again and start to fill the battery. i was able to power up after about 15 minutes. the phantom volume has returned and won't go away.

i will be exchaning the unit for another at rei today. given the backup of rei's return policy, i will be sticking with the motoactv as my training data device for now. i'm writing all of this to inform people about what they might expect, and to encourage motorola to get their act together on making these things work for their intended purpose. from now on, i'll be cleaning sweat off with a moist paper towel. if it rains, the motoactv will be coming out with me like it or not, and i'll just make another trip to rei if the thing conks out. if rei sees a pattern, i'm sure they will do a better job of encouraging motorola to make the necessary changes than i could.

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Motorola Motoactv :: Button Stopped Pausing And Starting The Audio?

Dec 13, 2011

I have a pair of headphones that has an in-line button. The headphones were working for about 3 weeks with the motoactv, then one day the button stopped pausing and starting the audio for some reason. I tested the same headphones in my iphone, which worked as expected with no problems. I tested 2 other sets of headphones with the motoactv that have in-line buttons and they both work, but this paticular pair will not work with the in-line button. I have done a factory reset, but the results are the same. I have no idea what would cause this behavior.

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Motorola Webtop Docks :: Battery Indicator Light / Button Won't Even Blink Or Anything

Jul 8, 2012

I have a lapdock 100 with a Motorola Photon phone. It was working good for a while and today, it just won't turn on. It won't even charge the phone. The battery indicator light/button won't even blink or anything. I tried switching outlets and it won't charge the lapdock.

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Motorola Motoactv :: How To Delete Music

Feb 17, 2012

I just got my Motoactv but I'm having a lot of trouble setting it up the way I want.Among other things, it isn't syncing the way I choose. I selected which playlists I want to sync to the devive but it has still taken in a ton of additional music that I don't want. I do not want podasts on the device. I do not want anything other than the playlists I choose. How do I fix this?

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Motorola Motoactv :: Play All Music In Car Via USB?

Sep 19, 2012

My new vehicle has a USB port that I can hook the Motoactv to. The system plays the BonusTracks playlist rather than the playlist that contains all of my downloaded songs. The same thing happens when I use the USB with my laptop. How can I change the system to use a playlist other than Bonus Tracks? Or how can I move all my music to the Bonus Tracks folder?

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Motorola Motoactv :: My Music Keeps Stopping

Aug 14, 2012

For the last few weeks whenever I go out for a run my music pauses on it's own. I then "un-pause" it and have to turn the volume back up and carry on. In some cases I cannot get the music to resume at all and I have to restart the moto. I have also found that if I start my music before I press start for the workout the music will pause when I press start. Initially it has been doing this under 10 times per 2 hour run. This morning it paused, without exageration, nearly 100 times. Needless to say I was cussing like a sailor for the duration of my run.

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Motorola Motoactv :: Possible To Stream Music?

Jul 21, 2012

Can the MotoActv stream music from the Android Phone? I was thinking about the device and wanted to know if can just stream music rather than having to load music on the device as that would be easier for me.

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Motorola Motoactv :: Music And FM Not Working

Jan 6, 2012

Few days ago I want try listen some music but it can not play! No reaction at all! Also FM radio, show "No Signal". I try reset factory and change the headphone but still have this problem.

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Motorola Motoactv :: Music Not Playing?

Mar 16, 2012

Just bought the 16g Motoactv and went to use it for the first time yesterday and couldn't get any music to play. I hear the notifications saying "workout started" ect and the FM radio works fine, but any music i synced or even the "bonus" music that came with the device will not play. there is a play symbol showing up on the top of the screen but no music plays and when i go to the progress bar it reads 0:00 and does not move... any suggestions, this is driving me crazy seeing how i have not even gotten to enjoy this device once yet!!

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Motorola :: MotoActv Cannot Play Music

Sep 10, 2012

So this morning I was getting ready to go for my morning run and for some reason I could not get any of my songs to start playing. I switched out the headphones and still no luck. The weird part was I could hear the "beeps" when I changed the volume of the audio to higher or lower, but the music would just fail to play. I did try other songs and even the ones that came with the device. None worked.

I shoud note, I took the device on a long 18.5 mile run Saturday, the music played fine.. But it might of gotten a bit sweaty?

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Motorola Motoactv :: Possible To Remove Music From The "Performance Music" List?

Dec 28, 2011

Is it possible to remove music from the "My Performance Music" list? I have removed certain songs from my MOTOACTV, and don't care to have them listed any more.

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Motorola Motoactv :: Unable To Sync All Of Music

Sep 21, 2012

I'm unable to sync all of my music. The number of songs is correct when it displays in MotoCast but it only copies 187 of 1759 songs. The sync history shows an error.

Syncing Fitness data with the
Fitness data sync successful.
Sync summary
Sync start time = 2012-09-21 20:31:02


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Motorola Motoactv :: Music Plays But No Volume?

Feb 12, 2012

Since the 2nd last firmware update my music will either not start or it will stop after 4 seconds of playing. This isn't my own music but the music that came with the device. I then try everything to get sound. I see the song playing I press play and pause and nothing.I reboot and everying is ok. Sometime rebooting does not work.

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Motorola Motoactv :: UnableTo Sync My Music

Feb 12, 2012

I can't get my music to sync. I cant make it work.

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Motorola Motoactv :: Music Stop During Workout?

Oct 16, 2012

I use Motoactv 8GB for my workouts (Running). Lately (Since latest S/W upgrade to MA 1.7.12 N8) during the workout after few songs , the music start to get crazy, Song play for a few seconds and skip to the next song. later it get stuck. the coaching continue as usual. When i use music without the workout run or coaching then its fine. did anyone encounter it? when can we expected a new release of S/W to fix this BUG

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Motorola Motoactv :: Music Stops Playing On It?

Jun 16, 2012

I have a brand new MOTOACTV 8GB and have only used it to TRY and listen to music around the house and outside once to walk my dog. I can't get through three complete songs without the device stopping a song. Sometimes it will randomly start to song over after a few seconds, sometimes it will move on to the next song. I have done a factory reset, upgraded to the newest software 6.13, and tried three different music formats, all supported. The same things happens regardless of what I try. If I can't get this thing to play music I'm really skeptical as to the rest of the functions.

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Motorola Motoactv :: Music Stops Mid Workout

Jan 4, 2012

I started this discussion on the old froum and didn't get it resolved. I had to send in my old MOTO due to repair issues. They sent back a new one. This new MOTO keeps stopping the music during my workouts. Last time I ran about 40 minutes and it quit. I got it going again but it then quit about 15 minutes later. Yes, it is fully charged and yes I use ITunes to sync the music. All songs are either mp3 or those recently purchased from ITunes Store. It does not always quit on the same song so I don't think encoding is the issue. The software is up to date. Should I call Motoorla support and reuqest a new unit? I was going to just "live with it" but why only have half a unit working? No, pressing the right hand button on the top does not get it started again. I have to let it alone for several minutes then it will start again aftger going into playlists and selecting the palylist I am using and press a song. It doesn't matter whether I use Shuffle of just press the first song in the list. Seems to be a hardware issue since my first MOTO didn't do this.

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