Motorola Defy :: Red Cross On Top Of Display (left Of Battery)
Jun 3, 2011I have a red cross on top of my display (left of battery)
View 3 RepliesI have a red cross on top of my display (left of battery)
View 3 RepliesI left my phone in the rain and did my best at drying it out. On recharging the red light goes off after a couple of minutes and soon after a battery with a red cross icon appears on the screen .Does this mean the battery, phone and sim card are wrecked. Does the water short out the junctions on the processor, power management,screen etc? Can anything be saved?
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow do I get the % of battery left to display?
iPhone 4S
I brought my Defy in October 2011. Since then it was four times at service. Dust keep entering behind the screen, mainly at the top left corner. Two times they cleaned it and replaced some rubber parts there. Nothing changed, after one or two weeks the dust appeared again. I asked them to send me a new one, but they refused it. A month ago they send me back the same phone without even cleaning it with notes that I'm using it in highly dusted environment against the IP67 (which is theoretically impossible in my country) Now, the whole upper part of the screen is dusted (see photo) and the screws are damaged due to the continuous repairs.
View 5 Replies View Relatedwhy the brightness of display different from two defy cell nd my friend both purchased defy last week..nd in both defy thre lots of difference in defy brightness dull as compere to my friend defy cell(both in same condition or same brightness setting).
View 8 Replies View RelatedWhen the battery is inserted the screen shows a battery with a red cross.
View 2 Replies View RelatedBoth my wife and I have Defy's owned for 4 months and upgraded to Froyo 2.2 some weeks ago.both working normally.Then yesterday my phone, for no obvious reason, came up with the message "Invalid Battery.Your device battery is invalid and cannot be charged. Replace the battery with an origional motorola battery." Also the battery symbol at top right of display is black, not green, and has a? mark in it. I have checked my battery, which came with the phone, and it is official Motorola with hologram. So is my wifes.I tried swapping the batteries and while my battery works perfectly in her phone, her battery in my phone gives the same errors.I then tried a master reset....Twice! Both successful, wiping all my data, and requiring me to set up the phone again, but problem still remains.
View 6 Replies View Relatedmy blackberry all of a sudden went blank and wouldnt turn back on, so i plugged it in to charge and have a red light for about 10 seconds then it goes off and I get a battery symbol with a red cross through it.
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy bold 9000 will not start up.When I insert the battery the red led start up with the normal boot indicator then it stays on with a empty battery sign with a red cross over it.The boot inicator boots up till a certain point and stays there with nothing happening further? I can not connect to the desktop manager either?
View 9 Replies View RelatedSo, I dropped my phone from a kitchen stool on to a rug.. Went to reboot it and got a blackscreen with a white battery and a red X going through it. Now, I was told it was my battery after much goolging.. I have 3 batteries at my disposale, all working at various strengths. None are changing the issue.So, Ive plugged it into my DM and it gives me 3 OS's to choose from when repairing. Ive chosen all three, with and without different batteries and no progress has been made.What can I do next? Surely my phone isnt broken from its softest fall yet?
View 6 Replies View RelatedBought my bold 2 a year back. Just bought a new battery for my Bold 2 (9700) with a 6 months warranty as previous battery used to drain out quickly. Tried charging but there is a battery sign with a red cross over it even after charging it for 3 hours. When I use my old battery, it is functioning well as before. What is the problem?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI've had my BB Curve for about a year and a half now. Last night, I went to charge my BB after the battery had drained to find on the screen a drained battery icon with a red cross/line through it. I had reloaded the set up on my phone and it still does not work and it seems that the white loading bar under the icon still loads after it has appeared and stops at around 75%.Will a new battery fix this?As I have said, I have reloaded and wiped everything on my phone and I have also tried the 'take out the battery while it's charged, put it back in method', nothing happened.
View 1 Replies View Relatedive had a blackberry crbe for about 4 months it is brillaiunt condition , but all fo a sudden the phone switched off and now wont turn on . ive tryed charging it but all that comes up is a empty battery sign with a red cross i had it on charge all night and have tryed 3 different chargers and 2 batterys and still nothing ?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI can't turn my phone on.For the last week, every time I plugged the charger in, the screen would go white, and then a battery with a red cross through would show up.If I removed and replaced the battery several times then eventually it would reboot, I took to a phone shop yesterday and they unscrewed the phone and re-screwed it together again, and the battery sign didn't appear again and appeared to be working fine again.However, last night I attempted to charge the phone again, and the battery sign appeared again and now will not go off. The phone is completely useless. I've tried a new battery, with no luck. What should I do?
View 3 Replies View RelatedMy blackberry torch got discharged yesterday and it wont just re-charge. I kept it overnight to charge but no joy, tried a different charger but no juice . After some fiddling I see the red light on the device when I plug-in my charger and see the lightning symbol for a few seconds before it gives way to an empty battery with a red cross. I have tried this procedure various times but no joy.
View 1 Replies View RelatedSo, I got this new Motorola Defy less than a week ago. Recently, the phone died and now that it's connected to the charger, it doesn't seem to be charging. After leaving it on the charger for 8 hours, it still read 0% and I couldn't turn it it. I've taken it out, had it plugged in without the battery, put it back in, just about everything you can do with it without taking anything apart.
View 1 Replies View Relatedmy bb switched itself off and when i try and charge it the little red light in the top right comes on and then the screen displays a pic of a battery with a big red cross going through it? i havent dropped it or got it wet, it now wont charge or switch on
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy month-old Blackberry Curve 9300 won't turn on. I plugged it in - to the wall - to charge earlier today and at that point it seemed fine - when I went back to check it, though, the screen was blank with a red light. I've tried turning it on, but the loading screen comes up, loads a tiny part of the way, and then a blank white screen appears, then I get an icon of a battery with a red cross through it.
View 5 Replies View RelatedMy blackberry Curve 9360 isn't booting, it just place a battery icon with a red cross on it. I tried reloading the OS as suggested to an earlier enquiry but I was told no update is available for my phone and the problem has since persisted and I've not been able to use my phone for some days now.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just got my new torch 9860 and cannot turn it on - I have on the screen a battery with a red cross ! does that mean that the battery is out of service ?it seems that it doesn't reload / charge the battery !?
View 2 Replies View Relatedwhy a Defy battery drains away even without use over 24hrs?
View 1 Replies View Relatedhave been using my defy for a few weeks now, waiting för 2.2 but, i cant get more battery time than about 36 h, and that whit no extra apps, everything i can fin is off except gsm what i culd read before i bought i was, up to 238 h time i can accept poor batterytime if i use it a lot and whit bt,wifi,gps and more things on and running, but havint it as a normal phone an charge it every night is, about back to 1995 and my first gsm phone what is possible to do to get more batterytime?
View 12 Replies View RelatedMotorla defy uses the new update from Moto Froyo 2.2 update 2 Moderate usage My Battery comes only for 44Hours and 36 Mins that not even 2 days completely usage as follows
Mobile standby: 44%
Phone Idle : 42%
Voice Calls : 11%
Display :2 %
want to know how to maximize the battery life.
I put my motorola defy on charge when the battery was 40% ive heard this can damage the battery or will it not matter if it was a one off?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have noticed the battery on my defy+ goes down to 90% from full charge within an hour. This is my 3rd charge and I charged it for 3 hour for the first time like it said in the user manual. After it goes to 90% the battery holds good charge. It lasted me 12 hours with me playing around on it all night. Also I had my phone on for 2 days and I checked the phone up time in the settings and it said 55 mins. So I don't know if it has been rebooting itself maybe because of updates or a problem.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI got this phone about 2 months ago. It worked fine until a couple weeks ago. The battery life went seriously downhill. At first, the battery would die and not charge. Then I got 2 replacement batteries, followed by the original battery. All three of them have a battery life of 5 hours. I turn off the wi-fi and kill all the apps, but the battery life still stays the same. When I checked the battery usage, it says that the phone idle time used up about half of the battery life. I know that android phones have short battery lives, but 5 hours is ridiculous.
View 3 Replies View RelatedEver since I got my defy I was very impressed with the battery life. After the group update I found it shortened slightly compared to with eclair but still good This weekend its suddenly started discharging at a crazy rate! I've twice tried hard reseting the handset but it continues to discharge quickly!I run very few applications. The major 3 being whatapp. Facebook and twitter.
View 9 Replies View RelatedJust got a new bold 9900 today and when I put the battery in, the battery icon shows up with a red cros and an hour glass turning round and round? So frustrating, what does this mean? do I have a faulty battery?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a blackberry 9300 curve. I checked my phone for the time 2 hours ago and realized that it was off. I tried turning it on by the button but that didn't work. Nor did taking the battery out and putting it back in again. I then tried to plug it int the mains and a red light flashed on it for 15 or so seconds and a empty battery sign with a red cross came on screen. I have left it to charge but I still cant turn it on. What can I do?
View 1 Replies View Relatedafter upgrading my Defy to 2.2.2 it runs 24h at most on its battery. It ran at least 2 days before the update. Now it usually runs out of battery after work. By then it was last charged 11-12 hours ago.I installed the OS Monitor from the market to check what is eating up my battery. Turns out that the "init" process starts eating up all free CPU resources after a while. The phones runs smoothly for about an hour or two after turning on. But as soon as the init process starts using the entire CPU, battery goes down very quickly.I did not install any new apps after the update besides the OS Monitor. So the apps have not changed. Still the battey dies very quickly.What can I do to get my phone back to its old charge cycle?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI grabbed my Motorola Defy used about 6 months ago with absolutely nothing wrong with it.I work at a garage, I'm constantly coated in grease.About a month ago the ear speaker stopped working, now calls can only be heard through headphones or speaker phone.
About 2 weeks ago, close to every time I put my Defy in my pocket, it shuts down. Unlock button becomes unresponsive, doesn't power back on until I pull the battery out and put it back in. It seems to do this whenever pressure is applied across the screen while locked.