I have a question about using heart rate zones int he workout summaries. I went to "Set my Heart Rate Zones" and manually entered the five zones that I've been using for a while now, into a Heart Rate Zone Template.Then, when looking at a workout summary, on the left side I clicked the section for Zones-->Heart Rate. It displays five HR zones.. but they're not the HR Zones I entered myself. They're the stock/default zones. Therefore, when I look at the workout summary, when it shows how much of my running was done in each HR zone, the summary is incorrect.In the image below, where the arrow is pointing, how can I get it to show my custom HR Zones from the template I filled out?
I have attempted to set up custom pace zones, as well as edit exising. However, the numbers I put in change and do not reflect anything close to what I put in.
For the last few weeks, my workout overview no longer includes my custom zones. Each time I check my settings, the custom HR zones that I programmed are marked as currently active, but all my workouts are showing as the default zones set by Motoactv. These are not the zones that I desire to use in my training.
I tried to set my pace zones and save it as a template but when i select the template it marks "10:00" in every zone (lower and upper) Is this a bug? How do I set my pace zones?
when I create a Workout my Heart Rate Zones are incorrect. I'm using the Custom Zones and have them set as Active. I created a workout and downloaded it to my MotoActv, but when I started the workout, it did the intervals correctly however the Heart Rate Zones were way too high. i.e., it had my Zone2 starting at 200 which is higher than my max heart rate of 189 so it wasn't effective in telling me when I was in the right zones. However, when I quick start a workout, it uses my correct zones.
I like the running Pace Zone Feature! It worked for me on the day I did a fit test. I ran 6 miles after the fit test and was able to take a glance at my watch and see the zone I was in. Very cool. I went to the website and tweaked my zones and saved a new template.I can't get the pace zones function to work since then. I'm sure it is operator error.
I see people posting workarounds on how to create pace zones (as an example) so settings will stick....I can't figure out how to create them in the first place....where would I input the data? The drop down only has "my zone templates" - and is not selectable. Am I in the wrong place?
First, I'm unable to save a zone template. If I edit the Carmichael zones and hit save, it tells me that's it has saved the template. But alas, it's nowhere to be found. Also, after I hit save the zone resets back to the default (which is incorrect as it has the first two zones overlapping significantly). Take a look at the attachment. I'm no heart rate expert by any means, but are "Recovery" and "Foundation" supposed to overlap as much as they do (why are both of their lower number 87?)? Just looking at this now I realize how little sense it makes. Why does the "Foundation" zone go all the way into "Steady State" I tried changing this and it just reverts back to the original everytime. I'm sure you'll guess my next gripe... yep, my zones are incorrect on my MotoACTV as well.
I noticed that after recent update I can not see heartrate zones summary on the portal anymore - the muticolored bar that indicates heartrate zone.
I checked my OLD workouts on the portal and these DO have heartrate zones - which is strange since I would expect data processing to be on the page regardless of data used... here is link to OLD workout -[url]...
I have 4 zones setup in my pace zones: rest, walk, run, sprint.
I am trying to setup walk / run intervals at 2 minutes at my "walk" pace zone and 2 minutes at my "run" pace zone.
In the workout planner I am able to select the appropriate pace zone when setting up my interval workout, but the pace zone that I selected is not saved. I click save and re-enter the workout plan and the zones are defaulted back to my first zone of "rest."
After using the coached interval feature a couple of times, I have noticed a problem. Once my other workouts are synced, the table in the heart rate zones tab shows the total number of minutes spent in each individual heart rate zone. This is not happening with the programmed interval workouts. I know my zones are being recorded because of the feedback I get during the workout and the color coded graph portion seems to be accurate. The table on my recent 25 minute interval workout reads 1:55 in Z2, 2:32 in Z3, 0:36 in Z4, and 0:00 in both Z1 and Z5. Clearly these durations do not add up.
find it hard that you can't create custom playlists from the watch! Plus when pushing the fitness icon it shouldn't only allow one song! That's just pointless! It should be where you choose a set of music as your fitness music!
I've been using the custom workouts feature on Moto since the weekend. I have noticed that the custom workouts do not show up as the latest workout (my elliptical workout from Sunday is still showing as the latest). My custom workouts are also not showing up in the workout tab, neither in bar view nor table view. The only way I can access custom workouts on the portal is up top on the days of the week in the schedule. Is this a glitch with the new portal that is going to be ironed out?
The custom workout that I did for weight training does not show up when I look at the "Recent Workouts" view. This still defaults to the original workouts. I have updated my profile to include the custom workout 1 as weight training. How do I get this workout to display in the "Recent Workouts" view?
I plan to use this device for activities other than just the 5 or 6 activity types listed - for example - monitoring heart rate and calories burned during strength training or other types of cardio activities. Is there any way to create a custom activity type - or if not, can you add a few more generic ones? ...perhaps "Other", "Cardio", or "Strength"?
Am I missing something? Is there a method to select custom dates for the Recent Workouts? I'd like to see all of March's runs with total milage, etc...but I can seem to figure that part out.
I've owned the MotoActv for two month, I got the mysterious "moisture issues" that everyone seems to be getting even though I've never used it in the rain. But the thing that is driving me nuts is the music. When I hit random shuffle of all my songs, I hear songs I don't want to hear... song that I do not own on my computer. Where are these songs coming from? Today I heard "Boot Scoot Boogie!" I abhore country music as does my wife. Doing a computer wide search shows no evidence that the song exists on my computer. Yet there it is playing in mile four. Other mystery songs have showed up too. The performance music playlist seems to be filled with songs I never heard of, yet evidently I perform well to them.
Let the developers know what new innovations you would like to see in Motoactive. Let them know what Apps, websites, hardware features that are out there that you love and would like to see incorporated into Motoactv.
I've rooted my phone but can't seem to change the boot screens, the Motorola logo if fine with me but I hate the boost animation and want to replace it, none of the ways I've found so far work, how to do this on this model phone?
When selecting a ringtone from the address menu | edit, it only lets me choose between mid1 to mid19. Where do you have to put mp3's to make them selectable as ringtones?
i just rooted my motorola milestone and was wondering, where to get custom roms in english for my newly rooted phone?im currently googling to find some
"Honeycomb isn't actually built from the ground up and that it is just a shell running on top of Android 2.3 (Gingerbread). To reveal Gingerbread on a Honeycomb tablet, all you have to do is change the LCD density to 170 or higher, and after a reboot you'll end up with the Gingerbread UI on your phone. The same lockscreen, launcher, and even app list will be on the tablet. Resetting the LCD density to 160 or lower and Honeycomb returns after a reboot" url...
I've got the atrix on t-mobile contract but cannot figure out how to set a custom ringtone for the SMS? I've got the custom one for the phone call. But the text message one has me baffled? I select text message >menu setting > messaging settings > select ringtone. But it doesn't offer the option to select a custom one.I've tried putting an mp3/m4a track in the notification folder by connecting the phone to a usb cable and pc, but the tracks dont show up in the select ringtone setting?
I can add custom ringtone (mp3) for incoming calls , can't seem to find a way to add a custom tone for incoming SMS. Does anybody know if there is a way to do this ?
Each time my phone powers off, reboots, or I plug into my PC and it unmounts the SD card (ext) the phone seems to forget all of the ringtone settings and reverts back to stock (default) settings. I have over 20 custom ringtones for friends, SMS, calendar, alarms, etc., each and every time I have to reset these..Would trasnfering the ringtones to the internal memory