Motorola Droid Pro :: CompanionLink Failure After Android 2.3.3 Update
Nov 11, 2011
I apologize if this has been addressed already, but I've reached my limit of patience with search engines and forum web sites for one day. The issue: on a Motorola Droid pro, running 2.3.2, CompanionLink's Outlook sync ran reasonably well, although it required some odd steps which they claim are driven by the OS. After the Android 2.3.3 update, CompanionLink (AKA DejaOffice) fails consistently and without useful error output. The software on the PC side does not recognize that sync has started on the device side -- which is how it's supposed to work on a Droid -- and never runs to completion.
The PCs in question are running either Windows 7 Pro 64 or Windows XP. Both exhibit similar symptoms. CompanionLink tech support has been useless -- by definition, since they haven't solved my problem. They appear to be being slammed with a large number of cases reported and have no plan they're willing to discuss to address the problem. So: (The two most common, turning off bluetooth and turning off USB debugging, don't work for me, by the way. Already tried 'em.) Any other product for syncing at least Outlook contacts and calendar with Droid?
on a Motorola Droid pro, running 2.3.2, CompanionLink's Outlook sync ran reasonably well, although it required some odd steps which they claim are driven by the OS. Regardless, after the Android 2.3.3 update, CompanionLink (AKA DejaOffice) fails consistently and without useful error output. The software on the PC side does not recognize that sync has started on the device side -- which is how it's supposed to work on a Droid -- and never runs to completion. The PCs in question are running either Windows 7 Pro 64 or Windows XP. Both exhibit similar symptoms.
CompanionLink tech support has been useless -- by definition, since they haven't solved my problem. They appear to be being slammed with a large number of cases reported and have no plan they're willing to discuss to address the problem. So:
(The two most common, turning off bluetooth and turning off USB debugging, don't work for me, by the way. Already tried 'em.) Anybody else have another product for syncing at least Outlook contacts and calendar with Droid?
I have had my Droid Turbo with Android 5.1 for about 6 months and recently it has begun to frequently refuse to charge on either the USB or official Verizon wireless charger.
I can set it on the wireless charger and both the charger and phone recognize each other, but in the charging has taken place.
I can usually force it to accept a charge by restarting the phone while on the charger.
Whenever I try to run the android update it says "Searching for server" then report, "Server connection failure". This goes running though either wireless or 3g connection. The SII works fine downloading/uploading everything/everywhere else and on any connection, it has me baffled. It has worked before as it did a couple of updates when I first bought this really great phone!
[URL]According to MSNBC Technology, vast majority of Motorola devices have no slated release date of ICS. This may or may not be true. I don't believe everything I read, but I figure its worth discussing anyway
The wife and I both have Razrs. For some reason, I got the notification to update to ICS, she never did. So, when you go to system updates, you can download ICS, but when you procede to update, it gives the attached message.
Since the software upgrade about a wek ago (4.5.621.MB810.Verizon.en.US), neither my camera nor camcorder work. When is Motorola going to fix this issue? And no, I'm NOT going to do a factory reset for a problem THEIR software caused.
I am hanging on the phone waiting for a Moto Level 2, but in the mean time, am going to bang out this post about how awful my first day with ICS has been.I mentioned in a previous post that the install got hung at "starting applications" and Veriizon tech suppor thad me pull the SD and SIM card. The phone rebooted, but it has not been working properly
My RAZR M seems to have problems establishing a GPS connection. I have successfully established the connection, but often have to reboot the phone in order to get the connection established. At this point, I have been unable to figure out the pattern of when I can no longer get connected. I have turned off all Smart Actions that manipulate the GPS connection, I have tried leaving it on all the time, or off when I am not outside, nothing consistent that I can figure out.
So there I was saving an alien world by killing one jelly at a time when my screen completely quit responding to touch. First thought was my Razr just had its first freeze/reboot but the sound was still going and the jellies still marching toward my precious gems. Instantly realized my Razr was ignoring me. Tried my side keys and they worked as usual, sound keys toggled sound up and down and lock key locked/opened power menu but was unable to select any options as the touch sense was still out to lunch. It's been almost a half hour and the screen is stuck on the lock screen and won't even dim. Which coincidentally is a good thing b/c it's way to much work to pull the battery on these things .
On day two of owning my X2 I got a error when it tried to read the external SD card. I called Verizon and they had me format it on my laptop. I did this and then reloaded my 4 gig of music back to it. Yesterday evening it did it again and now Verizon is sending me a new card. In the mean time I am using a 1 gig card that I had left over from my Storm. The first thing I noticed is when I transfered the music from my laptop to the 1 gig sd card via a card reader the transfer rate was near 6 meg. When I transfered my music to the card that is bad the transfer rate never got about 2.5 meg. I now notice after listening to music for the last 4 hours at work it never skipped at all. I had very frequent skipping with the original card. Another thing I noticed is the phone doesn't lag at all when I am listening to music.
I have read the discussions to date and it seems there is no answer for this install update problem or I missed it. what the fix is for this and if there isn't one is Motorola working on one.
I am stuck in fastboot after the phone went dead. It says:
Invalid flash mode (s) (root failure) 0a.74 eMMC info:size 16g To return to normal mode - first press power key to power down Device is Locked. Status code: 0
Battery low Cannot program Transfer mode: USB connected
invalid cc otv (cc system):invalid sp data invalid cc hab(cc: system, status: 0x004e) invalid cc otv (cc: system)
I live in the Philippines and I have been trying and trying to update my phone to 2.1 in my computer and I always get the same results. My OS is windows XP and I have tried both PC companion and SE Update service for the upgrade. When it comes to the part where I have to "turn off the phone...wait for 5 or 30 secs, connect the cables etc then press the back button while inserting the microUSB into the phone"....then nothing happens. My computer just freezes after a few minutes with nothing indicating on the screen that something...anything is going on. I have tried this several times and for several days already.
Is there an Android phone that can be used for testing Android applications loaded directly to the phone from a development environment through a local wifi connection without signing up to a carrier network?
Do anybody have a problem with the android email not want to scroll right when you trying to look at a email? What it is do is not wanting to move around sometimes like it is stuck but I can't figure it out.
For the past several days for me. I just get "Loading..." and the perpetually rotating gear. Yet my notification bar is letting me know I have updates available. I just can't open the Market to DL them.
I recently upgraded to GB and ever since my battery has been getting completely drained very quickly. When I look at the Battery Usage stats, I have the following:
Besides the fact that the percentages don't add up to 100%, I have never seen the Android OS be so high in battery usage. When I click on Android OS for further detail, it says CPU Total = 1h 15m 35s. My phone was fully charged and I have only been on battery 1h 42m 0s. If these stats are correct, that means the Android system has been using my CPU for almost the whole time my phone has been on. What would cause this? Its very frustrating that I am down to 50% battery after only having my phone on for less than 2 hours. In the time my phone has been on, I haven't done any processor intensive task like web browsing and have not run any apps at all other than Gmail.
I got a notification for update to Android 4.0.4 for MotorolaXYBoard WiFi in the US.
I tried three time and the installation failed. Unit is well connected to his docking station and strong wifi signal. Download was OK.
After the ANDROID icom appear and install started, I got a yellow triangle and after then a message that the install failed. The fact that I'm not in the USA righ now, could be a problem for the dowload ? I tried 3 times.
I see that ICS will allow you to take photos while recording video simultaneously. Might there be a future update that would allow you to take photos after the video is finished recording? Just in case you forgot to hit the snapshot button while you are holding your breath to steady your shot.
Since .893 I've seen the % of battery used by 'Android OS' to be significantly higher than before. Previously (after 12 or more hours of uptime) I'd typically always have Display as the highest %. Now it's always Android OS. Right now I'm at 16 hours on battery and my Android OS is 64% at 44 min. My Display is only 7 min.
All the same apps since before .893 and no new ones. Factory reset has made no difference in this. if this is something known and to be addressed in .901 ?
I installed onavo a few days ago and have noticed this process called «Android OS + others« using like 50 mb of data in just 3 what is my phone doing that its using that kind of data?? Can anyone help me figure this out? Im pretty sure all my social apps and stuff arent set up to auto sync and if thsy were it would be listed under the apps name not android os...
Android OS keeps using 35 to 45% of the battery. My droid, DroidX, and Thunderbolt never used that much. This is the culprit for such a horrible battery life. I have the wifi off now and gps off when im not using it and it still has issues holding the charge for awhile. I wish I could delete the motocast account to see if that is the issue but I cant. Could it be smart actions that is causing the thing to continually search for triggers and wear battery? Or is it motocast? I don't use motocast or the stock music app ever and my mac is off too. So I want to know why the android OS is eating this battery up. Is there some fix on the way? I deleted every app and it still will show that android OS as the main battery hog by a lot. I only have gmail I don't have facebook updating anything so I really don't know what's going on.. I do know that when i used cpu spy the 300 megahertz was used for longer than the phone was in deep sleep. So something is using the CPU in that range non stop it seems.
im wondering why my Xoom is not getting the Android 3.2.1 update. im still at 3.1... an update which i got very late.i went to my local Best Buy store and their display Xoom, has the .2.1 version.what can i do to get the updates????
I have a Droid Razr MAXX. USB Debugging is off; MTP is the USB setting. I've turned my phone off then on again. However, my Macbook Pro (currently running Lion) does not register the phone as a USB device, and AFT asks me to connect my phone with a USB cable to get started.
In the past 3 days this % of battery usage has gone up dramatically. Close to 50% on 3 different charge cycles. No new apps installed and nothing new under running apps that I'd normally have to manually kill. (I've disabled most all of what I can of bloatware)
I've triedusing the Android mp3 player, but it has a cute anal-retentive habit of compulsively storing - and playing - the songs alphabetically instead of the order in which they were downloaded from the CD. What's this about? This is particularly infuriating when trying to store and listen to anything that has a narrative order