Motorola Admiral :: It Is Going Through Random Reboot

Feb 9, 2012

It appears yet another Motorola phone is suffering from random rebooting. Has anyone else had trouble with this? I notice it more when there is low/no network coverage (Thanks Sprint). It happened to me three times yesterday alone. I was in Wilmington, NC. There is very little Sprint 3G coverage out there. My battery was near full,

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Motorola Admiral :: Decided To Reboot On Daily Basis (Not Rooted)

Oct 30, 2012

So for the past few weeks my phone has decided to restart on a daily basis, before It would reboot every 2-3 days, now its every day. Yesterday it rebooted twice within 3 hours. I do not have it rooted, and have very little 3rd party software installed. I know this is a common issue with admirals, has anyone found anything to lessen how often their phone reboots?

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Motorola Atrix 4G :: Random Reboot Getting Old?

Aug 4, 2011

So I'm on my third Atrix. First was within 30 day window with occasional random reboot, it was exchanged. The second was perfect up until the new OTA where I had issues with 4.5.91 installing and it was replaced with an upgraded Atrix with 4.5.91 already installed.he current one is rebooting twice daily and it's getting a little old. My question is where to I go from here? I have to be able to be contacted 24/7 for work, and got my peepee stepped on last time. So I cannot wait for an exchange.Can I reinstall 4.5.91 somehow and start from scratch? I've tried the factory reset and every combination of installing and uninstalling various apps I have. Even went a few days with not restoring any apps! I'm really thinking this may be software related, but could be wrong!

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Motorola Photon 4G :: Random Reboot And Shutdown?

Sep 6, 2011

their battery full to only discover the battery is near dead moments later... "The attery is not really dead but rather the phone is just not recognizing it", etc.., etc...,...The hardware problem that I believe is the root cause of all or most of these issues is the battery connection to the phone... People have taken their phones back for another one only to have the same issues with the new one... They have factory reset them, deleted apps, downloaded the update thinking it would fix these issues... I bought my phone 09/03/11 and within an hour of purchase it random rebooted and later that evening completely shutdown requiring a battery pull to reboot... The next day it shutdown 3 times requiring a battery pull... Usually when I just sat the phone down face up.. I believe the battery is separating enough from the contacts when in certain positions to cause these disorders... My phone never did this while recharging because it had a steady power source... That along with those who were experiencing full charge to low charge moments later led me to this conclusion... Happy to report I have for my phone at least eliminated the problem.\

THE FIX: Simply snap in your battery with the phone face down making sure its snug... Simply apply a strip of electrical tape next to the kick stand where the contacts are located... The tape should extend about a 1/4 inch either side of the battery... This secures the battery from moving in the contact area... The Micro SD a Sim card slots are at the other end of the battery and are still accessible... This back cover is not really effected and in fact it only makes it more snug... This fix has completely eliminated reboot & shutdown problems on my phone... Until Motorola factory fixes this issue, this is the best next thing... My EVO had tape all over under the hood and if you do it right it looks factory

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Motorola Photon 4G :: Non-Sprint Sleep Of Death And Random Reboot?

Oct 26, 2011

use the photon on a non-sprint network eg. in another country.......if you experience the Sleep of Death and Random Reboot problems.....??becaose as far as i have read the threads i think the problems are seen while connected to sprint's network or while returning to sprint's network after roaming i.e. while switching networks.......

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Motorola Droid X2 :: Random Reboot / Touch Screen Is Unresponsive

Nov 18, 2011

The following has been happening since before the latest update, and continued after.My phone will randomly reboot itself (there doesn't seem to be any correlation with what I'm doing) and then hang at the rotating red logo.If I push the power button the display will turn off, but after that no buttons have any effects.If I plug the phone in the display comes back on to the unlock screen, but the touch screen is also unresponsive.The phone is definitely still running though, as my bluetooth headset will reconnect and time-based notifications will still happen (I have the phone set to beep every half hour).If I leave the phone sitting for a significant length of time I will notice it getting warm, and it will eventually reboot again and behave normally.Battery pull does nothing.Wiping the cache partition does nothing.I've done a factory reset before, and this makes the problem go away for a while, but it comes back.

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Motorola Photon 4G :: Random Reboot Will Not Turn Back On Without Disconnecting The Battery?

Aug 16, 2011

So I picked up 2 Photons yesterday from RadioShack. Overall, I am very impressed with the phone, however my wife's is randomly rebooting, and will not turn back on without disconnecting the battery or plugging back into the wall. I have seen a few reports of this online and was just wondering if there is a fix or if I should take it in for a trade? Kind of worried if mine will start doing this also. No SD card installed, no taskmanager, not rooted, etc

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Motorola Admiral :: Admiral Ends Call With Power Button

Jan 17, 2012

I like this feature especially when driving, however, could it be modified to first wake the screen if it's blank then wait for a second press to end the call? If a notification appears during a call, there's no way to see it without hanging up on the caller.

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Motorola Admiral :: Alarm On Admiral Not Making Any Sound Occasionally

Feb 20, 2012

I've had a strange, but very frustrating behavior on my phone twice recently. My alarm will go off, but it will not make any sound whatsoever. I have the app alarm clock extreme and the regular android alarm. During this time, neither will make any sound. The default alarm will vibrate, but alarm clock extreme will not - although it should. A soft reset will fix the problem. Additionally, my ringtones will not make any sound when someone is calling. I'm trying to remember how the behavior was this morning, but I feel like pressing the volume up and down keys while the alarm was going off first snoozed my alarm, but then beeped to let me know the volume level.

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Motorola Admiral :: Admiral Freezes/lags When Dialing/redialing

Mar 27, 2012

My Admiral freezes/lags when dialing/redialing and the Touchscreen is unresponsive. Its really bad on missed calls. I can hit the green dial icon 20 times in a row and nothing happens. Finally wait for about 30-60 seconds and it will dial.

I routinely reboot. Not running alot of apps. Latest firmware. I've also noticed the browser is slow to render webpages no matter how fast the connection is.

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Motorola Admiral :: Current Battery Life Of Admiral?

Oct 31, 2011

Just wanted to start a discussion on battery life. Whether is be pro, or con.What do you think of the current battery life of the Admiral?

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Motorola Admiral :: Bluetooth Disconnect / Reconnects On Admiral

Aug 16, 2012

Just got a Sprint Admiral, paired my bluetooth with it easily enough (Blueant T1), but at random, the phone will disconnect and reconnect bluetooth.I have actually watched the bluetooth icon go dark, then light back up so I know it is not an issue with the earpiece itself. It is becoming very annoying, and talking to others who have this phone, they have reported the same issue with other bluetooth earpieces.

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Motorola Admiral :: MOTOACTV App Not Compatible With Admiral?

Apr 20, 2012

I just recently bought the Motorola MOTOACTV because I have the Motorola Admiral, and they are supposed to be able to work together. However Google Play states that the Motorola Admiral and the MOTOACTV app are not compatible. And while the latest release states that the MOTOACTV app should work with all Android 2.1 and higher, the Motorola rep that I called (level two, ID 5545142) states that the app will only work with the RAZR, which is contrary to everything put out about the MOTOACTV. I'd be interested to know if this is correct.

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BB Bold :: Random Reboot On 9650

Aug 21, 2011

I see that you are aware of this problem but as yet don't have a good fix.It at the least is very frustrating and suggesting to downgrade the operating system runs counter to the reason I purchased this phone.

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Galaxy S5 :: Random Reboot When Using The Phone?

Jun 22, 2015

when I'm on the phone there are plenty of times where my phone shutdown and reboot. Verizon galaxy s5. what's causing it?

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Google Nexus 5 :: Random Reboot On Lollipop 5.1

Apr 13, 2015

I've got some random reboots after upgrading on stock Lollipop 5.1 on my Nexus 5.I've used Android 5.0.1 without any reboots or problem, but after upgrading on 5.1 I'm facing many random reboots when I switch from an app (like a game or Hangouts) using Recents or Home button from NavBar (it also happens randomly when I'm using my phone, like writing a message on Hangouts).The reboots I'm talking about are not "soft" but "hard", because bootloader's logo (Google) appears and restarts my phone, so it is caused by Kernel Panic (as you'll see in my last_kmsg) and they occured on both stock and custom rom.

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Google Nexus 5 :: Random Shutdown And Reboot In 5.0.1

Dec 29, 2014

I've got a nexus 5 running lollipop (5.0.1) and the phone will randomly shutdown or reboot. I've tried a factory reset as well as clearing the cache after the reset. That did not solve the problem. I'm hoping its not a harware issue but given that I don't have a single app other than the default google apps installed.

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Nokia :: 5630 Random Reboot While Listening Music

Jun 11, 2010

When listening to music my Nokia 5630 is restarting randomly after 3-10 minutes. I just received my phone 2 days ago. Is there a solution or do I have to return the phone?

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Lumia 1020 :: Random Power Down / Reboot Phone

Apr 25, 2014

I have been having random power down / reboot issues with my Lumina 1020 for a few months now, usually once every 24 hours.. They haven't caused any issues on 8.0 (black update) as after the random power down the phone just rebooted and was left on the access point select screen, thus meaning alarms still go off and the correct time maintained.

Since I tried the 8.1 preview the phone would randomly power down (usually once every 24 hours) but not reboot and would remain off and would require a soft reset (vol down + power) to reboot. The downside here is alarms don't go off and calls are missed etc.

I currently have a new sim on order to rule out the sim (note the sim I use has previously been cut down to nano and now sits in a micro adaptor), the sim may work bu I don't hold out to much hope.

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Nokia Lumia :: 920 Sound Crackling & Random Reboot?

Nov 23, 2012

I bought my lumia 920 two days ago.I like it.. it is very impressive.I have some problems and I would like to understand if they are related to software or hardware.bviously there is the problem of the random reboot. I am pretty sure it is software related, hope Nokia will fix this soon.The other issue is a sound crackling when a sound start, it happen after a notification, playing games and playing music... apparently it doesn't affect Nokia music app.The problem is not the speaker because it happen also with streaming audio via a2dp.

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BB Curve :: 8530 Random Reboot/Battery Drain

Feb 8, 2011

For about the past two-three weeks, my Curve 8530 has started randomly rebooting - during calls, not during calls - I have not identified a pattern about when. When it comes back up 5-10 minutes later, the battery was always completely drained. I ordered a new battery and fully charged it. Day one with the new battery was uneventful - no random reboots, no loss of all battery charge after one 15 minute phone call, although the battery was low by the end of the day.

Today is day two with the new battery and I had another random reboot, however, this time at least my battery wasn't drained when it came back up. What causes these random reboots? Is there any way to get them to stop?

I am with Verizon and already did the *228 programming update before the new battery.

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BB Storm 9530/9500 :: Battery Dead After Random Reboot?

May 12, 2010

My phone has been getting worse and worse by the day. First the i had horrible battery life when i was on phone calls, it would only last 30 min tops with a full battery. Then i was listening to the sirius radio app for about 15 min and my storm had a random reset. At first i said oh no problem it will be back up soon. So i waited and waited and when it finaly came back up i had a dead battery with 2% left. I was like wtf happened. I had about 80% when it reset and it came back with 2%. So then i did a battery pull to see if the phone just had a little problem with booting up. When it came back it had 22% battery but it only lasted about a min before it decided to reboot again. This time it wouldnt come back on. It was an endless reboot going again and again. The only way to stop it was to plug it in the wall and charge it up again. Last night it did the same thing when i was on the internet for only 5 min.

I tried all the different hybrids and nothing works. I dont know what to do now. Is it the battery or is it the phone?

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Nokia :: 5800XM - V50 Update / Internet Not Working Properly And Random Reboot

Apr 23, 2010

I have recently updated to v50 firmware. I did first OTA, and then through Ovi Suite. I am experiencing several issues, the most severe of which is a substantially patchier internet connection. The internet connection worked well previously, but now it's a coin toss whether it will or not. This change coincided with the update. The auto-rotation has also become substantially slower. I have tried reinstalling the firmware, resetting the phone, rebooting, removing battery and SIM card, to no avail.

I am very happy for Nokia to be updating the firmware for a phone that came out a while ago, so this is just constructive criticism. I am overall happy with the phone, and all the improvements are very welcome. The main issue I had been experiencing was random crashing of the browser, and occasional random reboot from the phone.

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BB Curve :: 8520 Random Reboot Without Having To Do A Battery Pull / Alt-shift-delete Method

Apr 20, 2011

I recently got my bb curve 8520 but I have noticed that it would reboot randomly without me having to do a battery pull or the alt-shift-delete method. It has reboot twice randomly I am I am very confused as to why it does that and when I rebooted it it started up normal but when I checked it again it rebooted on its own.

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Motorola Admiral :: Way To Insert A 'tab'

Dec 23, 2011

I tried looking through the documentation for the phone and the posts on here, but I don't see how to insert a 'tab' on the keyboard.

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Motorola Admiral :: PC Does Not Recognize?

Nov 8, 2011

My PC does not recognize my Motorola Admiral.

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Motorola Admiral :: How To Disable The PIN

Nov 21, 2011

Is there a way to disable the PIN? When I go into the "screen unlock security" it looks like the option I need "None" is greyed out and unavailable.

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Motorola Admiral :: Other Ringtones Not Working?

Feb 17, 2012

It's actually starting to get annoying. what is happening is the downloaded ringtones that i have had for about 4 phones now are not working correctly, but thats not the weird part. the thing is its only for CALLS, and thats it. Any kind of phone call ringtone (default or contact) is not working after about half a day of being unplugged from the charger, and the only way to correct this is restart the phone. is anyone else having this problem? It also seems it does it to the ringtones that came with the phone, but just phone calls. TXT, facebook

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Motorola Admiral :: How To Sync Outlook With It

Nov 16, 2011

how to sync Outlook with the Motorola Admiral? I haven't had much luck and it's starting to look as though it might not be possible outside of expensive additional software. I cannot imagine a business phone would be made without that simple function.

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Motorola Admiral :: View PDF Files?

Mar 5, 2012

was wondering if there is a way to read PDF files on the admiral? i've tried alot of apps to do this with but nothing works. i need to read them because of my job, and i dont want to carry a laptop if i can avoid it( composing, reading, sending, and opening PDF files...

P.S all it says when i try to open one is" the document cannot be opened because it is not a valid PDF file"

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Motorola Admiral :: Disable DC Completely On It?

Jan 12, 2012

I have no use for Direct Connect on my admiral. I don't know a single person who I can use it with. I've turned it off in the settings, but is there some way to remove the icon from my icon tray? And I'd also love to be able to change the functionality of the DC hardware button.

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