BB Bold 9700 :: Remains Connected To Car Bluetooth For Several Minutes / After Car Switched Off
Aug 2, 2010
I have a Jaguar X-Type on which the bluetooth system appears to remain active for several minutes after the car is switched off. The effect of this is that the phone remains linked to the car until the car system eventually shuts down.If I receive a call to my mobile during this period, the phone rings but I am not able to hear anything through the phone earpiece. How can I disconnect from the car bluetooth in order to receive any incoming calls that coincide with the above period. This has caused some embarassment on a number of occasions.
I have always wondered on my Blackberry Bold 9700 under Options-SMS Text and go down to Network To Send Over and it gives me 4 options:
Circuit Switched
Circuit Switched Preferred
Packet Switched Preferred
Packet Switched
My Network is Circuit Switched Preferred, but i would like to know if anyone knows what these mean and which is the best for SMS Texts to be sent over using which one?
I have a blackberry curve 8520 and it is not rebooting. I was sitting in my mates car and me blackberry just died so till I got home and plug but it fell and it is nor rebooting I took the battery out and placed it back in and it is trying to reboot but it switches off.
Blackberry when you remove programs, the program remains in the memory of the phone do you stay? For example, facebook application removed from the phone, he remains in the memory is there? Do I need to wipe? To be completely clear?
The new message icon remains on the home screen even after the messages have been read. It also remains on the Message folder.I was told to remove the battery when the phone is "On" and re-insert it. The icon does disappear only to return when new messages arrive. Is there a permanent solution for this problem? This must be a software problem but no new software updates are available from RIM
I have recently purchased this 9700 (3 weeks ago) and am generally very pleased with the device. BUT If I leave the BB 9700 connected overnight to the computers USB Port for charging, and, obviously, after a few hours the computer will go to sleep, thus turning off the power to the USB port In the morning I find that the BB is: Off and will not turn on, unless it is power reset. In other words I have to open up the back and pull the battery for a second then after It is put back in the red light will display nevertheless it will turn on and be fine once it boots back up. There are no other indications or problems. I notice that other people have similar complaints with their BB's.
Is it normal for my 9700 to take more than 5 minutes to start up?? Its strange because not to long ago I used to do battery pulls or a soft reset and my device would be up and running within a minute or two!! By the time it load up my battery is almost drained!
I bought my new Sony Xperia Z2 in Bulgaria on the 27-th May. I tested the camera in 4K video and normal mode. I noticed that the phone is getting hot after making some photos and video. When I recorded a 4K video the camera switched off after only 2 minutes with massege Overheating! I saw that many others had the same problem. My question is is there a chance to fix the problem. Can I return the phone and change it with another one?
I am a regular user of my BB. I had the iPhone before (yes I know, awful person, haha) and then I switched back. What app's do you, personally, think is the best. Games, Utilities, Just for fun, Something to do...
I am a new Blackberry user and have been loving every minute of the 2 weeks i have spent with it up untill last Friday. I took the battery out for the first time and since putting it back in my BB now vibrates and the led light flashes yellow every 2minutes or so. Anyone that could help me rectify this will be helping a certain white BB Bold from being thrown off the balcony!
I have the bold 9700 and about 3 days ago I stopped receiving emails on my device, however I was getting them on my inbox on my PC. Now, I am getting them but there's allot of lag time. My PC inbox gets them right away but it takes my blackberry 20 minutes after it's sent to get sometimes. I tried multiple e-mails and same thing so I know the problem is not the email server and I also have no problems with my BIS and when I send emails with my BB they're sent to the inbox immediately.
Just purchase a 9780 for Rogers network. When the phone connects to the Blueant Q2 bluetooth I can only hear the ring through the headset. Is there any way I can set my phone to ring instead of the headset?
I am using Torch 9810 and I am facing problem during backing up my data through BB Desktop Software.Backup start smoothly but in the process it stops automatically and its gives Error saying "Cable is not connected Properly or make sure device is switched on".Same cable works fine while charging or transfering data from phone to pc or pc to phone.Everything works fine except the backup.
I've got my S2 now for maybe 2 weeks now and only now I noticed that my Wifi hotspot function is not working. I tried that with 2 different SIM's (in different countries) with the same result. Tethering via USB works fine. I can switch on the wifi hotspot (open or secured) and I can even connect to it. On my Win7 machine I have a connection for a few moments, after that I lose connection and at the end I lose connection to the wifi hotspot.
On my blackberry I can connect the first time. That connection stays open for maybe a minute. After that it automatically disconnects and I cant connect anymore until i restart the hotspot. When I switch off the hotspot it takes a long time and it ends with error (the status under wifi hotspot). If I just enable hotspot and disable it again it is without errors. So this seems only to happen when a client actually connects... I tried already a factory reset and read somewhere to enable bluetooth before enabling the hotspot, but the problem stays the same ...
Had this BB9700 for 2 weeks now, still struggling coz I can't connect to any WiFi. At home, even I turned the WiFi on it will only show white mark and the WiFi logo is still gray. When I try to scan for network to other areas it will ask for hotspot login. My friend can easily connect to her WiFi at home using the BB 9000 I cant understand. Do I need to setup anything?
How do I tell if I am connecting to the internet via a Vodafone connection (and being charged for the usage) or connected via a free wifi connection? I have a Bold 9700.
When I work at home, I want to connect my BB Bold 9700 to my PC and use my monitor and my keyboard to send text and emails. After a while, my fingers get cramped using they BB keyboard and there must be a way I can do this. My razor came with software that connected my phone to my PC and you could see everything on your monitor and use your PC was awesome. Surely, there is software with BB that does this.
Having problems with my Xperia Ray connecting to my Jawbone. It shows it connected, and the jawbone even beeps when calls are ended. The problem is all of the phone audio is routed through the phone and not the Bluetooth.
I just got a new BB Bold 9700 from the UK and had it sent to me in Iraq. I've connected to my home wifi, which i used to do with my old BB to use the BBM service, but for some reason my new BB won't connect to the internet even though it is connected to my wifi. My laptop is connected to the internet through the wifi and there doesn't seem to be any problems with conflicting IP addresses or anything like that so i don't know why my BB won't connect to the internet. Could it be that my BB wasn't registered while it was in the UK or anything like that? Or is there another reason?
I connected my BlackBerry with the wireless router it says that it's connected, but there is a dash and I can't activate the Internet nor getting mails.
It is very strange as it worked till 24 hours ago. by the way, I'm using a portable PC with wifi connection which works very well.
I updated my Bold 9700 OS to about 2 weeks ago. Everything was working fine up until Saturday, charging 1 minute then the next nothing, tried wall charger, car charger and also through the computer...nothing . This is the message the phone displays "The charging source connected to your Blackberry device cannot charge your battery."
The lightning icon is there but the battery level does not increase.I cant downgrade the OS since the computer doesnot recognize the device, I constantly get an error message. "Usb device has malfunctioned."
As I was talking on my relatively new Bold 9700 it just completely died! The battery was charged but the screen and everything just went black. It will not power on. I have removed the battery and put it back in and the only response to that it the red LED light coming on for a few minutes then coming off.
Does the Motorola HS820 Bluetooth Audio Headset work with the Blackberry Bold 9700? It is not clear to me if only Blackberry bluetooth devices work with the Bold 9700, or any bluetooth device. With the Bold 9700 recognize to ask for the four digit code when first aligning it with the HS820?
Just switched devices from a 9000 to a 9700. My settings are gone! None of the folders and formating were saved. Is this normal?How do I delete everything off of the old SIM card?
I can't get my Bluetooth to turn on. I have a 9700 BB Bold . When I go to the Manage Connections from there down to Turn on Bluetooth, then it will have a check mark in the box on the lift side but on the right side it will say (RED X) it will NOT go (green check mark).