why the brightness of display different from two defy cell phones..me nd my friend both purchased defy last week..nd in both defy thre lots of difference in brightness..my defy brightness dull as compere to my friend defy cell(both in same condition or same brightness setting).
I'm running stock 5.1.1, and even though my auto brightness is off my phone occasionally dims my display when it's on full brightness. It's not running particularly hot (37 degrees C according to my battery widget) so I don't know what's causing it to dim.
Wondering if anyone else if experiencing this. I've replaced it in the mm dock several times and it is so dim I can barely see it. I have tried setting the display brightness to max and setting it to auto with no effect.I've set the night mode brightness on the mm dock setting to as bright as it can get with no change. BTW it is 1:30 in the afternoon. Interesting that at night when it should be dim it is as bright as it can be. Checked the clock and the DX2 knows the correct time.
How to reduce the brightness of X2 display..It eats up battery.....Is there a way to prevent the display from lighting up when I change tracks or stations using the music keys...
What brightness levels are you guys using with the retina display? Since we get a larger battery is anyone taking advantage and cranking up the brightness?
This screen is beautiful but I did notice it's VERY dim at the 50% stock level outta the box.
Phone : Moto defy without BLUR (INDIA version)Whenever the phone switches off due to battery completely drained, the display time out gets set to "never"
Is it possible to adjust the brightness of my display screen?if yes, can you please guys give me the steps please. also, there are no 1 and 2 keys for one touch dialing.
I havent found any settings to adjust the brighness of the display in my new Nokia 2710. But the manual says that i should reduce the brightness if i wanted to save battery power. Did i miss something? I think its just not implemented! Thats very disappointing, since the dispaly is too bright to use it as a navigation device at night in the car.
Since day 1 on my Lumia 950 - unlocked, the screen brightness settings are not sticking. When I wake the phone from sleep (but not always) the screen is very bright. I have to manually switch through the screen brightness on the quick nav panel - 25% - 50% - 75% - 100% - 25% in order to get it to stick at 25%. Sometimes the auto brightness needs to be flipped off then on again for it to work. It is very inconsistent and I can't really figure out how to reproduce this.
In Battery Use, my Display uses 69.2% of the battery, even with my obsessive reset of the screen brightness. It was over 75% before I realized the gorgeous screen is partly gorgeous because it's almost retina scarring bright.
my s5 had a weird filter when the brightness isn't at full. There are some lines, the colors are all washed out and inaccurate especially the blacks which appear red-brown. I have tried everything, yes, even a factory reset, and no luck. I took some pictures to describe the situation of my phone. And if you think it's just a bad camera quality, trust me, it isn't.
My phone has multiple resets ad the direction of Motorola, and has been in for a circuit board replacement.Now the screen still freezes and the reception is hopeless.I am sure this handset is a lemon.It is still under warranty, 11 months old.
setting up auto-fetching applies to all email accounts. I swear on my 2.1 Spice XT300, the auto-retrieval was by email address (and also the smallest interval between fetches was 5 minutes, not 15 like on the Defy). I have never used 2.1 on the Defy; mine was original 2.2.1.
I updated to Froyo via Motorola website but it hasn't worked. My phone still shows firmware 2.1.1. Tried to update again via Motorola website but it now tells me that there are no updates for my phone.....I presume that it somehow detects that my phone previously downloaded froyo update.
My Defy is denied application on the market with no reason that I understand.Some apps are not visible from the phone, and are said "non compatible" from the market website. Sometime the website talks of country restriction while they should not be.
I have had my defy now for a few months, and I have been pretty happy with it (babyproof smartphone!)Unfortunately, its becoming more and more unreliable, and am having to reboot it regularly.This weekend is the worst. Here are some of the things it is doing:
all apps keep freezing and crashing (no fancy apps, mostly use it for twitter, facebook etc).phone keeps freezing and being unresponsible on the home screen keep getting an 'emergency calls only' notification, which then clears straight away when i go into notifications.mms photos - both sent and received take up to 5 days to be visible. until then they are just flagged as 'downloading'. I'm pretty sure it shouldn't take 5 days to download a 27kb file.After rebooting, I did have a gmail widget require a forced close immediately. I was never using that widget anyway, and couldn't see it, so I uninstalled it. Now on rebooting I have to force close Google Services Framework. I have decided that looks reasonably important and useful and have declined to uninstall that so far.
I have a my Defy & XT and as of 9:22 am the weather widget hasn't udated and I've turned the phone off and on etc and then I deleted my location and tried to readd it and it said something like.. location information cannot be found (not sure off hand).. I don't know what to do but it won't let me add any loactions but apps from the market work.
My S6 keeps randomly changing brightness even though auto brightness is off. And so I found this option via search within settings, which may very well be exactly what I was looking for but couldn't seem find it in the settings menu in developer option(which has already been enabled).....
Please note a couple of minor bugs.1) Date displayn the options of the MotoACTV device you can set the date display format to the ISO unambiguous yyyy/mm/dd format, which is what I prefer. On the motoactv web app Under Display Preferences/Data Format, there is only dd/MM/yyyy and MM/dd/yyyy. Please provide the more sane unabiguous yyyy/mm/dd format so this can be consistent.) Display Units My Display Units are set to Metric. However on the MotoACTV web app when I select Workouts/Latest Workout/Workout Stats, the distance and pacing are recorded in km, but the elevation shows in ft. I am not sure at this point if it is the 'ft' label is wrong, or the actual numeric display and/or conversion is wrong, but you guys I'm sure can figure this out. You can verify this here:
I would really like to see this 'feature' disabled in a future update. I can only assume the dynamic brightness was a power saving feature, but every other tablet does not have this behaviour
I have the brightness of my Atrix automatically adapted however I feel that I could live with generally two or three levels lower and therefore save battery life? Especially when it is dark I feel like it is MUCH to bright! Is there any possibility to tell the automatic brightness control "Do it always two levels lower"?