Xperia Pro/Neo/V/L :: Unable To Install Or Start Phone Software Update Components?
Apr 27, 2012
I tried to update my sony xperia neo V today several times. but again and again I get an error msg "Unable to install or start phone software update components." even tried to reinstall sony pc companion but it doesn't work.I am already install the UPDATE SERVICE (SUS)
I can see that there is a new update for my Xperia Neo but when it gets to the second stage (preparing my phone to update), it says it is 'unable to install or start phone software update components'. Anyone have any idea how I can update my phone or why it won't let me update it now???
When i try to ugrade my phone software i get the error message "Unable to install or start phone software update conponents" . i restarted phone, pc suite, reinstalled, but my phone is not getting upgraded. pc suit says latest upgrades are available. Even if i go for repair phone same option comes.
Hestory : last night i tried to upgrade my phone using Sony Update service. it ran upgrade and everything was new. all previously installed softwares are gone.
Symptoms: it shows android 2.3.4 version on phone but in PC suit while, upgrade using pc suite it says vrsion 4 .a .XXX , and upgrading to 4.b.XXX ... then it proceeds and fails with error "Unable to install or start phone software update conponents" .
Unable to install or start phone software update components''I have the X10 mini and I'm trying to update the software on it. I've downloaded the PC companion, and the error shows up at the 2.Prepare stage of the update.
I have rebooted my computer and the phone too, and that error message still pops up every time I try to update.
I received notification that a system update is available for 4.0.2.A.0.42 and that this update can only be done with PC Companion. I followed every instruction but I had to abort the process when PC Companion prompted me to discontinue due to low battery conditions. I charged my battery. I connected phone and continued process. In step two - prepare - I get the error message: Installation Error: unable to install or start phone software update components. I tried several times but I still get the same error. I restarted my computer and my phone numerous times and still the same error is popping up.
I am trying to update to android 2.1. when the PC Companion reaches the "prepare" stage, a dialog box opens saying "Installation Error unable to install or start phone software update components.
I m Also having the same issue, "unable to install or start phone software update components" when trying to upgrade my Xperia Neo V using the latest PC Companion software.I've also given a try using the Update Service, downloaded from Sony mobile update website, but no use.
Model: Xperia Neo V. Mode: SE PC Companion Software Windows: Windows 7 And Also Trie in WinXP. Location: India
I cannot update my Sony Ericsson Xperia Mini SI No. 1248-9517. When I connect it to my pc Sony PC Companion it starts but it shows an error "Unable to install or start phone software update components."
Five days back purchased a Xperia X10 and upgraded the memory to 16GB. It was working fine since yesterday morning, when I updated the phone through SE PC Companion software.
First SEPCC presented a message for update then it told to disconnect the phone from USB, switch it off, remove battery for at least 5 sec., put battery again, connect it USB with pressing back button. After that it starts downloading the update and then tried to install the update. But it failed 2 times.
Right now I am not able to start the mobile even by removing the memory. On the screen it displays SONY ERICSSON text and a '!' mark inside a triangle.
I'm a user from Portugal and I received the notification about the 2.1 upgrade availability today on PC Companion when I connected the phone to my Windows 7 PC.After making a backup using the latest backup version I went ahead with the upgrade.But the PC Companion, after the preparation phase, simply says that it's not possible to install or initialize the upgrade components (in Portuguese).
I try to update my x10 from 2.1 to 2.3 T but in middle of it when it try to download show me this message (unable to start or start phone software update component). I uninstall nod 32 but it don't work. Factory restarting x10 but don't work. My x10 is routing.
i just updatet my z3 and now it wont start! it gets to the first screen with white text saying "Sony experia", then shuts down, starts up to the first screen and then shuts down...
I been trying to update my xperia ray to android 4.0 but it keep saying unable to instal or start phone software, I read the previous comments and post and some people posted link to some page in sony but that also didnt work because that is actually asking me to download again the same pc companion software which i have already install. any way to solve this?
I tried using Sony Bridge for Mac to update my Z3. Naturally, it failed (I had massive problems updating the other Xperia I had too).
All my phone wants to do now is say 'The software update failed.Make sure your phone is connected to a computer and try again'. This is, of course, a ridiculous thing to suggest, as my Mac will now not recognise the device as I can't turn it on.
in the update phase 2: after i press the back buton and connect the usb cable it lights green and i waited for more than 20 sec to boot in fkash mode but it doesnt happen and the phone turned back on automatically..
So, T-mo finally released Lollipop last night. I've downloaded via Wifi this morning and attempted to update. The update failed with no reason given. My phone is encrypted and it didn't ask to unencrypt before applying the update, so I assume this is the reason it failed. So, installed the latest PC Companion on my Windows 7 laptop, it tells me that I'm on the latest version (connected via USB)... so... what now?
I'm currently on 2.3.4 and i'm unable to update my phone to 4.0.2.A.62 after the newer update 4.1.B.0.431 is released. The updates have been released for my country and . It goes upto Step 2 in the PC suite and then fails.
i updated to the new os and when i try to start my camera it says unable to start camera try closing other applications and try again i downgraded and then the same thing so i wiped it and then updated it again and the same thing happens dunno think its busted anybody have a idea what it is i even deleted all applications i downloaded and no dice.
If I try using the PC Companion to update my Xperia X10 mini it gets to preparing and it stays there for a while then gives the error 'Unable to install or start update components' I then click on OK and it says 'The update of software has failed. If I try using the PC Companion it gets to preparing and it stays there for a while then gives the error saying 'An unexpected error has occurred. The application will shut down'I made some screen-shots of the errors.No matter what I try I cannot get it to work.
My X10 mini pro is consistently telling me a software update is available, and I must update via computer. However, the PC Companion says the software is already up to date. The phone has firmware 2.1-update1.
Currently, when I want to take a picture with my phone and I touch to open the camera app, the screen would turn black, with no image. The only thing that would show is the camera button and the option to go into the camera settings. There's not much within camera settings -- either switch the main or front camera and the photo capture mode (scene, night, HDR, etc.), restore to default, etc.
If I t back out of the camera app and go to the home screen and try to get back into the camera app, it would pause for a bit (about 5 seconds) before popping up the imageless (black) screen. Then, a message would pop up saying, "Sorry! Camera is not responding. Would you like to send an error report to HTC?" I would be given the option to "Don't send; Wait; Send Report". If I go back to the home screen a third time and then try to open the camera app again, it would say "unable to start camera".
I got some issues while switching on my phone. Today my phone has automatically downloaded system update, after completion i installed that update and few minutes after installation, phone restarted and shows this massage "The software update failed. Make sure that your phone is connected to computer and try again."
I connected my phone to the computer but still shows the same message and shuts down automatically and im not using any custom recovery.
I have an iPhone 4 iOS 5.1 and I have a problem updating/installing apps with the app store when i try to update/install an app I get a message "an unkown erroe has eccurred" and thats it and the updtae/install of the app stops, why is it? how can I solve this?