IPhone :: 3GS Dropped In The Bath Tub - It Now Displays Only A Random Collection Of Black Lines On A White Screen?
May 31, 2012
Being glued to her iPhone at all times, my Daughter has managed to drop her's in the bath. It now displays only a random collection of black lines on a white screen. Is it utterly broken? Or is there some way to fix it?
I got my blackberry a week ago and dropped it for the first time and now it has white lines on it.It's the bold 9700, i can slightly see the screen but there are a lot of white lines which makes it hard to see anything. I can really only see the top of the screen where the volume options are but it appears to be black and white.
It is still working fine the screen is just hard to see. I think it might be a connection problem?Any advice? and do you think RIM will replace it if I send it in? I'm on Rogers and live in Canada
i got my iphone 5 screen fixed, and since then the screen this is what has happend and I can't use it. iPhone 5 completely black & white glow in the middle with pink lines vertically down the screen
I am helping out a friend who has a Nokia 6280. She claimed that it's infected by a virus because her problems started after using a Bluetooth headset. I don't quite believe this as I've heard it's more likely to be struck by lightning than to have this phone infected with a virus. Anyhow, the problem is the following: When you power on the phone, you get the Nokia handshake, then the phone loads. However, as soon as the phone loads, a bunch of black lines appear to streak across the screen rendering it black. That's not a huge issue because it goes away after a few seconds. Now I've read this could be an issue related to the ribbon that connects to the screen, but the screen turning black does not occur in any other instance other than right after when the main screen appears. I can play with the slider all day and nothing will happen, but like clockwork the problem appears after the phone loads.What gives? The phone works fine otherwise, so what could the problem be? If you need any more information I will be happy to provide. I've uploaded a video of this issue here (using my 5800 XpressMusic at night - the quality isn't that great sorry, but it does show the problem). Pardon the audio - my kids were watching Spongebob Squarepants so you might want to turn the audio all the way down! I guess my question is two-fold:
1) can this in fact be the result of a virus? 2) if this isn't due to a virus, what is it due to?
I dropped my iPhone 3g this morning and the screen is white now. I can't restart it or charge it or anything. I can do my passcode though and I can hear it unlock or vibrate if I enter it wrong, but I can't see anything on the screen besides white and the occasional black or blue lines.
My 3yrs old dropped my iPhone on flooring. Now the screen's just gone white with colourful horizontal lines. It's still working though but can't see nothing due to screen being like this.. :( what could it be? Is it broken? How can I fix it? & it's not under-warranty either now.
Accidently dropped my iPhone 4s and the screen is now off (black) and when ever I connect it to charge, it bleeps (on general mode) and the screen stays off (black).
my iphone 5c fell in the toilet. When I got home, I put it in rice and left it on the charger. After about an hour it turned on. I looked up things online and it said to take the back off of my phone so I did, and my screen had a red line going through the middle. But my phone still worked perfectly fine, besides the fact that the screen had red around it. Now today, when I was walking through the halls my phone fell and when I picked it up my phone was black. It was working this morning before I went to school, so then I just left my phone alone all day at school hoping it would work once I got home and put it in rice and I was getting my notifications, and hearing sounds throughout the day.. SO right when I got home I dropped it in rice. I put it on the charger and it wont stop vibrating every 2 minutes. Also, I tried holding the home screen button and lock button no luck.
I can really blame this one on the dog. Walking to my desk, phone in hand, excited puppy races along and bounces into me, phone goes flying. Lands face down.Screen is white, and will sometimes flash grey lines when it seems the phone is trying to do something (like reboot). The music that was playing before the drop continued to play after. The touch screen does not seem to respond. The phone rings when people call me, and my alarm that I had set still went off. Itunes recognizes when my phone is plugged into my computer.
I've been doing research for a few hours trying to see if this is something I can fix - I opened it up to re-seat all the connections, and that didn't help (it didn't seem to make things worse either, at least). There are no visible cracks/breaks on the outside (I have not completely dismantled the inside to see from there).
Phone is a week past warranty, and I don't know that this would have been covered anyway. I'm prepared to fix it myself, as long as I have a good idea what I need to buy. Should I be looking at an LCD replacement? A digitizer replacement? Something else? I've read conflicting things on this. Thanks for any help that can be offered.
I am facing this problem with my Nokia N81 just starting from today. Whenever, I slide it to access the keypad, it's screen turns corrupted with funky lines and random things on the screen. What could be the problem? Could it be the hardware or software?
Last night I dropped my iPhone 3GS, and the screen was black and wouldn't respond to anything. I left it on the charger all night, and nothing happened still. I connected it to iTunes and it recognized the iPhone, but in protection mode. I tried restoring it, the screen turned white and it wouldn't restore. It says unknown error occured. Then after awhile the screen turns back to solid black.
i dropped the phone and the screen shattered..and went completely black, if people ring me it will still ring and the sound and everything works fine, just cant see anything, also when it dropped the power button wouldnt work after, any advice on how much apple will charge me if i take it to my nearest store to either get the screen replaced or the whole phone?
My iphone 3g suddenly crashed in the middle of texting. The whole screen shut down. I pushed the home button and on-off buttons - as directed, the white apple came up...then all I get are red and white lines on the screen.....nothing else!
The screen on my iphone 4s has gone balck and sometimes comes up with blue lines, but I cannot get it to reset. I can still receive calls and can hear that the phone is functioning normally (ie. I can swipe the screen as I would normally do to unlock it and I can hear it unlock) but I cannot see any information. Is there a way to reset the display? I have tried holding down the power and home button for 10 seconds with no luck.
My IPhone started to crash in a weird way. When it crashes randomly, I see that the whole screen is black with few bright lines and then its turns off immediately, sometime I been able to start it but usually it starts again and crashes the same way again after few seconds or minutes. when its connected to electricity its usually working fine.
I tried the following: 1. Replaced to iOS3 , iOS4, iOS5 2. Replaced the battery twice 3. Replaced the power connector 4. Replaced the power adapter then changed the battery again.
When I replaced the battery it worked for a month before same thing happened again. I have to note that if I am not touching the phone at all, it will stay on till the battery will end. Nothing works! Its Apple I bought it for their reputation and I'm disappointed!
I dropped my Iphone in the sink for about 2 seconds, then took it out and dried it off. It all worked fine but a few minutes later the screen went black. I put it in rice for about 2 and a half days, and the sound and touch works (I can even unlock it and answer the phone), but I see not a thing on the screen. It's plain black. I still have it in the rice, but is there anything i can do to save it?
My 8520 curve has white lines across bottom of screen and i think it needs to be replaced. When i looked into this there are 2 screens how can i tell which one i need without tacking the phone apart?
I've had my 8900 for two years. I really love the phone, but around the beginning of December 2010, it started doing something funky. It seems that when I am either talking on the phone for a long period of time (around 15 minutes or so) or in the middle of a movie or while taking a video, the phone will go to a plain white screen, and it is impossible to turn it off or have any other interaction. In short, it freezes on that white screen. At other times, it will power itself off, and it also appears frozen, with no possible interaction. In either case, when I remove the battery for a few minutes and replace it, sometimes it comes back on, and other times I have to plug it into a charger, whether it's a USB cable or AC charger. In any case, I may have started with a full battery, but after this, the battery now only shows three and a half of five battery blocks. This is not limited to the OS, since it happened with the original OS back in December (4.6) and continues to occur now that I have upgraded to OS 5. It seems to be hardware related.
I have a BlackBerry Tour 9630, virtually brand new. I recieved my current phone barely two weeks ago from an insurance claim as my previous phone was stolen.
I was just headed to bed, I checked my phone a final time and had no issued. I always charge my phone on my nightstand next to my bed while I sleep. The instant I plugged the USB end of the power chord into the phone the screen went haywire. The screen is now saturated with a random pattern of colored lines. I cannot see or do anything. I tried battery out restarts and it did nothing. My phone has never been wet, never fallen or had any impacts, and is always in a silicone case. Again, this phone is basically brand new and the problem started the instant I began charging it tonight!What the heck happened and how the heck do I fix it!?
my BB has developed a problem that has worsened as the hours pass by. It started with a horizontal white line at the bottom of the screen and this has now developed to the whole screen having the same problem so now it looks like it has a kind of whitish mask over the whole of the screen. I have removed the battery and then put it back but this did not work. Tried to switch on and off and no change.
I have a BB Bold 9780 which I got in October due to an upgrade. The contract Im on, I got through [URL], 23ish months ago. (My upgrade was available last October 2011.) However a few days ago I unlocked my phone to make a call and the screen was just completely not working! Its a white screen with pink lines going vertically. I dont have insurance. So who is it that I contact to get it fixed..? I was told in the Orange phone shop that Blackerry Ltd have a 2 year warranty on there phones. Im just stuck to as who can fix my phone!
I have a curve 9300 downloaded a game of blackberry app world when it finished it said reboot phone,after I rebooted the screen went white and displayed app error 200 reset. I have tried everything including reinstalling the software on my PC and even an update but the computer says to connect phone when it already is and other times the screen loads black and shows blackberry on it and a bar that realoads and after this it goes right back to the white screen...
I bought a Nokia 5530 in Xtra Vision recently and I've been having minor problems.. First of all i was sending a message and the screen randomly went black and red lines came across the screen for a few seconds then it went back to my message .. Then I was charging it Good Friday and took it out to make a call and the screen went white as if I was turning the phone on as nokia came across the screen please help why is it doing this?
Just bought a nokia x3, had it for about a week not dropped it or anything, and when i try to turn on all i get is the white screen with nokia logo for about 3 seconds then it turns off and wont let me turn back on (as if battery is flat). When i try to charge it flashes a blank white screen 3 or 4 times (about 2 seconds a time) then goes blank? It does not charge at all.
and it won't go away. the phone still works, as I am able to receive and send calls. I can press buttons and see changes on the screen, but all i get are vertical lines. Sometimes when I hit the phone a few times and press the lock button, it would go back to normal, but then it will return. Is the LCD display broken? I've opened the BB to see if it was loose, it is not. I've taken battery out and re-inserted to no avail.
My Bold 9780 has a white screen with two thin red lines down it, I have tried doing the update as per blackberry solutions on pc, however it says 'no updates found' and the problem remains. I must admit that I tapped the phone in frustration and the screen was back to normal. For a while obviously there is a connection problem somewhere.