BB Bold :: Random Shutdown Of The 9700?
Jul 15, 2011
this is a shot in the dark, bacically my girlfriend threw my phone against the the wall the other day as they do, ever since then it randomly turns off and i have to take the battery out and put it back in and the battery would have gone down quite abit, the battery level goes up and down which is weird.
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May 13, 2010
I have a Bold 9700 and currently have v5.0.0.423 (Platform software on the phone. I have done one software upgrade since getting the phone in February.
I have an intermittent problem, that when the phone rings, it shows a contacts name, but it isn't that person who is phoning, it does however display the right number which is currently ringing.. So the number isn't the contacts' it shows. This happens with saved contacts as well as none saved one, it shows random contact names.
Then I also can not do a full shutdown. If I choose "Turn power off", it gives me two options: "Turn off" and "Full power off". Whichever one I choose, it just does the quick shutdown and not the long reboot one.
Both these problems started after upgrading my software to v5.0.0.432.
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Dec 29, 2014
I've got a nexus 5 running lollipop (5.0.1) and the phone will randomly shutdown or reboot. I've tried a factory reset as well as clearing the cache after the reset. That did not solve the problem. I'm hoping its not a harware issue but given that I don't have a single app other than the default google apps installed.
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Sep 6, 2011
their battery full to only discover the battery is near dead moments later... "The attery is not really dead but rather the phone is just not recognizing it", etc.., etc...,...The hardware problem that I believe is the root cause of all or most of these issues is the battery connection to the phone... People have taken their phones back for another one only to have the same issues with the new one... They have factory reset them, deleted apps, downloaded the update thinking it would fix these issues... I bought my phone 09/03/11 and within an hour of purchase it random rebooted and later that evening completely shutdown requiring a battery pull to reboot... The next day it shutdown 3 times requiring a battery pull... Usually when I just sat the phone down face up.. I believe the battery is separating enough from the contacts when in certain positions to cause these disorders... My phone never did this while recharging because it had a steady power source... That along with those who were experiencing full charge to low charge moments later led me to this conclusion... Happy to report I have for my phone at least eliminated the problem.\
THE FIX: Simply snap in your battery with the phone face down making sure its snug... Simply apply a strip of electrical tape next to the kick stand where the contacts are located... The tape should extend about a 1/4 inch either side of the battery... This secures the battery from moving in the contact area... The Micro SD a Sim card slots are at the other end of the battery and are still accessible... This back cover is not really effected and in fact it only makes it more snug... This fix has completely eliminated reboot & shutdown problems on my phone... Until Motorola factory fixes this issue, this is the best next thing... My EVO had tape all over under the hood and if you do it right it looks factory
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May 12, 2011
For the last few days, I've had a hard time waking up my Atrix. I push the power button and it doesn't react. I push it a few more times, and eventually it wakes up and works normally. My first thought was that the power/wake button was becoming defective, but I can press it many times in a row and it will sleep, wake, sleep wake, etc. No problems.
Then today I noticed my phone was shut off completely after I returned home from being out.
I booted it back up and the battery was showing 50%, so it clearly wasn't a low battery shutdown. I have apps that can monitor the system, and I've not found any that are using a lot of CPU or battery, so I'm not sure what the issue could be.
Is there any sort of a log I can look at, to try to determine the cause of the phone shutting off?
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Jul 26, 2010
I have a problem with my Blackberry and would be grateful if anyone knows what the problem is.I have only my Blackberry 9700 bold for 1 month or so.I am unable to lock my keypad by using the lock key on top of the phone. This has happened before but after charging my phone it started to work again. I have turned my phone on and off, tried charging it and the button still doesn't work. Although the keypad will lock when I put it into the leather case.Do you think it is a problem with my blackberry and I should return it? Or is this a problem people have had before and if so, how do I fix it?
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Jul 13, 2010
Lately when I've been txting I've been noticing I guess its the cursor scroll up and down and sideways could this problem be software or would it be the trackpad?
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Mar 12, 2010
Bold 9700, OS .442, Telus Mobility. Email server is IMAP, leave emails on server indefinitely (eg. I still have emails from 2007), 90MB memory free. BIS is set up to forward messages that do not meet filters.This just started happening today, I'm not receiving random emails! It's been working fine for weeks! So starting today, I would be in a conversation with someone, and I won't get a reply. That person sends me another email asking if I got his last email... coming back home and checking (Apple Mail) I realize I'm missing some other emails today as well. Again, some emails reach my Blackberry, others don't! No rhyme or reason as to why this is happening.
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Jun 14, 2011
my phone's screen randomly turns white or turns purple then white while using the screen and problem started like 2 days ago. And i can fix the problem by locking and unlocking the screen a few times and it goes back to normal but then like 5 minutes later it turns white again . Btw i tried reloading the os on my phone again it didnt fix the problem but i havent tried downgrading my os to os5 (now ive got os6). I dont know what happed is the something wrong with the software or with my lcd screen?
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Apr 19, 2010
This is my fourth bold. Each one has had the same problem just shuts off in the middle of doing whatever just random reboots.
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Jan 14, 2010
My 9700 recently started not letting me view my new text messages. For example, sometimes I get forwarded chain texts and it won't let me view them, it'll show a random block of text and that's it. And if I try to reply to it, it won't show me my reply, it's only doing this with a few contacts, but it's still extremely annoying.I've tried uninstalling my third party apps and it didn't fix it, is it a setting I have to change or does anyone know anything?
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Jul 28, 2012
I'm having battery issues, it does not last for a whole day. I was told to make a few adjustment to my bb setup one of them was to turn off Wifi when I am not using it. Now I am not sure what I have done but every time I switch off wifi the phone switches off within a 1min. I cannot turn the phone back on unless I do a battery pull and connect the phone to charge. I have a BB Bold 9900 unbrand and unlocked, OS, currently using a T-mobile sim in it.
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May 9, 2011
Searched around the web and hofo and can't really find an anwser..Got an unlocked bell 9700 running 5.0 firmware and the screen just randomly goes white.
Anybody know what the issue is?It should be under warranty still but I bought it used and don't use Bell as my carrier.
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Apr 17, 2012
My phone has decided to start playing sounds at startup, shutdown and when I plug in my headphone. It will do this in the Silent and All Alerts Off profile as I can get it to stop?
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Apr 11, 2011
My phone is constantly putting o's into every word, and often just straight up barely types. It also is continuously calling numbers even after I've deleted them from my phone.
I called Bell and they had me wipe my phone and that didn't do anything, so I upgraded the software which also did nothing.
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Aug 22, 2012
I have a Blackberry Bold 9900 on AT&T and it for some strange reason starts to scroll on its own. It makes it very difficult to select anything when it does this. I did a battery pull several times and it still occurs.
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Jan 13, 2010
I got a new BB 9700 Bold yesterday and having problems with setting up the sync for the calendar and the contacts which are on my outlook. My hotmail email accounts are working okay. The outlook is on my PC and is the front face for my hotmail accounts.
When I go in to the BB Desktop device manager - version 5.0.1 (latest version) , I go in to the configure option on the left and it lets me click on calendar> then I select outlook and it then lets me select 'finish'. However at this stage an error box flashes up saying 'no available message stores'.
In addition when I check the wifi config on the calendar and contacts icons on the BB device it will not let me select yes on the wireless connection for them.
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Jul 13, 2010
I have a BB Bold 2 (9700). The Media Card slot wont lock down the card and keeps springing it out. If i keep the card pressed down it works but wont lock down.
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Sep 3, 2010
I have Outlook 2007 on my desktop computer and use BT as a service provider and for my email, my Blackberry supplier is Vodafone and I use BIS.I have noticed that if my Blackberry receives an email first I don't get the same email delivered to my desktop. If my desktop gets an email first then the same email will be delivered to my Blackberry. I was happily deleting emails from my Blackberry thinking I would have them all on my desktop but I now find I have to check what emails I have on each before I delete anything. Is this an issue that anyone has come acrosss before and how do I resolve it apart from synching the Blackberry and desktop?I'm often away from the desktop which is why I bought the Blackberry in the first place.
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Aug 2, 2010
A couple of weeks ago I traded in my 9630 for a 9900 and love it but recently the device has been doing random soft resets for no apparent reason.
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Aug 21, 2011
I see that you are aware of this problem but as yet don't have a good fix.It at the least is very frustrating and suggesting to downgrade the operating system runs counter to the reason I purchased this phone.
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Nov 12, 2011
I'm just wondering if anyone has had this one problem as well. I literally just upgraded from the 9700 to the 9900, less than a week ago. Havent had much time to put all my contacts onto the new phone and only added a couple of appsOn tuesday, my phone just randomly shut off while i was texting someone. After restarting it, i was on a web site, reading and it randomly shut off again.o, in total i believe my phone has randomly shut off on me about 6-7 times since Tuesday. I thought it could be a battery life thing, but i had a minimum half battery each time and the phone turns back on right after it shuts off.ll the software for the phone is all up to date. Just wondering if there's a solution? maybe did I just get a "lemon" for a phone? Maybe should I take it back to Bell or what should I do?
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Dec 2, 2012
My Bold 9900 reboots at random. I have tried reloading the latest software having read various KB articles, but no improvement.
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Nov 10, 2011
Information about my device:Blackberry Bold 9780Platform: Version: Rogers CommunicationsSome of you might call this "randomly shut off" but its not! the device is still running...The issue is that at a random time blackberry keys will stop working eg. All buttons on the device including lock/unlock key while this is happend the blackberry screen is in sleep mode or whatever you call it when device isn't in use but ppl think it shut off automatically. During this time you can receive calls, bbm, nd text and all that you just won't be able to answer the call, reply to bbm, and so on... P.s screen turns on if u receive a call obviously.The only fix for this is to pull out the battery so it reboots fully this is only temporary may happen again.All you other people are just giving RIM false information like "blackberry just auto shut off" without even bothering to look into it your first goto place are these forums..
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Feb 10, 2012
I have a Bold 9930 on Verizon. I am having a problem in that my phone randomly inserts periods into emails and texts. I know that I'm not hitting the space bar twice, nor am I pushing the space bar for too long. It's a completely random thing.
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Oct 18, 2012
My gmails are all automatically deleted at random times throughout the day. This only occurs on the blackberry, not on my computer. Brought device to sprint tech support and they did a hard reset, but problem still occurs.
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Nov 30, 2011
I opened up my pictures folder earlier today and a random picture of the Blackberry symbol was there, that I know I did not take, and no one else has been using my phone...I deleted some of the apps I no longer use and then rebooted my phone, only to find a few more random pictures in the folder, one being a gold star, and another that looked like the red star that normally appears when there is an update available in the Blackberry app store.
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Jun 20, 2010
At random times when im texting someone, the sms thread will freeze and then i would have to press the end key to exit. after i press the end key if i try to reread the conversation the previous sms i receive doesnt show up....
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Oct 26, 2012
Whenever I try to sync my contacts from my BB to my Mac Book, it always deletes a random number of my contacts and syncs whatever it didn't delete. I have not selected the "Replace all contacts from this BlackBerry device" yet it still deletes my contacts upon every sync! I even removed all my contacts from my Mac and attempted a fresh backup to avoid these random deletions but still the same.
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Feb 17, 2010
I've owned my 9700 for nearly 2 months now and I'm still not used to the keyboard. I prefer my 8310's spaced out keys. has anybody replaced the 9700 keyboard with the Atlas keyboard?
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Aug 21, 2010
My Bold is stuck on the boot screen (at about 75%). I've tried many battery pulls with and without the SIM and it keeps doing the same thing. I've searched what I think are all the threads on here relating to this, but I'm still stuck. I'm able to connect to the device if I run Loader.exe like a user suggested, but I don't know how/where to get software to load onto the device. All the places I've searched for an OS says I need to go into the device to find information about it. Well, I can't get into the device to do that. So, how do I know what OS to download and install? I really want to exhaust all possibilities before I have to completely wipe the device because I don't have a current backup. But, even if I wipe the device, I'm going to need to download an OS which I can't do now.
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