I saw last week on Crackberry that some users were seeing their read messages sync properly from gmail onto their BB. Have any Verizon Tour users seen this? Since last week messages I send from the web gmail interface appear on my BB but when I view a message online it doesn't show as read on my BB. Has anyone with Verizon and the Tour gotten this to work properly?
I'm using the default functionality in my new Tour 9630 (Sprint) to read my Gmail and Facebook messages, and there appears to be no way to 'mark all as read,' which I need since any changes I make to my Gmail messages (e.g., reading them so they are then marked as read) is not refleted in my Tour.How do I mark all the messages as read?
Went through and set up my gmail through the email set up wizard. Used these exact steps: http://www.blackberry.com/btsc/search.do?cmd=displayKC&docType=kc&externalId=KB03087
Issue is I'm not seeing any of my existing / read messages on my phone. After set up I had zero messages in my blackberry email inbox. How do I go about getting these message in my blackberry email?
My gmails are all automatically deleted at random times throughout the day. This only occurs on the blackberry, not on my computer. Brought device to sprint tech support and they did a hard reset, but problem still occurs. Any suggestions?
My gmails are all automatically deleted at random times throughout the day. This only occurs on the blackberry, not on my computer. Brought device to sprint tech support and they did a hard reset, but problem still occurs.
First off just wanted to say hi, just bought my first ever blackberry (tour) a couple days ago and love it. My wife got one for work and I fell in love with it and needed to get one. She has the Curve 8530??? (not sure on model the second one.) Anyway I was wondering if there was anyway to set my read text message how the curve display them. With blue and white bars, and it groups them all to the same person instead of by most recent. I would to go to my messages and just have them group all by person with the ongoing conversation like the cure, does where as my tour just puts last sent/received at top. Any ideas?
I have a 9630. I check my emails on a daily on a basis on the computer, but the icon still shows them as unread on my BlackBerry, which in turn leaves the yellow envelope/red asterisk on my home screen. I'm sure others have had this question before, but I did a few searches on CB and google to no avail. Any help would be appreciated.
i took out the memory card and put it in my pc and it wont like pick it up. i've put it in my computer before to put music and stuff on it. but i wanted to delete some stuff on it and if i do it thru my fone it takes too long going thru everything but nothing happens when i plug it into my pc, yet my tour can read it
so this may have been asked before but i cannot seem to find any threads on it..probably just searching the wrong terms.so im using gmail on my tour..when doing so and replying to an email, my address is always displayed as opposed to the my name. i.e. John.Doe@gmail.com instead of John Doe in the replies. Also, the header from the email i am responding to is displayed as well. I don't see these on the tour itself, however when i am looking at the email in gmail (on a computer)
Anyone out there with OS 5.0 tried the Gmail Mobile App yet (not Gmail IMAP w/BIS)? The problem the Tour has always had is the notifications for Gmail don't work or if they work when the Gmail Mobile App is first installed, they get lost as soon as the phone is rebooted. Then even uninstalling Gmail and reinstalling it doesn't fix it. If it's working on your Tour with OS 5.0, after a phone restart, do you still have Gmail Messages as a choice under "Profile | Set Ring Tones/Alerts | Other? What typically happens is the "Gmail Messages" doesn't display unter "Other" so you can't change email notifications, LED settings, nothing regarding the Gmail Mobile App.(don't recommend I use Gmail IMAP w/BIS..at least not unless it's October already and RIM has added all the Gmail features that are still missing
So this all started about two weeks ago. Every time i get a mms message from someone i get it first about 5-10 min after they send it, then again about 1-3 hours after they sent it. Ive tried several battery pulls, with no luck. Im running (I know it has problems, but I couldnt get the Sprint upgrade figured out )
I have searched back 3 months and can't find an answer. New BB user with the Sprint Tour. Trying to set up gmail. I go to email setup and select gmail. I type in my email address and password and all I get is "Unable to set up xxxxxx@gmail.com Please try Again"
Imap is enabled on Gmail. I don't want to use the gmail app, just want to check my gmail every once in awhile.
if i delete an email on my handheld it does not delete from my actual gmail account. in fact, it doesnt even say that its read. well, on the computer next to inbox it doesnt say any are new, but when i look at the inbox, i still have the emails and it shows them bolded like they were not read at all. when i delete on my bb, nothing happens to gmail. i tried deleting my gmail address from my phone, resending service books, battery pulls but none of that has resolved. i made sure that handheld wins was set to on under wireless reconciliation and in the VZW BIS control/email settings i have it set to sync deleted emails.
i tried fooling around with the contact sync a few days ago but stopped it becaues it wasnt working (this is the only new thing ive done with my bb in the last week or so). i also downoaded the new socialbeat app from verizon/iskoot. but other than that nothing is new in the last few days. i am running driphters 6.3 on top of whatever OS its supp to be installed on (.484 i think?). dont just jump to that as the problem because i have had it for almost a month and have not had a problem until now (that i tried that stupid contact sync bullsht).
So today I had a unrecoverable 552 error and decided to just upgrade Sprint's 5.0 OS. Everything seems to be working fine, except now I'm getting the problem that the enhanced g-mail plugin isn't working correctly. I have it installed, but it doesn't seem to add any options for stars, labels, etc. It's listed in the applications page in the options, so I'm not sure what to do. I've uninstalled it and reinstalled it countless times and did a battery pull after each. Does anyone know what may be causing this problem?
I am new to this device and I had Verizon transfer all 300 of my contacts from my old phone to the tour. When I ran email set up with my gmail account i didn't notice that i checked the contacts box and it deleted all 300 of the contacts I had changed over and left only 20 or so (who i imagine are from my gmail account). I deleted the gmail account from my phone, is there a way to delete the gmail list from my contact list? I go to options and it's the only contact list in my phone and it doesn't give me an option to delete. I even tried re-adding the gmail account to my phone and unchecking the contact list button--to no avail.
my Bold 9900. Is it possible to setup e-mail service to sync read e-mail.
I there comes new mail to my Gmail account, it immediately appears in my Bold also. If I read this mail on BB, it is marked as read also in my desktop client and on web interface. But if I read new mail in web interface or desktop client it remains marked as unread in Bold (even after few hours!) and I must mark as readed manualy in phone.
I recently installed 5.0 on my tour and i have 2 gmail accounts. One of the gmail accounts, the emails only come in every 30-40 min in a batch; the other account seems to be working fine. Any ideas what could cause this problem. I pulled the battery a few times but still nothing.
I have been getting my emails pushed to my blackberry Tour fine for months. This morning I changed my password on my gmail account and now it will not let me receive messages on my blackberry. I deleted the account through the email settings and tried to re add it and it keeps saying username or password is invalid. It seems very odd to me.
I am having tough times trying to figure it out why Gmail messages are not automatically marked as read it on my Blackberry after I read them on my computer at the Google Webmail page. I have just read 5 emails on Google web page and they are still appearing as unread it on my Blackberry. My wife has the iPhone, and it immediately marked messages as read it as well. Do I need to set any specific setting?
Strange issue with my BlackBerry contacts. Nearly all of my phone numbers disappeared and I panicked immediately. I came to realize that this happened when I added a new Gmail account to my Blackberry. Not sure if the new Gmail Sync had anything to do with it, but I found that all of my BlackBerry contacts are NOW in Contacts when I log into Gmail on the web. And the contacts that I do have in my phone happen to be all email addresses (mostly no numbers, but some) that were previously all saved in my web Gmail. It's like they just switched places.
Why does my messages icon take me to a missed calls list and not my SMS messages? To get to SMS I have to "view folders". Please tell me there is a quicker way.
hello, I just upgraded my phone to the .732. Everything went smoothly during the upgrade, ever since then I have been having trouble with receiving text messages and MMS messages. I have gone to 3 sites for free ringtones have sent the ring tones to my phone, I have not received anything. I also have setup google voice and I am not getting any text messages from people tht text my google voice number.
I have a Blackberry Curve 8530 with v5.0.xx installed. I just setup my Gmail IMAP on my BB and when I read a message on my BB it doesn't show as read on my computer and visa versa.
I added a new gmail address to my phone, before that, I had my work e-mail, a different gmail address and my blackberry e-mail.All e-mails went directly into the main mailbox.They also went into the separate folders for each specific e-mail address. so if I wanted to only look at e-mails from email address #1, I just had to look in that folder.Well it still works for the first 3 e-mail address, but since I added the new gmail account, the e-mails on the new account only go to the main e-mail message folder.So if I go to the separate folder for the new gmail account it shows no e-mails at all.But if I go to the main inbox, any new e-mails to that account are shown there.Does anyone know how to fix this?I have deleted and re-added this account at least 3 times, I have done everything I know and I still cannot get the e-mails to show up in the separate account folder!
I just got a new tour from verizon to replace my original tour that had trackball issues. I did the device switch with DM and everything seemed to copy over just fine with one exception. I keep getting new messages (both email and sms) and the top bar is showing that I have 6 new messages but they are not actually showing up in my messages.
I can see everything the group does but noone sees me.They were able to see my messages before I did a software upgrade to version I've done a couple of battery pulls and they are not working.