BlackBerry :: BB ID Is Not Working

Jan 7, 2012

I just received a replacement Torch (9800) yesterday and I switched everything over from my old phone using the BB desktop software swich phone function. I haven't received any e-mails from any of my accounts on my new phone, so I went into settings- e-mail accounts to update my settings. When asked to login with my BB ID, it does not recognize my ID (I get the message "The user name is invalid. A user name must be at least 4 characters). I have confirmed that my username IS valid as it works on my PC and for appworld and I have verified that it is being entered.

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BlackBerry :: Services Not Working

Nov 9, 2011

Where can I get my BB repaired? BB services are not working, tried absolutely everything (pulling battery, wiping, new OS, got help from network provider as well) and it seems my BlackBerry is broken. Do they do that at all? I don't really want to spend money on a new phone right now, especially when my BB is working - calls, texts, even internet, just nothing that requires connection to BB (BB icon doesn't appear) or wireless (I'm not too sure but I think that bluetooth and wifi are not working either).

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BlackBerry :: Bbm And Email Not Working?

Nov 7, 2012

woke up monday morning and my bbm and emails have stopped sending and recieving i have a data plan active and wifi on and still nothing. thought i would leave it a couple of days and see if it started working again but still not working.

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BlackBerry :: Bbm And Internet Is Not Working

Feb 14, 2011

i just had a blackberry off my cousin but the internet aint working?? its on o2 and ive connected it to wi-fi but nothing is happening?? and the blackberry messenger aint working?

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BB :: Caller ID Not Working On Blackberry 9900

Nov 28, 2011

It seems that even though I have all the contacts listed in my Addressbook, Somehow the Contact name doesnot display during an incoming call.Call Lists though seem to identify the contact.I read some of the forums about Content protection.

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Software :: BlackBerry Browser Is Not Working

Oct 10, 2011

BlackBerry Browser is not woking.I am using BB curve and Bold device.. In my application depends on BIS its is not working.I have the GPRS plan and also having Good signal strength in EDGE..Bb Browser says "UInable to connect to the Internet,Please try agin later"..In my application side am getting "Local connection timeout" ..

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BlackBerry :: BBM Just Stop Working Every 5 Minutes

May 17, 2011

For the past few days my blackberry messenger has been going in and out of working properly. Sometimes I will send a message and it will work fine then the next minute it won't work at all. Other times it will send a message but will only have a check mark and no letter "D" saying it was delivered, yet people are still getting my messages at times. Other times it is just down for one contact but their bbm works with everyone else. It is very frustrating to just have it stop working every 5 minutes.

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BlackBerry :: Updated 9790 To 0S 7,1 And Nothing Is Working?

Nov 1, 2012

I've a BIS account with my provider "Base" in Belgium. I'm currently travelling in Canada, and my emails and bbm as well as what's app were properly working with the wifi. I updated to OS 7,1 yesterday, and since then, I 'm not able to use BBm nor emails functions anymore.Only Whats app is working properly. The pictures display has also changed and is much less practical than it used to be.
I've tried to restaure, to go back to my previous software, to boot and reboot many times...

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BlackBerry :: 8520 Whole Keypad Not Working?

Jan 28, 2012

my whole keypad isnt working, nothing at all.Iv had my blackberry curve 8520 since august 2010

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BlackBerry :: WiFi Displayed But Not Working?

Jul 19, 2012

on my BlackBerry Curve 9320 normally I have a very good WiFi connection because my router is directly next to me. Since two days I have the problem that, when I'm on Wifi, it does not work any connection (not even the Browser); on the mobile network everything works fine. I've restarted my device many times but the problem is still there. It's a bit crazy because I got the phone only 1 month ago.

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BlackBerry :: Touch Screen Is Not Working?

Sep 20, 2012

Im using bb porsche n touch screen is not working

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IPhone :: Viber Is Working In Blackberry But Not In 4?

May 28, 2012

My contacts who are using Viber are not showing in my iPhone. what to do?

iPhone 4, iOS 5.1.1

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BlackBerry :: Unhide Button Is Not Working

Jun 11, 2011

I hit the hide button for my SMS icon from off of my home screen by accidents. When I pressed the the unhide button it still did not show up on the home screen. My question is how do I put the icon back onto the homescreen?

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Curve :: BlackBerry Touch Pad Not Working

Jun 29, 2011

It just started today. See, when I just click a button to resume it from standby and try to scroll anlong the bottom menu on the screen using the touch pad sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. But also when I click the tlouch pad nothing happens, so I can't go into anything, like my messafges. It only works sometimes when I press the menu button again. I'm still recieving messages, though, but I can't get to them, obviously. Please help me! I've only had my BlackBerry a few weeks and really can't do without a phone coming up to summer and can't afford a new one on such short notice!

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BB Torch :: Blackberry Appworld Not Working On It?

Jul 25, 2012

I've installed the latest version of blackberry app world but after reboot, when I select the app-world from the running application, it does nothing and returns to the home screen. Even when I try to invoke it from the apllications menu nothing happens.

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BB Torch 9800 :: Can't Get BIS Email ( Working

Sep 3, 2010

I had to exchage my Torch yesterday....due to constant reboots and buttons getting loose.But now I can't get my BIS email ( working. I called AT&T and was on the phone for like 2 hours and they were clueless. Has anyone had this same problem or know how to get it working without creating a new email.

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BB Torch :: Menu/BlackBerry Button Not Working?

Jan 30, 2012

I'm having an issue with the menu/BlackBerry button (whatever it's called) The button seems to be stuck. So when I push it the menu will come up but it will automatically do what is highlighted, which is often close or open the tray if on the home screen. If I lock the phone it will darken but then lighten up as if I have pressed the button, but I haven't. It will say screen locked but will continously darken and lighten back up.

I was having this issue a little while ago and even took my phone apart to clean as I thought that was the issue but it did not help. Then I needed to charge it, which I normally do by plug in, but this time I used usb to computer. There seemed to be a substantial update for my phone which once completed fixed the issue with the button. Which was a huge relief as I was thinking I would have to pay somebody to fix and I don't want to do that. It is very pricey.

Well today it started back up. I connected it to the computer but it said there were no updates and did not fix the button problem. And yes I have tried battery pull.

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BlackBerry :: Functions Not Fully Working When Roaming?

May 10, 2011

I'm travelling with my Bold 9780, and for some reason I can neither send BBMs or emails. All other functions are fine, including receiving texts and emails. My Carier is Vodafone UK and I'm roaming on AT&T in the US. I this a problem with my Vodafone carrier, or is it to do with my roaming facilities?

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BlackBerry :: Code Signature Tool Is Not Working

Jun 14, 2011

code signature tool is not working

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BlackBerry :: Data Plan Working Properly?

Apr 16, 2011

is it allright if my BB data plan is working on a GPRS (capital letters) connection but without the BB icon? I clarify... with a wi-fi connection, I have UMA and the BB icon, and everything is fine when I'm outside, I have GPRS (capital letters), and BB services seem to work as well, but no BB icon.The Orange assitance told me that as long as the services are working, it doesn't matter whether I have the icon or not, but it seems weird to me.

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BlackBerry :: Ringtones Stopped Working - Most Of Them Now Say They Are Invalid?

Feb 1, 2012

I just updated my phone to V5.0.0.975 and now only a couple of ring tones work. Most of them now say they are invalid. How can I fix this?

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BlackBerry :: WiFi Hotspot Connection Not Working?

May 10, 2011

On a embedded PC I've configued a hotspot for mobile devices - any device can connect to WiFi it provides and use it to access websites. However one of our customers told us that he can't use it with Blackberry.Only funcionality we need is website access, no need for UMA or any other extra BB-specific features.First problem we had was that BB couldn't associate to hotspot at all. That is fixed now by disabling 'wmm' on hotspot.Problem that stays open is accessing websites. The browser is set to 'hotspot mode' but whenever i enter url in a browser the request times out. The gateway is correct, DNS-server (gateway itself) is correct too, IP address is assigned correct.I dug into it and i can see that most of DNS queries don't reach the hotspot at all. When i try DNS test utility results are the same - most DNS queries don't reach hotspot. I can see BB exchanging ARP 'who has' APR 'is at' packets and thats all.Ping to my hotspot works when i chose 'WiFi -gateway' (however it responds only once after ~1600ms, later requests time-out). When I try to ping it via IP all request time out (however i can see in logs that ping reaches my hotspot and it responds immediately).Hotspot config is atheros (2413) based wifi card in ap mode. Driver is ath5k from 2.6.38 kernel. I use hostapd to create wifi network and dnsmasq as DHCP/DNS server.

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BlackBerry :: Call Waiting Is Not Working On 8830?

Feb 16, 2011

Call waiting funstion is not working on my Black berry 8830..

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BlackBerry :: Own Domain Email No Longer Working?

Jul 27, 2011

I have a Blackberry Torch on Vodafone UK which I've been using for several months very happily. I had set up two email addresses - a account and an email account with my own domain name ( Up until this morning they were working just fine.

This morning I noticed that a lot of emails were coming into Outlook on my PC but not coming to my handset. I sent test messages from my handset and they never arrived in Outlook. So I resent the service books, got the usual "set up successful" message, but still nothing. I did a hard reset, but no change.I logged in to Vodafone's BIS site and removed the mydomain email account, as in the past when I have had problems removing it and re-adding it seemed to fix it. However, now I can't put it back on! Even when I add the additional data via the website I get the following message:

An error occurred during email account validation. I tried the same process via the handset and get a similar error message:Invalid email address or password. Verify your email address and password. If the error persists, contact (i.e. my domain)

Now, I know that the password is correct as I am using the same one to log into my webmail and to get emails in Outlook. I have checked the email server in cPanel for my domain. So as far as I'm concerned all of the info is correct.

What else can I try? I've set up a forwarder for my domain mail to a newly created vodafone mail account in the meantime, but it's not ideal as this doesn't have the "delete on mailbox and handheld" option. Unfortunately I've tried calling Vodafone twice - the first person I spoke to said he would ring me back in under two hours, and that was five hours ago. The second person was far from helpful. Please help, this is very frustrating!

(Update: I have also changed the password for my email account to ensure that it is DEFINITELY the right one, and deleted almost all the messages from the inbox (there were some over 8MB which may have been causing the problem). I have also completely deleted my BIS account and started again from scratch. Still no joy.)

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BlackBerry :: World Edition Not Working Overseas?

Dec 4, 2012

The world edition purchased years ago came unlocked from Bell. It has served me well in India and other countries in that a local simm card could be used to reduce roaming charges. Recently in Africa I had no service. It also prompted to insert a simm card. The moment I returned to Toronto I had full service again. Would an operating system update fix this new bug ? If so, is where can I download the fix?

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BlackBerry :: P9981 Keypad Stopped Working?

Oct 26, 2012

ive purchased Blackberry Porsche Design 9981 on June 16th ive used it over a month ago and ive started having some keypad problems with it. Ive notified the people who sold it to me, but after a month later it totally stopped working. So ive sent my blackberry to a HK Blackberry office, Beijing Blackberry office. They still couldnt get my phone fixed. Back Button, Answer Button, End Call Buttons are stopped working.So now the company that sold it to me they are saying they cover a technical damage.Who do i contact? What do i do with this **bleep** phone?

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BlackBerry :: Email Notifications Suddenly Not Working On 8300

Aug 4, 2011

My yahoo and gmail emails stopped showing up on my Curve 8300. The last email I received on it was on August 1st.

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BlackBerry :: 8820 Not Working - No Entry Sign On Screen

Feb 18, 2012

My blackberry isn't working. When I switch it on there's a white screen with a small window in the centre with a circle, square and triangle in the middle. its got a circle around the whole window with a diagonal line through. Kinda like a no entry sign if you get me.

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BlackBerry :: 9530 When Switch On Cell It Restart After Working

May 6, 2012

I have blackberry 9530. The problem is that when i switch on my cell it restart after working.

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BlackBerry :: Sending Calendar Meeting Invites No Longer Working?

Jan 4, 2012

BlackBerry 9700

I use Hotmail email I think this started to fail when I upgraded to the new OS. When I create a new Calender appointment, it no longer shows up in my hotmail calender. If I invite attendees, all they get is a blank email, they no longer get a proper meeting request in their Outlook inbox.

However, if they send me a meeting invite, it is properly recognized on my blackberry.

As best I tried scouring the internet looking at various BB forums, I went into options and deleted my Hotmail email account on the phone. I set it up again and it does not fix the problem. As far as I can tell, my hotmail account is a now typical account that has pop3 access.

EDIT: I removed the Hotmail account and added a GMail account. The GMail account workes totally fine with meeting invites. Also, after the creation of the GMail account, there is now a second inbox icon on my BB home screen. This icon is an envelope like the original one but also has a graphic of the world over-layed on top of it that resembles the Browser icon.

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BlackBerry :: Opera Mini Stopped Working On 9790 - Unable To Connect

Sep 7, 2012

I have downloaded the Opera Mini from Blackberry AppWorld for a Blackberry 9790. It was fine and working for a day or two, but now it would not launch, saying that it is "unable to connect. Please review your network settings". What am I supposed to do in this situation?

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