BB Torch :: 9800 Right Side Volume Button Not Working With Any Music Program
Oct 11, 2011
I have a Torch 9800 and the volume buttons on the right side of my phone don't seem to be working with any music program (Pandora, Slacker Radio, etc.) other than the normal Music program that comes with the phone. Is there something I need to do to configure the buttons for third-party music programs? It used to work just fine with these programs but no more!
When I try to increase the volume of the music by pressing the volume button it changes my song selection. When I insert the BB Torch into my belt holder and then try to increase the music volume it actually works. I tried calling customer support at AT&T and was told that I need to take my phone to the nearest AT&T store and have the BB software upgraded. Is there a fix for this issue? I am becoming frustrated with my purchase to the newest,"best" blackberry that RIM has ever sold. My opinion is that the device has fallen short of everyone's expectations and the lack of technical support leaves me feeling that RIM does not feel that they need to be held accountable for taking people's money for a product that fails to perform as they advertised. The product that I purchased fails to do all the things that I was believed it would do when I purchased it.
My buttons seemed to have stopped working properly. In order to adjust the volume using the side button, I have to shut down the phone and then restart it. It will work for a while and then stops working and I have to go thru the process again. The home button just works whenever it wants. It doesn't fix the problem when I restart the phone. I can slide my finger in a circle around the button and it still doesn't work.
I read in other forums for different devices that the volume button also advances songs. On my Torch this happens and it seems far too sensitive. Anytime I up the volume or lower I have to wait to see if it works as intended or advances the songs. Anyone seeing this also? Am I doing something wrong?
The go back key and the red hanging up (both on the right of the trackpad) one don't work when the phone is slid shut. When i try click the go back it doesn't work, or when i'm on calling someone and want to hang up it doesn't work.
The increase (top one) volume button on the side of the phone does not work. The decrease volume button work fine. For example, I open up media player, put on an mp3, but it is too low to be able to hear so I click the volume button to increase it but it just does nothing. I have threw my Blackberry once or twice in frustration since I got it for Christmas. I imagine this might have something to do with the fault but I don't know for sure.
I think my title says it all, I've tried battery pulls and nothing helped. Is this just a hardware problem? Do I just need to return is or is there anything else I could try?
I have a Torch and the home and back button aren't working. They work sometimes but have fully given up working and have to take the battery out. I have restored it and no luck so is there any shortcuts to go back.
I can't take any pictures with my bb torch 9800. Everything about the camera is ok; the problem is when I try to press on the button for taking a picture: nothing happens; it's like I don't press even if the flash goes on. In short; my bb torch refuses to take pictures.
Sometimes I need my in-call volume high and sometimes low depending on where I am. The up doesn't work for anything, in-call volume, music, etc. I've had the phone a few months now.
I have just updated my bold 9700 to O/S 6 bundle 2949 and since the update the up volume key is not working. Volume down works fine.The volume buttons were working fine before the update on the previous O/S 6 bundle ?
Got a problem with my 5800 - just today, the touch screen has started being odd. It sometimes works perfectly but then i try and press a button on the left hand side of the screen and it chooses the one at the right-hand side. This obviously makes everything very difficult! Any ideas as to why this might be/how I could repair it? I've tried the touch screen calibration about 10 times, it sorts it out for about a minute.I can send it to Nokia to replace but I could really do without sending my phone away
My volume button broke! I can increase the volume of my music but i cant decrease it! What can I do?PS I listen to music a lot so i need the button to work?
I just noticed this today that when I'm playing a song on my phone, the volume buttons act as the media player as well switching to the next song. I would often try to increase or decrease the volume, and I realize I can't. I tried a battery pull hoping that would solve the issue. It's frustrating how a person can't hear music at all, and having no use of the volume buttons. I am still under my 30 day warranty, I'm considering taking it back and exchanging for a new one.
My volume buttons on the side recently quit working and it won't let me turn the ringer up and my keyboard doesn't click and my home screen doesn't click
I've had the Torch since the release date and fortunately I haven't had any major issues with my device, however I've noticed that there is a tiny gap between the lower left side of the bezel and the device's body. It never really caught my attention until I started typing a lot on the physical keyboard. Basically when ever my left thumb presses down on the lower left side of the bezel I notice that it slightly moves up and down and creates a soft click noise. I'm just concerned that the bezel may get worse over time. The right side of the bezel is perfectly snug against the rest of the phone but it's just the left side of the bezel that seems very slightly elevated from the phone's frame. Has anyone else noticed this on their torch?
All of a sudden I have a problem with the volume on my phone. I know it isn't a problem with the speakers as all my videos play normally with sounds, and when I try to change the ringtone, it plays. However, I cannot adjust the volume using the volume buttons on the side, and the silence switch doesn't work...when I press any of them, there is no on screen confirmation of a change. The ohphone also doesn't play any noise when I have an incoming call or text. But I like I said, I can play videos with sound, I can go to settings and sound and hear the ringtones. I have reset, and restored the phone but nothing has made any difference.
Whenever I press the side volume buttons on my 9700, the screen looks like its being pressed on the side a little ripples show up. I was wondering if anyone elses 9700 does this as well?
The camera button on the side of my phone keeps pressing itself.. When the phone is unlocked, the camera would come up and start taking pictures without pressing anything. I changed the settings so that nothing happens when I press the button but it affects it when I type and when the phone is locked my phone will be constantly lit up..
I recieved my Torch on friday an i noticed the volume on the ringer an Music Is low? Is it a hardware problem or software? then if i push the Mini usb up while its charging it kind of clicks out the phone i dont know if anyone else has these problems but looking for a solution.
is there anyway to flash from usb or anether way to get into boot loader. i downloaded a crap rom and i cant do nothing on it it just give me to close funection and whot let me do anything what do i do i hope im not stuck