Searched around the web and hofo and can't really find an anwser..Got an unlocked bell 9700 running 5.0 firmware and the screen just randomly goes white.
Anybody know what the issue is?It should be under warranty still but I bought it used and don't use Bell as my carrier.
My Bold 9700 give APP ERROR 523 together with a WHITE SCREEN OF DEATH. don't know what to do, terribly frustrated (navigating this site did not help either) and about to smash this thing to the floor and get something else.
my phone's screen randomly turns white or turns purple then white while using the screen and problem started like 2 days ago. And i can fix the problem by locking and unlocking the screen a few times and it goes back to normal but then like 5 minutes later it turns white again . Btw i tried reloading the os on my phone again it didnt fix the problem but i havent tried downgrading my os to os5 (now ive got os6). I dont know what happed is the something wrong with the software or with my lcd screen?
i have a blackberry Curve 8530, ive had for about 8 months, and out of nowhere tooday i got the white screen of death. I've tried everything, from putting pressure on the corners of the screen, but i gave up. I just went to BB protect and backed up everything!
I have had my Sensation for about 6 months now. I am having significant problems with it. It is very slow and it continually resets to the white HTC screen screen and proceeds to reload. This happens when simply trying to touch the "home" key or the back key.
I cannot resolve the problem. I have removed all apps.
I discovered that my blackberry got a white screen, I researched it and thought it was the white screen of death, but the everyone is saying that it occurs when the battery is dieing. My LED light is still flashing and it goes off whenever I get a text or email, it's just a plain white screen. Have I damaged the screen or is it the software?
Clue anybody to probable cuase of white screen of death on a 5800 xm . Where phone just sticks on the white screen or sometimes the actual boot screen . Its not a reboot that happens phone just freezes battery out solves the problem . Have an idea that it could be tied to the Auto Keyguard switch but that may be a red herring.
I just got white screen of death on my daughters 9870 bold she has only had it since Christmas, What is the recourse via either blackberry or my mobile operator for sorting this faulty phone out.
So I have a Blackberry Curve 8520, Recently it has been fading into a white screen whether im listening to music, searching images, browsing the web, in a phone call etc. then it will not fully load up after I take the battery out and put it back in so I attach a charger which gets it to work every time.I went into the Orange shop and asked what this may be, they said to do updates on the phone, which there are no updates to do.
Right, I've had my blackberry for a few months now, it was bought from someone else. Only recently, my phone has been turning itself off and giving me the "white screen of death" but I've always managed to get passed it by removing the battery then restarting it. But today, it has turned itself off, reloaded to the main screen where it then freezes, the screen goes white and it says "app error 523 - reset". Ive clicked reset about a billion times and it keeps doing the same thing over and over again. I downloaded blackberry desktop/device software but it won't find my device. I tried that app wizard loader thing, but that didn't work either. And yes, my phone is charged.
I dropped my iPhone 3g this morning and the screen is white now. I can't restart it or charge it or anything. I can do my passcode though and I can hear it unlock or vibrate if I enter it wrong, but I can't see anything on the screen besides white and the occasional black or blue lines.
my blacberry curve 8520 had the white screen of death, however when charge it the phone works normally but about 5 minutes after itake it of charge the white sreen comes back on
My Curve 9300 ran out of battery last night, so I plugged it into the charger and the blackberry logo and loading bar appeared.Problem is that instead of going to my home screen there is a white screen which says:
App Error 523 Reset
I hadnt installed the desktop software before so I have now, but because my phone has no charge as it ran out before it failed, the desktop manager cannot connect to it to allow me to re-install the software so I really dont know what to do!
5 months ago my 8900 catches the White Screen of death. This past Saturday night, connected it to laptop and 1 hour later its working fine. Pop the sim back into it. Works fine all day Sunday and Sunday night. At some point between 1am and 8am the screen turned white again. Now its stuck on the white screen but I still receive calls and messages but cant see anything. Tried to pull battery and do a complete wiping as well as a restore of applications. Nothing is working at this point. IDK how it worked Saturday night.
I bought my white iphone 5s like 2 months ago! The problem is that 2 weeks ago from nowhere i got the white screen of death for 5 seconds and then it returned to usual home screen, i thought it was normal but it happened again like 1 hour ago! I did some research and found it was an ios 7 bug that Apple supposedly fixed with ios 7.1.1 update!
Phone has white screen of death ive tried all i can think of to fix, soft reset ,hard rest, power off battery out then put back in then hold return untill phone restores itself completly to get onto the safe mode settings but just will not work i have tried a new screen same thing on that so put the old one back on i have reinstalled the os system ive tried updates you name just cant get rid of the wsod
I own a Nokia X3-00. When I first purchased it, after 2 days, it failed to switch on. Instead a white screen appeared and after the Nokia logo appears, the screen flashes 3-4 times and than it goes off. I got a new set in place of it since it was just 3 days old. Now the new phone I got also got the same problem of white screen. I wanted to ask that what is the reason behind this white screen problem? I didn't update the firmware and didn't disturbed any settings of the phone.
I have a Blackberry Curve 8520. Yesterday it got stuck on a white screen, with a small black clock in the middle (the kind that you see when you're waiting for a page to load on the internet browser).Even if I turn my phone off, take the battery out, or put it on charge, this "white screen of death" as I've read it being described by other people online, won't go away!!
Getting quite frustrated with this phone now. I've had my BlackBerry Curve over a year now, and I'm on a 2 year contract with Orange. But I've had this problem. My phone will be fine when it's plugged into my computer or my charger, but when I take it out and start to use it, sometimes within 5 minutes, sometimes within hours, it can come up with this whiteness filling the screen. This leaves me with no choice but to take the battery out.
Then after that it refuses to turn on until I plug it in again. This is annoying me to the extreme because I can spend hours waiting for it to charge, then when it's fully charged I'll take it out, go out, put music on or something and it'll go off yet again. Sometimes it can just cut off without the white screen. Even then it won't turn back on without a power source. I've tried updating the software and that won't work.
I have a Blackberry Curve 8520. Yesterday it got stuck on a white screen, with a small black clock in the middle (the kind that you see when you're waiting for a page to load on the internet browser).
Even if I turn my phone off, take the battery out, or put it on charge, this "white screen of death" as I've read it being described by other people online, won't go away!
I have had my Storm since it came out. I take great care of it, only update with official revs of the BB OS. I only have a few applications. I turned it on a few days ago and got a white screen that had a JVM error 102. Called VZ tech support and they told me I had a corrupt file in the OS and asked me to unistall and reinstall. I have done this 5 times and still I have a white screen that has reset on it. Even doing a cold boot, nothing changes.
use the photon on a non-sprint network eg. in another country.......if you experience the Sleep of Death and Random Reboot problems.....??becaose as far as i have read the threads i think the problems are seen while connected to sprint's network or while returning to sprint's network after roaming i.e. while switching networks.......
Being glued to her iPhone at all times, my Daughter has managed to drop her's in the bath. It now displays only a random collection of black lines on a white screen. Is it utterly broken? Or is there some way to fix it?
I am using a Bold 9700 since May 2010 and i have been facing problem of the screen going white. I can receive calls, but since i cannot see anything on the screen, i cannot use the phone.
I was using my BB Bold 9700, just texting then all of a sudden my screen started to mess up. I tried a battery pull, then all of a sudden all i get is a black and white screen (white lines on the right side of my screen)
My blackberry bold 9700 screen keeps going white continuously, then today it went completly white for the whole day, i tried to plug it in and it comes up with a battery with a red line through it!
I am a relatively new crackberry user. My phone was working fine when I went to bed. I woke up to a white screen with text that said "JVM Error 517" and the word Reset underneath it. I have tried battery pulls but get the same message. When I plug into desktop mgr, It recognizes the phone but can never connect. I have only had it for about 65 days.