My iPhone 4S refuses to WiFi sync (automatically or manually) because it seems that it cannot locate my iMac. Everytime I try to manually sync over WiFi by going to Settings/General/iTunes WiFi Sync, I can press the button -- IT IS NOT GREYED OUT -- but the sync constantly says "LOOKING FOR iMac and then timesout. I cannot see the device in the iTunes sidebar unless I plug in via USB -- as soon as I unplug, my iPhone disappears. The oddest thing is, when I first got the phone, it worked perfectly -- and then it randomly stopped -- and has never worked again. Here's my setup:
27" iMac (Late 2009) running OS X Lion version 10.7.3?Airport Extreme running firmware 7.6.1 with a/b/g/n bands enabled -- secured with WPA2 Personal.iPhone 4S 32GB running iOS 5.1 Here's what I've tried so far:
The basics: Making sure the WiFi Sync box is checked. Made sure both devices are connected to the same WiFi network. Uncheking and re-checking the Wifi Sync box and re-syncing. Making sure that "Open iTunes when this device is connected" is checked. Made sure that "Prevent iDevices from syncing automatically" is unchecked. Restart all devices (i.e. iPhone, iMac, Airport). Hard Reset iPhone. I have also tried: Restoring the iPhone from a backup. Restoring the iPhone as a new device. Deleting all existing iPhone backups. Wiping the Airport Extreme and re-configuring. Using the "restart your Airport from your iPhone through Airport Utility" method that has been suggested. Hardcoding IP's for both my iMac and iPhone into the Airport Extreme. Disabiling wireless security on the Airport. Disabling Mac OS X firewall. Port forwarding the necessary ports. Uninstalling iTunes using the necessary terminal commands and reinstalling. Opening the ports Apple suggests in the WiFi Sync support article on both the Airport and the OS X firewall.
Some notes: I know my iPhone and iMac are aware of one another because the Sync Now button isn't greyed out. I can also PING my iPhone from my iMac using the Network Utility successfully. Two other family members have 4S's in my home on the same network that sync with Windows PC's without issue. Whatever this is, it's isolated to my iMac.
iphone ios update failure - my phone is frozen on the apple icon screen with the progress bar underneath almost to completion for hours - phone will not shut down and frozen on this screen -What do I do -
Hi, I have a N97 (all firmware up to latest) and my OVI maps has never worked (logs in but as soon as you use it it just closes the app). Sometimes when I end a call it just switches itself off and on again. I even had a case where the battery went flat and I charged it for a while but had to take it off of charge but for some reason the bar still kept on moving up like it was charging. In all honesty I've only had problems with my phone and am kinda regretting not getting a Iphone instead. Please help as this phone will be flying out my car window on the highway if this keeps going on.
I have a newly arisen problem where my BB Bold 9650 will synch addresses and other data but fails to complete the synch with calendar. The pop up message from Intellisync says "connector specific error" I have tried reloading the start up disc but no change.
I cannot recall if my WiFi here ever worked since my network carrier here has a promo wherein I pay 50php for 1 day of internet usage. But then, I realized that we had WiFi here at home, well not always. But the main problem is, it doesn't work on my bb. It reads my WiFi router(linksys) but the WiFi icon doesn't turn white. it's always gray.
That's odd because when I'm scanning for networks and I connect, it always says "WiFi setup complete" But it doesn't show a check mark, it just shows a dash mark. I tried to look for a problem and when I go to services status, my Blackberry internet service is not connected. But I have an active profile of linksys.
Ever since I activated BES (so that I could sync email/calendar with my company's MS Exchange server), I have been experiencing a couple of email-related issues that I did not have previously: 1)When composing a new email or trying to add another contact to an existing email, when I type in the name of the person, the email address auto-complete function does not work. It does work when I am sending SMS, MMS, and searching through my Phone Book, but does not work in email for some reason. Even if I manually type in the correct email address, I do not have a option for the email. I can only reply to email or go through the Phone Book and selection the phonebook entry. I have done the phone book quickfix several times without any success. 2)My calendar events are not showing up in my BES email folder both sent or received calendar notices do not show up for some reason. I have re-sent the Service Books from BES a couple of times to no avail.
I had synced all the contacts before updaing phone software. Now if i try to sync back my contacts from ovi server, it says Incorrect password try again. I even tried password reset but to no avail.
First off, I have to say that this "support" forum is a very weird way of providing quick support to customers.
Anyway, I'm trying to sync my BB to my PC and I'm getting a "Connector Specific Error".When I look at the sync log, I get "Read-only database cannot be synchronized". I haven't changed any settings, and all of a sudden I get this error msg.
i have upgraded my Xperia Neo to 2.3.4, but unfortunately, since then i cannot sync to my exchange server. the message is "unable to open connection to server"all setting are working fine (internet, mail server, etc) can i downgrade to 2.3.3? since everything are working fine in those version.
Following some changes to my Outlook configuration, which included changing the mail profile in use, I am now unable to sync Outlook Notes to my Nokia phone.After running a sync operation, the Ovi GUI shows the sync sucessfully completing but the updates to the notes are not made. Checking the sync application log (PC Suite profile) on the phone (UK Voda E71) via Bluetooth, it does not show any attempt to sync with the phone; The log is not even updated.My hunch is that I need to correct the Outlook folder location that Ovi finds the notes in. Can anybody advise how I might do that?
My problem is somewhat simple but I can't figure out how to solve it.From the Desktop Manager, I upgraded my blackberry 9780 to the OS Version 6.0 with the usual procedure.cAfter all that, my emails sync didn't actually synched. Since then, each time I try to start the Emails Setup Initialization, it ask me to activate my email accounts. You check the ones who want and it asks you to Verify the email by entering your password what I gladly did multiple times. When I press Verify it simply crash and say it's unable to Verify.Well, I tried to roll back before my upgrade. The rollback worked but didn't solved my problem.
I get a message telling me to send a log to Blackberry support (Synchronisation error. A program error occurred at line 140 in .Error.cpp. report this error by sending a log to technical support) when the calendar sync fails (using latest software). Only problem is, I can find no way of doing this from the support pages.
I've been using the Razr Maxx for just about a week now, and the push mail on my iMap account does not sync consistently. Sometimes it works fine, but usually mail just doesn't get pushed. When this happens, toggling the Background Data option seems to re-start the sync process, and the mails start coming in. However, after a while, it just gets stuck again. At first I thought that the trigger might be a disconnect from the network. especially during a drop from 3G to 2G, but it fails even if the network connection is stable. The POP accounts which are on a fetch-schedule work just fine.Suggestions for third-party clients such as K9 and MailDroid are fine, but these do not integrate with the Universal Inbox widget, which I feel is a great tool, especially since it combines text messaging, FaceBook and Twitter all in one.
i have bought a new bb courve and put my contrac sim inside it . i have connected the phone to my wifi and the phone says that it has connected to it aswell howevr whn i go on the browser i get an error messge saying unable to conect to the internet however from my outher bb wich is same modle i can connect through wifi
E72 MfE sync problems after latest firmware, just wanted to add detail from admin_log1.txt (Nokia?) troubleshoot.Problem started as soon as I took latest firmware 031.023. Formatted memory card, *#7370# hard reset, reinstall f/w and still MfE fails to sync. Via a Blackberry and IPhone sync works fine, via phone browser to Outlook OWA access works fine too, so I'm assuming Activesync is fine server-side but something broken in new build.
"Mail for Exch. Build 2.02.000 Device software 031.023 31 Mar-2010 RM-530 (C) Nokia Device model E72-1 Serial number = xxxxxxx KEASErrSvrSyncFailed While decoding the server response. So just continue with other collections Starting a new ping Server indicates that collection sync is required. After sync restart ping start E-mail sync Failed to decode XML document Nothing to sync end Email sync"
New here and a tad bit upset with my failure to synch the address book. I had it in originally, I used a 'skype out' product to export skype contacts to Outlook, then I usefully synced to Outlook, but had a bunch of repeated addresses. Found a solution to delete address book and to reimport from Outlook. Successfully deleted address book on BB. Tires to sync but now it fails to do so. I have reinstall 1, battery, 2, SIM card, 3 desktop program. The synch starts - to be certain- I even go so far as the option to approve the sync or snot. Then it begins to do the syncing and the countdown of addresses yet to by synced clicks downward, as it should, then there's a 'bink' sound, and then nothing, and I check my BB, and no addresses have moved over. I have tried SEVRAL TIMES even 'syncing all' I have arranged for the synch to be for the addresses only. I have arranged for it to be from the computer to the BB. Hopeless. Extremely frustrated.
I updated my Z2 OS today and completely lost WIFI. Di a backup, reset and restore and still no wifi. Obviously a bug. Cannot access anything without wifi.
I have a problem concerning my W715's WiFi. I enable it, find my router, but when I try to access internet my phone says "connection failure. check settings etc." I have went through every little setting, but still - no WiFi internet for me.
My iphone will not wifi sync. My wi-fi in my house is good. I have rebooted the wifi. I have it turned on in itunes. I have done a hard reset on my i phone. I dont know what else to do to get it to work. I have it pluged in a power source to sync and it dont show it in i tunes.
I am trying to sync my iphone 4 with my iMac which is running mac os x lion 10.7.4. All softwares are updated. My iphone does not show up on my itunes. However my home sharing works fine and can also use the remote app on my iphone to play songs on my imac remotely. When I go to itunes sync tab in general settings of my iphone the sync now option is available and it recognizes my imac. but when i click on the sync now button it keeps looking for the imac and gives up after a few minute. The sync over wifi check box is checked and iphone and imac has no problem syncing on usb connection.
my Iphone 4 is still syncing via wifi even though wifi is shut off in itunes and on the phone. I'm sure it's syncing via wifi because when I open up wifi sync on the phone via settings the progress bar is loading. How do I shut if off?
Couple weeks ago I changed something on my win. 7 OS. Now, for some reason, none of my apple products are available for sync over wi-fi. Had previously worked for months with no problems. Is there a trouble-shooter?
I recently upgraded to a new Computer (MacBook Pro running Lion). and have the Itunes wifi sync on my iphone still showing for my 2 old computers (Macbook Pro and Windows 7 netbook) I want to know how to remove those devices from that list so it only shows my new Macbook Pro...
I have been syncing my iphone 4s by wi-fi for ages but now it does not show up in the devies list so you can't sync unless I attach the cable. The sync over wi-fi button is ticked my phone/itunes and bonjour software are all up to date and installed but it just does not show in the devices with out the cable. Phone is connect to the wi-fi and working
I am using an iPhone 5 with iOS 7.1.2 and a Macbook Pro with OS X 10.9.4.My iTunes is 11.3.1 - 64 bit..My iTunes cannot seem to detect my iPhone when the latter is in the vicinity via wi fi.However I can connect and sync via the USB cable thus some recent posts that I've read on this message board regarding how Apple has apparently completely obliterated USB and wifi sync (they have allegedly made syncing possible ONLY through iCloud) is not true, at least not on my setup.
I've restarted my computer and iTunes but to no avail. I will now restart my phone but I'm not sure that will solve this issue. I have noticed this happening before and on all earlier occasions, deselecting then selecting the 'Sync via wifi' option in iTunes has solved the problem. Alas, this is not the case this time around.
Earlier I had a synced an iphone4 to mac A using a apple id X. Afterwards I shifted to mac B with apple id Y. I downloaded all the apps for account Y as well. NowI wanted to check out wifi sync option so I chose the wifi sync option while syncing. When I am using wifi for iphone it starts for sycning with both mac A having apple id X and mac B with apple id Y. How should I stop it for mac A?
I've been struggeling to get wifi sync to work correctly with my iphone 4. I have the newest version of itunes on a Windows 7 PC. When I first open itunes it sees my iphone over wifi and syncs successfully. A couple minutes after syncing completes, itunes loses my iphone.My iphone still shows up under devices, but if I click on any of the tabs in the device it then brings up the dialog box searching for the phone, then it tells me it cannot find it and it disappears from devices. If I close itunes and reopen it the iphone shows up again and syncs
So far in my quest to make this work I have opened ports 5354 and 27015 for inbound TCP. I have also set the Bonjour and Apple Mobile Device services to Automatic Delayed Start as mentioned in other threads.