Motorola Motoactv :: Unable To Select Carmichael Zones?

Sep 4, 2012

After taking the Fittest i'm unable to select the Carmichael Training Zones as my default.

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Motorola Motoactv :: How To Use Custom HR Zones

May 17, 2012

I have a question about using heart rate zones int he workout summaries. I went to "Set my Heart Rate Zones" and manually entered the five zones that I've been using for a while now, into a Heart Rate Zone Template.Then, when looking at a workout summary, on the left side I clicked the section for Zones-->Heart Rate. It displays five HR zones.. but they're not the HR Zones I entered myself. They're the stock/default zones. Therefore, when I look at the workout summary, when it shows how much of my running was done in each HR zone, the summary is incorrect.In the image below, where the arrow is pointing, how can I get it to show my custom HR Zones from the template I filled out?

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Motorola Motoactv :: How To Set Pace Zones

Feb 13, 2012

I tried to set my pace zones and save it as a template but when i select the template it marks "10:00" in every zone (lower and upper) Is this a bug? How do I set my pace zones?

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Motorola Motoactv :: Removing Custom Zones?

Dec 28, 2011

How do you remove custom pace zone and heart rate zones? I've created several that I want to remove.

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Motorola Motoactv :: Planned Workout Zones?

Jun 3, 2012

when I create a Workout my Heart Rate Zones are incorrect. I'm using the Custom Zones and have them set as Active. I created a workout and downloaded it to my MotoActv, but when I started the workout, it did the intervals correctly however the Heart Rate Zones were way too high. i.e., it had my Zone2 starting at 200 which is higher than my max heart rate of 189 so it wasn't effective in telling me when I was in the right zones. However, when I quick start a workout, it uses my correct zones.

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Motorola Motoactv :: Set Up Custom Pace Zones?

Apr 14, 2012

I have attempted to set up custom pace zones, as well as edit exising. However, the numbers I put in change and do not reflect anything close to what I put in.

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Motorola Motoactv :: Can't Get The Pace Zones Function To Work

Jan 9, 2012

I like the running Pace Zone Feature! It worked for me on the day I did a fit test. I ran 6 miles after the fit test and was able to take a glance at my watch and see the zone I was in. Very cool. I went to the website and tweaked my zones and saved a new template.I can't get the pace zones function to work since then. I'm sure it is operator error.

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Motorola Motoactv :: Cannot Create Pace Zones In First Place?

Mar 10, 2012

I see people posting workarounds on how to create pace zones (as an example) so settings will stick....I can't figure out how to create them in the first place....where would I input the data? The drop down only has "my zone templates" - and is not selectable. Am I in the wrong place?

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Motorola Motoactv :: No Custom Zones Showing Anymore?

Jul 12, 2012

For the last few weeks, my workout overview no longer includes my custom zones. Each time I check my settings, the custom HR zones that I programmed are marked as currently active, but all my workouts are showing as the default zones set by Motoactv. These are not the zones that I desire to use in my training.

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Motorola Motoactv :: Heart Rate Zones Don't Save (or Work)

Mar 17, 2012

First, I'm unable to save a zone template. If I edit the Carmichael zones and hit save, it tells me that's it has saved the template. But alas, it's nowhere to be found. Also, after I hit save the zone resets back to the default (which is incorrect as it has the first two zones overlapping significantly). Take a look at the attachment. I'm no heart rate expert by any means, but are "Recovery" and "Foundation" supposed to overlap as much as they do (why are both of their lower number 87?)? Just looking at this now I realize how little sense it makes. Why does the "Foundation" zone go all the way into "Steady State" I tried changing this and it just reverts back to the original everytime. I'm sure you'll guess my next gripe... yep, my zones are incorrect on my MotoACTV as well.

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Motorola Motoactv :: Heartrate Zones Are Not Shown On Portal Anymore

Mar 10, 2012

I noticed that after recent update I can not see heartrate zones summary on the portal anymore - the muticolored bar that indicates heartrate zone.


I checked my OLD workouts on the portal and these DO have heartrate zones - which is strange since I would expect data processing to be on the page regardless of data used... here is link to OLD workout -[url]...

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Motorola Motoactv :: Pace Zones Not Saving In Interval Workout?

Mar 15, 2012

I have 4 zones setup in my pace zones: rest, walk, run, sprint.

I am trying to setup walk / run intervals at 2 minutes at my "walk" pace zone and 2 minutes at my "run" pace zone.

In the workout planner I am able to select the appropriate pace zone when setting up my interval workout, but the pace zone that I selected is not saved. I click save and re-enter the workout plan and the zones are defaulted back to my first zone of "rest."

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Motorola Motoactv :: Programmed Intervals Time In Heart Rate Zones Not Syncing

Feb 26, 2012

After using the coached interval feature a couple of times, I have noticed a problem. Once my other workouts are synced, the table in the heart rate zones tab shows the total number of minutes spent in each individual heart rate zone. This is not happening with the programmed interval workouts. I know my zones are being recorded because of the feedback I get during the workout and the color coded graph portion seems to be accurate. The table on my recent 25 minute interval workout reads 1:55 in Z2, 2:32 in Z3, 0:36 in Z4, and 0:00 in both Z1 and Z5. Clearly these durations do not add up.

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Motorola Motoactv :: Method To Select Custom Dates For The Recent Workouts?

Mar 31, 2012

Am I missing something? Is there a method to select custom dates for the Recent Workouts? I'd like to see all of March's runs with total milage, etc...but I can seem to figure that part out.

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Motorola RAZR I Home :: Unable To Select Alarm To Selected Music

Nov 22, 2012

I used to have a Motorola Defy, you could set the alarm to selected music. I have been unable to do this with my new Motorola RAZR i. Also I cannot connect my phone to my PC. I have updated/reinstalled all the drivers but it still does not recognise my phone.

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Motorola Motoactv :: Unable To Ync My Device

Jul 10, 2012

Just got in from a run. Device won't sync, just sits there with 'syncing' on the screen for minutes on end. Also, the MA website won't let me into the workout data. It just says 'unable to process request'. Device synced fine Sunday, but not today. First elevation issue, not I can't even sync my workouts or view them.

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Motorola Motoactv :: Unable To Sync All Of Music

Sep 21, 2012

I'm unable to sync all of my music. The number of songs is correct when it displays in MotoCast but it only copies 187 of 1759 songs. The sync history shows an error.

Syncing Fitness data with the
Fitness data sync successful.
Sync summary
Sync start time = 2012-09-21 20:31:02


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Motorola Motoactv :: Unable To Connect It To Laptop

Jul 18, 2012

I have recently purchased a motoactv which works great, but when I try and connect it to a computer it doesn't connect properly. The initial connection via usb managed to install the USB Composite Device driver, but failed to install the Motorola Networking Interface and the Motorola ADB Interface. Nothing else happens. Whenever I connect or disconnect I do get the notification sound, but again nothing else. It does not even appear in my computer. I tried system restore to a previous point to remove the drivers and try again, but on the initial connection of the device exactly the same thing happened again. I have tried installing motocast but have had no results with that either.

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Motorola Motoactv :: Unable To Have Notification Sound?

Aug 16, 2012

I just bought a new 8GB watch and connect with my Android 4.0.3 phone. When an incoming call, the watch shows the caller ID correctly but no notification sound. In setup, I have selected play a notification tone.

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Motorola Motoactv :: Unable To Process The Request?

Jul 24, 2012

I'm getting this on the website "Unable to process the request", on about 80% of my workouts I cannot see details! also on the few ones that load I cannot see the route, this only happens from my PC and any other PC i have tried and with any browser IE, Firefox, Chrome,.... BTW it all works fine from my Droid Razr phone

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Motorola Motoactv :: Unable To Download Maps To It?

Jun 4, 2012

I'm unable to download maps to my Motoactv device. When I click on a particular map on the maps screen, all I get is garbled data (presumably raw image files?). This seems to be the case for any map I select. I've tried right-clicking and saving the map files, however it saves them as *.htm files, which is presumably the wrong format for the device.I'm using IE9 on Windows 7 64-bit.

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Motorola :: Unable To Update MOTOACTV Software With MAC

Apr 8, 2012

I can not get my Motoactv software updated.I did a search of the website and it sends me to a page that just lists the updates, but nothing about how to do the update.I have a Mac, and have installed Motocast on the Mac....when that's running, I select Check for Updates, but that only checks for updates to the Motocast software, not the Motoactv software.

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Motorola Motoactv :: Unable To Answer Phone Through The Device?

Jan 11, 2012

I don't know if this is an issue with the current software on the MOTOACTV or not, but I am not that happy with this. The ability to answer calls during runs was one of the primary reasons I went with this watch. I had since changed my phone as well to take advantage of it. Now that I have the SF600, I am still unable to answer calls on the motoactv and, when answered on the phone, the headset does not route the call.What am I missing?Equipment:Phone - Droid RAZRMotoactv - 8GB w/system version 4.55.78

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Motorola Motoactv :: Unable To Upgrade To Latest Firmware?

Nov 15, 2012

I have an 8GB model and current firmware version is MA 1.7.10 N8. When I check the websites it says the latest firmware is 1.7.11 N8. When I connect to the system and check for latest software, motocast always report back saying there is not new files to update. May I know how to upgrade to the latest firmware?

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Motorola Motoactv :: Unable To Put Podcast Episodes On Device

Jun 1, 2012

All the right boxes are checked- I want it to load four episodes that I haven't listened to yet. Two of them are gray on my device "file type not supported" (they are both mp3s, same as the episodes I've listened to) The last time I attempted to sync, inexplicably it REMOVED all of the podcast episodes from my device, when I was trying to ADD several new ones. Spent an hour on customer service tonight speaking with a fellow who did not seem to understand what a podcast is.

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Motorola Motoactv :: Unable To Sync Since Taking Last Upgrade

Jul 23, 2012

I have the 16GB device and since I took the latest upgrade yesterday I am no longer able to sync. Message is 'MOTOACTV cannot connect to the server please try after sometime'. I can't sync via WiFi or phone.I've powered off the device a couple of times and reset my modem and router.

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Motorola Motoactv :: Unable To Save Route."?

Apr 26, 2012

I searched a bit and couldn't find anything but i'm trying to set a route under "Planning" and when i click "Save" i get the error "Something Went Wrong. Unable to save route."

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Motorola Motoactv :: Unable To Connect To Wifi But Can See List

Feb 26, 2012

I have not been able to connect to my router and keep getting the error incorrect password or other error.I have tried power cycling my router, removing the password, changing the password to something simpler and motoactv stlil cannot connect.I am 100% sure the password is correct and all my other devices can connect to the router fine as well.

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Motorola :: Unable To Update Software For 8gb Motoactv Version 4.53.50

Jan 5, 2012

Been tring to update software for a couple weeks now. Every time I attempt to update I am given the following message - "The server is temporarily unavailable due to maintenance. Please come back later to check for updates." Been in contact with customer service a couple times and have not heard back from anyone yet.

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Motorola Motoactv :: Unable To View Elevation Data?

Jun 23, 2012

is anyone else unable to view their elevation data since moving to the new MA portal? I am experiencing this issue even when viewing older workout data.

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Motorola Motoactv :: Unable To Drag And Drop Workouts On Planning Page

Oct 30, 2012

I cannot drag and drop my existing workout plans onto the calendar when using my Windows based PC. It works fine on my Mac...I have checked my security settings and it does not seem to be those that are stopping it from working.

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