BB Desktop Software :: Synchronizing Outlook Contacts With Two Or More Categories
Mar 2, 2010
I've recently noticed a problem with the Desktop Manager when trying to sync Outlook contacts that are assigned to multiple categories.
1. I have setup a filter to only synchronize contacts where the category equals Personal or Business.
2. The rules is set to "one of more conditions must be met"
3. In Outlook I have some contacts that are assigned to multiple categories, for example Personal and Family
4. These contacts are not being sync'd to my device
I use a BB Torch (NO keyboard model); I use Win XP?I have been using outlook for my contacts?I have been synchronizing the same with Black berry contacts over some time Now suddenly I am unable to synch When I connect the device and try to synchronize (from organizer tab) The bb desktop software on PC says "Sychronisation is currently unawailable for address book because the application(s) is (are) configured for wireless synchronization. Desktop synchronization for the above application(s) will be disabled.
I've opened the device and disabled wireless synch from Contacts -> Options -> Desktop -> Wireless synch -> check off, still nothing happens ? I've logged off and on the computer what else should I do ? Switch off device and reboot ? Remove battery on device and re book ? I also use my enterprise mail on this devise so I can_not_ delete all desktop entries from advance options?
I cant synchronize my outlook contacts with BB I have bold 9700. v platform v5.1... i have outlook 2007... desktop manager v.5... i tried all your mentioned procedure in forums but couldnt get it... in synchronization option get only two tabs >> synchronization and reset synch.
I synchronized my 9630 Blackberry Desktop, one way from Outlook in computer to Blackberry. The only fields from my Contact folder that appear in the Blackberry are the telephone numbers. How do I get the other Contact fields from Outlook to my 9630?
I cannot imagine that my BB 8800 with the BB desktop 5.0.1. and the device frim ware isn't able to sync the MS outlook 2007 categories with the BB canlendar. Where is the trick? I'm sure that there is a RIM solution.
Everytime I connect my phone (Razr) to my computer and MotoCast (1.1.70) loads up, I find that the next time I open up Microsoft Outlook (2010) I find that all my categories are deleted!I haven't done a sync yet (i've only just gotten the phone)It's now happened to me 3 times (each time after motocast has loaded up).
Just got a 9700 to help re work but when syncing with Outlook 2002 the tasks do not appear under any categories. Is there a way of doing this, or is there an App that lets me?
I've been a BB user for nearly 10 years and would appreciate knowing if/when BB's will syncronize the categories & field names available in MicroSoft Outlook.
I have an 8350 nextel, outlook office 07 and desktop software version I recently changes jobs and put my new information into my phone and I am now working from home so I have never needed this before. my email is sending and receiving no problem, my calendar is syncing perfectly but my contacts will not sync. the sync process seems to work from the software (it goes thru the motions) but when I look in outlook, no contactsI have looked around the net for possible solution and even tried most of the things I've no avail. I just want to get the contacts off my phone and into my outlook.
under the Intellisync Select Device Menu and specifically under the AddressBook SetUpe Menu I only get <none>, Microsoft Outlook Express, ASCII converter and Yahoo. Why can't I get MS Outlook? Same thing under the Calendar SetUp Menu and the MemoPad.
I am sure that this information is probably posted somewhere in these forums, but Ive tried 5-6 different searches and cant find what I need to know, so thought I'd try a post. I only want to transfer a portion of the contacts in my Outlook 2007 address book over to my BB, and keep those contacts through each synchronization (dont want to synchronize and have them all show up).
My BB was synching fine with my desktop and mysteriously stopped. Now after it asks for the password (to my BB) it just sits and spins. The BB shows the computer and BB icons and nothing happens. When I try to exit the program the 'Exiting Blackberry Desktop Software box pops up and it just spins ( when i say spin i refer to the little green circle icon).
so this morning I plugged my phone into the computer and got a prompt do you want update your Desktop Software so I did. Now it has frozen when synchronizing, I left it running and after about 20mintues it came up with a conflict problem. I have checked everything that's being synchronized; now I am getting the following error message Synchronization Error "An error has occurred during an attempt to update a device database record."Even how can I get an earlier version of the software which I know that works?
I have been tryign for a while to synchronize my oultook accounts with my blackberry bold 9000. It does the contacts and tasks. However, it says "not installed" next to Calender. I have been trying everything I possibly can, but have been unable to rectify this problem.
In the older version of the Desktop Manager software, one of the options offered for synchronizing my Blackberry with my computer was Yahoo. With the new version of Desktop Manager (5.0.1) this option does not appear. Is this no longer available? I would rather not change to Microsoft Outlook (there seem to be lots of problems synching with that).
I have Blackberry Pearl 8100 and I have about more than 2500 contacts in it.I need to add different categories to number of contacts. I am confused please help me, how can I add categories and import contacts in it and to find the contact with the help of categories.
Is it possible to use Ovi Suite under 64-bit Windows 7 for synchronizing the phone's contacts and organizer with the 64-bit version of MS Outlook included in Office 2010?
Is it possible to use PC Suite under 64-bit Windows 7 for synchronizing the phone's contacts and organizer with the 64-bit version of MS Outlook included in Office 2010?
The recent desktop software update has solved some of the calendar synchronization issues but this morning I got a new error message : Intellisynch error code 0x80040fb3. What this is all about?
I tried yesterday to find a way to synch my outlook calendar with my Wildfire. The interweb told me to download a tool to my laptop (htc synch) to do so, but that didn't work (basically because after the download finished my laptop said there was some kind of tech error). Tried this 3 times .
I have installed the software v5.0.1 then I click synchronizing I can't tick the option synchronizing email messages. this has a grey block in front of the option, what should I do?
I have a person who when I make the connection between their BB Desktop Manager and their Outlook Profile all of a sudden outlook sends all incoming email to the Junk E-mail folder.Another behavior is that if I add the sender to the Safe Sender List, the next email from that person will show up in both the outlook Inbox and the Junk-Email folder.Any help would be great as I think I have everything setup correctly.If I break just the email outlook profile connection the problem goes away. AKA, Outlook doesn't put emails into the junk folder that shouldn't go there.
I am using a Blackberry Torch and have the newest version of the Desktop Software (v6).When I try to setup my synchronization it gives me options for ASCII and Yahoo but not Outlook.What can I do? I have installed the software on several other laptops with their Blackberry Bold (both 9000 and 9700) and this hasnt been an issue.I have uninstalled and reinstalled the software but with no new luck.
I was told by a tele help agent at AT&T that Blackberry Desktop sync software was not able to be used if you are using Windows 7. I find this hard to believe but would really like to quit wasting time finding an answer if Blackberry does not support the new OS.I am also using Outlook 2010 with Windows 7 Premium and cannot get the Blackberry Desktop to sync with Outlook 2010 during set-up.I can't believe Blackberry didn't know a new Outlook was coming out and syncing would be one of those key tasks.
i have been able to sync to hotmail account and can send and receive email but when i try to sync contacts it says, 'your device encountered a prob with this application,s server try again'?
I have just noticed that my Gmail contacts are not Synchronizing.I have checked the account and the Contacts is selected to Sync Having checked my blackberry 9800 and gmail account I have contacts in both that are not syncing, Email and calendar are working perfectly?
When trying to sync Outlook with 9800 appears a warning pop up saying "unknown application", but the sync, goes ahead, but with errors in times that appear with one hour off in the device. What does this warning says or is trying to say?
When I setup the phone, it gave me an option to synchronize my contacts with Gmail, which I did. But now, the contacts are not synchronizing. In between I added the Facebook application as well. FB contacts are syncing.Another thing, inside the options for my gmail contact list the Wireless Synchronization option is marked -"Not Available" and cannot be changed.I want to synchronize my contacts on BB with those on Gmail.
I used to have a Palm Pilot, and quite easily on there, when you synchronised with computer, you could get your calendar coming up; can the same be done on a blackberry 8520?
I cannot seem to find a way to remove the default synchronizing email address that has been saved onto my BlackBerry 9700.It shows a email address that I have deleted from my BlackBerry. There are no options to put my current email address as the synchronizing email.