BB Bold 9700 :: Constantly Resetting 2-3 Times A Day
Jan 8, 2010
i love my bold to death but one thing is starting to annoy me. my bold keeps on resetting itself like 2-3 times a day. is this normal. ive had the phone since november and now it just starts resetting frequently. should i bring it back?
I just got the new Bold and the darn thing re-boots about 4/5 times an hour. It's an enterprise (work) blackberry so because of security I cant use my computer desktop with it.
I found the bold 9700 that I have now, and I've already unlocked it. It apparently has an IT block disallowing third party apps from being downloaded, I looked it up and to remove this it says to restore the factory default settings.
5 day new 9700, the brightness of the screen fluctuates between bright and less bright. Is this a setting issue or potentially a battery / hardware problem?
Once BES was activated, my boot-up time increased tremendously. Anyone know what I can do to decrease the boot-up time once I do a quick-pull or battery pull?
I've had my bb bold 9700 for about a wk now & I can't help but to get irritated at the number of times a day it reboots itself. I will say tho, that I'm mainly noticing the problem when I'm using a app such as Pandora. BUT sometimes in the middle of a text or something it'll just reboot WTH is that all about? Any solutions besides taking the phone back? Ps: I'm new to the blackberry world so plz forgive my ignorance if this is something common with all blackberries or if its something I'm doing wrong
I have the blackberry bold 9700 the LED light to alert you of messages etc. Will not stop flashing. I pulled out the battery and that's when the flashing started I thought pulling the battery out again would work but it hasn't stopped it flashes several times stops and flashes again a min later. I checked all apps and messages but cannot find any alerts. Its been over a week but the problem has not corrected itsel
my BB restarts automatically with any setting done for rebooting atleast 2times a day.plz assist me for the same probelm n my contacts also get deleted automaticaly from my address book.
I have a bold 9700, I selected sound profile loud with a standard tone, when I am called my device only rings once, any idea how to get to rimg more often??
i have my bold for about 3-4 days now and for some reason it keeps restarting on me, and its at the most random times, when i load google maps, stream a Internet video, or pandora, it even did it just now when i plugged it into the charger. my carrier is t-mobile and im using the default os, ive considered upgrading it, and if i need to return it i can just down grade right? or should i just take it back and exchange it for another? it also has a slightly creaky trackpad but it doesnt bother me at all, so i wouldnt mind taking back, just worried about getting an even more fucked up one.
constantly got the egg timer when i start to try and do something.i close apps properly, i hardly use the damn thing. when i do a battery pull it still happens when i start the phone. what shall i do?
I have a Blackberry Bold 9700, and this problem only just began today. After updating the Blackberry App World software and rebooting the device, the red light began flashing as soon as the phone turned back on even though there were no new notifications, and no updates required. I tried switching a few things on and off, but it had no affect. So I performed a battery pull and it solved the problem...until I received an email on my device, and the light would not turn off after I read the email.
I would like for my alarm to sound more than once but I don't have the opinion under alarm to set it to sound 3 times. Where can I go to have this set as the alarm only sounds once and nothing more.
Very often I lose my blacjberry connection (means that the blackberry symbol near 3G is missing) It occurs often when I use google maps, and now when I use bb app world 2.0 ..Seems like when the data amount is too high, connection is lost. I only can get it back by disabling 3G signal and enabling it again ..
I don't know why it does it, I had no problem with my bold 9000, but since I changed to 9700 I also changed my phone operator..Or maybe It's due to my faceplate change and I screwed myself not moving certain parts to the new faceplate..
I've recently got a brandnew blackberry bold 9700, which I've got one day now and it just won't turn on anymore. I rebooted it because I removed an app, and the only thing it does now is blinking the red led light 4 times in a row. I tried almost everything (apploader, jl_cmder, leave batt out for one hour).
I have a Bold 9700 upgraded to OS 6 about 1 year ago, in the last 2 - 3 months my phone seems to freeze constantly and the only way to stop it is to pull the battery. Another issue I'm having is that I get an "application memory low" message about twice to three times a day asking me to delete applications, I am now down to two applications on my phone....a banking app and a music app....and I'm still getting the message.
I just bought my onyx around a month ago and it has been happening like 4 times already. I had to take out the batter everytime this happens. Anyway to fix this?
My phone is about 2 months old. My service is through ATT in the US, but I use the phone abroad - currently in Sydney, Australia.Sometime early this morning [still asleep as alarm didn't go off], the phone began rebooting. When it reboots, it fails half way through and starts again. This has been going on for over 10 hours. I have not had time to load any new application onto it, it is in the same state it came. I just receive and send email and text.I have spoken to ATT and the only thing they recommend is a new phone. However, they wont send it to me outside the US, they say it isn't possible [even if I pay for shipping]. I guess they never heard of FedEx or DHL. So much for their international service. I have to coordinate shipping through my office in the US. This is going take me more time than I think I can live without the phone.
I've tried a battery that I know works and the problem persisted. I would like to wipe the phone clean, but since I don't ever get to the main screen, I cant do it using an application. Is there any way to wipe it clean using a combination of keys? I cant do it from my PC either as it doesnt recognize the phone since it is always rebooting.
well my blackberry bold 9000 has the nuked berry problem, i think. so i follow the 101 guide and it works succesfully, to a point, and then fails. when the loader begins to load "modules", the blackberry resets, and my whole process is messed up. any suggestions?
it displays this msg:Unable to reconnect to the device during a multi-stage load operation.
I have been using the Bold 2 for over a year. All of a sudden, the handset keeps restarting on its own ! Once it starts - it sometimes remains on for anywhere between 10 seconds to 20 minutes, before restarting again.At times it stays on for upto an hour as well. It is very frustrating, because it suddenly restarts when you need it the most. Also calls to & from other people, cant connect properly.
my 9780 keeps 'resetting' itself. screen will go black, white line at the bottom then graduates then the phone switches back on, unfortunetly the ringtone settings have i have to go and change them back.
Have tried to update the software (t mobile said this might help) but message says that my administrator will not allow this.
I was just changing my theme then my BB hung (bold 9780) so i decided to reset it, after it rebooted APP ERROR 602 appeared on my screen and i cannot seem to open it again. i decided to reload OS but my device cannot be recognized in my desktop software.
I´ve a bb bold 9780. it just went black and then i tried to plug it without the battery as some forums explain. as nothind changed i click del+alt+shift and the sreen went white and this error appeared: uncaught exception:applicationregistry wait for Oxdef2db77346f0730 timeout unfortunately i don't have the USB wire with me... what can i do?
My smartphone is shutting down and resetting randomly. Sometimes it doesn't restart automatically, I'm obliged to force the restart by taking the battery off and replug it.
For some reason I have ended up with the unopened message count showing one unopened message. There are no unopened messages on my device. I have cleared the Messages database using the desktop software but the device is still showing one unread message despite there are no messages on my device at all.Any idea how to reset the counter to zero?
i just got my bold today and i download twitter and facebook. it says a reset is required so i click reboot. and now it gets halfway through and a white screen pops up with black letters for a second or two and it starts over.
The last time I synced with Outlook, a lot of the same contacts came up multiple times -- around 50+ times each. Seems the only way to delete them is individually. I would like to know the following: 1) is there a way to do multiple deletes and 2) what made this happen.
I got a new BB 9700 Bold yesterday and having problems with setting up the sync for the calendar and the contacts which are on my outlook. My hotmail email accounts are working okay. The outlook is on my PC and is the front face for my hotmail accounts.
When I go in to the BB Desktop device manager - version 5.0.1 (latest version) , I go in to the configure option on the left and it lets me click on calendar> then I select outlook and it then lets me select 'finish'. However at this stage an error box flashes up saying 'no available message stores'. In addition when I check the wifi config on the calendar and contacts icons on the BB device it will not let me select yes on the wireless connection for them.