Lumia 1020 :: Not Consistently Receiving SMS Unless Reboot?

Oct 7, 2013

It appears that I'm not consistently receiving text messages when they're sent.

When I switch off my phone (or do a soft reset) and back on again I get all the missing messages in one go.

I remember having a similar problem with my Nokia 808 so it might be an issue with o2?

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Lumia 950 XL :: Not Receiving App Notifications Consistently

Jan 9, 2016

I've been using a 950 XL since early December and have been experiencing spotty performance with receiving App notifications. After performing 2 hard resets (one in particular to solve the Outlook email image problem), my 950 XL has been performing well except with failure to receive notifications from apps which are all set ON for background use. These include the MSN News, Sports, and Money apps, as well as other apps such as CNN, ESPN, ABC NEWS, NBC NEWS. Fortunately, Outlook mail and calendar notifications work fine and IM apps such as Telegram and WhatsApp seem to work on occasion (with some delays), but Skype rarely works.

But after I do a soft reset, a flood of notifications from the aforementioned apps will normally come through. Notifications will continue to work for up to about an hour, then nothing until after I do another soft reset. The same thing then happens and notifications start to come through. I have Bluetooth enabled and paired with my Vector watch and Band 1, and notifications work perfect for them. I've tried turning off Bluetooth, but this did not solve my problem with receiving notifications. I just received the most recent firmware update 2 days ago and I'm currently on build .29.

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Lumia 1020 :: Stuck On Reboot Loop?

May 28, 2015

My battery ran out so I plugged my 1020 into a charger and it started turning on then showing the no battery icon then off then on again and now that I connected it to my pc all it does is show the nokia then turn off then show the nokia again. I somehow managed to turn it on but everything was laggy and slow so I turned it off again and back to square one...

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Lumia 1020 :: How To Reboot The Phone When It Freezes

Aug 24, 2014

How do you reboot the Lumia 1020 after it freezes? I had it freeze once before and it eventually restarted after maybe 10 minutes.

I just updated my phone and it worked fine but all of a sudden it seems to be locked up. The glance display works, but no button works. If I plug in the charger, the log in display shows but it froze once I put in the 4th digit. Now it shows all digits once the display turns off and I plug it back in.

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Lumia 1020 :: Date And Time Changes After Reboot

Apr 24, 2014

When I turn my Lumia 1020 off and then on the time resets to 3am 20th july even when i change it before hand. It started doing this when i accidentally held the volume down button to switch it on and it came up with a lightning bolt and cog. Then i managed to turn the phone on and now every time i turn my phone off and on the time resets.

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Lumia 1020 :: Phone Reboot / Lockups

Aug 9, 2013

Twice so far my Lumia 1020 has rebooted itself. Both times it was charging. In addition to this it has gone black and required a soft reset twice. Once while not in actual use and once while streaming Pandora. My 920 was rock solid and this has me a little concerned.

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Lumia 1020 :: Reboot And Going To Black Screen - Cannot Wake It Up

Sep 30, 2013

Lumia 1020 black screen (no response etc) and have to reset the phone?

I did not have this since like last week. Sometimes the phone would reboot itself and now it's going to dark screen and I can't wake it.

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Lumia 1020 :: Wrong Date And Time After Reboot

Feb 4, 2014

Nokia Lumia 1020 shows wrong date and time after reboot. The real time and date are 09.12 on 5 Feb 2014. After rebooting my phone showed 12.36 on 20 July. Shut down and restarted and now shows 14.32 on 25 Jan.

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Lumia 1020 :: OneDrive Causing Phone To Reboot?

Oct 22, 2014

I was trying to upload my pics in one drive and apparently it restarted my system. This happened twice.

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Lumia 1020 :: Battery Didn't Appear To Charge - But Did Upon Reboot

Apr 19, 2014

So yesterday I spent a couple hours taking some photographs and came home to do some design work and I left the 1020 charged in. Yet as the day went on, the phone never charged, it continued to go down, even plugged in. I tried plugging in the camera extension but even with that it eventually discharged to 4% then stuck there, plugged in. When I'd unplug, I would get the critical battery warning. I tried rebooting twice, and finally on the 2nd reboot, the battery level went to 100%.

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Lumia 1020 :: Random Power Down / Reboot Phone

Apr 25, 2014

I have been having random power down / reboot issues with my Lumina 1020 for a few months now, usually once every 24 hours.. They haven't caused any issues on 8.0 (black update) as after the random power down the phone just rebooted and was left on the access point select screen, thus meaning alarms still go off and the correct time maintained.

Since I tried the 8.1 preview the phone would randomly power down (usually once every 24 hours) but not reboot and would remain off and would require a soft reset (vol down + power) to reboot. The downside here is alarms don't go off and calls are missed etc.

I currently have a new sim on order to rule out the sim (note the sim I use has previously been cut down to nano and now sits in a micro adaptor), the sim may work bu I don't hold out to much hope.

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Lumia 1020 :: Why Does Phone Do Reboot Loop From Hard Reset

Jul 24, 2015

Couple weeks ago I updated my phone to a windows 10 preview (I forgot the build number) and it installed fine. As expected there were some bugs, so I read online on how to fix them after restarting my phone and doing a soft reset, it didn't work. I then had to do a factory reset- or a hard reset. It then threw my phone into a perpetual state of spinning cogs and a never-ending battle that is so close to lost I can feel the defeat seeping in like a plague. I've connected it to my computer to do the NSRT but my phone only sees it as a power source. I've taken the battery out, brought it to the Microsoft store, and I've even tried to hack into it via computer. However the same problem shows every time:

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Lumia 1020 :: Camera Hangs After First Snap And Won't Respond Unless Reboot Phone?

Dec 11, 2014

Recently I got this problem with my 1020's camera: when I use Lumia Camera, sometimes the app hangs after the first snap and won't respond unless I reboot my phone. Even if I close it through the task manager, the camera will be unusable upon restarting the app and the lens cover stays open until I reboot and successfully snap a picture afterwards.

I've already encountered it three times this week -_- I'm running PfD on latest OS, firmware version, and Lumia Camera app btw.

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Lumia 950 XL :: Hello Not Possible On Reboot Or Start Up

Nov 28, 2015

Windows Hello has been working great for me, just one thing I noticed that it will ask for pin when I first turn the phone or restart it.

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Lumia 950 XL :: After All Updates Occasional Reboot?

Jan 21, 2016

Just curious if I need to do a swap with my MS Store. I have the latest firmware and OS version .36 and still get about 1 - 3 random reboots a week.

Had one yesterday while using the camera. A few days earlier had another one while my phone was just being charged. I see on average about 1 - 3 a week right now. I admit these updates did fix a lot of initial instability as I was performing my own resets multiple times a day for apps that wouldn't launch, apps freezing or acting very buggy. I don't experience most of these now.

My XL was also part of the original day one batch. But I've seen many people claiming to never have a single issue ever with theirs and I guess I've found that hard to believe.

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Lumia 950 XL :: Phone Heating Up And Now On Endless Reboot?

Dec 22, 2015

I have a 950xl, yesterday I felt it get incredibly hot in my pocket. pulled it out, the phone seemed to have switched off. I just could not turn it back on again, but it remained hot. Pulled battery out and put it back in. Still could not turn it on. Attached it to charger, battery icon showed as empty, then phone went into endless reboot cycle. Left it on charge overnight and in the morning was still in its endless reboot cycle, with battery still showing as dead. Could not hard reset either.

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Lumia 950 XL :: How To Reboot (not Just Shutdown Then Power On) The Phone

Dec 4, 2015

How do I reboot (restart) the 950XL?

I know I can shut it down and then wait some amount of time and then restart it, but is there a way to just restart it without the shutdown-wait-power-on dance?

The current process is made more annoying because I don't know exactly when the 950XL has completely shutdown and thus I don't know when to hit the power button.

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Lumia 1520 :: Phone Just Continuously Reboot Itself

Jul 6, 2015

So I just got out to LA for my 17 day vacation and 2 days in, my 1520 decided to just continuously reboot itself.

I took it to a Microsoft store today and the tech attempted to use the software recovery tool. But he plugged it into a PC so it never got enough power to even boot up to the home screen and he told me there was nothing he could do.

If if I plug it into the wall, it'll boot up to the home screen for about 20 seconds and then just shut off and boot right back up and do the same thing.

Would a hard reset with 2% battery be a bad idea? I really don't want to use my upgrade right now with windows 10 devices right on the horizon.

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Nokia Lumia :: 820 And TruPhone Sim Continuous Reboot

Nov 26, 2012

I have just brought a Lumia820;When I put the TruPhone sim in it at start up it continually said that there were more apps to put in, then it rebooted, over and over again.Removed Sim and phone started and worked fine, but with no sim in it. Put the sim in again, Phone boots up, but when windows had loaded Phone icon said "No Service" after about 15 seconds, then phone rebooted again. It does this non stop.Put O2 sim in the phone and it works beautifully. At one stage early on the phone said "In GSM mode"

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Nokia Lumia :: 920 Volume Resets To 20/30 After Reboot?

Nov 15, 2012

When I reboot my phone, the volume sets itself to 20/30. I set it to 30/30 and reboot, it goes back to 20/30.

BTW, my phone has rebooted itself about 5 times since I got it on Friday.

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IPhone :: Won't Consistently Backup To Icloud

Jun 7, 2012

Title pretty much says it. I have my backup preference set to iCloud, I lock and hard sync, yet periodically I get a message to the effect that "your device has not backed up to iCloud for ____(number of days)". I seem to be following protocol, but I must be doing something wrong. BTW, I've had some success forcing an iCloud backup by switching my prefence to the other option ( iTunes, IIRC) then switching back to iCloud backup, but, having used that approach only a few times, I'm not sure it would work consistently, and I shouldn't have to use that method, right?

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HTC Evo 4G :: Sync My Outlook Calendar Consistently

Aug 19, 2010

I can't seem to get my HTC Sync to sync my outlook calendar consistently. The contacts seem to work (haven't seen any issues yet) but the calendar only changes the information from my pc to the EVO, not in reverse. I didn talk with customer support and ended up re installing the software. It worked once. I tried that again, worked again but messed up my calendar on the pc. I moved all my appointments around on my phone only to find I had to do it all over again on my pc.The seond time I sync after the reinstall, well the phone changes don't go to the pc.

There was something in a forum about removing the itunes add in in outlook, I did that, no difference. What a pain, the htc diamond with windows worked great, didn't even have to hit the sync button. As soon as I made changes on the pc, the changes went to the phone and visa versa. Sync'd files too. Not this thing, had to install a seperate app for files.

using windows vista ultimate, outlook 2007.

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IPhone 5s :: Crashes Consistently Since Downloading 8

Dec 11, 2014

-iPhone 5S crashes after downloading iOS 8.1.2
-model ME343LL/A
-storage capacity 12.1 GB / available 3.5 GB�

phone was crashing occasionally before I downloaded new sw buy now it does everytime I use it. I tried to talk on phone last night and it crashed 3x just seconds after talking!

iPhone 5s, iOS 8.1.2

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Nokia Lumia :: L920 Auto-reboot And Won't Load Again

Dec 1, 2012

My phone sometimes reboots automatically, and today it just doesn't load the os anymore, now i'm stuck with a big NOKIA on the screen.

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Nokia Lumia :: 920 Reboot After Bluetooth Radio Connect?

Nov 21, 2012

i'm totally happy with my lumia 920 black for about 3 weeks now.I did successfully paired with my Kenwood DDX4021 BT (as i did before with my Lumia 800 and HTC Mozart).The phonebook and call lists were successfully transfered to the radio.

Yesterday i went home and activated blutooth on the phone.It showed message of the features it found and seems to connect (radio showed the connect icon) but then just did a reset and reboot.I tried several times. Every time after/while pairing with the radio the lumia just reboots itself.

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Lumia 1520 :: Why Does Phone Randomly Reboot Until Plugged In

May 17, 2015

I was having some issues with my SD CARD (it had to be scanned for errors constantly) so I eventually took it out. About the same time the Phone started to randomly reboot itself over and over until I plugged it in. To be more clear it got stuck in a reboot cycle where it would start to boot and then shut off and then start to boot and then shut off. The only thing I could do to stop it would be to plug it in.

Steps taken:
Took out SD Card
Factory reset

Carrier: AT&T
Windows Phone 8.1 update

When the battery is full or plugged in I can't reproduce the issue, but when it's lower then 60% or so, I can repro the issue by changing between apps or selecting airplane mode and then switching the wifi on. Basic multitasking appears to set it off.

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Lumia 1520 :: How To Get Phone Out Of A Freeze / Reboot Cycle

Dec 20, 2014

My Lumia 1520 (ATT Version) has had this reboot cycle problem for about a week now. It started a week ago when it was at 2%, died and when I tried to charge it, it started freezing and rebooting and freezing and rebooting. Originally I thought it was a power issue because it always had 2% when it restarted. I got it home to my Nokia original cord plugged into my surface pro charger and charged it and fiddled with it like turning it on airplane mode, deleting unread messages before it restarted, etc. But then recently its been doing it more and its been doing it while at 40%, 12%, etc. Even when its plugged in. It seems to get very hot every time I do this. During all of this, I have Xbox music songs I have pending download. I was going to let those finish over WiFi but it won't let me turn on WiFi. I'm wondering if the 53 pending downloads could be causing this issue but I'm not sure. I'm running the latest dev preview and cyan. I have a ton of apps and music and all that installed on my SD card.

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Lumia 950 XL :: Why Does Phone Reboot Several Times Even After Firmware Update

Dec 23, 2015

The 950XL has rebooted 4 times since the firmware update. It still gets very warm not hot though. Keyboard crash is prevalent. The whatsapp app does not open scanner for connecting with whatsapp web.

Should I replace my device with a new one, I have got option till 26th Dec 2015. But will that solve, I have read a number of such complaints on thread, so I don't believe it is hardware.

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Lumia 1520 :: Arabic Keyboard Added After Reboot

Sep 10, 2014

I was using WP8 developer review and reverted to WP8 in order to install Cyan. Ever since I updated to Cyan, when rebooting the phone, Arabic keyboard is added automatically. Phone is CV GB, set to US region for Cortana with English keyboard.

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Nokia Lumia :: 920 Sound Crackling & Random Reboot?

Nov 23, 2012

I bought my lumia 920 two days ago.I like it.. it is very impressive.I have some problems and I would like to understand if they are related to software or hardware.bviously there is the problem of the random reboot. I am pretty sure it is software related, hope Nokia will fix this soon.The other issue is a sound crackling when a sound start, it happen after a notification, playing games and playing music... apparently it doesn't affect Nokia music app.The problem is not the speaker because it happen also with streaming audio via a2dp.

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Lumia 1020 :: Not Getting Any Notification On 3G

Dec 25, 2014

I have problem on my 1020 that I don't get almost any notification on 3g but on WiFi everything works fine.

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